
Chapter 328 Had I know

Ben's point of view.....

    Mom came to me and sat with me, she took my hands in hers and gave it a little squeeze.

   "You don't need to worry he is a friend not an enemy"

Mom said. I did not doubt her but I want to know why Jeff has to be here. He is not an enemy yes but him being here has something to do with lady D?.

    "Mom I know but I just don't get why he is here. Maybe it has something to do with lady D. I am just worried, I had a nightmare yesterday where I saw this lady with silver her, she said she will be the end of me"

Mom removed her hand from mine and stood up. 

     "My mom told me the story of this lady but she explained more of it to Nora. I am sure she knew Nora was the incarnate of Emery. I don't believe that Lady D will try anything again, she does not have the power to but she does not know so she would not do anything even if she tried. 

    Mom said, I did not doubt her but I did not believe her either. It could be true that she can't try anything but I can't relax and say she will not do anything. Enemies strike when you are unprepared and unaware and I would not want to be caught unaware.

   "For her to invade my dreams means she is not totally powerless and I hate to be caught unaware mom, I don't want to say HAD I KNOW so I am not relenting."

   "It's alright son, you have a coverage which no one knows about. The legendary Effrous can't die twice, you are only meant to die once and since Nora has been fated to you, the coverage is extended to her."

Mom said. I was surprised to hear that from her, if that's the case does it mean that Lady D is not aware of it?.

   "Why then is Lady D bent on destroying us?"

I asked Mom.

     "Well because she is foolish and dumb. Repeating the same mistake over and over again"

Mom and I turned towards the direction of the voice and it was Jeff.

   He smiled and walked over to us.

"I am sure by now you might have figured out that I don't exist. Well, let me bust your bubble a little. I am your coverage, it simply means that I am your essence of existence. I actually exist because you exist but not totally, you have a soul but I don't have a soul. I have been with you for as long as you were a boy and that's why you are still living and you will continue to live. Lady D could only try but can't win."

   Jeff said and smirked.

   I was astonished by what I learnt. Looking at the Jeff I know, he was no longer the little boy I know although he was just a child of six years normally. His aura changed, he has this authoritative voice when he speaks and he speaks with a lot of confidence which has always been there only that he masked it with his childish behaviour. I was wondering if it was really Jeff.

    I had always known that there was something about him only that I could not place my hands on it. He gets on my nerves yet I protect him always, it was like two sides of me. I remembered I told Nora sometime ago that Jeff looks like someone I know, the familiarity was there.

   "I was a little bored so I decided to come play with you guys a little and yesterday till now has been so fun and I would wish to do this again with you guys. 

    "Since you have figured out who I am, I think it's best that I leave. I am not leaving totally. I have always been with you all alone. Whenever you wish to see me, all you have to do is think about me and I will be right there. Thanks for the ice cream, I didn't remember to thank you properly this morning. And one more thing, watch your back, the enemy unknown is the greatest of all"

Jeff said and whistled a way like the wind in front of mum and I. I was still trying to understand the whole thing and he didn't give us time to understand and he just left like that. 

   I looked at Mom and she looked at me, we both were in awe. I learnt that I have coverage today and the same today my coverage was revealed, he has been with me since yesterday, isn't that wonderful? And what does he mean, the enemy unknown. So Lady D was not my Enemy after all so if she is not who then is this enemy unknown. When I was beginning to have relief from Lady D's news, another thing popped up. As long as we live, we will never be totally free, troubles will always find us.