
Chapter 271 People Don't Change

     Getting back to my bedroom,I pulled the black cloak and sat on the bed not without constantly sighing. I massaged up my jaw and threw myself on the bed.

   I met a whole new revelation, had it been I did not go to the East, I would not have found out this whole new thing.

   It simply means there is war and we will all do everything possible in our hands to protect Jade. Who is now my responsibility and whoever loves the human race should protect him too.

    I know Humans are foolish and selfish but that does mean my likes will let the humans perish.

   I sighed again and turned on the bed. I came in contact with my phone. I checked the time to see that I did not spend more than 30 minutes and therefore, my original plans of getting a spa treatment was not cancelled anyway so I stood up and decided to dress up.

   It's better getting busy than sitting here and waiting for evening to come near. I went to my wardrobe and picked a flay gown with strapless shoulders. I prefer my clothes without shoulders because I love the breath of fresh air on my skin. 

   I wore the clothes and picked my purse and phone then stepped out of my room.

    I checked my apartment to see if anything was out of its place but none was so I left.

    Taking a cab was not necessary since the spa is near,it's around my neighbourhood anyway.

  I stepped out of my driveway and headed out when I met Loveth, she was going home because that's what it looked like. She saw me and smiled which I returned.

   "Hi loveth"

I waved at her, she looks less nosey today which is a good development, well I have not seen her for a while now so it might be that she travelled.

  " Hi Nora, it's been a long you know. How are you doing?"

She asked, smiling.

  "Yeah, same here. I am thinking maybe you travelled."

I said with a small smile on my face.

  "I did not,I have been quite busy for some time now. You look better today unlike last time I saw you"

 I smiled at her.

   "I know right, thanks for being observant. I think I have overcome my demons so I am good now"

I responded and began walking away.

   "You are leaving so soon,I was thinking of hanging out with you later"

She said and I halted in my tracks. Loveth I know is not this nice,what changed her or is she trying to see how I will react but naw, when people change all of a sudden, just know something is up. I scanned her for some time then smiled at her.

  " I don't know about that but if I get a chance any day I will let you know then we could hang around. Do have a nice day, loveth"

   She nodded her head then walked away. That was odd, I shrugged off my shoulders then began walking away with a lot on my mind. Why would Loveth become nice all of a sudden, people don't change, that remains the fact.

   Trying to see the possibility of her sudden niceness was making my head to ache so I stopped and focused on getting to the spa.

   I exchanged pleasantries with people I met on my way and laughed at what amused me. I was very lost in my thoughts to notice that I have got company.

   I felt a tap on my leg and I looked down to see a little boy of six looking up at me. His eyes were filled with tears and I pricked at his pitiable sight. I wondered what could have made him cry so much that his eyes were all puffy.

    I halted and bent to his level wiping away his tears, he sniffed and hugged me so tight, sobering. I rocked him forth and to until he calmed down and picked him up in my arms.

   I looked in the distance to see an ice cream van and I decided to get him one. 

   I walked to the van with him in my arms and ordered an ice cream for him after he made his choice of chocolate flavour.

    The ice cream guy gave him his order and I paid. Then I looked around for somewhere to sit and ask him what's his problem, then maybe after, I will send him home. I need to find out what his problem is.

   I saw an open area that looked like an abandoned children's playing ground and I walked towards it with him in my arms. When we got there, I looked around for a place to sit down and found a small bench by the corner. I picked the handkerchief from my bag, my purse rather and dust the bench then sat down with him on my lap. 

   I smiled at him and asked him to lick his ice cream which he happily started licking.