
Chapter 185 Such is Life

    We both found ourselves inside our Ancient sitting room. Nothing has really changed here,it remains as it is the day I left,about a century ago. The least magic can do,that's why I would not trade my home with any other home. A lot of memories were made here and forever will it remain ever green in my mind.

    I looked around to see Mom and Dad's photo on the well,where they were posing hand in hand,my first ever photography of them.

   By the left is photo of Glamorous and Kurin where they were play tongs with each other. I smiled,they were each other's best friend. But friendship went wrong,such is life.

    Next mom and dad's pic is the photo of three of us, Sharon by the left,I by the right and Karin in the middle. The photo was taken by Glamorous one hot after after our family get together.

    It was a tradition Dad placed,that every three moons the family Will get together and have lunch so that the new generation will get to know themselves more. 

    Sharon and Karin always made sure to bring Glamorous and Kurin because they love those moments with each other. There is no way you will see Glamorous without seeing Kurin,they were the best cousins ever and people around love them great for the kind of friendship they shared.

   I was always the odd one,when I waited for my mate to find me after Sharon's mate found her and he was not forth coming,I had to take solace in Glamorous and Kurin. They became reasons I want to live then,it was a hell when your both siblings are mated and are happily raising families and you are not half near them.

    It's not today that destiny starts to deal with me. Sharon came to my side and squeeze my hand.

    "I am really sorry that you are left out in all of these."

    "Naw Sharon I am good. I don't if I am mated after all,maybe after all of these I will just transformed. Gina is all grown,Kurin is not here for me to look after neither is Glamorous so the next for me is transformation."

     I said and I wiped my tears away. I thought I was strong, that I could handle it but no matter how I tried to tell myself that all is alright,I know all is not actually alright. I have lived in self denial for so long,wishing for what I know that can't be. At this point I give up. Seeing all these memories that the photos bring,I can't help it.

    I went down on my knees and cry. I let the tears flow. I know I have not offended anyone. Why is it that good things don't go to good people?.

    "Nora dear,you don't have to do this. I have always known you to be the stronger person in the family. Despite the fact that I am your elder sis,you are my role model. You have been my very foundation. You were the best Aunt Kurin would ever have same to Glamorous. You were our mother's daughter. You don't have to give up now,for two centuries you have been without a mate but I believe you are one step closer to your mate. I strongly believe so."

    Sharon said and I huffed. Who is she kidding,that's pitiful talk and it will do me no good. I can't keep dealing in this delusion every one calls mate love,it's not everyone that gets lucky.

    Having cried enough,I stood up and dusted my cloths. I looked at her and smiled sadly.

   "Thanks Sharon,I should not break down like that. We are here for you and these memories was not supposed to get me all emotional. I am good,take a look at me"

I said. No more self pity,life goes on.

   "Let's go, Sharon the ritual needs to take place as soon as possible."

I said and made my way forward and she followed me.

    Sharon is not supposed to be here without purification. The longer we delay the ritual the more her safety is at stake. She violated the family's conduct so she is not welcomed here yet.

   I had gathered colored candles from Beverly,I always have that excess. So what we might be needing is my blood,her blood,mom and Dad's piece of clothing together with Kurin and Karin's clothes as well.

     Since the place is as clean as ever,it's best we get down to business but first of all we have some place to be,we will come back for the ritual.