Bearded worker - Kirisa
Executive girl - Hwari
Special committee girl - Monet
Gin can feel that his stamina is lowering and he needs to attack the monster which he only needs to kill by stabbing at one time.
Gin stabbed his lance into another eye of the monster but the monster only gets its eye destroyed but it is still rushing toward him.
As Gin dodges the rush of the monster the monkey monster attacked him from his left and makes him weaker as his left arm is feeling the pain, he also flies back for a few meters and used his leg to kick the monster from his back to lessen the force.
"Huh huh huh," Gin stopped the blood which is coming out of his left arm by tearing a little from his shirt. The monkey monster comes toward his right to jab but he senses it and he used his lance to block the jab and make some distance to stab.
Gin stabbed toward the monkey monster but he only attacked to air as the monkey monster also jumped back.
The monster looked like a mole attacked Gin from the back but Gin stabbed its eye. The mole monster also managed to get his right arm but Gin can dodge and some deep scratches are made to his right arm.
"Huh huh huh, am I going to die?" thought Gin aloud. Gin gritted his teeth and attacked the monster in front of him.
Gin can feel some blood coming out of his mouth as the last attack from the monkey monster really did him good.
Gin blocked the attack from the bird monster which coming from the sky but the monkey monster managed to sneak toward his right side and jab straight toward his injuries.
"Ahhh" Gin got angry and swipe his lance at the monkey monster but the monkey monster grinned and blocked easily as it can feel that Gin is becoming weaker and weaker.
The monkey monster doesn't retreat back not like last time, it continues to jab and swipe toward Gin and Gin has to defend the attacks with his lance.
Gin can feel that the lance in his hand is gradually bending and if the monkey monster attacked another 5 or 6 times, it will bend to the degree where this can't be used as a lance.
Gin blocked the straight jab and attacked with his straight back to the monkey monster but the monkey monster dodged to the left and gives 2 quick jabs to Gin.
Gin dropped the lance and used his left hand to block the attack and used his right hand to throw a straight punch toward the monkey monster but the monkey monster blocked with its right hand.
"Arrrr" Gin shouted and lowers his body while dodging the tail attack which is coming from the snake monster. He rushed and hugged the abdomen of the monkey monster from the front.
He pushed and make it fall to the ground and bite its neck with his teeth but he can feel the resistance from the skin.
The monkey monster punched his body from under but Gin used his hands to block some attacks but he can't defend against half of its attacks.
Gin used his hand and rolled over the body of the monkey monster but the monkey monster grabbed his hood to pull toward it.
Gin grabbed the lance which is bent a little and he swiped at the monkey monster.
The monkey monster tried to block it but Gin faked the attack and pull the lance back and stabbed with his all might toward the monkey monster. Gin can feel that the moment he pulls his lance he felt that his lance is getting lighter.
The monkey monster can't defend against the attacked and gets stabbed through its chest.
Gin can't even rest as the snake monster bit toward him so he dodged but he can feel his body lighter. He felt that he lost weight and he weight only about one-fifth of his body.
Gin ran back and he can feel that his body is very light, he jumped toward the monster to attack and he can feel that he moved very fast.
He felt like he can become light so he focuses on his body to become lighter and he gets the feeling that he only has the weight of one-tenth of the former one-fifth.
'I can't believe that I awaken my esper ability during battle' thought Gin and he grinned happily because this is precisely the ability he needed.
He felt that his stamina is draining rapidly and he felt that he can only maintain this state for 15 more minutes but he felt that 15 minutes is enough to finish the remaining monsters.
"Look, that guy is running faster and faster," said the orange hero from the left side of the wall.
"Dodge" shouted the purple hero beside him and the former hero dodged the attack.
"Focus man, although the monsters are nearly all died, there are some remaining," said the purple hero.
These two are brothers and they got the ability that makes them stronger if they are together but not much just doubles all their strength.
"But you are right, that hero with the black hood is real fast as almost all of his attacks can kill the monsters and the monsters can't defend against them as the attack is so fast that his javelin looked blurred," said the purple hero.
"Purple, it is lance, not javelin," said Orange.
"How do you differentiate? I can't see any difference" said Purple.
After 14 minutes, only about 10 monsters are left and all the remaining heroes in the field also noticed Gin as he comes from behind the monster and stabbed 3 or 5 times very fast and moved toward another monster and do the same.
The monsters didn't feel for a while and when they felt some pain, the soul of them is already in the sky or below the ground.
Gin lessened his lance more than 5 times and he feels like he is holding the short wood stick instead of the steel rod.
After a while, Gin killed all the remaining monsters and he sat on the corpse of the crocodile monster which he killed last.
"We won" someone shouted and the remaining also began to shout.
"We won"
"We won"
"We won"
"Thank you, Lance, for your effort," said Bell who come beside him.
Gin looked at her one of her bells is not with her and her left arm is broken he can see that she wrapped her left arm in some clothes.
Gin looked around and saw that less than 50 heroes survive and almost all of them have injuries that are light or heavy.
Gin looked at his lance and saw that his lance is bent more than 20 degrees and the sharp tip is almost broken.
Gin searched for Haruna and he saw that she is holding her magic rod and using some light to heal some of the heroes who are injured emitting green light.
After a while, some black vans drive toward the battlefield, and men with the uniform in-hero association carried the most injured hero toward the tent which is still usable, and some doctors also run to check the injuries of the heroes.
"Come here, come here, this one has many broken ribs," said one of the doctors who is calling the man in uniform.
"Come here too, this one has bled too much," said another doctor.
After the doctor took over the injuries, Haruna came beside Gin. Bell also goes inside one of the tents to take medical attention.
A doctor come toward Gin and Gin took off his hood the doctor saw that some parts of Gin's skin turned purple and his right hand is bleeding and broken.
"Your right hand is broken and some of your ribs and bones took a lot of damage so we will need to give you medical attention immediately," said the doctor.
"Ok," Gin said and walked with the doctor toward one of the tents. Haruna looked at the back of Gin and she also follows behind them.
In the hero association, the meeting is held, and every executive including the bearded worker or Kirisa is sitting and watching the battle on the outskirts of the villages between C and F.
They don't sleep from the start of the battle to currently they are sitting and watching Gin who becomes faster and killing the wolf-level monsters very fast.
After the battle ended with the victory of C-rank heroes. Guiches shouted toward the waiting staff from the door "Go and immediately tell the news station that the battle is the victory of heroes".
Every executive is excited and also happy about the fact that they won but Kirisa looked solemnly at the remaining surviving heroes and he shouted at other executives.
"Don't be happy so quick, this time as we thought the lost on C-rank is more than we can handle and the media will point their fingers at us and we have to think of a way to make them settle down along with the promised compensation to the heroes who lost their lives in this battle?" said Kirisa.
"That's right, we can be too happy now, although we won the battle with the monster, the media's scorn and spits will drown us after the berserk of the monsters are over," said the woman with short hair and red lips named Hwari.
"The C-rank battle has many lost and the B-rank battle has many heroes who are not up for B-rank," said Sitch solemly.
"Yes, and who is that with the black hood and spear or lance, that guy is really strong he alone killed almost half of the monsters," said a young woman with wavy purple hair tied in a wide ponytail with straight bangs framing her face. She has light blue eyes and wears black-rimmed glasses and red lipstick. Her attire consists of a white frilled shirt and a black blazer named Monet. Co
"That guy becomes a hero nearly 2 weeks ago and he has killed two wolf-level monsters. I didn't think that he is that strong," said Kirisa.
"Drop about the C-rank battle, we should more focus on the A and B-rank battles. After all these battles are happening in the cities and citizens can see the battles" said McCoy while frowning.
"McCoy, just because you handle the cases of A and B-rank heroes, you can't only focus on them," said Agoni sternly.
"We can rank up the C-heroes who survived and some can be upgraded to B-rank," said Kirisa.
"But we really need to separate the heroes who can kill one on one from the demon-level monsters from their current rank. They and the other A-rank heroes are different in strength on many levels" said Guiches.
"I also agreed to the fact that we need to separate the heroes who can kill the demon-level monsters," said Agoni.