
One day I wake up in one punch man world

All the characters are not mine except some and MC. English is not even my third language so if there is mistakes, I apologize from the start. Gin (MC) dropped into One punch man world out of blue and the first sight he saw when he opened his eyes was the shrimp monster which is screaming "My name is the Keito. I become a shrimp monster because I ate ten thousand of shrimps in one go.

Zeremy_York · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Monsters attack

It is not like Gin felt small by listening to her answer. He is just amazed at the fact that Haruna can give her answer with a straight face.

Gin felt that it is really stupid to participate in a fight that can cost your life without sufficient strength.

The reason Gin participates without complaining is he can feel that he can improve his strength by fighting and growing stronger by training that is really slow.

Gin doesn't talk to her anymore and he just continues to meditate.

What he didn't know is that although he thinks it is stupid to fight a battle without sufficient strength, he actually feels impressed with her determination.

Little by little, time has passed and the sun also set as the night gradually rules the sky.

While Gin is meditating, he heard the loud alarm sound and heard woman's voice

"All heroes, please gather at gate 4, I repeat all heroes, please gather at gate 4,"

Gin gets up and he walks toward gate 4 as there is no possibility of getting lost as the staff from the heroes association are guiding to there.

Haruna also follows behind him and they together go to gate 4.

Gin can see that the heroes who don't realize the situation well and those who did are performing really different reactions.

The one who knew the situation well is beside the leader of each group and they have the expression of going to war. The ones who didn't know the situation well has loose expressions and they looked at the staff with guns like their guardians.

In this age, the government can't form an army as nobody will join. After the great war of end, people are really scared of wars.

The government can only form some police forces and spread them all over the cities but the polices can only do some work such as noise complaints, losing cat or dog, and other things that are small. Almost all bad guys became monsters. People or animals can become a monster by having strong feelings about the unhealthy things or experiments that are made by some organizations.

In this world, there are many organizations, banks, supermarkets, companies, and other businesses.

You can say that these organizations control this world and they are really strong that some are researching new weapons or drugs.

The hero association can equip their people with guns is not that impressive as these guys can injure the monster but to kill them you really need strong and upgraded ammunition.

'I really hope they have this ammunition as we really need these weapons right now' thought Gin.

"Lance-san do you think that we can win? We are almost twice the monster number after all" said Haruna.

"We will if there are only wolf-level threat monsters," said Gin.

Gin is confident that he can survive if there are only wolf-level threat monsters but there tend to get screwed hard in this type of situation.

And no one can predict the strength of the monster by only watching from a satellite and there is also some special monster with esper-like abilities.

"WUnnnnnnn, monsters are approaching from the west, monsters are approaching from the west, all heroes and other personals please prepare to face them"

The heroes are all behind each of the leaders and there are also outcasts like Haruna there and here but the combat staffs from the hero associations are ready with their weapons.

"Fire, fire," said the leader as soon as he saw the hoard of monsters. The staff started to fire as soon as the leader commanded them.

The monster hoard is really fast and on our side, there are some defenses which is a wall high of about 5 meters tall and 2 meters thick but this wall is breached by a weird light ball which is fired from the monster hoard.

'The monster which fired that ball might be beyond wolf-level threat monster' thought Gin while looking at the hole which is made by the light ball.

What makes Gin signs in relief is that that is the only attack and that monster didn't fire another time.

The monsters are really fast about 3 minutes later they are in front of the hole and some monsters are currently coming into the base through the hole which is as big as 4 meters wide and 2 meters tall. The hole is wide enough for wolf-level threat monsters to come inside the base.

The C rank from 1 to 10 is held in front of the group and some heroes are also attacking the monsters in their own way.

Gin also gets attacked by some monsters but he attacked with his lance and he only needed one attack to end a monster.

"Lance-san you are really amazing, you might have the strength of the top C rank heroes," said Haruna in amazement.

The reason Gin can kill the wolf-level monster that easily is because the wolf-level monsters that attacked him are all lower or middle-class wolf-level monsters.

Of course, Gin and Haruna are doing well because the place Gin chose is in the corner which the monster can only come to them bypass through 3 groups of heroes.

The right side which has 7 groups of heroes is guarding the hole and the remaining heroes group which is almost created with the long-ranged attacks is on the wall.

"Boom, Boom"

Gin heard the loud noise and he saw that the monster-like ant but bigger by many degrees is currently in front of the group on the wall.

The melee-ranged on the wall is attacking the monster but the carapace of the monster is really hard and the attack from long-ranged can only do some scratch on its carapace.


The battle has become more hard as half of the group on the wall has to defend against the ant monster and another hole has been made from the left side and the heroes have to separate half of the group to that hole to guard.

"Shun, Shun"

The monster that attacked Gin also became more and more numerous and there are times when Haruna was nearly injured by the monster.

There are also some high wolf-level monsters that attacked him. Gin solved them by attacking them in the same place or stabbing them into places that might be the weakness like the belly or eyes and even the anus.

"Ahhhh, help us" shouted one of the heroes from the wall.

Gin looked and saw that there is another ant monster and it is currently chewing a hero in its mouth.

The melee heroes from the wall can defend against an ant monster but two ant monsters made the matter differently.

Although a group of heroes from the right side of the gate goes to help when they arrive half of the heroes on the wall are dead.

Gin and Haruna also get attacked more and more as the heroes who go to help on the wall are from their side after all.

Gin can see that the heroes in front of his side will not be handled if he doesn't help so he told Haruna

"Haruna goes to the left side of the wall," said Gin.

"Lance-san are you going to join the battle in the front?" asked Haruna.

"Yes, so go now," said Gin and he immediately run toward the front of the battle.

As Gin predicted, the situation in the front is bad and some monsters are surrounding the heroes who are not in the group so Gin started by cleaning the isolated monsters.

"Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab," Gin goes all over the battle and cleans the monsters which escaped the net after that he goes to the front of the battle and he saw that 2 top heroes are injured and one of them is injured really bad.

Gin jumped over the monsters that attacked the most injured hero group and he stabbed his lance into the heads of the monster that attacked them.

"Look at that hero, he is killing the monsters really easy," said a hero in the group.

"He is not attacking them without thinking but he is only targeting the places which are fatal to these monsters," said the more experienced hero.

"But he is really amazing as he can kill the monster that quickly.

Gin managed to kill more than 10 monsters after a while but the remaining monsters got really hard carapace and he needed some more time to finish them.

As Gin is stabbing and pulling back the lance he detected some force that prevents him to pull back but after he used more strength he can pull the lance when he is paying attention, a monkey monster which is quick and small but it is as high as a meter attack him with a punch from the back.

That attack made Gin fly for a few meters and he saw that some monsters are reaching toward him so he used his lance to balance and attacked the incoming attacks.

Gin attacked the monsters that is coming his way but he can feel that the attack from the monkey hurt him from the left side of the back and that place hurt every time he stabbed into the skin or carapace of monsters.

After killing another 10 monsters, he can feel that his hands are coming to reach the limit and his head is getting dizzy. His attacks are also getting slowed down.

I am going to die if I don't retreat back into the group of heroes but when he looked back to the group of heroes, he saw that the groups have already broken and some heroes are running while escaping from the monsters which are chasing from behind and the monsters about 40 or so are surrounding them. The left side also does not look good as 30 or so monsters are surrounding them.

All the people on the wall are dead along with 2 of the ant monsters and there are 15 or so monsters on the wall who are chewing the dead body of the heroes and the staffs on the wall.