
Who Am I?

Like any other teenage girl, I like being locked up in my room with my phone in my hands. I would be watching YouTube perhaps Netflix, reading a book or two until I fall asleep. My phone would always hit the top of my forehead everytime I would start falling asleep or I get the wrong angle... that hurts.... but that was the regular cycle for my everyday. Of course there would be some days, every 5 days a week, I would have to be force to get out of the house. I call that SCHOOl. Sadly it had to exist. I was forced to do many things. To get an A in all my classes, to join a sport, to find a career, and to top my older sibling. Of course one of them never happened. I get to caught up in moments where I screw everything up. Seriously, I always do. What are the odds? Like any other Morning day, I wake up at 7:00am, get dressed to something acceptable, there are days were I do wear makeup but I'm talking about the light kind of makeup (Like filling in your eyebrows, and doing your eyelashes to make them pop out, you know the usual. I dont like the whole makeup thing like the foundation and stuff. That wasnt meant to work out for me but babysteps) then I go downstairs, find where every my backpack is on the ground and I head out and wait for the bus or someone takes me. But like I said I'm just your average girl.... until I saw him.