
Omniverse : Fiction Holder

[ Don't drop until ch10 plz then you can do whatever ] Walk.... Void...... Power...... Strongest..... Beyond..... Omnipotent... Beyond that..... God of Imaginary, Fiction, Fantasy, etc Adventure Traveler ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ??? | ??? | ??? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| the picture not mine its on google, this is a fanfic so it doesn't belong to me the anime, etc. this is for fun. Mc is the 2nd strongest as the 1st being ... Also search the superpower/ability/power to know more info on google/safari/chrome/firefox/etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Anime, Multiverse, overpowered, op, wishes but later.

chunibyotaken · Cómic
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12 Chs

Handling (1)


"Wad did I do-


"WATASHIE GA KITA!!!" said All Might in a suit while his face is angry and there's a gust of wind surrounding him or small tornado looking thing.

Oooooo~ What a suprise...or not. Well I messed up canon tho, Aizawa didn't get smacked and All Might didn't go kinda all out against Nomu cuz I killed him.

*punch* *punch* *punch*

All Might then punches every villain fast going around zig-zagging and knocking them out unconscious.

"I'LL DEFINITELY KILL YOU ALL MIGHT!!!" said Hand-Man, he said angrily and running torwards All Might.

Haaaaah, I just told him that he can't use his quirk. Why does he not believe me? But gotta say, Shigaraki be looking fast.

I'll just knock him out to not make my friend not get "SMASHHE".....Fuck.

*flowing through the sky~"

"B-Bwah- *smacked by the rock*. Ughh, *faints*"

"What the..Hey All Might you can't just punch him. I was gonna hit him-

You need to leave".

"...Hayate-shounen, are you okay?"


"....thats good. *look towards the grouped group* Everyone is okay too right? I am sorry, for making you guys scared and being late" said All Mighte depressingly.

"Yeah we're okay" said Aizawa

"We are all okay All Might and don't worry about it. You've helped us" said Deku.

They're not gonna say thanks for me helping them. Instead you said thank you to All Might.....Woowwwww.

"Young master! YOU'LL GUYS PAY FOR THIS! *opening gate*" said Kurogiri

"Not gonna let you~"


"How sad of you...Shirakumo"

"Who's that?"

"Its you [ Mental Regeneration ]"

"ARGHHH-GHH *face looking shifty*"

"HN? Y-You are ... OBORO!!" said Aizawa as he ran towards us.

"F*CK-F*CK. <GATEE> *fwoosh*" said Kurogiri as they left or escaped using his quirk.

You might be asking "Why you do let them escaped?" "Stupid, what a dumb MC", etc. Well I was looking at Kurogiri face focusingly.

"OOOHH NOOOO!!!" said Aizawa-sensei

I feel bad..Present Mic, Aizawa-sensei, and that blue hair guy was best friends. If Present Mic and Aizawa-sensei knew why I didn't stop him, they would hate me and not favour me. Unless I use my powers~.


After that recent incident, we called the police although Nezu already did that. Then the policed put the villains in the box. Momo hugged me hardly and tightly while crying a bit. I hugged her back, then we kissed in front of everybody...They were all shocked and asked questions. We told them about our relationship and well almost everyone was happy for us and congratulated us except the girls....

Aaaandddd, the girls look at us with a blank eyes. I didn't knew Uraraka was into me, I thought it was Deku.

They didn't want to get weird so they tried they're best to congratulate us but I can feel it, the hands they use to shake our hands was trying to break our hands and yes me too, they tried to break my hands. Why?

Also yes, I saw Toru's body- I mean face. Its easy to see her with my powers.

The pro heroes come to USJ also, pro heroes in U.A ofc. Aizawa then told to Present Mic and he was shocked snd screamin.

Midnight was looking at me seductively and if I didn't use one of my powers to hold back my thing, it would went off and make me embarrassed.

Midnight knew what I was doing and come to me to seduce me. What a thoth.

She put her body on my chest and put her hands on my chin, rubbing it.

"M-Midnight-sensei, I have a girlfriend..and she's next to me.."

"...*backs off* Sorry, uhh Yaoyorozu. I was just joking HahaHAHAHAHA...." she said to us, she looks a bit sad but forgets about it instantly.

"....okay" Momo said with blank eyes

Fck. I'll definitely get r*ped by her. Yandere's are bad. You might think its good but when you actually have it then its bad, horrible, etc.

The criminals all got arrested and we go back to U.A to go back home. We got into the bus, and sit.

Me and Momo sit together and to be honest they all tried to change seats with Momo, the girls ofc.

But they failed..they wanted so bad to force Momo to give her sit to them but they didn't want to look weird to everyone (Aizawa, Deku, etc).

So again me and Momo sit together and she is going for my hand. We tried to hold hands and we kissed by our hands then we are holding hands. Ecchi...We then looked at each other and we kissed.


I can't write this as my parents are near me.

Soooo, the summary is Momo basically raped the MC hard and gets mad and threaten the MC by creating a knife to my neck to not talk to girls and only pay attention to her. The MC then falls unconscious

She then continue's to rape him violently and the MC can't stop her before as if he did then he'll get stabbed.

(MC is being the strongactingweak....but not for long)

But, someone caught them fucking each other or they caught them or Momo raping Kenji. It was the girls....then they stopped her and Momo with the girls fight each other by words ofc.


"Ahh-ahh-ahh-Kenji~ ❤️"

"...What are you doing, Yaoyorozu. Are you raping Kenji!" said Uraraka as she noticed Kenji unconscious.

"AHH~ ❤️ Mmmm~ Eh? W-What are you guys doing here!" said Momo as Kenji cummed inside her.

"Oi, you better have a good fucking ass reason for this or I'll kill you!" said Mina with blank eyes or yan-mode.

"Eh? Uh Ashido-san..What did you mean by that?!" said Jiro questioningly with a semi yan-mode on.

"I see whats going on...but aren't you a bit evil to take my boyfriend?!!" said Momo with yan-mode as she wore her clothes back.

"....If I kill you then Kenji won't have a girlfriend anymore right? Besides WHY DID HE TAKE YOU!! Haah-hah, well I'll KILL YOU!" said Mina with a knife? How did she have that???

"..tch, annoying. *clash*" said Momo with a knife?? and yan-mode Okay nvm she created it.

Meanwhile, Tsuyu, Toru, Uraraka, Jiro awakened yan-mode when Mina said about taking Kenji, killing Momo to get Kenji, etc.

Then suddenly Kenji finally had woken up or I guess now ̷̛̺̰̫̠̖̌͆͛ ̸͕͔̇͗͆̕ ̴̪͕͋̉̏̊͠ ̵̦͈̃͠͝͝ ̷̦̳̮̱́ ̴̛̤͖̤̘͚̏͠ ̸̭͈̹͉̎̒̈ ̷̮͓̬̍̂̀̍͘ me. I now had woken up, naked except my shirt was near my neck. I then looked at them.

"What are you guys doing?!" I said while pulling my pants back.

"Ara~ ❤️ looks like you're already awake, darling. I didn't want you to see this side of me but I guess I can't hide it from you. Uh, I guess this is what people call a 'yandere'. When I first thought about it, I was crazy thinking that this kind of thing is horrible but then I met you, saving my life, I realized that kind of thing is okay and maybe trapping you in a house won't be so bad so you can't see other girls and only be with me. Forever~ ❤️" Momo said happily with yan-mode.

"W-Whats happening to you, Momo! Also why do you have that kind of eyes!" I said, obviously I was pretending its for plot.

"There's nothing wrong with me, Kenji-darling." said Momo cheerfully

"...Ugh..Also why are you guys killing each other. WE NEED TO TALK NOW!! All of you sit right now!" I said acting like a somewhat class president. I almost puked saying this or ... me typing this.


We then sit down to talk with each of them glaring angrily at each other. Looks like Momo and Mina realized that the other 4 likes me too, the other 4 too the same.

We talked. Then argued for most of the part.

I got to know the truth now after listening to them (already knew). They except Momo confessed to me about their love.

There are also times when one of them just couldn't take it and tried to rape me. All of them is filled with lust and love to me.

Now to answer them.

