
Omniverse : Fiction Holder

[ Don't drop until ch10 plz then you can do whatever ] Walk.... Void...... Power...... Strongest..... Beyond..... Omnipotent... Beyond that..... God of Imaginary, Fiction, Fantasy, etc Adventure Traveler ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ??? | ??? | ??? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| the picture not mine its on google, this is a fanfic so it doesn't belong to me the anime, etc. this is for fun. Mc is the 2nd strongest as the 1st being ... Also search the superpower/ability/power to know more info on google/safari/chrome/firefox/etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Anime, Multiverse, overpowered, op, wishes but later.

chunibyotaken · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fightning and being bullied


We then go inside the U.S.J. After we went in, all of us were shocked on how good it looks. I don't see how good it is.

"Amazing, so this is the U.S.J" said Kirishima excitedly

"Flood wrecks, fire, landslides, and many other accidents and disasters I created. The name of this practical training ground is-

The Ultimate Space for Jams" said the hero Thirteen.

"Its the Space Hero, Thirteen. He's a hero that helps relief disasters!" said Deku excitedly.

"Waa, I've always like Thirteen" said Uraraka as a fan-girl.

"Before we begin, just a one thing or two or three or four-

my quirk is called [ Black Hole ] as you all know. No matter any material gets sucked in will, I'm afraid gets turned into dust" explained Thirteen.

What a good powerful quirk. If Thirteen become a villain then heroes will get rekt m9.

"Thats perfect for saving wreckages, etc for people injured by disasters!" said Deku

"*nod* *nod* *nod*-" nodded Uraraka.

"Thats true but it can be used to kill people. All of your quirks can kill people to. So please do not forget that your quirks are able to go wry and accidentally kill people. Your quirks emphatically do not exist to hurt people. With this exercise/training, please understand that your quirks are to help people. Thats all!"

"What an amazing speech *clap* *clap" said Lida as he claps

"That was awesome" said Uraraka happily

Should be time they come with Kurogiri or ??? (spoiler). Owh, look at that spiraling thing in the center. Well then, lets start my acting.

"Sensei, whats that spirally looking thing?" I said as I pointed at the [ Warp Gate ]

"That's .... EVERYONE BE TOGETHER AND DON'T MOVE. THEY ARE VILLAINS" said Aizawa panickly as he saw Shigaraki and other mob villains

"Huh, is that part of the training sensei?" said Kirishima

"Amazing! Are we gonna fight 'villains'?!" said Mina

"No...looks like they really are genuine villains. They probably came when the security breach siren was shouting" I said seriously

"H-Huh? They really are villains?!" said basically everyone surprisingly

I then hold Momo's hand as she was a bit scared to calm her down. She looked at me, smiling and calmed down.

I released my hand from hers and start running towards the villains to destroy them ofc.

"You are..that kid. I'll kill you!" said Shigaraki angrily as he dashes torwards me.

"You know me? Wait a second....you're that one guy that almost fell in the entrance because you got scared of me. HAHAHAHAHA-

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME YOU F*CKING B1TCH!! ...Nevermind, you're gonna be dead right now anyways and this is over for you" said Shigaraki as he is close to try grab me.

"Really bruh. Try me bitch...*touched*....Why are you touching me, I thought you were supposed to punch me??? Or maybe you are one of 'those' type of villains...I'm sorry *touching his hand that touched me* I can't accept your feelings. I am not against gay people, I support LGBTQ because people should be treated the same no matter their things with also to quirkless people but I have a girlfriend and I love her. Sorry.." I said with a sad, wisdom voice.

".....HOW ARE YOU NOT AFFECTED BY MY QUIRK?!!" Shigaraki said questioningly and angrily as he is unable to move his arm.

"Not gonna tell you...."


"What, you expected me to answer your question like those anime character's?"

"Tell me or I'll kill you. Don't make me ask the second time!"

".....*zoning out*...What did you say just now? I was thinking about something else"


"No, do you wanna know what I was thinking? Well screw you I'm gonna tell it anyways. I was thinking about the new anime's that just recently came up! Its so good that the community made a name for the anime's its called 'Big San' what a cool name" I said while pointing a finger to the sky.

"....the anime....is it { Menma }, { Single Piece }, and { Chlorine }.."

"Wait, you watch anime?"

"Yes...but it doesn't matter now as you're about to die so shut up-

"*Sob* *Sob* *Sob*-


I mean, your the first person..no friend. The first friend I've made to..*hic* LIKE ANIME'S!!!!!! *hic* Oops why am I crying and being a puss-puss"

"..What about your parents?"

"Just me, nobody else"

"... I see *remembering past* (fuck it hurts when I think about it) It isn't so bad when I'm here?"


"And it'd be bad if I wasn't here?"

"Right" while still sobbing

"You need me?"

"Of course I do"

"I see...

(Reference from an anime)

guess what? F*CK YOU!!" Shigaraki said as I become a glass and broke.

"You know what? I thought we could be friends since we are almost the same. Your past was sad too so I tried to help you" I said menacingly

"What do you know about me? What do you know about MY PAST?! *in pain* ARGH-Gh"

Shigaraki said angrily and painly.

"I'll just finish this sh1t quickly"

I disappeared and Shigaraki was shocked then I appeared behind him, he noticed but too late. I nullified his quirk and took it, then I punched him in the Guts.

"Arghh-you'll definitely pay for this...*faint*"

said Shigaraki madly in anger

"Young master!! Are you okay?!-

"He fainted of course he's not okay you dumb?"

Screw you!! NOMU!!" said Kurogiri as he called for help


Nomu dashed at me quickly and punched me, creating a large wind gust thing pressure behind me.

"HAYATE!!" said Aizawa, Thirteen panickly and worriedly

"KENJI!!" "HAYATE-SAN!" said Momo and everyone, yes everyone even Bakugo but he said it in a low voice so no one heard it.

"Hahaha, get rekt by the All Might killer you peace of poop" said Kurogiri mockingly.

"BUT GUESS WHAT? ITS ALL RIGHT! WHY YOU ASK? BECAUSE LOOK AT ME" I said in a perfect All Might voice [Voice Manipulation] while holding Nomu's punch.

"The sound...its the same as All Might! Even I couldn't replicate it..how envious of me" said DeKu because he is not All Might. tf

Everyone was also surprised of my voice thats the same as All Might. All of the villains is staying in place as they're scared, I guess.

"Eye for infinite eye's Tooth for infinite tooth's!" I then punched Nomu back making him disappear even his blood was not splattering everywhere nor any of his body parts even his atoms and below that.

"F*ck, Nomu lost?!" said Shigaraki being surprised. Looks like he had already woken up.

"Young Master!, lets retreat for now. We have no chance, today".

"NO! We haven't killed All Might yet and especially I will kill that kid!!"

"No-no-no-no-no. Firstly, you can't use your quirk. Secondly, your Nom-nom or All Might killer thing is dead...dead as hell". I said

"Shut up!"

"You shut up"

"F*ck you, you p*ece of sh*t. You b*tch f*cking p*ssy. *trash talk*"

"I am hurt you know.."

"F*ck you. Because of you, masters plan failed".


Short Chapter