
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Ciencia y ficción
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912 Chs

Chapter 30

Marcel says since he's a space power user and nick uses time power they have to be careful on how they used there power since it's planet size dangerous if it goes out of control on the innocents people of the world david stops for a moment saying that each person in the crew have the power to destroy the world but they master a bit on how to control it and used the right amount attribute power marcel speaks to david asking him if he's okay he says yeah talking about there power's he ask marcel and nick each about there power uses and limits marcel speaks saying he can use the attitude of space the same way uses air but he can't used other's same power's since it's not theirs he ask marcel if he can show him a bit of his power in the training room along with nick they both say yeah as they go inside david shows a bit of his power saying he can manipulate or summon the attribute he good with so air as he opens his palms making a small air sphere appear before them as he controls them making the two air sphere go around him like a train track he tell the two member's to show them there techniques or a power move

they have to created or try to accomplish.

Nick summon a huge time roar at the wall direction leaving a crater on the wall behind david marcel fire's a huge space roar making the hole bigger behind him appear saying he never seen anything this strong leaving a burning mark marcel says he has an attack that he's trying to master to a certain degree but doesn't know how to start saying since he has trouble controlling everything that has to do with space he can learn from him and be able to used more of his power's david ask both nick and marcel to come attack him with his unique attributes power and the basic level of haki david waits for them to charge towards him dodging and blocking there attacks david kicks marcel in the back sending him flying to the wall hard nick shoots many arrow attacks at him but he spins around quick enoughs to make air tornado to deflect all his attacks then he stops putting his two arms up firing a huge blast at both of them but they counter the blast attack with there own power as the blast make a huge smoke screen appears in front of them marcel uses his power to fire two space cannons at david but he makes a air shield in front of him to counter his attacks.

Nick raises a hand toward his back firing a blast at him david jumps up in the sky dodging his blast attack he firing his own blasts at them both but they can't deflect all the attacks coming there ways getting overtaken by it marcel summons two space sphere at his side's making it bigger and bigger until it covers him entirely he fires it at david who's caught off guard he trips nick who's trying to attack him from the back but he grabs his legs throwing him at the two huge space attacks at the two thing's collide blowing up while in the training room he clears the whole smoke area so they can see again david teleports in front of marcel knocking him back to where nick is as they both collide david fires a huge air roar at him sending him crashing thru the wall david ask if there still okay both marcel and nick lift a thumbs up saying they can still fight as they fight for hour's nick and marcel are pass out in the training room floor saying that was a good sparring battle with there leader david cleans himself up telling his two brother's to go to there room and clean themselves up so they can be ready for tomorrow final training day as they leave in a hurry.

David walks for a bit around the hallway thinking about the true final battle against there a.i friend neo and his secret young partner who's helping him by creating a incredible suit of armor to clear out the whole planet of monster's and human's who abused the planet earth david stops for a moment before realizing that he will have to cross the line and kill there friend neo when the time comes he looks around the bunker base saying that after today he will have enough power to fight equally with neo he makes it to him own room opening the door he enters it taking a quick shower and heading back to bed falling asleep in a instant as the night passes by time goes quick making it morning already he hears the alarm clock ring out loud david gets out of bed clicking the gadget in his wrist so he can get cover head to toe with his mission suit and head out before brushing his teeth he opens the door spotting his brother's already waiting for him to appear in front of there teacher's as they all head outside opening the door meeting future david and the two wives who are waiting patiently as they wait for future david to talk so they can start the final lesson of haki training.

As david and his brother's ask them what's gonna be the final lesson for this training session today future david talks about how they will all be tested each with a special sect of training for each person david ask who's is going to get tested first oscar raises his hand saying he wants to go first as future david takes him to a secret area under a plain grassland area steffy and alexa tell the other four crew member's to wait here until they are call for there test so for now they can train with each other as 10 minutes passes oscar comes back to the group clothes fill of holes and scratch marks saying he pass with a good grade so who's going next psssing out in front of them the two youngest member's of the crew speak saying that they wanna go first but david speaks saying that one at a time can go so who going to the field first michael runs first toward the field saying he gonna ace it as he dissapear along the grassland area another 10 minutes passes by waiting for him to come back as 2 more minutes passes they see michael full of burn mark and bruises he closes his eye's sitting on the ground breathing hard daniel the second youngest member of the crew goes with a smile on his face.

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