
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos.

In a new world with a new life. This is the beginning of discoveries that lie in the dark. A darkness Théoden has never had to face. There is little hope, but all he can do is push forward, for his survival, comes first. What happens when just surviving isn’t enough? Théoden is thrown into a new world with no idea of how he left his previous one or how he got to the current one. As if Fate hated him, he finds himself in the worst situation. He is in the middle of a massacred battlefield, and he was the only survivor. The reason for his survival makes sense with his Omnipotence System as aid. Just as things get better and he has plans to gain a foothold in this new world which is both mysterious and beautiful, he is faced with despair. The first living thing he meets is a demon. One that threatens his life. How will he make it out alive? What are the plans Fate has for Théoden? Things are covered with secrets and mystery and it is up to him to unravel them. Time is running out as the wheels of fate started spinning as soon as he first got to the new wondrous world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it?

Innovation_Inu · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Chapter 6: System Advance

It seemed like both the demon and Théoden had similar aligning thoughts, in some way. The void in Théoden's stomach only grew at an alarming rate. He felt the constricting and twisting of his intestines and organs. His lips were salivating a little and his throat felt parched as if deprived of water for a long time. These were severe signs of starvation as his eyes looked nothing but hungry.

The demon looked like a dish in front of a starved person. Not the best dish but beggars couldn't be choosers, could they? This was exactly the situation.

A light shot out of Théoden and a thick light gray fog encircled the demon enough to just see its silhouette. In its confusion, it slowly and painfully disintegrated. It crumbled and fell apart, similar to being eroded.

"How? Human...Impossi..." The demon died trying to utter something along the words but had completely disintegrated before it could finish. It didn't get enough time to even react as it completely vanished. Its words were unfortunately not passed on to its recipient who was in a trance-like salivatory state.

Théoden saw the demon turn into nothingness leaving a small red bead behind. Only it belongs fell to the ground where the demon last stood, and the red ball flew and disappeared a close distance to Théoden.

'The look on its face was priceless. Hahaha.'

Théoden was in confusion but was also ecstatic. He was on cloud nine. Maybe it was because the threat to his life was eliminated or a far more venomous reason. He had no idea what had happened and he didn't care less what had. He was only glad of the fact that the abhorrent demon was erased from existence. However, his heart calmed in both relief and joy.

A warm smile appeared on his face a bit uncharacteristic of the scenery. The blood stained the ground from the wounds earned from battle. Nevertheless, he felt the joy of victory and achievement at the moment. The fact that he survived was the fact that he had worn the war.

He panted softly but deeply as he fell on his back looking at the already dark sky. The beauty of it was truly always remarkable. There wasn't anything like it, he would swear on that. Nothing he had seen in his life.

The light that had shot out returned and entered his chest area leaving a warm tingling feeling. It was denser and held a deep shade of red. Théoden was too tired to care about its origin or the reason it was that shade.

[Host has devoured the unranked demon.]

[The vitality in the demon is being transferred to the Host.]

[health has risen]

[Gained Intelligence +3]

[Gained mana +4]

[Gained stamina +2]

[Gained Strength +2]

[Gained Dexterity +4]

[Wounds (internal & external) are being healed.]

The pain Théoden was in slowly began to fade away as if it wasn't there. He didn't see it, but the cuts on his skin were mending while leaving no scars, just the residue of the already-dried blood. They happened with a tingling feeling like thousands of small ants eating away at him. It was a torturous but rewarding process. The recovery rate was at a rate it could be observed by normal human sight. It was an abnormally rapid recovery rate.

Théoden's eyes were heavy with fatigue and sleepiness. His mind was too exhausted to register anything other than his life was no longer in danger. With relaxation came all the tension from the fight being released at once. His eyes tried to resist the urge but he couldn't.

'I want to rest.'

[The demon core has been placed in the storage space]

[You have met the conditions to advance the authority]

[The omnipotent system upgrading and updating]

[Process: 0.2%]

After the torture, Théoden felt a warm embrace of the vitality he had absorbed. Like in the middle of a soft warm cotton ball. Just like that, he fell asleep in the sweet embrace of the warmth while in the cold night.

The next day greeted Théoden with a stiff body. His tense muscles were screaming with pain all over. Most of all, he couldn't believe he was alive in the first place. He had received many heavy injuries resulting in him checking his body first thing in the morning.

'W-what? Was it a dream? No...It can't be.'

However, there was no wound on his body which made him almost think it was a dream only if the blood stains weren't there. There were exactly at the places he was hurt making him believe something must have happened. He was confused and awestruck but he couldn't help but fill a bit of fear deep down.

He tried remembering. The last of his memories was seeing the demon's surprised face as it vanished into nothingness and the night sky after sunset.

[System update is complete]

[Your health has been fully restored.]

[Skills: Devour. Grade 3 unlimited growth. Type: Active skill. Description: Consumes a living creature's vitality. The host may gain healing of internal and external injuries in correspondence to the vitality absorbed. Assimilation of the core characteristics if absorbed. Can gain stats of the absorbed to a certain degree of difference in strength.]

A message Théoden stared at for a long time before understanding what had occurred and why it had occurred. It was abnormal for all injuries he gained the previous night to suddenly heal for no reason. However, he wondered what 'assimilation' was.

That didn't answer the pain he was feeling all over his muscles. The cramps from the fight.

'I guess even with the system it doesn't take away the natural body biological activities and reactions like muscle pain and fatigue.'

Théoden was curious about something else. The thing called Authority. This was something that he had not come to understand yet.

What was Authority?

What benefits did it give or how much Authority he had now? He wondered if the world knew anything about the system but rechecking Mallory's memories there was no such thing as a system.

The world was completely different from Earth, at least from Mallory's perspective. He grew up in the countryside area where there was an agricultural lifestyle with not much technological or infrastructural development. It was clear that a thing like a system didn't exist on the planet. It was unheard of.

"Haah!" He sighed.

'These things should come with a manual.' Théoden grumbled as he thought of the misfortunes in his life.

Theo lay back on the hard ground and closed his eyes. He remembered the irking memory of his hunger for the hideous creature. When his thoughts actually aligned with the body's newly found weird tendencies. To be more accurate, his body forced such thoughts on his mind, but even that fact was repulsive in Théoden's mind.

The monster actually smelled sweet and appetizing. He craved feasting on it whole and had images of it being cut up into pieces and made in his favorite forms of food. In stew form, hard grilled or fried. It was so vivid he visibly shuddered.

He realized how much humanity he was losing at the moment. This wasn't something a human would think towards a demon. It was disgusting and irking and his entire being trembled with the rejection of the idea, but at that time yesterday, he was completely immersed in the aromatic scent of the monster.

Théoden realized the attachment of his humanity he had lost. Something he couldn't erase or get back for the rest of his life. It could be because the body he possessed had gone through death and thus lost its humanity. Mallory was not the type to have such thoughts either.

'I have really changed. I should go back to normal. I have to.'

His thoughts getting more muddled he rose up and looked at the vicinity of where he was. He noticed the few things piled up near him. They looked like the belongings of the humanoid demon. Dirty ragged clothe like a robe, a few thick metal cuffs, and a piece of weird neck jewelry.

[Host has reached the novice Authority: Low.]

[Congratulations Host for meeting this feat.]

[A new function has been added to the system.]

[System storage enabled.]

[Host can store items in a dimensional space.]

[Limited to 100 items.]

[Host has gained a reward for advancing the authority of the system through the great feat.]

Maybe there were buffs like that when you had more authority over the System. There was too little known about the system to assume anything.

[Skill gained: Mind's eye.]

[Skills: Mind's eye. Grade: 2 Unlimited growth. Type: Passive skill. Description: May view details of the Host's focus of curiosity. It may reveal the quality of an item or the characteristic of a person. It is now limited to beings of equal or lower strength than Host.]

Having read the description, he stared at the neck jewelry much more intently due to its golden luster. It was probably made entirely of gold. It had intricate curving of an ancient language scribbled around it. They seemed to glow a bit. In curiosity, he reached out and touched it.

[Type: Neck Jewelry. grade: Unique. Description: Allows for multiracial communication. Enables the Host to understand others' massage or intentions as if a native. Passes on Host's intention or massage as well.]

Looking back, Théoden was somewhat able to understand the demon's words despite it not speaking in a language he knew. He was too preoccupied with fighting for his life, that, that detail completely slipped his mind.

It was a handy item to have on a completely new planet. The item looked precious and by looking at the fact that Mallory never had seen one it was classified as a rare item. Expensive at least. It would higher his chances of survival, with that in mind he didn't mind taking the item from the perished demon. He had done it multiple times to fill any guilt.

'My victory trophy.'

Théoden placed the golden chocker on his neck since it was a piece of neck equipment, but he felt it was too huge. It would probably fall on his shoulder due to its wide circumference, but that didn't happen. The choker shrank as the ancient texts glowed to fit his neck perfectly.

The texts sank into the choker leaving no trace of it. It turned into a natural neckpiece with a slightly less eye-catching glow. It wasn't uncomfortable or heavy as it formally looked. It felt like a cool scarf on his neck. Théoden smiled at the discovery of something impossible, actually possible.

The Omnipotence System

[Name: Théoden Andras][Race: Human][Age : 16 years]

[Authority: Novice - Low]

[Attributes: Strength:5 Dexterity:7 Stamina:4 Mana/Magic:9 Intelligence:6]


[Skills: Devour. Mind's eye.]

[Status: Normal]

[System Storage][Unlocked]

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