
Omni-Ruler: Reincarnated into the fictional Omniverse. MHA arc

A young man named Regulas Khalid Alaric, was in his room living his life normally until all of a sudden a woman with bunny ears appeared out of a portal before falling on the floor blood gushing, and her body covered in wounds. "Mas- Master... *cough!* I found! I really found you! *Cough!* Thank my fate... Please read this letter... *Cough!* I don't have much time, this time you'll succeed I believe in you master. *Cough!* take-" As she was speaking her voice was coarse and she was coughing blood every few words, she was obviously too weak to be speaking, but she extended her arm with her body trembling in obvious pain to hand Regulas a letter. Regular was confused but took the letter and as soon as he did so a bright engulfed him, as he was sent to completely white space with nothing but a throne with a man sitting on it. "We finally met Mr.Alaric. Though I'm not necessarily a fan of your future actions and objectives, I was still entrusted with the task of rewarding you. Rules are rules no matter how I feel. Now, you have the opportunity to transform 10,000 years of experience into any skill you wish to one day excel at, which you will receive together with their lasting will. Now choose what you will invest in." Regulas who had yet to fully understand what was going on was met with a choice that would affect his future path and whole journey, something that he was not aware of. He didn't know what was going on, but he had an understanding of what was being offered and after a bit of reflection, he made his choice. "I want to put all those 10,000 years into my adaptability." That was the choice that carved the first bits of his journey to becoming the Omni-Ruler. Note: I don't own the cover.

Uncultured_Scholar · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: A weird day

7/03/2022- Earth Nimiak

It was a normal day like any other and I was laying on my bed. I was now a 19-year-old young man living on my own and renting a small apartment while I work a part-time job. I didn't have enough money to pay for university and my parents have long gone, so I had to make do. I was lucky to have found this apartment I rented with a shut-in dude that basically never left his room, but he somehow had money and was constantly ordering food and new stuff. A few times I heard some weird shit coming from his room, he said stuff like "Hi Everynyan! It's your favorite galaxy destroying waifu, Nenoma" or "Chat you guys are too hony, I'll bonk you if you don't behave.". Yesterday I heard this "Did this little shit just say I have no maidens? Your mom's maidenless, I have a lot of bitches for your information, chat are my hoes, right guys?" I didn't know what to think.

I had long concluded he was a streamer and he seemed to be a Vtuber, I searched him up a everyone know he was a guy using a girl model but they still watched his shit... It was boggling, to say the least. Maybe I should write a novel called 'My fat roommate is a Vtuber overlord.', yeah people read anything nowadays so that would definitely roll. I should start now.

Not wasting time I got up from my bed and moved to the desk and sat on the chair next to it. I then began to wonder how to start and what to do, I mean, how do I make this shit interesting or at least fun to read... I was never very comedic, though comedy would definitely be the main point of the novel, should I watch a YouTube tutorial to help me get started? Nah, those people talk a lot and never get anywhere 90% of the time. I have to start with the main character... Wait, do I have to write about side characters and all that too... You know what writing is not for me, too much to think of on my own. I'll leave that to people who have too much free time.

Then it was time to start my training regime. I did 100 punch-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run every day, it had been 3 weeks since I started and I was starting to see some development, I think I could even fit better on my dresses or so it seemed.

Just like usual in my training, I was dying by the middle of it, but I had to keep going! No pain, no gain! It's about drive! I can do it!

I pushed myself through the training and by the end of it I was very tired and as I was walking to my room I could hear my roommate.

"You guys... You really want to me 'Ara Ara'? I don't know if I'll be good at It, but ill try my best.... ARA ARA." The voice talking was that of a typical anime girl then it suddenly turned into the perfect 'Ara Ara' voice. How the hell was this guy so good at this?!

Being too tired to bother, I just went back to my room. I went to sleep immediately and like that my day ended.

-The next day-

I woke up happy and sad that it was Sunday, happy because I didn't have to work, sad because I would work the next day. I liked to go for walk on Sundays so I got up and looked at my phone, it was 8 a.m., 2 hours later than I usually woke up.

I got up and go tidy myself. After my bath and brushing my teeth, I dressed up and looked at myself in the mirror. My Brown hair which was now in twin tails and adorned with laces, my face that had makeup and transparent lipstick and my ears have cross earnings. I was wearing a pink and black dress that was a bit lower than waist level, as I liked them short, it feels nice. On my feet elevated black sandals with white see-through socks. Lastly, I had to redo my nails as they were starting to lose their color.

Once I was ready, I went to get my phone a purse, it would be problematic if I forgot those again. My psychologist says this is good to free my mind or at least she did a few years ago when I still had the money for that kind of thing.

Just as I was moving towards the door of my room, a portal opened right before my eyes, and I was mesmerized by its otherworldly glow as it felt like it was trying to tear through reality itself. From it, a bloodied young woman with bunny ears fell onto the ground before looking at me with her trashed face full of scars and burns.

"Mas- Master... *cough!* I found! I really found you! *Cough!* Thank my fate... Please read this letter... *Cough!* I don't have much time, this time you'll succeed I believe in you master. *Cough!* take-" She was doing her best not to just collapse on the ground, it was a miracle she was even alive with how tarnished and damaged she looked. She trembled as she extended her arm that had some bone and muscle show, I wanted to vomit but my body just wouldn't move, as in her hand a white envelope not dirty with blood or anything else was visible.

I didn't know why, but something in me compelled me to take it as if the universe needed this to happen for things to stay working.

As soon as I touched the envelope, my surroundings completely changed from my room to a space with no discernible features, a white room that made my heart tremble, and right in front of me the only thing present besides myself, a throne with a white humanoid figure with no features whatsoever, the only thing standing out being a transparent pink scarf that it had around its neck.

"We finally met Mr.Alaric. Though I'm not necessarily a fan of your future actions and objectives, I was still entrusted with the task of rewarding you. Rules are rules no matter how I feel. Now, you have the opportunity to transform 10,000 years of experience into any skill you wish to one day excel at, which you will receive together with their lasting will. Now choose what you will invest in." The white figure didn't bother explaining anything and just spoke to me as if it knew me despite addressing me by my last name as if it was doing business with me or fulfilling some form of contract.

I had many questions and even found it hard to believe that what I'm seeing isn't just the product of my imagination or even a drug... But the feeling that I should answer was very strong and compelled by it I answered.

"I want to put all those 10,000 years into my adaptability." I answered with what came to mind as the most crucial, maybe I could have thought of many other better things to invest in given some time, but right now, that was what I believed to be the best answer.

"Curious... I suppose you are different, maybe we will be allies this time around. Anyhow, I have duties to attend, I hope you do better. Good luck on your journey, you'll need it." The white figure said to me, sounding rather surprised at first before once again talking like I know what's going on.

Before I could say anything else I was back in my room, but the woman with bunny ears was nowhere to be seen. There was now a big egg where she once stood and nothing but the blood on the floor as proof that she was there.

I was going to go to the bathroom to check my and wash my face to try and see if I could wake up when my body went limp and I fell to the ground. suddenly I could feel a wave of pain through my whole body before tears started falling from my eyes, I could not rest as multiple waves more began to come one after the other, I wasn't sure what was happening but I couldn't scream and it wouldn't stop, my body just slowly but surely became nothing but pain. It got to a point where I could feel nothing and all my senses went off, I was despairing and thought myself dead before I could feel my consciousness fading out of existence.


I opened my eyes and I could see a white roof, nothing like that of my room, I was confused and couldn't understand what had happened.

I sat myself up and noticed that my surroundings were that of a hospital room. my arm was connected to a machine and I was not wearing my clothes and was instead wearing a blue hospital patient coat. I removed the syringe thing from my arm before taking anything connected to me off.

There were no signs of my clothes anywhere and the room only had a chair, a tv, and a small table with a plate of cheap hospital food. I didn't think much of it and began eating as I was VERY hungry and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Once I was done eating I felt a bit better and that's when I noticed that my arm was jacket! I had never been this muscular even in my best years of life, it was shocking, to say the least.

The food and a bit of time helped me calm down and reflect on what was going on and what kind of situation I was in. I probably faint after that weird 'hallucination'? And my roommate called an ambulance or something like that since that guy would sometimes come to me to ask for opinions and stuff on his drawings, he's a pretty good artist.

Having concluded what happened to me, I lay on the bed and started thinking about what to do next, should I try to look for someone to ask about my clothes and know if I can leave, or should I just wait until someone comes and finds me? I wasn't sure and I didn't even know how long I was unconscious.

To take my brain off it, looked at the tv and then looked around to find the remote which was on the same table as the food was, and I picked it up before turning the tv on to try and distract myself since my phone is nowhere to be seen.

{Breaking News! Another case of awakened was found in Good scene Street, it seems 10 people were heavily in a pyrotechnic explosion, with two confirmed deaths. May they rest in peace. The cases of people awakening have been increasing as of late and some scientists have dubbed this phenomenon as the meta-gene. Once it becomes active individuals awaken abilities akin to the superpowers often seen in fiction. Many have begun to say that we are now transferring from the technological era to the supernatural era. Only time will tell. I'm Dave Covet and this news was provided to you by...} As soon as I turned on the TV, a man began talking about some crazy incident that happened making me wonder if I'm dreaming... But what shocked me wasn't what he was saying, the date shown on the time.

It said 7/06/2022... Was I in a coma for 3 months? No... This... I'm definitely fired from my job... I'm fucked... How will I even pay for the hospital bill?

Oh my Lord... I'm definitely going bankrupt... Let's go on the bright side, I can declare bankruptcy in court.

While I was worried about my grim future the door to my room opened.

"Oh! You're AWAKE! I have to call doctor Young imminently!" A woman wearing a pink nurse uniform came in bringing a new food tray but began shouting in surprise upon seeing me awake, not that I can blame her since I react similarly if someone that has been in a coma for three months was just sitting relaxed watching tv.

She quickly put the food tray on the one chair in the room and left running. I have to give her some points for not letting the food tray fall on the ground, I would have.

Well, this solved my question about waiting but now I'm worried about what will happen once the doctor comes. I'm fucked...

After waiting for a bit a young man... Not it's better to call this person a teenager wearing a doctor's coat came into the room followed by the nurse from before.

"You're very lively for someone who's been in a coma for 3 months... Then again you didn't experience any kind of muscle atrophy during all this time, so it shouldn't be a surprise you can already move normally. Mr. Alaric, I'm sure you're confused but, I can assure you that things are quite fine for you, you are a quite lucky person for knowing Ms.Yanuka. Now, I'm here to inform you that you don't have to worry all your expenses have been taken care of, and congratulations! You have awaked the meta-gene. Your body is now highly adaptive and can self-sustain for ungodly amounts of time, even being able to maintain itself at peak so long it has enough energy with no exercise required. You hit the jackpot with that one, many people weren't as lucky and had to undergo mutations to get this kind of benefit." The teenager was talking to me and explaining my situation, before congratulating me for being one of the few people to get very lucky according to him.

"I'm sorry, but who are you and who's Ms.Yanuka?" I asked as I was legitimately curious about this situation, 'am I being pranked?' I wondered.

"Oh yeah, I apologize, I was very happy to discover my conjures about your condition were correct, so I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Steven Young, the doctor who's been in charge of you for the past 3 months. The woman behind me is Melissa, she was the nurse taking care of you. As for miss Yanuka, she said you were roommates. Mister Alaric, are you perhaps having trouble remembering things?" Doctor young introduced himself and the woman behind him before talking about Yanuka and showing concern about the state of my memory.

My roommate? Did that guy change names or is something else going on here? I was intrigued and confused but now wasn't the time for that.

"No, my memory is just fine. That simply wasn't the name I had in mind for my roommate, that's all." I responded.

"Good, but to make sure, I'll have to ask you a few questions, I hope you don't mind." Doctor Steven insisted.

He then asked me about my name, birthday, parents' names, and some other minor things.

"Great, it all seems fine. You'll simply have to wait a few hours while we take care of some paper and get your permission to be discharged. Melissa will bring you your clothes and phone while you wait. If you need anything please call her, and tell us if you feel weird anywhere or have any kind of symptoms. It was a pleasure to meet you, mister Alaric, I hope the best for you." The doctor said before finally leaving.

Not much later Melissa came back with my things and I put on my dress and got my phone, but it was out of battery.

"If you have any questions please feel free to ask. To call me or any other nurse, you just need to press that button on the bed. I'll excuse myself if you don't need anything right now." Melissa said and I let her go.

"Oh my, what a weird day." I say to myself as I try to figure out what to do next, now that my life and my world, had completely changed.