
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 6: How weak am I ?

The shelter had collapsed on top of Zyle and the culprit was a strong gust of wind. Zyle crawled out of the rubble, stood up, walked a few feet, and then sat down cross-legged on the grass. He had a mix of emotions at this point - anger, sadness, shock, frustration, and fatigue. He calmed his nerves and then sighs to himself.

"Man, I could imagine how many times this crappy shelter must have fallen on the old Zyle. I need to do something about this fast because I don't think it's a good idea to be sleeping out in the open like this. It's already in the afternoon " said Zyle looking up toward the sky

"Hey Obby what time is it ?" Zyle then asked

"It is 22 hours in the afternoon, it will be night in about 3 hours, Master," said Obby

"Okay, I'll start off by making a temporary shelter, with old Zyle memories and my tenacity I should be able to get this done in no time," said Zyle as he once again rose from the ground.

Zyle went about gathering long sticks and banana tree leaves and also the vines use to hold it all together. Before doing anything else he analyzed the vines out of curiosity.

>>>>>>>> Analysis complete <<<<<<<<

{Ropien Vine}

{Grade: intermediate}

{Color: Blue}

{Description: Derived from Ropien trees, the tree's vines travel throughout the forest. making it common in the Great Forest of Gia. It has the flexibility and durability of a common rope. The older the Ropien tree the better the quality of the vines. Green Ropien is the weakest for they are immature vines and are of low quality, easily broken. The Purple vines are of higher quality than the blue vines and are also less common to come across.}

Zyle wasted no time as he assembled the new and improved temporary shelter. In just 30 mins, he was able to build a shelter twice the side of the original one with a wider leaf bed. Overall it was more spacious and was placed opposite the collapsed shelter. Zyle then walked inside and sat down on the leaf bed holding the heavy Backpack.

" Let's see if I can find anything else that is useful in here," said Zyle as he poured out all the contents of the backpack.

At first glance, there were the things that Zyle himself placed inside - the large mixing bowl, a hatchet, the metal cup, 2 Gumula flowers, the silver hammer, the box of construction nails, and the stone knife. Then there were the things that were already in the game - A rolled-up scroll, Blink sheets of paper, a Pen, a small mirror, a flashlight, a sewing kit, and a Saw.

"I'm surprised to see a mirror and a flashlight in here, although the flashlight does look different from what I'm using too," said Zyle, noticing the light is being powered by a crystal and not a battery.

" Yes Master, the people of this world use a combination of magical items and technology to advance their societies. I'm sure even beyond Earth's capabilities " Obby interjected

Zyle picked the small mirror to his face and he was in shock.

"My Cut is gone! there's not even a mark on my cheek, how?" Zyle asked

"If I may master, it is due to your bloodline atavism, the Noxxy bloodline is special, as the system states, you are of royal blood. I would suggest you check out your status now, you do have some things pending "said Obby

"Oh right I almost forgot, Status !" said Zyle as he closed his eyes

The advance screen popped up and there were now 8 tabs and 4 were now open. Each of the 4 tabs had a name displayed on them and the other 4 just had a lock Icon.

[ Tab 1 - Status ]

[ Tab 2 - Passive and Unique Passive ]

[ Tab 3 - Skill ]

[ Tab 4 - Combat/Weapon Style ]

[ Tab 5 -Locked ]

[ Tab 6 -Locked ]

[ Tab 7 -Locked ]

[ Tab 8 - Locked ]

Zyle decided to check out if there are any changes in tab 1 first. There was one change and that was with the strength stat. There was another square box beside the stat with the number 1 blinking green. Zyle then press it with his mind and a system message popped up

<<<<<<<<< System Message >>>>>>>>>>

[would you like to add 1 growth point to strength {Yes/NO}]

clicking yes, the strength stat was now 2 while everything else remained the same. Zyle then switches to the next tab. Tab 2 -the passive and unique passive tab, is separated into 2 different categories. The top half is the Passive skills, every passive skill on the tab was grayed out except for the first passive skill. The one skill that was currently available is named Noxxy Active Bloodline along with its description beneath it.

{{ Passive Skill: Noxxy Active Bloodline }{ Status: always active}}

{{Description: Allow rapid Self-Healing and health regeneration- increase by 10 times when using this skill out of combat, Increase strength permanently by 4 times, Increases speed permanently by 2 times, and allow one to survive a critical hit once per battle.}}

In the bottom half were the unique passive skills, there was only 1 skill in this tab and that was the skill Zyle had unlocked when he leveled up - the unique skill " Sustenance ". Zyle was already curious about this skill although he had the general idea it had to do with food but was unsure of the specifics and that piqued his interest as he quickly looked at the description.

{ Unique Skill: Sustenance }

{Description: Gain 1 growth point for strength from consuming beast flesh or meat. Gain 1 growth point for speed, defense, or MP & Stamina depending on the different types of fruits that are consumed respectively. Certain herbs and plants award growth points that can be used on all four stats previously mentioned.}

After reading this, Zyle was feeling a ping of regret for not checking it out sooner. He remembered the 2 beasts he had killed recently and thought that he would have to go back for their meat. He silently vowed to himself to check out any new skill that he receives right away from now on. Putting those thoughts behind him for now, Zyle moved on to the next tab, which was the basic skill tab. There was one skill available named "Charge Up" and he quickly read the description and now there was also a requirement.

(Skill: Charge up )

(Requirement: Level 2 )

(Description: allow the user to charge an attack dealing 10 times its original strength. leveling up this skill also improves the amount of damage dealt )

Zyle thought this was a really useful skill to have and would benefit him greatly if you learn how to use it. Then he moved on to the final tab which was the "Combat & Weapon skill" tab. This type was different from the other tabs, the first thing Zyle came across was a pop-up

>>>>>>>>>System Message <<<<<<<<<<

[ no Combat Style has been found ]

[ please provide the name of your combat style ]

Zyle hastily said " Mix-Up Martial Arts ", Zyle never actually fought when he was back on earth. He would run at the first sight of danger but now he feels he needs to be a new man and running will never be his first option again. One of his favorite pastimes with his father was watching men fight in octagon rings with different styles of combat. There were fighting styles such as MMA, Muay Thai, Sambo, Bare Knuckle Boxing, Catch Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu, and many more. Zyle always had a fascination for MMA fighters' fighting style so getting this opportunity he opted for something similar "MUMA" style, which he made up on the spot.

[ Style Unfamiliar>>>> Generating new description >>>>> Complete ]

[ Description: This style of fighting allows users to use either hand-to-hand combat or weapons combat. Other styles and techniques can now be implemented into this style and any other style learned will become a subclass of this style.]

[ Mix-Up Martial Arts Style: Accept]

[ New Fighting Style Registered]

As the system says this, the page has now opened up. Once again, there were 2 categories - one that said hand-to-hand combat style and the other category was weapon style. Hand-to-hand combat displayed the MUMA style but there was zero technique currently available. Weapon skills also displayed MUMA style but this time it had a sword icon with no technique available. After seeing all this, Zyle now has a better understanding of his potential to grow but the more he learns the more questions he will have.

Hey Obby, how weak am I currently? I am asking this because the first creature I fought seemed very convinced I was much weaker than it was and I can understand that. I'm only level one with a strength stat of 1 and that One Horn Goth Rabbitus had 10 HP with a Battle Aura but I was able to kill it in one blow, how was that even possible?

"Good question master! Let me first ask you this, do you remember when you analyzed that magical beast and their status showed an attack power but not strength?

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it - it did," said Zyle

" Good! Well, that was because that attack power is the sub-algorithm used for the baseline of an individual's strength. You do not have it displayed in your status because the systems did not deem it necessary. Along with everything else, if you ever need to know, you can always ask me and I'll tell you. Moving on, you may have noticed when it had an attack power of 11 and when it attacked you, only 10 points were deducted from your attack power. That is because you had the defense of 1 which was subtracted from your opponent's initial attack power. Therefore the higher your defense the less damage you will take when attacked. Something else important you should also know is, finding and hitting an opponent's weak spot will allow you to do triple the damage to them which is called a critical hit. Your speed is in a category of its own. because it plays a fact in how fast you can move, dodge or evade, and how fast you can run. As for your MP&S controls how much MP is being used for magic-based skills and the volume and potency of its output. while stamina corresponds with how long you are able to run or sprint before being completely exhausted. The grow points you receive from leveling up or the unique skill "Sustenance" main functions increase all those stats and factors. At present any time a growth point is added to any stat, its baseline will increase by 20 percent. Let's not forget because of your Bloodline skill you are already 4 times as strong as an average 8-year-old and you are also twice as fast. Like I said before if you ever need all your baselines and how you are progressing say" Baseline Status." I can use references from Earth sometimes to give you a better visual of your past and current advancements." Obby lectured

"Okay Obby tell me my Baseline Status," said Zyle eagerly

" Your attack power was 10 but since 1 growth point was added to strength, it is now 12. As for your defense, you are strong enough to withstand an average punch from an adult male taking little to no physical damage, and your speed when moving or running is 12 mph, and your magic output for skill casting is about average" said Obby giving out the information.

Zyle revised all that he learned from Obby, the system, and his battle experiences.

Then moments later...

" I'm sure glad I learned all that so quickly but I'm beat, I should sleep because it is getting late," said Zyle seeing that it was already nighttime. Zyle thought to himself that it wouldn't be wise to venture out at night this early on and that he will wait till morning to go explore and hopefully find those creatures killed that are still in edible condition.