

"I know my sister got the best treatment here," I heard Sally comment to one of the nurses.

I smiled at that and sat on my bed reviewing what had happened while at the shack. Every word that Austin had said to me. He had said that his spiritual being had called on him to take me as his wife whether I liked it or not. But I think he has tried his best, right? Because I have met a catholic, an Indian.....four more religion Judaists men, the atheist Tan and this Muslim. None of them have ever put me down except two, who I loved dearly.

One jilted me and the other was never ever seen again, just ran away. Maybe scared of loving me.

Ever since the Donnie incident, I devoted myself not to love blindly. And I will not. My heart was broken beyond repair and I was so tired. Tired of men who use your loyalty for their own good, pleasure and fun.