

We were in the middle of heavy traffic. An accident had occurred up ahead, it had already hit the news and live in multiple channels. Some people had died, and a few injured. It was a clash of five cars.

But my mind was not in the fear of driving after that tragic accident. Though focused, my mind had drifted back to my morning. Don't be surprised, it was Reho's mother.

I was awoken in the morning by Reho who was talking aloud with her mother. As if they were arguing.

Only my presence made them quiet.

"Okra, we are two hours late. No need for a bath or change of clothes. Just get your shoes and grab the car keys. Don't forget the documents," he said and ran off.

"Remember what I told you," his mom said standing at the door way.

I did what I was told immediately and went to the garage to wait for him. He came in three minutes after me and strapped in.

I drove us out of the compound.......