
4. taejin "kiss the stepbrother"

to say he liked his new family constellation was an understatement. he didnt like his new stepdad, he didnt like his new stepbrother. he wanted his dad back. but.... life sucked.

but jin was nice. he really tried hard to do his best for tae. he woke him up, he cooked him breakfast, made him a lunchpackage, and dinner, cause their parents werent home much. he washed his clothes, ironed them, he looked after his schooluniform, sewed lost buttons on and in all was the best brother anyone could wish for. just.... tae.... thankfull, yes, but.... still.... or not?

in time tae watched his brother closely. he wasnt overly friendly to him, he was always normal, he liked dad jokes too much, sometimes it was really annoying, sometimes really funny. tae slowly started to like and accept him. he started to enjoy all the stuff jin did for him.

aaaand he felt a pinch of anger, when he saw jin with his best friend namjoon. he thought they were too close for his taste. they hugged a lot, played around, laughed and had their inside jokes, wich tae didnt understand at all. namjoon was often over too. he also slept over. tae didnt liked him. he didnt liked it at all, to know they shared a bed. he saw how namjoon looked at jin, he noticed the subtle little "innocent" touches. it made his blood boil.

"taetae, joon will come over today" "will he stay over?" "maybe" "no!" "what?" "i said no. i dont want him overnight. he has his own home" "he just gives me company. our parents arent comming home today again" tae shrugged. "i keep u company" jin sighed and patted his head. *HOLY MOTHERFRIDGE OF RUMPELSTILZCHEN! HE TOUCHED MY HEAD... wait! AM I A KID TO HIM???? HE SERIOUS???? I AM A FUCKING GROWN MAN!* taes thoughts screamed in his head. he scowled and pushed jins hand from his hair away. jin looked hurt. "i am no kid, BROTHER! dont treat me like one!" "i am not. sorry for giving u the idea that i would. i know that u are not a child. i wont touch u again." he walked away. now tae felt like an asshole.

namjoon came over. as always he stayed the night. tae walked by jins door and heard his name. the door wasnt closed, so he stood there, tried to listen.

".....he was really pissed. do u think i see him as a child?" "sorry, jin. he is an entilted brat! he should be so thankfull that u do all the things for him. u should stop all together. as he said, he is no child anymore, so he can take care for himself. dont torture yourself!" *ASSHOLE!!!!!* tae really hated namjoon! he walked back into his room, layed down on his bed and looked up to the ceiling. was he really a brat? of course he enjoyed jins babying him. taking care of every little thing for him. tae took a huge breath. shit... he had to apologize to jin. fucking joon!

as soon as joon left their home, tae stood infront of jin and looked him straight in the eyes. "i am sorry for acting like an asshole. u did so much for me and i never said thank u. i am thankful, but i should have said so. i will do some stuff on my own and help u more. its not only your responsibility to run this house. its mine too. again, thank u so much and sorry that i reacted that way" jin was stunned and lost his speech for a moment. "uhm... great and thank u. also again, sorry for handling u like a child." "okay" tae grinned at him. "by the way: why were u so pissed? and why dont u like joonie?" "joonie" taes voice growled out. "seriously? are u a couple, or what?" jins cheeks blushed a bit. "no? we are not" "i dont like him, cause he is all over u. he is always here, he touches u, unnessesarly hugges u, whisperes into your ear. i dont like it" "woha... u sound like a jealous boyfriend!" "hm, yeah. i am" "u what?" "a jealous boyfriend" jin looked big eyed at him, his mouth stood open. tae used his surprise and gave jin a fat smooch.

jin frozed up. tae grinned at him. "now u know i am not a child. u are mine, brother. not joons. MINE! see u in school" he walked out.

jin was pissed. he was late for his first class. he took to much time, cause his mind was occupied with taes kiss and proclamation. "whats with u? u are never late" joon whispered to him, after jin found his seat. "nothing.... dont know" he whispered back and looked forward. he didnt wanted to discuss anything with joon at that moment. but he couldnt focus the whole day. it was really frustrating.

he dashed away, left joon standing there. "see u later?" "not today, joonie!" "wait....why?!" "i ll call u later" and off he was. joon stood there lost.

tae was already at home. he wanted to surprise jin with some nice food. he jumped, when the door flung open and a steaming jin stood in the kitchen. he pushed tae into the counter and hissed. "what... the fuck!" "wow, i never heard u curse before" "shut up! tell me why u did this" tae just looked at him. "u not talking?!" jins voice became louder. "u said shut up" "for fucks sake! u fucking idiot! stop motherfucking play with me and answer my fucking question" "woha..." "woha my ass!" "calm down jin!" "CALMDOWN? IWASFUCKINGLATEFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINMYLIFECAUSEOFUANDYOURFUCKINGKISS!" "wow... i never thought the little kiss could really push u out of your normal life. sorry" "DONT BE SASSY WITH ME MR.! U GET HERE AND GIVE ME A PROPER KISS AND THAN WE WILL TALK" now tae was taken aback, but smirked, inched in and devoured jins lips. he stopped yelling and melted against tae. now, that was a proper kiss.

tae didnt stop. he walked them to the couch and pushed themselves down on it. he didnt gave jin any chance to get needed air. finally he could shove tae away from him. "fuuuuuck.... the shit, taetae?!" "u said: proper kiss. this was one, now u shut up and let me kiss u" "uhm.... cant we talk first?" "u seriously wanna talk....now?" he tried to press his lips back on jins, but jin had his hands on taes chest and pressed him away. tae giggled. "we should make this as a work out. u basicly make push ups with me" "i dont have this ass broad shoulders for nothing" tae grinned. "didnt know u could talk so dirty, babe" "babe? babe my worldwide ass. dont babe me!" "than let me kiss u" "nope! nada! no! talk first!" "what u wanna talk about" "what did u mean with jealous boyfriend?" "u are mine" "what does that mean?" "that u are mine. periode." "uhm..... " "u are my boyfriend, i am yours. joon can piss away. u dont need him" "he is my best friend since.... ever" "okay, but u tell him that u are occupied now and he is not allowed to touch u" "i am occupied? am i a fucking toilet?!" "no u are not.... u are taken, claimed, placed, ordered?" "like a mail bride, or what?" "u know what i mean" "wow.... " "dont wow me love, it would be too much for my little heart" "thats kinda my speech" "i know, i thought i try it once" "nice!" "thank u" "so... we are together now? i dont even know if i love u" "love will come" "okay? u love me?" "i really like u..." "okay.... u think thats enough? and why isnt joon allowed to touch me?" "cause u are my boyfriend" "oh... understood" tae shook his head. as smart as jin was, he never figured it out, that joon was in love with him. somehow tae felt like an asshole. maybe he should gave joon a shot. at least he loved jin.

they made-out for a while on the couch, until jins hunger was more important. so they cooked together. jin made the call to joon and informed him of his new boyfriend. joon was devestated. jin was, as tae expected, clueless and surprised by joons outburst. tae knew he would react like that. poor joonie.

it took time for them, but they started to love each other. joon found another love of his life, he also invited jin and tae to his wedding. he never told him about his feelings for him, tae also never lost a word on that matter, so jin was clueless forever. their parents didnt really care, that they were together, they had their own lifes, so.... tae and jin practically did what they wanted. as their parents never came to live in the house, they sold it and bought a cozy cottage for themselves. brought some dogs and cats home, even a racoon, cause jin thought it was a kitten. the surprised face, when he heard the truth from the vet was priceless. but.... he bottle feed the little rascal and it became the most spoiled racoon ever. tae was in charge of the potties and the fun games. looking back all those years, tae thought he made the best desicions ever. seeing his love smiling and happy was the perfect gift to him. he congratulated himself for his balls.

seriously tae?!

i know no smut, but i think it gets boring, if i let them fuck their brains out everytime! so sorry, not sorry! XP