
Oh, Beloved Two Faced Consort

Ding Ding is the infamous Mi Hou (Secret Empress); a money-driven information broker of the underworld circle within Xia Kingdom. She is fearless, sharp-witted and unpredictable. Her only ambition in life was to find and execute her mother’s killer. So why must she waste her time and effort in dealing with the righteous but arrogant Prince Ping? The haughty Prince Ping simply wouldn’t leave her alone. Why? Apparently Ding Ding owes him an apology for hurting his ego. How did she end up stuck with him? All thanks to Xiao Yiu. Xiao Yiu is a softer natured girl, a step-daughter from a rich merchant family. She falls deeply in love with the Kingdom’s Second Prince, Xia Qian Ping and marries him. Her main wish in life is to be his good wife, and perhaps get along with all his other consorts. How and why is Xiao Yiu involved with Ding Ding then? The answer is simple. Xiao Yiu is Ding Ding. They are the same person. Both are just one of Liu Ding Yiu’s split personality. So which of Liu Ding Yiu’s wish would come true; Love or revenge? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (c) All rights reserved! [This is an original story] If you like the story, please remember to review, comment and vote!

Erisyuki · Historia
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43 Chs

Long Lost Great Distant Relatives

Reaching the outside of Zheng Palace, Ding Yiu gritted her teeth in annoyance. [As suspected, their target really is Xia Qian Ping] she mentally confirmed. Running faster towards the entrance, she burst through the great, mahogany doors. In the slight distance, Ding Yiu could see the male servant serving the ginseng soup to Prince Ping. That foolish Prince was sitting leisurely by the table, mid in conversation with Heng and Jing Ke. He had no clue at all as his hand extended towards the soup. "Xia Qian Ping, stop!" Ding Yiu shouted, rushing into the room. "There's poison in the soup."

Hearing Ding Yiu's voice, Prince Ping brushed the soup off the table in one swift motion. He stood, kicking the table in the direction of the male servant, who had pulled out a dagger to attack. Heng and Jing Ke were both alert. They were ready to deal with their assailant, but neither were fast enough. Ding Yiu had got to the male servant first. Ramming her elbow against the male servant's chest, she grabbed his wrists. Using her body as leverage, Ding Yiu heaved the assassin off his feet before slamming him hard onto the floor. The male servant let out a yelp. His eyes blankly looking upwards, clearly stunned from the impact to his body. Prince Ping kicked the dagger away from the semi-conscious assassin.

Heng and Jing Ke stood very still. Both only speechlessly staring at Ding Yiu who was now patting her hands as though to get rid of dust on them. [She's awesome], the two thought in unison, admiring that body slam.

"You should properly knock him unconscious before he tries to do anything," Ding Yiu suggested, staring at the still dazed male servant. "I'd also tie him up."

Jing Ke immediately moved to take care of the male assailant. He did as Ding Yiu suggested.

"Why are you here?" Prince Ping questioned, his attention fully on Ding Yiu. [Why did you leave the other day?] was the real question Prince Ping wanted to ask. But he kept that to himself. He looked her up and down, noting that she was once again dressed as a maid of his palace. [Does she like the design of my palaces' maid outfit that much? Why is she always wearing this?]

"The benevolent me is here to rescue you once again," Ding Yiu announced, evidently trying to irritate Prince Ping. She didn't understand why, but she's always had a mischievous urge to annoy Xia Qian Ping whenever she saw him. "You would've been poisoned if not for me. Now, where's my thank you."

Prince Ping felt anger slowly brew inside him as blood rushed through his body. [She's talking to me in that audacious manner again], he thought. [I know you helped me and I'm grateful towards you. But why do you always say things to provoke me? Can't you... wait, that's not important... Could you be....] His voice was low and warning when he spoke, "I find it awfully suspicious you showed up twice to rescue me." He took two strides towards Ding Yiu, "coincidences don't happen so often. Are you..." He lifted Ding Yiu's chin up with his finger. He stared into her calm eyes, "their accomplice?"

"Do I look like one to you?" Ding Yiu questioned back. She was challenging him again; unaware of how anxious he was when asking her that question. Unaware that all Prince Ping wished for was a simple, direct reply of 'no' from her to ease his suspicions.

"What are you thinking Qian Ping?" Heng squealed, promptly getting in-between the two. "Ding Ding is obviously not involved with the assassins. Why would she save you if she was?"

"Are you an accomplice?" Prince Ping asked Ding Yiu again, ignoring Heng. His voice was raised this time, showing his anger and seriousness.

A stubborn Ding Yiu didn't feel like answering him so she turned her head the other way. [If you're going to speak so rudely to me, I'll just ignore you], she mentally decided.

Prince Ping picked up the dagger from the floor. With one hand, he grabbed and swung Heng out the way before pointing the weapon at Ding Yiu. "You vanished after approaching me a year ago. Then you suddenly showed up again," Prince Ping said, "I wonder if your true intentions really was to save me." [Tell me honestly], Prince Ping mentally requested, watching Ding Yiu. [I will choose to believe you].

Sensing an uncomfortable tense aura build up around Prince Ping, Ding Yiu softened her attitude. She wasn't in the right state of mind to deal with this. "I've never once wished for you to be dead," Ding Yiu spoke truthfully, looking into Prince Ping's eyes. "I saved you because that was what my heart wanted." She paused before looking away to mutter, "as for the coincidences... I can't tell if that's my bad luck or yours that we met again."

CLANG. The dagger dropped from Prince Ping's hand to the floor. Ding Yiu looked at him, surprised to see an indistinct smile on his face. It was so faint, it didn't seem real. [Did he just smile?] Ding Yiu had to ask herself. She glanced at the dagger on the floor. [Does this mean he trusts my words? Though it's not a lie when I said I didn't want him dead].

Prince Ping half turned away from Ding Yiu. It was evident he was now chuffed. [So you saved me because your heart wanted to...] Prince Ping mentally repeated Ding Yiu's words. [From when was I in your heart?] he wondered. He was ignorant of the strange sense of contentment inside him that now seemed to replace all his anger, irritation and suspicions.

Heng shuffled towards Ding Yiu, stealthily kicking the dagger far away from Prince Ping whilst he was at it. "Are you alright?" he whispered.

Ding Yiu nodded at Heng.

"Ding Xiaojie, do you know anything further about this assassin?" Jing Ke asked, locking the chains he placed around the male servant. "How did you know he would attempt to poison Prince Ping?"

"There was a faint smell of poison when I walked passed him earlier," Ding Yiu told, "so I followed him here. That's all I know."

"I see," Jing Ke nodded. "Thank you once again for lending a hand."

"Should you really be thanking her?" Prince Ping calmly spoke, "are neither of you wondering how and why she is here?"

"Ah, that's right," Jing Ke almost exclaimed, "Ding Xiaojie, how come your in Ping Tian Palace? You wouldn't have...." Jing Ke didn't finish his sentence. He believed and felt Ding Ding was a good person, so couldn't bring himself to say anything that could implicate her in a bad way.

"It's obvious she trespassed into my palace with unknown intentions," Prince Ping stated the obvious, "It's the second time now." He tilted his head towards Ding Yiu, "why are you here?" He waited patiently for her response.

[I'm/She's here because I'm/she's your consort, idiot!] An indifferent Ding Yiu and Heng both thought at the same time.

Ding Yiu mentally sighed. She hadn't prepared for this. What's the least suspicious lie she can think up of right now.

"Listen Qian Ping, the truth is…" Heng began, "Ding Ding sneaked into Ping Tian Palace to find me."

Ding Yiu eyed Heng who winked at her. 'Leave it to me' his eyes seemed to tell her. 'If you insist' she blinked back at him.

Heng seemed to have got her message so continued to spin his lie. "This is probably a little shocking, but it turns out me and Ding Ding are long lost, very distant relatives."

Prince Ping raised an eyebrow.

"Distant relative? I thought we knew all your relatives," Jing Ke said puzzled.

"That's why I said long lost," Heng clarified. "Ding Ding is my great grandfather's brother's first wife's son's illegitimate second son's daughter. So she is my great distant cousin. We only just reunited the other day we met."

Prince Ping and Jing Ke shot Heng the 'it's obvious that's a lie' stare.

"I'm telling the truth," Heng said sternly. "Ding Ding you tell them."

Ding Yiu played along. She walked up to Prince Ping and Jing Ke, giving a slight bow, "I apologize for trespassing into Ping Tian Palace. It was indeed my intention to find Heng."

"Tell me everything," Prince Ping demanded, ready to listen.

"My parents died of illness when I was a child, so I was always vague about their identities. I started travelling to search for clues," Ding Yiu lied. "It was only recently that I found traces of a possible connection to the Sima family. So I wanted to ascertain this."

"Why would you approach Heng? Shouldn't you go directly to the Northern Marquis?"

"It's not my intention to gain anything from the Sima family. I just want to know about my parents," Ding Yiu continued to lie. "Heng was just an easier target to approach for help."

"Of course," Heng concurred. "I'm the friendliest and most sympathetic person ever. It was an obvious choice to seek help from me in this situation." Heng raised his hand to stop Prince Ping or Jing Ke from speaking. "And before you two question why Ding Ding sneaked into Ping Tian Palace to find me, the answer is simple. I'm always here. I practically live in Ping Tian Palace. It's the most logical place to find me than look elsewhere."

"Is that the reason you were here last time?" Prince Ping queried.

"Heng is always here and practically lives in Ping Tian Palace," Ding Yiu repeated. She wasn't going to exhaust her brain for trivial matters like telling a lie. Since Heng took it upon himself to resolve the situation, she might as well step back and go along with his flow.

"Qian Ping, Jing Ke," Heng addressed his two friends, putting on a serious face. "The only reason I've not mentioned anything is because I'm still investigating this. I thought it'd be more appropriate to reveal the news when things are definite. You two have to trust me," Heng said almost in a pleading way. Seeing Prince Ping and Jing Ke still silent and with those speculating eyes, Heng began to do what he always did best. Ramble on. "Think about it. I and Ding Ding only met a couple of days ago. We barely know each other. Do you think we'd be able to come up with such a flawless and ridiculous lie on the spot? Surely there would be inconsistencies with what we say if we were lying. And if it was a lie, I wouldn't be able to repeat that Ding Ding is my great grandfather's brother's first wife's son's illegitimate second son's daughter. Or at least that is how I think she is related to me. I can't believe you two think I and Ding Ding are lying. Do we look like partners in lie to you? Are you suggesting we have good lying teamwork?"

"Fine, fine," Prince Ping finally said in defeat. Heng was beginning to sound like an irritating, buzzing fly around his ears. He had already lost concentration half way through Heng's ramble. "I understand the situation. Ding Ding keeps trespassing into my palace to find you to help her. That's because she thinks you two are somehow related."

"We could be long lost great distant relatives," Heng corrected, keeping up his act. "And before you ask why Ding Ding didn't come back with us the other day, or why she's sneaking in again then that's because...because... you...."

"It's because you hold a grudge against me. I didn't know if you would welcome me to your palace," Ding Yiu finished for Heng.

"Precisely that," Heng concurred again. "Don't try denying it."

Prince Ping wanted to retort but remained silent. [It's slightly true that I hold a grudge against you...] he guiltily looked away from Ding Yiu. [But it's your fault for always angering me. Can't you say something sweet to me for once?] Without looking at her, he demanded, "come with me. I've got something to say to you." He shot Ding Yiu one lightning-quick glance and added, "alone."

Prince Ping then made his way out the room. Ding Yiu leisurely followed after, wondering whether he really bought into Heng's lie.

"Heng," Jing Ke said holding Heng back, who was ready to go after Prince Ping and Ding Ding. "Do Prince Ping and Ding Xiaojie know each other?" a puzzled Jing Ke finally questioned. He had been standing to the side listening the whole time. Whilst he grasped the situation, he still found Prince Ping's comments towards Ding Ding perplexing. [Prince Ping spoke as though the two have some kind of deeper relationship. There's probably something about Ding Xiaojie I still don't know about]. "Heng, I'm not letting go until you explain things to me in detail," Jing Ke stated seeing Heng struggling to get free.

Heng immediately threw Jing Ke his best puppy dog eyes and blinked.

"That's not going to work on me," Jing Ke said with a frown. "Just answer my question."

Outside in the front courtyard of Zheng Palace, Prince Ping and Ding Yiu stood side by side. It was a tranquil night. The air cool and soothing, much like the calming moon that shone against the dark sky. It was as if the small drama moments ago never happened. This serenity, was probably a first that the two shared between them since they met. It felt oddly comfortable for them both.

"A year ago, why did you run away after requesting for my help?" Prince Ping asked. That was the one question he couldn't suppress in his mind. To him, Ding Yiu was a passing gush of wind that left him too aware of her.

"It wasn't necessary for me to be there," Ding Yiu replied, "I'm just a normal girl. Did you expect me to follow you to fight that underworld merchant and his men?" She tilted her head slightly towards Prince Ping. She studied him for a few seconds before saying, "also, I think I could trust you."

Hearing those words Prince Ping turned to look at Ding Yiu. [You trust me...] His eyes widened at the thought, [you trusted me back then and… even now....] Ba-dump. Ba-dump. His heart had started to beat rapidly despite his mind being as clear as water. [If you trust me, then....] His body began to lean forward towards Ding Yiu, [I trust you too]. He wrapped his arm around her back pulling her close to him.