
Of God And His Christians

The title is self explanatory. I capture moments of truth through creating short stories usually one chapter long, making poems and proverbs. I do this for entertainment and to pass time but I have this hope that to those few who will find it will find a gem in their hearts blooming: faith, hope, love... first for God, then for everybody and themselves.

Arkanghelik_Prince · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs


"My Friend"

My friend and I shared the same dream.

We were pretty close in the past years.

But as time passed, our closeness severely trimmed.

Lord, I'm happy but oftentimes I still shed tears.

But You, O Lord, are my friend who sticks closer than a brother.

You are always with me... More than a shadow.

You love me greater than any lover

Could, and so from pain to joy, my tears shall flow.


"End of the Rainbow"

Love affairs hurt,

Although love is amazing,

It is the affair that hurts.

But You O Lord,

Is Love above all types of love.

You, O Lord,

Is the real treasure in the treasure trove.


"To dear ignore-ancer"

Ignoring a person

It will hurt them

But it will hurt you more

When the time comes

Ignorance of the reasons

Of the ignore-ance

Because of lack of attention


Whether intentional

Or by mistake or

Because of lack of time

Or any reason

Can be permissible

But the irresponsibility

Of the negative effects it have

On the person on the receiving end

Is not

You were shown effort

But what do you do?

If, in the situation that the person

Still treats you kindly

And patiently, making you feel nice

Or at least trying to

Then that's good

But what isn't

Is when you grant them

A show of inconsistent attention


While Unbeknownst to you

That the other person

Is breaking, because of how

You make them feel

O how you make me feel

But I have my God

And to whoever who relates to the poem

To the story

I know God has always been there with us

Always loved us, even now

God is always sure of me

Sure of you, sure of everybody

Making me feel like I'm beloved

I hope that it is so for you too

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Thank you very much! Again, I love you all! I hope you keep reading.

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