
Of God And His Christians

The title is self explanatory. I capture moments of truth through creating short stories usually one chapter long, making poems and proverbs. I do this for entertainment and to pass time but I have this hope that to those few who will find it will find a gem in their hearts blooming: faith, hope, love... first for God, then for everybody and themselves.

Arkanghelik_Prince · Book&Literature
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God Works in Mysterious Ways

Chris is a seven year-old boy in the city of Imus, in the country of the Philippines. This day, he is excited go to another house with his family where they and their neighbors will pray, sing, chat and eat.

They met at a stranger's house, who agreed to welcome the image of Señor Sto. Niño the Child Jesus. Chris took off his sandals and entered the house with his mom, sister, and the neighbors.

You see, there are many Christians here in the Philippines, especially in the city of Imus. And that's one thing that Chris holds dearly in his heart, especially for His own country.

Before they pray, some of the elders blessed the house by saying, "May peace dwell in your house." And another elderly, a woman who stays in the house this time who have eye cataracts and a very blurry vision, thanked them and welcomed them.

They talked for a while before they start, getting to know each other better. Chris, on the other hand was just talking and laughing with his friends, who are also children. Now then...

One by one, they placed an offering of invisible flowers atop the head of the Blessed Mother Mary, forming a crown of flowers as they finished praying the rosary.

It pleased Mary and a gentle, maternal smile appeared in the imagination of Chris when he blinked. Also, a warm, and peaceful aura washed over them as they sang hymns of praise and worship to God, and to finalize, they chanted, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Then they blessed the food and gave thanks to the Father in Heaven.

A bite and a crunchy munch onto the fried chicken, paired with warm rice, filled the belly of the Prayer Warriors. It was paired with refreshments, which are cool orange juice, grape juice and water. It's up to the people what they like and what they'd choose to drink.

After a while of getting to talk and know the owners of the house better, they empathized with the elderly woman who have cataracts.

Chris' mom, Jonah, told Chris, "Son, look, do you see her eyes? They have a somewhat white color in the center."

Chris said, "Aww, mommy, what's that? Does it hurt?"

Queen, Chris' sister, butted in, "That's..." Then the two kids felt sad and frowned.

"My children, those are called cataracts. It makes you lose your vision. Well, more or less."

"Mommy, can the cataracts go away? I will pray." Chris, filled with compassion and faith.

"Of course, honey, they can. I heard that she will go to the doctor this Sunday tomorrow after she visit the church and attend mass."

Chris nodded. So does Queen.

The mom continued, "God uses various instruments. Sometimes he creates miracles out of nothing. Sometimes the angels send signs or appear in our dreams. But sometimes, it is us humans who God uses to help people."

Chris, while listening to that, had already closed his eyes. He folded his hands and is already praying.

Mars saw it and heard the conversation.

Good idea! Mars, who is Jonah's best friend, proposed an idea, "Everyone! Can you listen to me for a while?"

Silence ensued.

They looked at Mars, intrigued.

"I saw this child, Chris, praying for Stella here, the owner of the house who received the image of the Child Jesus. Yeah, the image will stay here for a week, as per our custom in each house we visit and pray in. Now I suggest that like this Chris here..."

Huh? Chris jolted his head up when he heard his name after praying for the old lady.

"Let's raise our hands towards her and pray for her, her family, and her successful eye treatment this Sunday."

They cheered and did so.


Later tomorrow Sunday, Chris' family saw the old lady Stella attending the mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist. The homily of the priest was about faith as small as a mustard seed, and the ability to move mountains even with this small of a faith.

"It is hard to increase our faith. Yes, trials must come; hardships must come. But when we believe and continue to trust in God, it is so worth it! Everything is possible. You'll see." One of the highlights of the priest.

They greeted the old lady, cheered her up and told her that they are with her in prayer. Stella is with her husband, in going to the doctor.

The operation went well.

After weeks of recuperating, she finally took off the cover from her eyes and opened her eyes. She sees clearly once again.

After a few days and some preparation, they went to the doctor again.

"Oh hi there. Ma'am, you're back. Are you well now? how may I help you?" The doctor greeted Stella.

"I can see very well now compared before, thanks to God! And thanks to you!" Then she hugged the doctor.

The husband gave the handwritten letter of appreciation of Stella and a small cake, to the doctor, Lyra.

They talked for a while and then the couple left.

They found out that apart from treating eyes and curing eye diseases, the doctor plays instrument as a musician.


God works in mysterious ways.

Let it be. Amen.

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Thank youu very much! I love you all!

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