
Chapter Three

Ophelia's POV

I stepped onto the campus of Carvings College, the air buzzing with excitement and the promise of knowledge. The sprawling campus, nestled on the outskirts of New York City, offered a sanctuary away from the bustling city streets.

Driving along with my friends, we drive in separate cars but made it a tradition to be on calls with each other till we get to campus.The hum of conversation and laughter filled the car as we made our way through the leafy surroundings. The journey from my house in the city to the campus took around 45 minutes, but the anticipation of the new semester made the time pass quickly.

We parked our cars and said our goodbyes and Iwalked towards the lecture hall for my first class of the semester, the scent of fresh grass and the sound of students bustling around adding to the vibrant atmosphere. As I reached the lecture hall, I felt a familiar sense of excitement and nervousness intertwine within me.

Entering the lecture hall, I scanned the room for a familiar face. And there she was, my favorite lecturer, Mrs Brown, already standing at the front of the room with an air of confidence. Her slender frame, beautiful wavy blond hair, and piercing blue eyes exuded both wisdom and warmth.

Miss Brown possessed a unique presence, akin to that of a caring mother figure. Her lectures were always engaging, filled with passion and knowledge that ignited a spark within me. I admired her intelligence and the way she encouraged us to think critically and challenge our own perspectives.

As I settled into my seat, the energy in the room was palpable. The anticipation of the new semester and the prospect of diving into fascinating subjects filled the air. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to learn from someone as brilliant as Miss Brown.

The lecture began, and Miss Brown's words washed over me like a symphony of ideas. Her expertise and ability to weave complex concepts into relatable narratives were captivating.

As the class came to an end, I lingered for a moment, waiting to approach Miss Brown.

With a smile on my face and a renewed sense of purpose, I approached Miss Brown. "Thank you, Miss Brown," I said sincerely. "Your lectures always leave me inspired. I'm grateful to have you as my lecturer."

Her eyes sparkled with genuine warmth as she returned the smile. "Thank you, Ophelia. It's a pleasure to have you as my student. Remember, education is a journey of discovery, and I'm here to guide you along the way."

I made my way to the next class, feeling a sense of reluctance wash over me. The lecture hall was filled with students, their energy buzzing with anticipation. But as the middle-aged man, Mr. Smith, began his lecture, I couldn't help but find the topic incredibly dull. His teaching style was effective, but the subject matter failed to ignite any spark within me.

As the minutes dragged on, I struggled to stay focused, my mind wandering to other thoughts and desires. The minutes turned into an eternity, and I longed for the class to come to an end. I scribbled notes mechanically, my attention waning with each passing moment.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. I sighed in relief, eager to leave the monotony behind and embrace the rest of the day. The cafeteria beckoned, offering a brief respite from the academic rigors.

Entering the bustling cafeteria, I joined the queue, contemplating my lunch options. Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt a presence behind me—a large figure that made my heart skip a beat. I turned, and there he was—Jaxon, my ex-boyfriend. His relentless calls and messages throughout the summer break had left me conflicted, unsure of how to respond.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls?" Jaxon's voice was a mixture of confusion and concern, his eyes searching mine for answers.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. I still cared for him, but the rollercoaster of his emotions had taken its toll on me. I couldn't be with someone who shut me out whenever he wasn't feeling happy.

"Jaxon, it's not that simple," I replied, my voice laced with honesty. "I need communication and understanding in a relationship, not days of silence when things aren't perfect."

He looked genuinely remorseful, realizing the impact of his actions. "I miss you," he admitted softly.

I couldn't deny my own feelings. I had missed him too, despite the challenges we faced. The tension between us was palpable, and the desire to find common ground was strong.

Taking a moment to ease the tension, I smiled warmly. "I miss you too, Jaxon."

A glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. "Could we talk tonight? Maybe watch a movie together?"

The offer caught me off guard, but the prospect of reconnecting was too tempting to resist. "Sure," I agreed, my heart beating a little faster. "Come over tonight. We can talk and watch a movie."

In that moment, a flicker of anticipation sparked within me. Perhaps this meeting would be a chance to bridge the gap between us, to find understanding and rebuild what we had lost. Time would tell if we could mend the fractures in our relationship or if the memories of the past were meant to remain just that—memories.

I ate lunch with Jaxon, relishing in the familiarity of our conversations and the warmth of his company. As we finished our meal, we bid each other goodbye, heading off to our respective classes. I had one more class to attend before my day would come to a close.

The minutes ticked by as I sat in the lecture, my mind wandering to the anticipated movie night with Jaxon. With the class finally ending, I swiftly made my way out, eager to reach home and prepare for the evening ahead.

I pulled out my phone and tapped into our group chat"I'm on my way home,are you guys done " I typed and sent and within seconds I got a reply "No we still have classes and we won't be done for another hour,you can leave without us"Stella replied they are studying the same courses,so only Stella had to reply "Guess what" I typed with a smile plastered on my face,"What???" Stella and Laura replied at the Same time,i couldn't help but laugh"Laura nice of you to join us" I replied adding laughing emojis,"Please tell us"Laura said with the puppy dog eyes emoji "You have to guess"I said "We are bad at guessing please tell us"Stella replied "Okay Okay.....I invited Jaxon over for a movie night-he wanted to talk and I want to hear him out" I typed as fast as I could "Oh My God,im happy for you Leai"Stella typed "Yeah you guys need to get back together you were never over him"Laura chipped in,They were actually saying the truth the break up that I initiated hurt me so much"Just wanted to let you guys know anyways...Love you"I typed and dropped my phone as I drove out of campus

Stopping by the supermarket, I gathered our favorite snacks—popcorn, chocolate,drinks and a variety of chips—knowing they would add to the comfort and enjoyment of the evening. Once home, I tidied up the house, ensuring a cozy and inviting atmosphere. A refreshing shower rejuvenated me, and I carefully selected an outfit that was both comfortable and alluring, wanting to feel confident and desirable for the night ahead.

In about thirty minutes, I heard the door open, and the familiar voices of my friends filled the air. They had thoughtfully brought dinner—Chinese cuisine, a shared favorite—and I gratefully accepted their gesture. However, I excused myself, insisting that I needed to brush my teeth before Jaxon arrived. I didn't want my breath to be tainted with the aroma of the delicious Chinese food during our intimate movie night.

By 8 p.m., Jaxon arrived, greeted warmly by my friends who flashed me approving smiles and playful winks. As we retreated to my room, anticipation fluttered within me, a mix of nervousness and excitement. The room had been prepared with soft lighting, and the snacks were arranged enticingly nearby.

We settled onto the cozy couch, the movie playing on the screen before us. The sound enveloped us, creating a private world where only the two of us existed. As we shared laughter and quiet moments, the distance that had grown between us gradually melted away."You look beautiful baby bird"he looked at me with glimmer in his eyes "You look rather ravishing yourself Mr Jaxon"I said smiling so hard my jaws hurt,we were so close and I wanted to kiss him.He leaned closer "Do I have permission to kiss you"I nodded and he crushed his lips into mine and my mind went blank as I ravished his lips,he stopped and moved back "Let's take it slow bird,next time I'll give you the full experience,I promise"

I didn't disagree with him and just coddled up with him and he kissed my forehead as we continued watching the horror movie that I put on that I have no idea what the plot is because the man beside me isn't making things easy for me