
Chapter two

Nikolai's POV

I stood in the home gym of our family estate in Santori,the rhythmic beat of my heart matching the tempo of my workout. Beads of sweat glistened on my dark skin as I pushed my body to its limits, honing the sculpted muscles that adorned my 6'1 frame. Physical exertion had always been a way for me to find solace, a respite from the weight of expectations that rested on my shoulders.

Just as I completed a set of bench presses, my younger brother Luca, only ten years old but full of energy, burst into the gym. His voice held a sense of urgency as he called out to me.

"Nikolai! Mom and Dad want to talk to you" Luca informed me, his young face etched with concern.I know all too well what it's about

My parents' desire for me to oversee the family business in the United States had always been looming over me. They wanted to test my mettle, to see if I could handle the responsibility of running the business that had been in our family for generations. I had studied business per my father's wishes, even though my true passion lay in other pursuits.Taking a moment to catch my breath, I nodded at Luca and wiped the sweat from my brow. "Thank you, Luca. I'll go and talk to them."

I made my way out of the gym, my muscles still humming with exertion. As I walked through the halls of our expansive Greek mansion, I reflected on the weight of familial duty that had been placed upon me. My elder brother had long distanced himself from our parents and their business, leaving me as the last hope for carrying on our family legacy.

Entering my room, I stripped off my workout clothes and quickly showered, letting the warm water wash away the physical strain of the workout, even as the weight of responsibility remained. Dressed in fresh attire, I glanced at myself in the mirror, taking in the chiseled features that mirrored my determination.

As I made my way through the house, I noticed my twin siblings, Luca had Lucielle in a head lock and she was desperately trying to wiggle out of it. Concerned for her safety, I swiftly intervened,gently separating them

"Easy, you two," I said firmly yet with a hint of amusement. "Luca she's not a boy,so easy on your sister you are to take care of her"

Lucille pouted, her dark curls framing her cherubic face. "But I can take him down,he doesn't have to go easy on me,Nikolai. Just watch!"

I smiled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I have no doubt you could, baby girl"

The weight of family expectations pressed upon me once more as I moved toward the room where my parents awaited. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for the conversation that would shape my future. It was time to prove myself, to show that I was ready to take the reins of the family business, even if it meant leaving behind my own dreams for now.

As I approached the room where my parents awaited, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of nerves and determination. The heavy wooden door loomed before me, a barrier between my present life and the potential future that awaited me in the United States.

Taking a final deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the room. The air was tense, charged with the weight of expectation. My father Mr Romani,a stern and distinguished man, sat behind his polished mahogany desk, his gaze piercing as he studied me. Beside him, my mother, elegant and composed, exuded an air of silent support.

"Nikolai, please have a seat," my father said, his voice authoritative yet tinged with an undercurrent of concern.

I settled into the plush chair opposite my father's desk, trying to maintain an air of composure despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind. This moment would determine not only my own destiny but the future of the family business that had been built with generations of hard work and dedication.

My father leaned forward, his piercing eyes locking onto mine. "Nikolai, you know that your elder brother has chosen a different path, leaving the burden of our family legacy upon your shoulders. It is time for you to prove yourself, to show that you are capable of handling the responsibilities that come with running our business."

I nodded, my resolve strengthening. "I understand, Father."

My mother's soft voice interjected, her words filled with gentle concern. "Nikolai darling,I'm sorry if this isn't what you planned,seeing as what happened but We want you to succeed, but not at the cost of your happiness,just 1 year and if it's not what you want let us know"

Her words resonated within me,"Thank you, Mother."I smiled at her "Stop trying to coddles the boy Silvia" my father said looking at my mom "You're making him think he has an option in this" he finished looking directly at me.I didn't move or utter anything because it is futile.I glanced at my mom and notice the sadness in her eyes

As the conversation continued, my parents laid out their plans for my relocation to the United States. They wanted me to immerse myself in the operations, to learn the intricacies of the American branch, and to prove my capability to handle the responsibilities that came with it.

Leaving my homeland behind and embracing a new chapter in a foreign country felt daunting, but I knew I had the strength and determination to rise to the challenge. This was my opportunity to show not only my Father but also myself that I could step up and lead.

Leaving the room, the weight of my parents' expectations still rested heavily on my shoulders, but I couldn't ignore the flicker of excitement that surged within me. I would seize this chance to prove my worth, to carve out my own path within the business, and to create a legacy that reflected my values and aspirations.

As I made my way back through the corridors of the ancestral home, my gaze fell upon my siblings once more. Luca and Lucille were engaged in a peaceful game this time, their laughter echoing through the halls. They were my motivation, the reason I had chosen to embrace this path.If I hadn't the pressure would fall on them but Luca especially.

With renewed resolve, I headed towards my own room, ready to begin preparations for the journey that awaited me.