
Oblivion: Rebirth of the Shadow Demon Lord

On the night of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, Slaine meets his demise at the hands of his envious boss. Reincarnated into a realm where Magic and Technology coexist, he finds himself embodying a Shadow Demon Lord, a being of unparalleled darkness and with a rogue System. However, his new existence is filled with unexpected challenges: confusion, friendship, love, hate, betrayal, and vengeance. In it all, Slaine must learn to live in a world where he is both loved and hated, with a substantial bounty on his head and tagged as an enemy. He must swiftly unlock his powers and abilities bestowed by the System, Oblivion, before his time runs out.

Khaos_SZ · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Intrude on Person Space

"Are you guys going to answer me? or I'd have to repeat myself," Slaine demanded, a frown forming on his face. "And what's wrong with them being with me?"

"Lord Shadow, forgive me, I was just concerned and worried about them" The cashier apologized bowing slightly, as he raised his head to get a better look into Slaine's eyes he sensed some kind of familiarity with the dead cold gaze. 

Slaine tilted his head, his brows curving questionably, he pushed Ravena aside and grabbed the collar of the guys shirt, he dragged him close and leaned in, few inches away from him, he inhaled and smirked. "Hybrid Human exists as well" he uttered, stunning Ravena and Arya who initially thought he was just a regular human. "Demon... Incubus and Human"

"Correct and you're no different from other hybrids, your whole Race are hybrids" The guy smiled, courageous rather than scared of Slaine and it made him somewhat delighted.

Slaine let go of his shirt and spotted something behind him, a case that had a black slab of glass, like a screen inside, he then decided to ignore it first and get answers. He glared at the guy before him and frowned giving a sign that his question has not yet been answered.

"Oh right, The Tenebrix Race is a distinct and very rare Race ever to walk this planet, they started as a result of excessive Mating, Mated or not, they just procreated...The first generation was a Hybrid Werewolf, half Dragon who mated with a Myriad, producing a hybrid Water Dragon..."

"Water Dragon!" Arya exclaimed in shock, she's heard water dragons roamed the earth as beasts but had no idea they had human forms. "Did they shapeshift like werewolves?"

"Yes, Now can I continue?"

"You can, no more questions or anything ,till he's done" Slaine ordered glaring at Both Ravena and Arya, he faced the cashier and smiled giving him the go ahead. 

"After the Water Dragons roamed for centuries, they forcefully mated with Faes, Hell hounds, succubi, incubi and other races. Years later, They began calling themselves the Tenebrix Race, multi hybrids and among those multi hybrids was the Shadow Demon, Having almost all five Demon Features and DNA, Eyes like the Fae, Abilities to shapeshift like werewolves but it's limited, Elementary abilities and other unimaginable stuff," 

He explained in one breath, amusing Slaine who thought he would pause half way to catch his breath.

"Thank you for the Information, now for something better..." He paused, held the guy's shoulder and spun him around to face the glass case, "Tell me what that is" Slaine ordered excitement evident in his voice.

"It's an Orion D78 and it's just Five hundred Hypes," 

"That's too expensive!" Arya exclaimed, finally breaking free from the silence, she did not particularly lacked money, she just felt that he could use money for other essential materials. 

"Tell me something better that I'd rather buy" He turned to her, glaring hard at her attempt to stop him from getting what he wants. He left the cashier and stepped closer to her, his eyes not leaving hers for once. "Tell me, What exactly would you suggest I do with the money I have, eat, travel around...what?"

"You could save them for future purposes, besides your smart enough to create a device better than that," She stated boldly staring back at him with the same cold expression. He thought of what she said and really hated that she was right, he growled lowly, thanked the cashier and stormed out of the store.

"Does he know his way around?" Ravena spoke up, her voice barely heard, she was ignored much to her displeasure but she couldn't do anything....for now.


Slaine leapt from roof to roof, conversing with Oblivion as he did, his mask was still on, but for his safety he had to wear shades to avoid being spotted and figured out.

"Why do I need to hide my face?" He asked as he walked on the roof of a Mall, taking side glances at the inside through the glass roof. He was curious about many things, The So called 'Hyperion', His kind and who ever was still alive, why he suddenly felt different, said and did things he wouldn't normally do.

[You are the last of an extinct race, There is a thirty percent chance another lives, Only one has been discovered but she would not be able to last long enough once released or kept there for more years]

"It's a girl....why wouldn't she survive?" He stood at the edge of Mall, staring down at a motel that stood below him, preparing to jump. 

[She's probably a slave to the Hyperion Superiors like other Prisoners] 

"I see" He jumped off, Caring less about anything about his surroundings or missing a step, he accepted his fate and was now getting used to his new life and he was learning faster than he imagined. 

He landed effortlessly, grunting lowly when he almost lost his balance. The roof creaked under his feets , showing it was old and would collapse soon. He continued moving, focused on his thoughts than his surroundings. 

"How far am I from Vernice?" He cringed as he uttered the name, still wondering how crazy man would be to the point he names his home VERNICE. 'Who even does that,' he occasionally asked himself when he hears or says the name.

[Two blocks away, across the massive fence guarding the building]

"Alri..." Slaine paused, a sound interrupting him–a creak to be precise, he crouched down and looked closely at the wooden structure, before he could make a move, the roof opened up and swallowing him in the process. He expected to land on something that would cause him damage, instead he landed on a soft bed. 

His eyes darkened when gasps erupted from the sides of the bed, he raised himself up and sighed. There were Six ladies, all with completely white irises, having spotless white skin, but different shades. He frowned in disgust at the manner they dressed, shredded shirts and laced shorts, leaving nothing to the imagination. 

When the ladies realized what had happened, one slipped away from the group and behind Slaine undetected, she circled her arms around his neck and pulled down his mask leaving his glasses on, eventually earning a gasp from them. 

"He is gorgeous."

"His tattoo is really cool."

"His canines are pointy and his teeths.. they're spotless"

They began speaking at the same time marveled and attracted to his look. The lady who had pulled down his mask, pushed him down to the bed and sat on his torso with her hands on his chest. "You don't mind right?" She asked oblivious of the deadly glare Slaine sent her way behind the glasses. He was frozen, stuck between choosing to hide his face, escaping these hungry ladies and soothing his rage.

Lost in thoughts, the others surrounded him, their bodies hungry for pleasure and if care wasn't taken they would probably tie him to the bed and have their way with him. 

Impatient was one word to describe the lady that sat on his torso, she ordered the others to take off his shirt which they did without hesitating, revealed his perfect body, built perfectly, his abs like hills and the color of his skin was one to die for–tanned, almost brown. She tore off her shirt and stretched out her hands to take off the glasses.

As she raised them up, she could see the silver ring around his Iris glowing fiercely, amusing her once more but the moment was cut short when he grabbed her throat with his right hands.

He had enough of People intruding his personal space and they crossed the line. That little action of his got the ladies stunned and frightened, they moved away from him, silently pleading with their eyes that he let their leader go. He rose up, still holding her up, gradually tightening his fists around her neck.

He glanced at her, eyes scanning her body till it landed on a tattoo around her wrist, he recognized it to be one a leader of a clan wear and she was a Succubus, like a bracelet with a drawing of a Heart on her veins.

"Have mercy on me Lord Shadow," she begged, tears gathering in her eyes as she almost became unconscious, her skin was pale like someone being starved and that's when it hit him; Succubi and Incubi everywhere had to find mates to live on eternally without draining their life force, resulting in death. 

He reluctantly let go of her, watched as she fell to the ground weakly and nursed her aching neck. He crouched down, his gaze not leaving her for one minute, he took off the glasses and sighed. 

"I apologize for what I did but you ladies have to learn to control yourself, I am not a fan of Body contact" He sincerely said, using his hands to rub her neck, he oddly felt drawn to her, maybe because she knew him and did not try hurting him, like Xanax said. 

"I understand," She smiled and he mirrored it, he helped her up and saw the Ladies were oddly quiet and he noticed one was missing.

He suddenly felt arms around his chest and something soft behind him, those same hands slowly slid down towards his waist. His eyes glowed fiercely, brighter and completely silver, he turned around swiftly, with force and his energy channelled on one arm, he threw his fist into the girl's chest, grabbed what ever organ he felt and crushed it, he shoved her away with the other hand, dragged out his fist from her body and watched her bleed rapidly to death.

"Touch me and die" He uttered, in a warning tone, his voice deep and filled with rage when he realized another one was sneaking up behind him and their said leader only watched, perplexed by the sight before her.