
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 13: Clan Leader's Dilemma

As the tension in the room began to ease, a sliding door parted with a gentle whisper, revealing a figure bathed in the soft light filtering through the shoji screens. Stepping into the hall with a quiet grace, a woman of 29 years emerged, her presence commanding attention despite her unassuming demeanor.

Of average height, she possessed an air of quiet confidence, her graceful features a harmonious blend of strength and empathy. Clad in traditional attire befitting her esteemed profession, she wore a simple black coat that draped elegantly over her shoulders, its clean lines accentuating her poise.

Her hair, fashioned into a flower-shaped bun at the nape of her neck, was adorned with a delicate floral clip, adding a touch of understated beauty to her ensemble. With each measured step, she exuded a sense of quiet authority, her gaze steady and unwavering as she surveyed the scene before her.

Though her expression was composed, there was a warmth in her eyes that spoke of compassion and understanding. She was holding a simple change of clothes in her hands, with a folded napkin on top of them.

As she entered the hall, everyone's eyes landed on her, including Hakuryoku's ethereally reflective eyes. She simply went near the clan leader, took the napkin in her delicate hand, and stretched it to wipe the shallow wound on his cheek. As she did, her sleeve pulled backward a bit, revealing the tip of an ugly scar on her delicate hand. Realization struck Hakuryoku, but she remained unbothered as the women simply wiped the drop of blood from the clan leader's face and pulled her arm back, hiding the scar.

"Ah, Haruka, is that you?" said Haku doubtfully.

Before Haruka could reply, Clan Leader Akihiko spoke. "Yes, she is the child you brought two decades ago."

"Nice to meet you again, Hakuryoku-oni," Haruka spoke with a calm voice, but with no honorifics, and a slight smile on her face.

"I see, so the mountain's swine has become a delicate flower," Haku remarked. Haruka didn't let her smile disappear at being called swine and simply blinked a couple of times.

"She has been my aide for the last half-decade of this fleeting life of mine," the clan leader said, turning his head to Hakuryoku. "I see," said Haku comically, though no one knew what he was looking at, since he had no pupils.

"I have been studying various traditional medicinal practices, including herbalism, acupuncture, and surgical techniques, and have been a physician to many of my fellow clan members. You don't have to be concerned about me," Haruka said as she neared Hakuryoku and offered him the clothes she was holding. Haku took the clothes from her hand and turned his head to her.

'Haruka-san is just too kind to take Hakuryoku-dono's calling her swine as his concern,' Daiki thought, while acting nonchalant about it.

"Please use this room to change, while I will make this hall clean," said Haruka, gesturing towards the room she came from. Haku started to walk towards that room. As he went past Haruka, she clapped her hands twice. Haku heard sliding doors open behind him and the sound of footsteps followed behind, but he didn't turn until he had to close the door, which he did. Turning around, he saw two maid servants starting to clean the hall.

It was still the afternoon of summer in Thalasor. Clan leader Akihiko sat on a pillow on the wooden floor, with Daiki and Hiro following suit behind their clan leader and sitting behind him. Hakuryoku sat opposite Akihiko, facing him. He had changed into white garments that Haruka had given him. Haruka could be seen descending from the stairs to the lower stories with both of the maid servants in the background.

"So, Haku-dono, what brings you to this humble abode of mine?" Akihiko started the conversation with his deep voice.

"They were your men who brought me to you," said Haku with indifference, but Akihiko's eyes widened a bit upon hearing what Haku said. Any other person would have thought it a joke or a simple answer, but Akihiko had grown too old to not understand what Hakuryoku was implying. Basically, he was saying, 'I let your men live because they would bring me to you.'

Realizing it, Akihiko leaned forward and bowed to Haku. Both swords, witnessing this unusual scene, even though unwilling, followed their clan leader's gesture. Hiro was experienced enough to know not to question their leader, but Daiki, although less experienced, was faithful to their leader.

'This person, every time I see him, continues to surprise me. First, he made the clan leader reveal his trump cards, and now he's making him bow. Only a few people could pull off such a feat. There must be more to him than just being an undead,' Hiro thought, his feelings a mix of suspicion, honor, and unease.

"I apologize for any inconvenience, Haku-dono," said Akihiko as he pulled himself up. The two swords followed his lead.

"Hm," responded Hakuryoku with a simple grunt.

'Such an unconvincing response. You made our clan leader bow and apologize. At least show him some respect!' Daiki's brows twitched a little.

Unbothered by petty customs, Akihiko asked, "So, what was it?"

"Aki, I am here to notify you of a very important matter," said Haku calmly. "Is it about my impending death?"

"No, it is about the consequences that will arise after your death." Concern could be seen in the Swords' eyes as they looked at their humble clan leader.

"Ah, so it is about Imperial scum. What about them?"

"I don't know what they are scheming, Aki, but what I do know is that your clan is swarming with them. They hide themselves terribly, waiting for you to die. It looks like they are ready to start the Fukushu war again, but this time they are going to strike one clan at a time, and your clan seems to be the first target."

"That is impossible, Hakuryoku-dono. Even if they survive our noble shinobi's, they could never bypass our borders. The Spears would never let them," Daiki spoke with confidence. "And inside the borders, we Sword won't let them live," Hiro spoke with resolve.

"That's where you are wrong, honorable Swords. Betrayal has been a centuries-old plague, and now I see it infecting your clan."

"Hakuryoku-dono, our fellow clan mem--" Before Daiki could finish, Akihiko's right hand raised a bit, signaling him to stop and preventing the argument from escalating.

"Say, Haku-dono, are you implying I should suspect Ayaka?" the clan leader asked with a questioning tone.

"No, I am suggesting you clean your clan from filth before you pass," a sly smile appeared on the clan leader's weathered face. Yes, indeed, he had another meaning to his words. "Sword Daiki, what do you know about Haku-dono?" Akihiko said without looking back at his men.

Daiki started speaking, "He is a person known to everyone to be undead. Every child born on Thalasor has heard about his legend. Even though throughout history, it is known that he has taken part in many battles, but in our recent biggest event, the Fukushu war, Hakuryoku-dono was nowhere to be seen. So, most younger generations think that he is a myth. But almost every elderly person in our clan thinks he is indeed real. Most of them theorize that either Hakuryoku the undead has finally gained a peaceful death or has simply grown uninterested in battle." Daiki ended his speech, still confused about why their clan leader suddenly asked him to tell his tale.

Sword Hiro carefully added, "Now that we have seen it ourselves, we don't dare to deny his presence."

"How interesting, for such a person who belonged to no one, nor does he belong to anyone, suddenly wanting to be on our side," Clan Leader Akihiko spoke. Realization hit both Swords, excitement brimming in their hearts.