
NSFW: A Strange World(18+)

This is the story of Michael Taylor and the women around him. [NOTE - I'm writing this to help unclutter my mind. This is a purely human story about relationships and not about the supernatural. By the time I finish this story, my mind will have let go of some fantasies. It is not a self-insert, nor is it a wish-fulfillment. The protagonist will be likable and not a piece of trash full of himself. It's a light-hearted story which shouldn't be taken seriously. Let me repeat, it shouldn't be taken seriously. If you are bored of reading the same cultivation and system novels, you should read this to help you take a breather.] What to expect - 1. Smut. Lots of it, actually. But the sex scenes would have a purpose. They will contribute to the story's development so that the characters will not feel OOC. I want them to have a personality. Fair warning: This is smut with plot, NOT plot with smut. 2. NO NTR/ NETORI 3. INCEST - Adoptive, not biological 4. MC's women would love HIM and want to be with HIM, not each other. This is not a polyamorous harem where everybody will love each other. It's a strictly polygamous harem. 5. Likeable, caring, loving, and genuine protagonist. 6. The women will all be hot. 7. They will be bright and won't be brainless sex dolls. They will have distinctive personalities and not dull, one-dimensional characters. 8. No magic or any of the supernatural elements. This is a purely human story. 9. There will be no rap* scenes. Consent is essential, and I hate it when stories force the females into having sex with the males. 10. The only "fantasy/magic" type thing in this story is that the medical field of this parallel Earth is way ahead of ours. Everything else remains the same. ---This is NOT a fanfic. All of the characters in this story are OCs. I own every right associated with them. - - - - If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead with audio, go to my Patreon. patreon.com/aidenusmani ------- [DISCLAIMER] This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is coincidental. Moreover, the ages of the characters in this fiction are 18 and above.

AidenUsmani · Película
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37 Chs

Michael’s day off from school

Michael finished eating, cleared the table, and washed the dishes. He locked the door and went to the living room, thinking, 'Man! I want to do nothing today! The stupid accident almost ruined my life, but luckily, I got my normal life back. And I got a free handjob from the beautiful Dr. Hyde. Oh, man! What a day! Hahaha!'

He stretched his arms and sat on the couch. He switched the T.V. on and surfed the channels until he landed on the Setflix channel. He was scrolling through the shows and movies until his eyes fell on a murder mystery movie, 'Dead Man's Hand.'

He thought, 'This movie looks interesting. I've never seen it before. Let's watch it.'

He clicked on the title, and the movie began playing. He got comfortable and continued watching it.

'Dead Man's Hand' was a murder mystery in which the main character, Daisy Johnson, a detective, was given a serial killer case. The case was not ordinary because the murderer, 'The Joker', always left a Joker card behind, stitched on the victim's left hand, as a calling card. Daisy and her assistant, Jon, worked on the case and tried to find the clues.

As the story progressed, the movie focused more on the killer's backstory. It was revealed that his parents were abusive and neglected and didn't care for him. One night, his father was beating his mother, and he was hiding in his room until he heard a scream. He came out and saw that his father killed his mother and was now coming for him.

The killer picked up the baseball bat from the floor and hit his father, killing him. After that, the police arrived, and they took him away. The movie focuses on how the killer's personality was affected by his childhood and the trauma and the abuse caused his mental instability.

Michael watched the movie, and when the killer killed his first victim, he was shocked.

"No, no. Stop! What are you doing?" He shouted at the screen and covered his eyes, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he removed his hands and continued watching.

"You can't kill her! She's the only person who's helping you. Stop it! Stop it!" He said and jumped from the sofa.

The movie continued playing, and the killer began killing more people. His victims were the people who abused and ignored him.

"Come on! Kill him! That's what you should do! Kill him and burn his body!" Michael shouted and pointed at the television.

The movie continued playing, and Daisy noticed weird things about her assistant, Jon. She saw him disappear sometimes, and the next minute, he was sitting at his desk, drinking coffee. Daisy began to think that he was somehow involved with the Joker. And, as the movie reached its climax, it turned out to be true: The Joker was none other than her assistant, Jon. When Daisy asked him why he did what he did, he said, "I killed them because they deserved it and because I love watching you. The pure, concentrated look on your face while trying to find clues. The way you analyze and deduce every single detail. You are amazing, Daisy. That's why I love you."

Daisy was stunned, but she didn't let him go. She caught him and sent him to jail.

"Oh, fuck yes. That was great. I love this movie. It was awesome.", Michael commented as the credits rolled up. He stopped and carefully watched as the post-credits scene began.

The scene showed the dead body of a person in a forest whose left hand had a Joker card stitched on the palm. And the next second, it changed, showing a figure walking, and then, it suddenly appeared behind the camera. The person wore a red hoodie, black jeans, a mask, and gloves.

"What the fuck?!" Michael exclaimed as the camera zoomed in on the figure. It showed the figure's face and his eyes. The eyes were red. The scene ended, and the post-credit scene ended.

"Damn! So, Jon wasn't the killer, but somebody else was? Nice! That was a surprise." Michael nodded approvingly and began scrolling again when his phone suddenly began to ring.

He picked it up and saw that it was his coach, Anderson.

"Hello?" Michael answered.

"Michael? It's me. Coach Anderson. How are you?" Anderson asked.

"I'm fine. I didn't expect you to call, " Michael replied, leaning back on the sofa.

"Yeah. Sorry for that, but I couldn't resist myself. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing.", Anderson asked.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"Why? What kind of a question is that? I'm your coach, and if one of my favorite quarterbacks has an emergency surgery, I'll be concerned. Now, how are you? Are you recovering well?" Anderson asked, a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm alright. But how did you know? Did you call mom?" Michael asked.

"Your mother told me the day the accident happened. She said you were in the hospital for surgery and were fine. How are you now? Can you play on Friday?" Anderson asked.

"Umm... not yet. The doctor said I shouldn't exercise or play any sport and should take around one week or so to return to normal. So, yeah, I can't play yet. Sorry, coach.", Michael explained.

"It's fine. There's no need to apologize. These things happen. What's important is that, you are alright. I'll give you as much time as you need. Take care and focus on your health. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Bye.", Anderson said and cut the call.

"Alright. Thank you, coach. Bye.", Michael replied and cut the call.

He put the phone on the side and sighed. Suddenly, he looked down at his crotch and saw his cock bulging through his black shorts.

"Well," He shrugged and got up from the couch, switched the T.V. off, walked out of the room, and murmured, "Looks like I have to jerk off."

He went upstairs and into his room.


If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead with audio version, go to my Patreon :)))
