
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Cómic
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62 Chs

Ch 2 : Senjutsu

"That troublesome dōjutsu?" The red snake said as it raised its head.

"Yes, Akaihebi Sage."

"Alright, you can put him with the other young ones." The red snake then wrapped it's head back around the tree.

Orochimaru then flickered away after picking Naga back up, he appeared back in the rain forest, lots of snakes of different colours and sizes slithered around the tree branch's and forest floor.

"This will be your new home young one, get stronger so you can be of use to me, try not to eat the other snakes." Orochimaru then put Naga on the ground and flickered away.

'That went better then I thought it would, it seems Orochimaru has a soft spot for snakes... or at least snakes that could be of use to him.' After Naga thought that he used his sharingan to check his body for any seals or curse marks that Orochimaru could have placed on him without his knowing.

He spotted a seal on the back of his head that looked like the caged bird seal of the Hyūga clan.

'At least he is only trying to stop my sharingan from being taken by someone else and not trying to use me as a spare body.' Naga then slithered through the grass and trees, passing by the different snakes, getting glaring looks as he went past.

"Hi guysss how iss everyone? sss" Naga said to a small brown snake closest to him.

The brown snake just tasted the air and hissed a little at Naga then slithered away.

'It seems most snakes aren't bright enough to talk soon after being born.' Naga lost all hope in getting anything from the snakes and so set off into the forest by himself.


Naga had been moving for around thirty minutes until he saw a birds nest in a tree that was close to the ground and so he climbed up the tree using his chakra control, when he reached the branch the nest was on he saw five light brown chicks in the nest, they were sleeping together in a group, trying to keep warm.

'Lunch.' Naga thought to himself as he tasted the air, he could feel his mouth filling with saliva.

'That was a dangerous thought, I guess my new body is influencing me in ways that I can't see.' Even when Naga realised that he was changing he still went to one of the chicks and bit down on it's neck.

It struggled slightly but it didn't let out any noise and so the other chicks didn't wake up, the struggling gradually calmed down until it was completely still, Naga then opened his mouth wide and started to swallow the chick whole, bit by bit he moved his mouth along the chicks body, pushing it into his stomach.

All that was left of the chick was the small bump it made on the outside of Naga's stomach.

Naga then did the same thing another four times, making sure to not wake up the other chicks when he did.

'I'm completely full now but I'm not seeing the increase in my chakra... they either didn't have enough chakra to make any difference to me and so I didn't notice the increase or I have to wait for them to finish digesting to get their chakra.' Naga then climbed back down the tree to the ground and started moving in the direction he came from.


When Naga got back to his new home saw all of the snakes wrapped around tree branches or hiding in the long grass.

Naga decided to find a place to hide in the grass.

When he found a place to sleep he felt a warm sensation spread out from his stomach, one part covered his whole body and made him feel more comfortable and the other part stayed near his stomach and joined the rest of his chakra, increasing it's amount by a little.

'So I have to digest the thing I kill to get is chakra, the old man must have change the power to fit my new body.' Naga then felt the same thing another four times, he could feel that his chakra had doubled in size and his body felt stronger when he moved.

'The chakra I digest must have split it's self into spirit and body chakra to keep things balanced.' After the chakra had finish integrated into his body and he felt tired from a long day, he then fell into a deep sleep.


Naga awoke the next day feeling itchy all over his body, when he looked at his body he could see patches of dead skin on the ground and some skin still stuck to his body.

'I shedded my skin, it also feels like my body got bigger.' Naga then slivered to the river that was close by and dived into the water to take a quick dip to wash off the dead skin.

His scales had a new shine and the white skull patterns on his body became clearer, he'd grown a little as well, he was now the size of an anaconda, he would be able to easily fit a deer in his stomach now.

'I'm pretty big now, I should be able to go after bigger prey now as well.' Naga then slithered away from the river and back past the other snakes.

He didn't notice before because he was focused on washing off the dead scales but now every time he went past a snake, they would lower their head to him, not daring to catch his eye and his anger if they did.

'They seem to be scared of my size, size equals power to snakes it seems or they can sense my increased chakra and know that I'm stronger then them, either by instinct or senjutsu chakra... I should start training in senjutsu before going out again.' Naga realised that senjutsu was asensual to staying alive in this dangerous world and he wouldn't be lucky another time like he was last night where he finds easy food on his first try.

He was slithering back to his little home to start his training, he could barely keep down his excitement when he thought about becoming a Sage.

Naga had always enjoyed watching Naruto fighting in his Sage mode, so much so that he even started meditating in his last life, whenever he had some spare time he would meditate and feel for Nature chakra to see if it would work.

'Lets start by meditating and feeling for Nature chakra.'

Naga laid completely still in the grass and he started to feel for Nature chakra around himself.

Slowly Nature chakra moved into Naga's body, after it entered his body it moved towards his stomach, making its own space in his body right next to his own chakra.

Naga's natural ability to take in Nature chakra was showing is worth at this moment, it would normally take mouths even years to start feeling Nature chakra without toad oil from Mount Myōboku and he was able to feel and take it in on his first try.

As Naga was training his senjutsu small snake's the size of someone's pinkie finger slivered towards Naga, they first tasted the air to see what Naga was doing as they got closer to him.

When they saw that Naga still didn't move they began to cover him and rest on top of his body, they could feel Naga gathering Nature chakra, they could gained a little Nature chakra if it pasted them when it went into Naga.

It was how the olders who raise the young.


Naga started moving again four hours later, he had filled his body with enough Nature chakra that it became equal to his own chakra, that only had taken him around one hour, the other three hours were spent turning the Nature chakra in to his own senjutsu chakra so that he could achieve Sage mode.

He now had a purple pigmentation around his eyes, his body had become stronger, he could react faster, and he could now sense everything around him.

As he got used to sensing the different types of life around him he could sense the small life's that covered his body, before he moved to shake them off he sensed a small life that put his teeth on edge.

He felt immense danger from the little life resting on his back, he also felt that the life wasn't strong and still immature, Naga thought that it could be a rare type of snake that took up residence on his back.

Naga moved his head and the little snakes reacted by slithering away into the grass.

"Little green one, sstop there." Naga's voice was deep with a slit hissing when he moved his forked tongue, he was looking at a little neon green snake that had given him the dangerous feeling.

The green snake knew Naga was talking to her when she felt him looking at the back of her head as she ran away, and so she stopped and waited for her death to come.

"Come back here ss." Naga slithered from where he was laying to the green snake.

"Yess." Her voice was feminine and smoothing with a hiss at the end.

Naga was surprised when he heard a response from the little snake, it meant that she was older then her size let on.

"Are you sscared of me?" Naga asked the little green snake as they faced each other in the long grass.

She shuddered at the question and was scared at what would happen if she answered.

Naga could see the little snake shuddering and he knew her answer before she could even say anything.

"Get on the back of my head and we will go get ssomething to eat." Naga then slithered closer to the little snake and lowered his head next to the little snake, so that she was facing the side of his head.


She had no idea what was happening, she first sensed high concentrations of Nature chakra and so went to it's location in the hope that she could get the chance to gather a little of it and get stronger.

When she saw that it was a red and white snake gathering Nature chakra, so she decided to pretend to be a baby snake so that she would be able to get closer to gather the waste Nature chakra that the red and white snake wasn't gathering.

She thought that she would get away without being noticed but when she saw the purple pigmentation around the snakes eyes she knew that he was a Sage and that he could sense her, there was no way she could get away if he chose to kill her.

But when he said that she should get onto the back of his head to go get prey she was surprised beyond belief.

'Does he want me to become one of his kin?' She thought at the question.

"Hurry up ss." Naga said to the little snake.

After he said that she quickly climbed his head and found a comfortable position to sit, facing the front.

"What your name? ss."

"I don't have one, can I ask what your name is Ssage-sssama." She said to Naga as they slithered though the forest looking for prey.

"You will call me Naga, your name will be Medusa from now on sss."

"Yess Naga-ssama." She was happy with her new name and it showed through her voice.


'This little snake, Medusa seems like a rare snake that has a powerful poison, if I raise her to be my right hand I will have a deadly hidden weapon.' Naga thought as he slithered to the closest life he could sense.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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