
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Ch 1 : Reborn into the Naruto World

Naga was standing behind the till of a 24/7 convenience store, his feet are numb from standing for so long and his eyes are a little blood shot from the lack of sleep.

"Naga, your shift is over you can go home now." A over weight man with thin hair said to Naga as he swapped places with Naga at the till.

Naga then dragged his feet to the staff changing rooms and got ready to go home.

After changing back into his normal clothes he got on his bike and started riding it back home, as he was crossing the street a speeding sports car was coming down the street, right towards Naga.


"Watch where you're going idiot!" Shouted the young man from the sports car as he sped away, after narrowly missing Naga.


Breathing a sigh of relief Naga continued on to ride his bike home.

He had just got home and decided to enjoying his limited time off from work by sitting at home watching an episode of Naruto with his pet snake in his hand, the snake was pure white with black eyes, it enjoyed wrapping around his fingers and arm.

Just when Kakashi was about to attack Orochimaru after he escaped from the 3rd Hokage, black lightning appeared out of nowhere, killing Naga and his pet snake almost instantly.

The pain he felt in that moment was like he had swallowed razor blades that cut his insides to shreds, at the same time he felt like a part of himself had been ripped out.

It was less then one second, but that one second was filled with the most pain he had ever felt, until he suddenly felt a light wash over his body, softening the pain.

Naga then blackout.


Naga awoke to a white space with an old man in it, the old man had silver white hair, pure white robes and he sat right across from him, staring straight at his face, Naga could feel the old man's stare, as if he was seeing through him.

"Where am I?" Naga then looked around, only to see white everywhere he look.

"You're dead, you're in my dimension now."

The old man then stood up and walked up to Naga, helping him up off the white floor.

Naga was expecting this answer so he wasn't panicked and just kept looking at the old man waiting for him to say more.

"You died in the most painful way possible, your death was against fate, you shouldn't have died then... I'm sorry." The old man bowed to Naga with a depressed look on his face.

"The black lightning that hit me, was that you?"

"Yes it was, I was fighting one of my worst enemies, because of his high resistance to physical attacks I had to resort to an attack that damages the soul, but he was ready and deflected my attack, which hit you... I was able to save your soul before it was destroyed but I had to use the rest of your pet snakes soul to repair your damaged one." The old man explained.

"At least he will always be apart of me now... what happens to me now then?"

"I can reincarnate you into a world of your choosing or I can let you pass onto the after life." The old man said as he raises his hands, one at each time he said one of Naga's chooses.

"Can you reincarnate me into the Naruto world?" Naga asked the old man.

"Naruto world?" The old man made a confused look on his face.

"From the anime, Naruto." Naga explained to the old man as his mood visibly improves at the mention of the anime.

"Yeah I can, but because of how I repaired your soul you would be reborn as a snake, do you still want to reincarnate?"

"Yeah but can you give me some kind of cheat or special power." Naga asked the old man.

"I can, but your soul at the moment can only contain three powers at most. What type of powers do you want?" The old man said to Naga.

"Can you make my new body able to natural absorb Nature chakra?" Naga looked optimistically at the old man.

"Yeah, but because its your body, not your soul, you can still pick three powers." Replied the old man.

"Good, ok the three powers I want are, absolute chakra control, immunity to all genjutsu's and chakra absorption, so I can take the chakra of the things I kill."

"I can do all of that and more, I will influence the world a bit and make Orochimaru put a sharingan into the snake you will be reborn into as one of his experiments, he should throw you away as a failed experiment." Explained the old man.

"Ok thanks old man. What time in the world will I be reborn?" asked Naga.

"The around the time of the episode you were watching when you died, when Orochimaru was still in the Leaf village... good luck." The old man then clapped his hands together, causing Naga to black out.


"Another failed experiment." Orochimaru said before he throwed away the snake he was holding in his hand, onto the pile of lifeless snake bodies.

"I'll have to get to more eyes." He got up from the table that had lab equipment on it and walked out of the underground lab.

Five minutes later a snake started moving on the top of the pile of snake bodies.

'This new body is hard to control.' Thought Naga as he slowly slithered across the pile of snakes.

His new body was completely red with white patterns in the shape of skulls, all along his body.

'Lets try and sence my chakra first.' Naga then began to feel inside his body for chakra, he could feel a warm sensation where is stomach is, knowing that it is chakra he controlled it to cover his underside so that he would stick to the wall and get down from the table.

'Without absolute chakra control I wouldn't have been able to do things like this straight away, after being reborn' He thought as he used his chakra control to slide down the wall.

When Naga got to the ground he looked around the room to look for the exit or a way out.

The door was left wide open and it looked like the only way out of the lab.

'Orochimaru wouldn't leave the way into his secret lab wide open like that without some defences set up' He then moved chakra towards his eyes which activated his sharingan, his eye's became red with three tomoe's circling around his pupil, which was a black slit.

Looking at the door Naga could see chakra formed into a seal on the door frame.

'He did set a trap then, hopefully its just an alarm signal.' Naga then spread his chakra towards the seal to forcefully activate it so that he could leave.


The seal set off some explosive tags that destroyed part of the doorway out of the lab.

'Not a alarm then.' Naga thought as he came out from behind a small mud wall he made by using his chakra to shape the mud on the floor, protecting him from the rocks and debris that went flying when the explosive tags detonated.

He then slithered to the door, climbing over the debris as he looked out for more seals and basic traps that didn't use chakra that he could easily spot with his sharingan.

He came out of the underground to meet a forest.

Naga could hear the birds in the trees and he could taste the clean air, his tongue moved in the air as he tasted the clean air.

'I almost forgot that I'm a snake now and I smell with my tongue from now on, I wonder if there is anything special about the type of snake I'am.'

Naga then moved through the grass as fast as he could in the direction he was facing when he exited the lab, he had to get away as fast as possible.

'Orochimaru could still be around here and I don't want to become one of his experiments again.'

As Naga thought this Orochimaru appeared at the lab he just escaped from.

"I guess its time to leave the leaf, but first lets catch the one who destroyed my lab." Orochimaru then followed the tracks Naga left behind.

Naga had been moving for around five minutes and as he was starting to relax a shadow appeared in front of him out of nowhere, surprising him.

"Aren't you a cute one, you weren't a failed experiment then." Orochimaru said as he moved towards Naga.

"Come little one, we have to leave before Sarutobi-sensei catches onto what I'm doing." He then picked Naga up and let him hide under his green flak jacket.

'Aleast I get to live but what is he going to do with me.' Naga wondered as Orochimaru performed a reverse summoning, they left the leaf in a puff of smoke.


One day later Orochimaru's secret lab was filled with ANBU and Hiruzen, the 3rd Hokage, he were looking around the lab with a frow on his face as he looked at the test tubes filled with body parts and some unidentifiable things.

"Kakashi, tell every ANBU, Orochimaru is to be captured before he crosses the border, the information and jutsu he possess would be a great loss to the leaf if that information were to get into enemy hands."

The ANBU with white hair and a dog mask nodded his head and then flickered away.


In a puff of smoke Orochimaru appeared in a rain forest with a purple snake the size of a train close by, watching him closely.

"Oh, It'sss jussst you Orochimaru sss." The purple snake said to Orochimaru as he tasted the air.

Orochimaru then flickered away.

'I wonder who'sss the new guy sss.' The purple snake thought after Orochimaru left.

Orochimaru flickered to a gigantic tree in a swampy area, it is separated from the other tree's and the lone tree could easily surpass a skyscrapers size in Naga's old world, a red snake with lots of scars wrapped around the tree, with half its body sunk into the swamp with its monstrous head facing Orochimaru.

The fact that the red snake could wrap around the lone tree proved how large the red snake was.

"Akaihebi Sage I brought a young one to add to the family and... I request to meet the White Snake Sage." Orochimaru said on one knee.

The red snake then began to move.

"You know a new talent is alwayss welcome, but you aren't sstrong enough to meet the Great Sssage. Now sshow me my new child sss." The red snake hissed at Orochimaru,he then took Naga out from his clothes and showed him to the the red snake.

"He'ss not a pure ssnake, what did you do to him? ss" The red snake said after tasting the air.

"He has the sharingan." Orochimaru said seriously to the red snake.

"That troublesome dōjutsu?" The red snake said as it raised its head.

"Yes, Akaihebi Sage."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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