
Angry chronos

Hellena decided to go to Flavio to see his grandfather and greet him, he decided to be accompanied by little Bastet who did not hesitate to go see his dad.

The road was quite calm and quite beautiful because the snow that could be seen from the window reveals a natural beauty that was relaxing for Hellena.

Even little Bastet enjoyed seeing the snowflakes falling on the glass of the carriage, the road was quite comfortable due to the Via Imperatoria, a road built with asphalt which leads from the city of Texcoco to the city of Suchilapan in the sector B of the defense line.

Each kilometer of the Via is guarded by a squad of soldiers who are in charge of a group of people who are dedicated to clearing the road to avoid the accumulation of snow.

The trip was quite calm, so Hellena and Bastet fell asleep and did not wake up until they reached the city of Suchilapan where Hellena came down with little Bastet to have a meal.