
Nova Force Book 1

Nova Force grants extraordinary abilities. Follow the story as people battle monsters and villains, exploring mysterious realms. As stakes rise, they conquer inner demons, trust each other, and face thrilling adventures and uncover mind blowing mysteries. Valor and triumph await. Embrace your potential!

Romario_Harrison · Fantasía
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59 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Seven






My pursuit of strength had been unwavering, spending countless hours honing my skills in the dungeon, all for the singular purpose of safeguarding our village. I yearned to become formidable, and in the beginning, Rome had seemed the pinnacle of strength. Yet, as I delved deeper into rigorous training, a gradual realization dawned—I was beginning to eclipse him. Training in the dungeon has some effect that makes you grow stronger faster and with this new ability I gained, I will become unstoppable. Still, Rome, he remained a constant presence, a driving force compelling me to excel further. His encouragement bolstered our defenses, but beneath it simmered an unspoken rivalry that I found difficult to bear.


When Sarah and John embarked on their departure, each driven by personal motivations, I made a choice to remain behind, ensnared by an unrelenting urge to amplify my capabilities. The specter of impending danger loomed at the periphery of my thoughts, a constant reminder that protecting the village demanded more than mere resolve—it demanded strength. The allure of heightened fire abilities lurking within the labyrinthine depths of the dungeon enticed me, igniting an unwavering resolve to unlock that potential. With each trial surmounted, I felt the surge of newfound power coursing through me, a testament to my relentless determination.


However, amidst the exhilaration of conquering that challenging level, a sobering realization seized me—I had lingered too long in pursuit of this augmentation. The urgency to reunite with the others, to stand united against the encroaching threat, clawed at my conscience. The weight of responsibility bore down heavily upon my shoulders as I hurried to join them, fervently praying that our belated arrival wouldn't prove detrimental to the village's safety.


To my astonishment, Celestia and I, accompanied by Mandro and his team, arrived slightly behind schedule, but not late enough to arrive after all hope seemed lost. The distant uproar and an instinctual sense of Rome and the others nearby guided our path, compelling us in that direction. As we arrived, a surge of assurance flooded through me—I felt poised and collected as I repelled the assailants, believing we had averted the crisis. But that belief was swiftly shattered.


Despite having honed my abilities, surpassing most adversaries in skill, I stood utterly outmatched against the colossal beast wreaking havoc. A chilling realization settled over me—the monstrous entity was fixated on Rome. A surge of panic shot through me as I realized the ominous truth—I had to protect Rome, whose cursed fate had drawn the wrath of this colossal beast. The weight of responsibility became almost suffocating; the urgency to shield everyone, particularly Rome, from the creature's relentless assault grew paramount.


I raced through my thoughts as we rode atop the enhanced horses. We were running for our lives but the beast seemed interested in Rome, just like that other time. A heavy burden of responsibility weighed upon me as I grappled with the daunting truth—I needed to take an unpalatable course of action. It meant sacrificing Rome, a figure I still considered a friend. However, the dire circumstances compelled me to make a choice that might sour all our relationship. My resolve was unwavering—to safeguard everyone, I had to shoulder the role of the antagonist, a sacrifice I made with a heavy heart and profound regret.







Kero's eyes, usually warm and familiar, bore an unfamiliar weight of remorse as they met mine. Confusion gripped me; what lay behind that regretful gaze? Before I could grasp the meaning, a surreal moment unfolded—I found myself inexplicably plummeting from the horse. Time slowed to a crawl, every detail etching itself into my consciousness. How could this be happening? Then it dawned on me—I was pushed, shoved off the horse. Kero, my friend, had betrayed me. Questions thundered in my mind—betrayal pierced my heart. Why? Wasn't there another way?


I lay there in the dirt rolling and rolling in the dirt as I came to a stop.


"You traitors!!" I shouted at them but the area was so thinderous with noise that they did'nt hear me.


Stunned disbelief held me in its icy grip as I witnessed the others galloping away, abandoning me to face the oncoming terror alone. The realization struck with brutal clarity—this abandonment, this orchestrated betrayal, was their intent all along. Their hushed conversations, their abrupt silences when I drew near—were they all just deceitful charades? My heart shattered as I grappled with the painful truth; the companions I trusted were nothing but pretense. Were they ever truly my friends, or mere actors in a play of deception?




Caught in the grip of this profound betrayal, I found myself staring into the eyes of the monstrous entity—a colossal embodiment of fury and power. Its ferocious glare bore into me, sending tremors of terror coursing through my veins. In that harrowing moment, fear overpowered me, and I felt a surge of helplessness and despair. Tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably, mingling with the flood of emotions. The stench of fear was overwhelming, and I trembled uncontrollably. Why did it have to end like this? The sudden rush of vulnerability made me realize my own humanity—I was flawed, imperfect. But did that warrant such a cruel fate? Questions pleaded to the heavens, begging for answers to the injustice of it all.


As my mind raced with prayers and pleas for salvation, the monstrous maw enveloped me in darkness, swallowing my body whole. The world dissolved into an abyss, and a chilling void consumed my senses before I could finish my desperate appeal for divine intervention.






Galloping at full tilt, I stole glances backward, tracking the looming threat gaining on us. The monstrous entity, an indomitable force, lay leagues beyond our ability to overcome. Its devastating assault had ravaged half the forest, leaving a desolate trail in its wake. Reality bore down upon me—escape was our sole recourse. However, returning to the village was untenable; our only option was to lead the monster astray.


Amidst the frenzy of thoughts, a piercing screech rent the air once more, jolting me into a frantic search for Kero and Rome. A gut-wrenching shock gripped me—Rome's absence was starkly conspicuous. Gesturing urgently, I signaled for the group to halt, a sickening fear coiling in the pit of my stomach. Kero staggered toward us, his expression a harrowing blend of terror and anguish.


"Wait, stop!!I shouted out to everyone. They did'nt hear me so I shot out a air attack over there heads which caught their attention. They looked up the looked back to check on us.



"Where's Rome?" John's voice echoed the dread that hung thick in the air.


"Guys... I tried to reach out... the noise drowned my voice... you didn't hear," Kero stuttered as he got closer to the rest of us, visibly distraught. "Where's Rome!" I demanded, my voice cracking with fear.


"He... he... he knew the truth about his curse... he sacrificed himself... for us," Kero's words came haltingly. "The monster stopped pursuing us. I pleaded, I promised we'd find a way, but he..." Kero's voice faltered, unable to complete the sentence.


The world seemed to fade into an oppressive silence. Shock held me in its suffocating grip, rendering me motionless, speechless. Rome, my beloved, was gone. A profound emptiness hollowed me from within. The plans, the dreams we shared—all evaporated into an agonizing void.


Sarah, John, and Celestia enveloped me in a cocoon of shared grief, their comforting embrace a feeble solace against the enormity of loss. Tears cascaded uncontrollably down our cheeks, a collective outpouring of sorrow. Even Kero, usually composed, was overtaken by the overwhelming sorrow that engulfed us. The agony of this moment pierced our souls, uniting us in mourning.


The searing pain of betrayal and heartache erupted within me. Rome's self-sacrifice tore at the core of our unity, leaving an irreparable chasm. My anguish transformed into a wrenching cry, the weight of sorrow and betrayal too unbearable to contain.


"How could he choose this path? We were a team, facing every challenge together! How could he?" My voice, laden with anguish, shattered the oppressive silence as tears streamed unabated down my face, every word a testament to the indescribable ache in my heart.