
Notes : Night Sky

[note: This is a Fanmade story inspired from Notes by Kinoko Nasu]

K1me · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Sword and Spear

Rekime POV

I feel better now after that core assimilated my body, not only it improve my well being but also strengthened my body, I can now pulverize a concrete with a punch that doesn't break my knuckles and I can run pretty fast now, and the most shocking. My face changed, is this the effect of strengthened Capabilities? or A strong human system that eliminates unwanted cells? Well I have to thank the guy who made that spider if I meet him.

I'm continuing the journey towards the Ether source by following the trace, as I run I'm testing if I can connect to Elisha but to no avail she's unreachable, maybe the high concentration of Ether is the culprit since I arrived on a pile of rubble that has 2 Metal rods sticking out. Using my Core as a Sensory Scanner I made an assumption that those Metal Rods are the source of this dense Ether.

Why are those Metals emitting that much Ether? Curious to that rod I walked cautiously near it, getting ready if there's unknown things will happen and then..

The Rod Transformed, I was taken aback if its a living being but it is not, Instead its a Sword, the other rod also changed, it turned to a Spear. both transformation are mesmerizing, the way the little parts pf metal and gears change position to create a Sword shape, This weapond must be Technological advanced than the devices we have. Maybe this is the things I need to defeat The Codes since the Ether in it is so dense.

Before I could take it off something like a holograph showed to my face, Its source is in my core. I took my time to read what is in the holographic and its a daze on my eyes. This is the following message


Name: Wyvernia

Title: The Sword That Slices Through *****

Type: Sword

Length: 3 1/2ft

Quality: EX/??

Rank: EX Rank Anti-???

Description: The Sword that was made by an Ancient Queen Of The Dragons, Possibly created to defend Earth from extraterrestrial threat, similar to the Holy Sword Excalibur. The Sword is made out of the parts of that Ancient Queen. Infused with Destruction Type Element that also came from the Ancient Queen it can slice through anything.

The weapons that can match this sword in strength are Divine Constructs made by Godlike beings from the Human History records like EA which is an Anti-World Divine Weapon used by Gilgamesh or Vasavi Shakti which is also an Anti-World Divine Weapon owned by Karna but Its Partner Skyvernia can also rival the sword in both destructive power and Quality.


A weapon that is capable of slicing anything, what a powerful weapon, I hope that it can damage that damn cross. Well I must train and learn to control this weapon so I can use it against them.

I turned my eyes to look towards the spear and it also showed information about it.


Name: Skyvernia

Title: The Spear That Pierces **********

Type: Spear

Length: 8ft


Rank: EX rank Anti-???

Description: The Spear that is also created by the Ancient Queen, a Very Powerful spear that is capable of piercing anything since its infused with Destruction Type Element just like its partner. The spear can also be used as an Arrow and also has properties of coming back to the owner if thrown. Just like its counterpart, EA and a Handful of Divine Construct can match this spear in strength.


Looks like all of those information already exist since I don't even know Who is Gilgamesh nor EA so I can only assume that this sword must be very old.

The Holographic Message disappeared in a flash, with this moment I pulled out both of them. After pulling them out I felt a surge of Enormous amount of ether and other energies coursing through my veins, the energy surge like raging river but then subsided and… I Feel even better now. I stretched my muscles and it looks like I became somewhat flexible.

This is Good, After staring at these weapons I ripped a part of my clothes and wrapped it on my weapons, I tied the weapons at my back and started to wander.

Navigating using stars in the sky is useless since the sky is now covered in blood of the Code: Bloodsucker. So I need to- wait I gone west earlier so that means…

I remember something, at the North is where the Yggdrasil World Tree is, maybe I can go there and contact the S.P.A.C.E Headquarters so I can tell Elisha my whereabouts and inform her about what I found. Well then my plan is set to what I will do, I readied myself, wrapping a cloth all over my face to protect it from the heat and to preserve my identity if i come across a traveler… i positioned myself like a sprinter starting pose, pushing my feet beneath the ground... I dashed and then using the enormous momentum I created I lightly tapped the ground using my feet whether I'm falling back down, if I maintain this speed then its like I'm travelling in a sports car.

1, 2, 3, 4, *step*

1, 2, 3, 4, *step*

Concentrating on counting these so that I won't miss the timing and end up getting tripped, which will be unnecessary in my part but then that voice called out at the wrong timing.

[Re…. Reki- Rekime? Wait Connection is slightly interrupted… Connection is Stabilized.... How are You Now Rekime!?] Elisha's Telepathy straight up struck my head losing the count I Tripped my feet and then crashed on the ground leaving a deep trail of mud behind me, caused by my head striking the underground because of the momentum. Now now I can imagine her laughing hardly because of what happened to me.

[HAHAHAHAHA How Funny! Nice Joke Rekime HAHAHA]

Elisha is laughing in her Telepathy, I knew it. I pulled my head off and wiped my face.

[Stop Laughing now Elisha.] I replied to her

okay okay phew that scenery is so good because you deserve it punk! I won't forget it] She said without a shred of kindness and shame, what would be the reactions of other people if this Sister is acting like a Human.

[Now now just, forget it] I said and then[about the first question, I'm Okay so you don't have to worry about me.] I said straight back at her.

[Oh my are you shy that I'll remember that scene?Am I Wrong?Ehehehe] she teased Happily. I just looked up and form a finger sign that is compromised of a standing middle and thumb fingers.

[Ehehe don't be too harsh Rekime I'm just valuing it you know? Ehehehe okay Ahem its good to hear that you're okay my dear.] She said. Is this the first time I heard her saying something like that? I'm flustered right now.

[And also why is your face full of cloth is your head wounded all over?] She said concernly.

[No its not that its just something changed] I said and then pulling the cloth away from my face and then a scream is heard.


Elisha keeps on squealing, I already imagining her all red in the face. And also she also has a taste towards handsome men? So Even if I liked her and my face is the original then it will only lead to my 5th Disaster.

[Are you okay now miss?] I said to her.

I can already see her flinching in my mind and look down here.

[Eh Uh?? Wait! Uh Uhm please forget it, it must be shamefu-]

[HAHAHAHA crap I can t hold it any longer AHAHA] I Laughed since this is the first I see her in a panic state.

[Wait is this real? The Depressed man is laughing?] Elisha said with a disbelieving tone.

Hearing this I immediately calm myself and said

[Haha its good, by the way wait for my contact since I'm going to the Yggdrasil] I Said and then.

[Oh? Is that so? Then Perfect timing since you're going there.. can you meet Gun God There and talk with him for me?] She requested me, Gun God a Human Like me, He is male so its kinda regretful, I'm not a fan of Yaoi so please don't think I'm going to fell for him. anyways about the objective of this request... why is she asking me to meet up with him? I asked her now.

[Why do you want me to meet him?]

[I just want a clarification that he is with Code: Tree which is now currently in a human form] WHAT? A CODE? IN A HUMAN FORM? UNBELIEVABLE! My mind is completely at mess but this is not the time to falter. I Replied to her.

[Are you Joking right?] I said just to clarify

[fufu you do know that I hate jokes in serious situation. Hmm?] She said in a threatening tone, Crap this must be serious.

[Okay okay calm down gosh you're the one who joke around earlier] I Retorted

[Am I?] She said in a dumbfounded tone, she really doesn't understand the concept of Joke. As expected from a Sister, She is sometimes an airhead Woman towards this things.

[Yes, don't be stupid] I said in a honest tone. I can already imagine her veins popping out of her temples. She then replied.

[Its rare that you also joke on me now] is she ignorant or simply just lacks understanding what a joke is?

[That's a Honest opinion I'm not joking] I said Releasing everything in my mouth

[How harsh of you Rekime, hmph] She retorted,

[Anyways so you want me to meet gun god and check for myself the Type?] I changed topic and asked this.

[Yes that is all I want you to do for me] She said

[Okay, Copy that Leader] I said proudly with respect, Even if we are close, We are in a war so Being close to a Leader will cause unwanted attention for me and her so I always keep my relationship to Elisha a Secret and treat her like my Superior. although Our mental connection is something no one knows, even to her sisters.

[Well then Go on and do your task, Goodbye Rekime, See you soon] She said before Disconnecting.

Hmm looks like I have things to do now, looking at the North, Where the yggdrasil tree is, That is where Gun god and Type Venus lived, according to the reports, The Yggdrasil tree is the Corpse of a Type, Which is Type Venus.

They say that the tree can support life, so… its logical that Code:Tree is still alive, it must be hibernating or recovering, but to think it has a human form… then there may be chance for negotiation for the other types, IS that even possible?

While having this though, The ground beneath me collapsed, falling with the rubble, I calmed myself and looked down, seeing that its very deep, I guess it must be 100 meters deep, To negate the momentum of me falling, I used the falling rubble as stepping stone then stayed there and wait until the Rubble hit the ground so that I can jump, Doing that will reset the momentum that accumulated on me and I can land like I just jumped normally.

Thinking on what I will do I keep my focus on the distance untill….

NOW! I jump on the rubble and I can feel my momentum reducing and I land on the ground harmlessly, The rubble though.. is destroyed in the process.

I look around and its very dark thankfully I have a Flare on me, I lit up the flare and every surroundings lit up in succession when I lit up my flare.

And what I saw is…

"Oh" A Picture Of a man "My" fighting countless enemies "God" with 2 woman entering on some kind of portal, the reason I'm shocked is… , the man is fighting Type, But hundreds or thousands of them, But there's no Type we know in the painting.. The thing is I do not know the 2 woman, It looks like this is not a ruin but..

A subdivision.

There's 2 beds here so I guess this must be from the 2 woman, Who must be those 2? looking around, I saw some gadgets and even appliances that are very old and crappy against the new Technology.

Thats when I saw a Cassette with a Number 1 on it, And also a Book of

"What? Its only "T" and "sis" on the name" I guess the book is so old the complete name of the owner was somehow erased by.. I guess dust? Or a Termites? Anyways I'll take a look later on the Book for now… There's this Cassette I want to play.

I took it and went to a big box with a glass infront of it, I looked and observed it before seeing a hole that has the same shape as the cassette if its Horizontal.

I put the cassette in it, hoping I pushed it in the correct hole and… the Cassette player suddenly lit up, especially the play button… I pressed the button

Curious to what is the content of the message.



T : Test. Test? Hmm Looking good, Okay looks like its working..

Ahem.. Greetings I'm ****** ***** I'm the the disciple of ****** ******

Wait what? Why is it filtering?

P : Its natural that the Roots of this Universe Filter a "Spoiler" in the future so thats why they are filtering it to protect and maintain a balance.

T : Ahh is that so? I'm surprised that you're not an idiot afterall.

P : Call me idiot and you'll meet Satan.

T : fufufu I apologize ********, Eh? They are also filteri-

P : Stop it! Say what you have to say Idiot

T : Don't call me idiot if you are also an idiot

P : Geez just say it

T :Che, Well then Ahem.. You, If you are playing this cassette, I guess you already found Wyvernia and Skyvernia, Universe's Most powerful weapons. The reason why? The cassettes can only be activated if there's Wyvernia and Skyvernia's Energy in close proximity, although you need to put it in a cassette player in order to play, oh well you played it now so…

*Rustling of items*

T : so we are currently in our hideout, we are doing our best to make things go smoothly here in this timeline, Although we don't know when we will disappear because those ***** **** are destroying our Universe, when your universe is destroyed, no matter where you are, if you are born in that universe, you'll disappear with it so we are now doing everything we can before we disappear.

P: Yeah its a pain in the ass, like its my only weakness, Well they are bunch of cowards to destroy the universe instead of fighting me head on.

T: Thats because you are stupidly strong like who else would do it? Even my master is scared of you.

P: Aww I didn't know that, Anyways lets get back to work

T: You're surprisingly responsible now, Did a Gamma Ray Burst struck your head?

P: Nahh We are disappearing right? So we need to do everything we can before your master beat us to a pulp in the afterlife

T: Okay, So here, Whoever you are, if you have wyvernia and skyvernia, please use it for good, its a very destructive weapon so we can't let go of it on evil hands. If you are evil, Then drop the weapon or else a Curse that I put in the Cassette will take effect and will took your soul no matter how powerful, omniscience and What type of being you are, You'll be forever sealed in the "Cassette World". Find the 2nd and last cassette, clue is "Hibernating but lively as it is". Thank you for hearing this.

*Audio screechhh*

Hmmm.. Wow I didn't though multiverse exist! Oh well I guess they must have been disappeared considering the oldness of the place.

""Find the 2nd Cassette""

I need to find that cassette for more information, but the clue Is vague, Hibernating but lively? What is that? could it be.. The Yggdrasil tree? Type Venus... looks like it is indeed in that tree.

Well before we find the cassette, lets go to meet Gun God and the Type.

Before I leave, I loot some of the storages here, nothing special except for 2 daggers, one is red in color, and another in blue color, I don't know why its a different color not until I slashed using it, the red one is a Flame type since when I slashed, it creates a path of fire along and when I tried to cut something, it sliced through with both sharpness and extreme heat, the blue one is an Ice Type, it leaves a cool breeze of path along and when I cut with it, It sliced through and freeze up the sliced content to its fullest, these weapons will be handy against smaller opponents like the Angels.

I also took a Backpack that is near the Cassette player And put my stuff in there, except for the 4 weapons which I put on my DIY sheath that is made out of cloth and cardboard.

Am finally ready to go out, All items are in my backpack and weapons are ready so I went to where I came from.

I'm at the spot where I fall, I looked up and saw the hole, I need to get out of here so I pressed my feet on the ground, I released an exponential amount of Ether through my body and using what I learned in those mangas on how mana works, I used it to control the ether to converge in my feet and leg muscles, While charging up my jump, I unsheathed my 2 daggers to use as climbing tools to climb the wall.

Feeling the surge of ether in my legs, I released the jump and leaped 75 meters in height, The height to the ground level is 200 meters so I need to climb 125 more, I timed myself to stab the wall with my dagger..




After stabbing the wall, I pulled myself using my physical strength and slinged 10 meters, I then stab the wall and pulled again, I continued to do this for 10 times and..

"I can see the light!"

Doing the final leap, I manage to get out of the hole and landed on the ground, I finally felt the breeze and coldness of the wind, and looked up in the bright bloody sky. I do hope I can see the Shining stars of the everlasting night of space as the science book that I read described.

Hoping for it, I will need to do something, I have the power now, I remembered what spiderman's uncle said "With great power comes in great responsibilities". Hmm it is a great responsibilities but I don't mind having a great burden as long as I kill those Codes.

Looking towards the north, where the Tree of Life is settled, I thought it is indeed a great responsibilities, oh well I need to do what I have to do or else nothing will change on what we dream so I converge my ether again in my legs and wait for it to charge up, doing what I did earlier.

I burst step towards north, but this time is stronger and faster, leaving a great crater behind due to the force of the multiplied leg power using Ether. I then started my way towards the north to meet up with Gun god and Type Venus.