
Chapter 3 : Past

* chirp, chirp, chirp *

Ahh Whats this?…

Why do I hear a chirp?.. shouldn't there be no birds existing in this dead world?

* The birds continued to chirp and sang their songs of avian *

There's something wrong, Why…

I opened my eyelids and saw upon a paradise, A world completely alive,

So different to the world that I used to live on. Cities roaring with car horns, the Sky high building and foremost.. the lively Forest from the far side of the city… this is the City of Makati… a City I once lived..

So strange.. shouldn't be there a war? But… this is very nostalgic… or.. maybe I had a dream about the war? I hope its not real and this scenery infront of me is real… but I hope…











" AHH! What the fuck just.. SHIT "

I woke up after a sudden screech is heard which is a damn painful in the ears and thats when I turn my gaze to something that is pulling me,… Its a Martian Alien… the Type Mars produced Young…

I then quickly took hold of my dagger and drive it to the Alien's Head but I quickly retracted myself when it spilled its Strong acidic blood.. melting the ground with such fierce corrosive strength… after looking at the Martian alien I killed.. I heard more screeches… but..

" oh great I killed a baby " I muttered with a sigh

Thats when I noticed that 2 adult Martian alien is staring at me with their loud angry screeches, well I can't blame them, I killed their young infront of them so…

The Male Adult then jumped on me, trying to stab me with its long appendages but I dodge the blow by hopping in the right and created a momentum by dashing towards the appendage to smash it with my elbow. Creating a crack on the shell..

Yow damn these shells are as hard as titanium and I cracked it

I was impressed to what I did which distracted me on my fight, Leading to me getting slapped by its tail, Turning its body after I smacked its appendages and created a strong momentum by using its 4 long slender strong legs to pivot itself and swing its large tail at me.

It hit me full force but I manage to block it in the last second, I then felt the world blur and crashed on the ground with a loud thud.. and then my body continued to bounce on the ground for 3 times, After I felt my body slowing down, I wait for myself to hit the ground and when I did, I rolled my body and used my hands to land on the ground and used my arms to fling my body and feet upwards, Doing a Backspring flip.

I landed on the ground and locked on my 2 targets which are charging at me full speed, I immediately unsheathe my 2 daggers and charge at them with no fear..

I quietly dashed towards them, Observing them with steel filled determination eyes, Throwing away my useless thoughts and focusing more to kill these creature.. I stepped backwards to create a Feint, which fooled them when they stabbed the spot where I stepped, I then maneuver myself to the side and slashes both of their limbs by spinning myself like a Tornado to keep them immobile, Green acidic blood spurting from the stump of its wound, Those blood won't affect the Aliens anyways so I finished it by digging my feet again on the ground and inadvertently created a technique.. which is by Coating myself with ether Accidentally, planning to converge it on my feet but i didn't notice that there's too much ether on my feet, that's the reason why my body automatically released those much ether thorough my body and dashed THROUGH the target and slashing them with both of my daggers, Cleaving through their Tough Shells and body like Cheese.

I then went backwards as far as I can to avoid getting soaked by the acid, Observing the Fountain green blood that I created by slaying 2 Monsters in a Single attack..

Now I think about it… what name shall I call this Technique…

I said as I completely forgot the aliens and focused more to my techniques…

Ahh Since I dashed through and slashed them.. I'll call it Phase...

I yawned because my sleep was interrupted by the bugs that tried to kill me..

Finally making up my mind on the technique, I stood up and returned to the place I sleeped.. thankfully I wrote a Compass on the ground or else I'll be lost…

Well then Lets get a good sleep first before we go to the yggdrasil since the annoying bugs are finally taken care of..

I then took my warm aluminum blanket and sleeped under the rubble while hugging a stone..

I continued to stride towards the north, Keeping my focus on the path am going.. keeping my senses sharp to notice any threats that may come and get me, I stride the earth with fast leg movements… I just learned that my ether reserves can be emptied… I was full of myself that I dashed always towards the north, resulting to almost depleting all my ether Reserves, Its kinda funny and stupid so I'm being cautious to use my Ether reserves-

While Dashing through the land using only my physical attribute, I tend to always think about Elisha… That Woman is the one who adopted me when my whole family got killed.. She's the one I leaned on that time like she's my mother/sister figure, I still remember how we meet.


2 year ago

" Hic… why.. Why-… mama… pa- pa… Sis-.ter.. "

I lay helplessly on the bench while crying in the hallway of the G.S Fleet. White marble like Floor with a Gray Metal wall that has a black line in the lower half of the Wall, creating an exquisite simple design of the inside. But that didn't help me cool my head after… watching my family get killed in front of my eyes… I can't bear to watch and Remember it… its so… Painful..

Even tho I don't want to think about it… I still remember them…










5 hours earlier

" Oh John, Don't worry about us okay, Go and do your duty as a Soldier son, We support you " Said by my mother who always smile at me sweetly before kissing me in the cheeks and saying " I love you son, Take care and stay safe, Come back okayy? ".

" Yes I will comeback Mama " I replied with a happy tone. Thats when my little sister Jenny Hugged me tightly and cuddled like she doesn't want to release me.

" Big bro.. Don't go.. Pleaseeee.. " Said by my cute little sister with a sad tone, I can even feel the wetness in her face implying she cried because she pressed her face on my abdomen really tight.

I then snuggle my hands between us and pushed her gently before kneeling at her level and kissed her forehead as I said this.

" Big bro must work now, I know you can't understand it Lil sis since you're too young, but worry not for the Great mighty knight will return and play with you again! " I said as I smiled at her, patted her head and kissed it.

" Okay Big brooo!! " She said with a slight sad tone but later turned to cheerfulness and smiled as bright as day, She's my cute lil sis, I need to protect her till she lives a good life. I then looked at my father who is observing us quietly, I closed in our distance and hugged him tightly..

" Son, Comeback okay? Promise to us that you'll comeback in one piece So we can have a time together once we meet again, Okay? I know there's a war but thats why I want you to comeback as fast as possible so we can spend our lives and be happy in our limited time. " My father said with a serious but with a melancholy Tone…

I know that am in a war, So I can't promise that I can bring back myself alive because am not confident… but for them.. I'll stay safe and try to stay alive as possible. So..

" Promise papa… I'll comeback " I Smiled bittersweet as I hugged him tightly and finally release myself to them… I need to leave or else It will only make me stay more so… I bid my farewell and waved my hands to them as I carry my 2 military bags and went in to the Main G.S fleet, Which is 1200 meters in size, Can accommodate 5000 people and this is where the highest ranking soldiers stay, Especially one Sister which I heard to be as E.. She must be the commander of this fleet and she issues her command here for now, since she wants to escort all the soldiers to the base so to make sure they will safely arrive… well she's a sister after all which is one of the beings that can fight a Type toe to toe. Right now after I found my room and put all of my bags under my bed, I then took my family photo and looked at it… I felt the engine of the Ship starting… finally getting transported in our base and continue to fight the Type Codes and help people who are in the hazardous zone…


Elisha's POV

As I looked at the window panel in side of the GS fleet, I saw many high humans bidding farewell to their Sons and daughters… Using my telepathy, I can feel and see the thoughts of every person, Altho it didn't flooded me because my brain is comparable to a Jet jaguar super computer which means, I can manage all of these emotions and thoughts together without tiring my brain.

Its a great power for me and also for this war, Reason why they are currently creating a Transmitter Satellite Base for me so they can use my Power for Communication and transmitting information(Videos and files).

While I was having a look at these people, I heard a single word that I haven't heard from any people here..

" Promise papa… I'll comeback "

One soldier said this, I was taken aback because its my first time to hear a Promise… well I have a past about it.. ahh.. Nghh…

Headache suddenly flared up so I put all my work to calm my brain down, probably because I remembered that Past I have.. Its about-

AHH! Right where's that soldier.. I tried to find who that is through the POV of each person there but I can't seem to find him.. Maybe he already went in to the Ship, sheesh.. well lets forget about it and focus on the important matter because…

* MMMmmmmnggggggggg *

The engine has been activated, I can hear the humming sound of the Gravity engine, The latest technology of in our civilization, a Technological Rune engine that manipulates the Gravity via the use of Ether, Supplying the Runic Magic to create a Wave of Gravity, can be controlled on how strong the lift and speed, the mazimum speed it can go is 1000mph.

While I heard the roar of the engine, I noticed outside the city, There's a Sandstorm coming, its large that its like 2 Super Hurricane are coming here In unison. I didn't mind it since the city is equipped with a shield that not only can protect the people from any disaster but can even hold off a Type's Attack, altho it can be destroyed so… Before the sandstorm hit us, We Lifted off.

" Commander E, We are taking flight now, the Delivery of Soldiers in the Base has begun " The pilot of the craft said to me, I then waved my hands and now commanded them to start to take off.

* Rang of alarm is heard *

The alarm suddenly activatd and can be heard at the control room of the Main G.S fleet, This could only mean one thing.. A Type Code must be somewhere in our 25km radius in vicinity.

I immediately looked at our observing cameras to see where the type must be but we can't find Visual on the intruder..

" Commander.. somethings strange here " The Observer said to me.

" Speak " I replied.

" A sandstorm is coming at us-

A sandstorm? Well isn't normal to have a sandstorm in her- wait,

I looked towards the window and understand why something strange, The reason is-

"- But its size is very large for it to become a sandstorm, It has a height of 34km and a 509 km^2" wideness, This is probably the largest known sandstorm to be recorded. "said by the Observer.

" Indeed " I replied coldly.

Just as I expected… it looks like it's very large that it can cover half of a country… a Type must be hiding in the Sandstorm… to think it would use such tactics to cover itself, We underestimated the cognitive function of this invaders.

I quickly issued an Order

" Activate every Ether Maser Cannon in the ship, All operators of the guns get ready for combat! "

After I spoke this words, Everyone starts to get serious on their task, Operators are in Drivelink to the Ether Maser Cannon. The Operators are actually Ether Liners that has great capabilities in Range attack hence they we're used as Range Defense Forces.

They initiated Drivelink to the EMC and connected itself to the cannon to further improve it's capability as a cannon depending on the User.

I observed the Sandstorm with sharp eyes and look to see if it's comingg…

And it indeed come… What's more it's the most dangerous Type among all 9…

Dark shadow of a large cross is seen inside the sandstorm.. No doubt it's

" Code : Cross… Type Saturn… "

With no hesitation the Operators already fired their cannon shots to strike at the Type inside the sandstorm, We heard numerous load bang and explosion in each barrage fired by the Operators.

** BOOM!! ** ** Intense Explosion ** ** SKKKRRRTTTT BOOM! **

While they are firing against it, We must evacuate the people below to the underground, I took the microphone and called everyone's attention

"" This is Commander E speaking, Evacuate to the Underbase as soon as possible, A Code has been detected coming over here, I would advice to quickly evacuate while we are stalling time. ""

I said with a calm tone to avoid ruckus and confusion, I then used this opportunity to go out and do my part. After I decided what to do I quickly went outside by Blinking and manifest my wings and my sword, The Edge and provide protection against the Attack of Code : Cross.


Rekime's POV

* BOOM! *

AHHH!! Explosion?? where did it come fro-

Before I could finish my words, a rumble is felt, implying that the ship must be attacked so I tried to stand up and get out of my room, That's when I saw explosions and projectiles from the Maser Cannon coming towards the…

Type… Saturn-

That's when I saw Commander E… the Sister charging it's sword by empowering it with Ether and drove the sword in a Arc Slice, Creating an Etheric Slash that only scrape the skin of the Type and what's more The Type itself, Type Saturn looks like is unaffected by the enormous barrage of Maser Cannons, To show it's somewhat bored and irritated look it opened it's large eye at the center of the Cross and Retaliate by opening pores in it's enormous body and shoots out Cross shaped bone... the Cross Attack penetrated through the shield of the city and started it's bombardment, The ship suddenly moved out of the way from the barrage and hits the City below…

Worried I looked at where my family is and I'm relieve that they are going to the Entrance of the Underground, I quickly look away and think what is the best decision now since we are now fighting against the Leader of the Types.

[[ All Soldiers inside the Ship, We would like all of you to stay in their Rooms ]]

Ahh crap, well not like I can do anything so I'll go to my Room now, But before that I must take a look at my famil- Wait.. What!

I saw from below my Family, Staying at the entrance of the Underground.. I can see them banging and hitting the door and.. No.. They are the only one outside!


I felt my pocket vibrating so I quickly took my phone and it's my Mom calling, I quickly answered the call and heard them Crying… Especially my little sister..

" John!! W- we.. We can't Go insidee!! They… kicked us out for being a normal Human * Sobs *… What should we do?? "

My mom said with a shaky voice..

" Go and take cover to a sturdy building until you find another entranc- "

" KUYA JOHN!! * Intense crying * KUYA JOHN TULONGGGG! " My Sister suddenly shouted

Am at lost of word, My family is now stuck outside and in danger of getting killed, If I won't guide them carefully, I may not be able to see them again so..

" Shh I'll help.. Don't.. Worry please stay calm " I said on the verge of crying, trying to maintain my composure and guide them.

" Go to the right, After 2 blocks go straight- "

" is that where the other entrance to the underground? "

" Yes, That way maybe you can ente- "

" we can't… we.. all of them… " My mom said with a hopeless voice..

" No.. Maybe theres.. There's a way! "

" We love you John, We only called because.. maybe this will be our last time to be alive "

" NO NO Don't say that pleasee. Please don't say that! " I can't hold it any longer and I teared up because of my families situation, I quickly glanced at the large window and saw them waving while hugging each other… my Father.. Mother and my little sister hugging each other tightly…

Please.. God.. save them..

I quickly spoke in the phone

" Ma please don't lose hopeee, You can still.. Still survive! Please d- don't say-

" We love you John, Please take care and stay safe.. " My mom said

" We love you son, please live and don't suicide okay? " My father said


" Kuya.. I love you "

My little sister said, I can't.. I can't hold it.. They are-

" I love you everyone " I said to them while looking at the window my eyes full of tears, that's when the most painful thing happened to me.. the cross made it's way towards the district where my family at and..

NOOOO HAAAAAAA.. HAAA ha.. ha.. ha.. << Cried loudly as he gasped in desperation and frustration... He began to slump on the floor slowly...>>

I kneeled and cried, I saw… how.. they hugged each other before their deaths….

The district then exploded and destroyed every building in it, with the Underground's entrance Remaining… reducing everything to ashes and dust.



This can't be happening… << holding the phone that only produces static noise >>

I crushed the phone and slapped myself, trying to wake up from my nightmare but…

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

* slaps *

It's not a dream…. nor a nightmare… they really… died…

No longer can hold it, I sat on the bench and cried for my family.


Elisha's POV

[[ Commander E, All of the citizens has been evacuated ]] the announcer said to me, It looks like there's nothing to defend anymore, We stalled enough time so I quickly charged my Sword again to stand my ground against the type and buy time for us to use Pressure Dash.

" Prepare the Pressure dash everyone while I stall time " I said with a serious tone, I didn't wait for any replies and flew towards the Type, It's size is roughly 10 km length and 5 km Wide cross, If it stands then it's 10km in height.

This is gonna be difficult, I said before Using my psychic power to create a barrier and lifts all of the rubble in the city, I formed a Sturdy Rock Prison to immobilize Code : Cross..

Shaping and forming the rubble to a large chain with my power induced in it to form a strong chain to seal Cross atleast a second… Moving my hands and fingers in a quick movement to do hand seals and Ritual rites to use my Psychic power and Magic in unison, creating the Ultimate Prison I can make, Bedrock Cage.

I then quickly immobilized the Type after casting a Technique that used both of my powers, Holding the Type…

Ughh- it's so strong.. It looks like I can only hold it for 15 seconds before it break loose and rampage again.. That's when the good news smack my mind.

" Commader, Pressure Dash is now ready " The announcer said in my radio.

" Well done " I said, I reinforced the cage to hold Cross long enough for me to go the ship and commence Pressure dash, I then made another hand seal and successfully reinforced it.

After reinforcing I quickly fly towards the ship and Blinks inside, Finally inside the ship the Drivers commenced the Pressure Dash automatically and manage to get away from the Type on time after it destroyed my Cage in just 2 seconds.

It looks like we need to kill them before they get stronger to the point it is beyond the comprehension of man.

I sighed in relieve and observed on the God's Eye that the Type is now going away from the city after we loose it, We could have a chance to kill it but the lives of many underground won't be able to take the Full brunt of the battle hence we retreated and now plans on making our forces Stronger and Powerful to neutralize this threats.

" Great job everyone, thanks to you all that no casualties have been reported among the citizens " I said, proud to my people who I diligently trained and has been with me in this war at the beginning.

"" Yes! Commander! "" they all said in unison, Well am relieve and happy to have this guys…

After the battle is over, I then turned off my Mental Shield to make myself comfortable thats when I heard the familiar voice I heard earlier, although it sound.. sad?

' am worthless, mama… papa…. '

I wonder what happened so, not that I'll invade his privacy but I'll just take a peek. Deciding to take a peek inside, I consciously went inside his brain to look at the memory why he said that word with a sad monotone, that's when I saw the reason-


" Ma please don't lose hopeee, You can still.. Still survive! Please d- don't say-

" We love you John, Please take care and stay safe.. "

" We love you son, please live and don't suicide okay? "

" Kuya.. I love you "

" I love you everyone "

NOOOO HAAAAAAA.. HAAA ha.. ha.. ha. ]]


I gasped at the scenery I saw, there's… actually casualties among the citizens… whats more it's because of the racism between High humans and a Normal Human… I'll personally rip their heads out for indirectly killing an innocent family. so he is actually a normal human along with his family but… his family is dead now and there's no record of any normal human alive now before knowing him so that means…. He is the Last normal Human alive.

I then decided to go to him and at least comfort him since he is our soldier that will soon come in the front lines, I can't afford that one of my men will have an immense down morale boost so I quickly made my way towards the door outside the control room.

" Commander E where are you going? "

A person behind me asked. He is the Vice commander of the E district, My Assistant and second strongest before me in this GS. Fleet. Ryaku Fukaji

A Japanese High human.

" you should stay put here as per the higher up-"

" It's none of your concern "

I quickly shut him down before he can continue and walk towards the long cold hallway, despite it's design of aesthetically design of black and white, it still look lifeless.

" Now then, where is he "

I said beneath my breath as I continue to look in the hallways until I found him, Currently in a fetal position, Crying like a baby, loud and full of wailing.

This irritated one of my soldiers inside the room, which he shouted inside his room.

" Can you please shut the fuck up!!? Am trying to sleep here!! "

Is what he said, can't blame him since he is so loud now so I'll take care of this

" Ah sorry if it's noisy, I was watching a movie in my phone, am currently at the scene where there's a baby crying so pardon me, also I didn't noticed that my pod isn't working so I apologize "

I said perfectly intone, Trying to make such nonsensical excuse. Well this is better than to shutting him up like a commander which I really don't like.

" Oh I see, Well then just turn the volume down, unless its porn lady "

I twitched at the sudden word, It looks like this guy is a nymphomaniac to mention such a thing with a casual tone, Well I took a peek in his memories and yeah… he has 231 body counts and WOW!?

' Should I ask this lady to have sex with me? Well before I go in the frontlines, I need a good fuck especially from someone here whehehe '

Wow, Just wow.. I take back what I said earlier he needs to be shut down

" Ahem this is Commander E your talking with and I can see your intention dear "

I said seriously and then send a Strong signal in his brain, which I witnessed in his mind on how he shut himself up and goes straight to sleep with embarrassment

' What a fool '

I said internally, I then turned around the Baby guy, Walk towards him with soft steps and kneeled, observing him in his pathetic state. His face full of sweat, tears and dirt from the floor, all from crying so hard.

Well I can't blame him because he just witnessed all of his family members killed in his own eyes because of a racist High humans, They must be punished for neglecting citizens because of their own pride as a high human.

Well then let's finish this up and cheer this boy up, I then took a step closer to him, enough distance to tap him in his shoulder, so to signify my presence beside him and asked for what his condition is.

" hey there cadet, or should I say.. John? Are you okay? "

I asked with a soft tone, trying to show my genuine honesty to him,

He then looked up, staring directly at me.

" Pretty.. but go away… "

He blatantly replied to me with a rude tone before switching his eye sight infront, Completely ignoring me like am not worth to be talk with

" This bastard- "

I cursed beneath my breath, annoyed that my first approach was rejected in an instant, Oh well… we will do this in the hard way then you stubborn guy.

I then decided to turn his body towards me by holding his right shoulder and pulling it down towards me, Gripped his collars and lifts him up on the ground with both hands on both of his shoulders, Although I controlled my strength and only lifted him up til he can stand up.. this greatly shocked him but like what a soldier is…

He retaliated by lifting his fist up in the middle of my arms and then swing his arm downward towards the center of my right arm, hitting behind of my elbow which is facing down, this lost my strength in my right arm due to the increased leverage of my elbow, at that instant, He then used his left hand to hold my head… specifically my hair and pulled me down, I manage to hold my ground thanks to my brute strength which prevented me from falling to the floor but after he pulled me down.

He jumps and locks my neck with his legs, wrapping his right leg to my neck and also his left leg, this gave him the position of being in a lotus position. Ready to dislocate my neck any moments using his body to create a force and momentum but..

" hey, do you know who you're locking neck with? "

I said, not getting choked due to the fact that I have a stronger body than anyone else, my neck is more sturdier than a Ditanium which makes my neck very hard to break by any being even a Vice commander of all Districts except my sisters or Types.

" Am fighting a lady who touched me "

He replied as he tightened the grip of his legs but it didn't put pressure in my neck, getting bored… I gripped his back with my right hand tightly that he can't counter, I pulled his human body out of my neck like an insect clinging on me and throw him away like a ragdoll, Which I accidentally put too much strength.. this causes me to throw him towards a wall and dent the wall behind, causing shockwaves to travel the ship but am surprised at how sturdy his body is.

To absorb the impact of metal and his body colliding, not to mention it's the metal that got damaged while he only received minimal damage based on what I saw inside his brain through the neurons reaction.

looks like he is indeed worthy of being a soldier in our ranks, for a normal human to have a body as strong as a trained High human… he sure will be one of our best assets in rescue operation.

I thought of all that in a flash but quickly regained my awareness now as I observe him standing with an awakened face.

He must have regained his composure after banging him in the wall that hard

Well its a great result since I can finally talk to him calmly.

" Hey are you okay now? What do you feel? " I asked in a soft tone while looking at his eyes, simply forgetting the brash things we did like it never happened.

" oh.. yes Commander E.. although I still feel.. I don't know what to say "

He replied finally with a tone of softness and honesty, I can feel that sadness even if he said it vocally, What a poor guy hopefully he will feel better soon.

" I see… cheer up now, sorry if I sound rude but.. you should not feel any of those in my watch now since remember.. we are at war now, Mourn and grieve once you killed the killer of your family after ending this war "

I said, hopefully I can make him feel better to boost his morale to fight and serve in this war, I may look soft and very caring for my soldiers but they are nothing less but a tool for this war, If they are not useful any longer then they will not be needed anymore.

I'm a sister, The highest form of organism in this planet, that's why I should not stoop myself to the level of this mortal which are just insignificant insect to my point of view, or Our point of view.

" Yes Ma'am " He said as he looks at me and stood straight, that's when I saw how tall he is, He is very tall standing at a height of 6'4 while am only 6'1 hence why I need to look up at him, turning my head upwards to stare at his… dead eyes. Nonetheless I focused and arranged the necessary words needed to be said for this big guy.

" Good then, You can go rest in your room " I said, giving him orders to finally rest after such horrifying psychological witness. He needs to take a break to recover his mentality after all this.

" Yes Ma'am E " He said with a respectful tone along with a smile but he looks somewhat angry and grumpy because of his eyebrows, Maybe that's what his face really is from the start? I haven't seen an individual that has this look, even among my sisters there's none of them that can match his grumpy expression.

With an amused expression in my thoughts, he finally walked inside his room as I commanded, I then decided to return to the control room once again to be on guard for any threats or Type Hazard.


Night passes by and a new day has risen up, We finally arrived to the base which can also be used as a Headquarter but it has a training ground on the under part of the base for safe training time of soldiers in war. This is where Ryaku trained and became powerful enough to reach the vice commander rank.

As we are closing in the landing platform, Ryaku whose currently behind me spoke.

" So Commander E, I saw the footage last afternoon… can I ask why did you comfort him? And then also throwing him in the wall after? "

He said with curiosity but with a hint of disgust.

" Like I said its not of your concern "

I once again shutted him up like I always do, Geez this person is so talkative he is getting in my nerves now little by little.

" Well thats what you are always, Although it's interesting how that Rabble withstood an impa- "

Before he could continue the sentence, I gripped his neck with blistering speed which caused the personnel to stand up in shock and nervousness after witnessing me choking Ryaku. I was triggered by the word Rabble which means Human but in an insulting way. Geez this racism will never end unless the Human race are extinct, I need to discipline everyone here to make my district an exception.

" Ryaku… I will tell you this as an individual who thinks about the benefits of everyone.. Don't insult John just because he is a human, what kind of soldier are we if we discriminate a person's race? Whats the point of fighting for if you all still have that disgust towards humans? Aren't you all human before? Ungrateful insects "

I said with a calm tone to Ryaku who is now helpless in my grasp, as strong as he is to match my strength in a sparring, he won't be able to match my true strength. I then look at the personnel who are now scared and nervous because of my displeasure.

" I'll let this slide Ryaku but one more and you'll set-apart with your body "

I said as I lighten the grip in his neck as he is gasping for air after getting choked.

" yes… Forgive me " He said as he quickly kneeled and he bowed down to show his courtesy and honesty.

I accepted the apology with no word and ignored him as I returned to my usual self after the commotion, which releases the heavy air around us, calming the personnel who has the strength to finally get back to work which I dismissed with silence as i stood in the window to observe the base.

I didn't noticed we finally landed on the platform and the soldiers are on the move to enter the base, marching in unison as they followed the senior officers in the base to get in a seminar for the base's purpose, usage and rules for a brief information inside the building.

My eyes focused to someone I spotted in the crowds of soldier… Its John.

I wonder how is he now after that traumatic event, well hopefully he moves on and continues on to pursue the victory of this war.