

"Alexa! I didn't know you live here", what does he mean by he doesn't know I live here. Or does he…

"Drake! Hey come in", Cara answered my question and dragged him, making him bump shoulders with me. "Alexa get us coffee". I stood there still confused, 'he knows Cara, wait does he know I'm a slave. " Ah um Alexa Angelo!"

"Oh ok", with that I went behind the counter to fix them some instant coffee.

"With toast please", Abigail said. After fifteen minutes I was done. They'd all gone to the parlour upstairs.

"What took you so long?", Cara groaned as she took two cups from the tray. Drake was looking at me. I haven't felt so embarrassed in my life. " What movie are we watching?"

" Alexa!", Drake called out suddenly. "Aren't you joining?"

" N-no-no", I rushed out of there before you could say bingo. 'I can never face him again', I said to myself as I walked into my room. 'what the fuck's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly feeling ashamed? You are a slave and there's no way on this earth or in the Heavens he would like you. So keep your stupid feelings away. Don't make a fool out of yourself. Even without you being a servant-girl, you are ugly and short. Not one dude has ever toast you, what makes you think he would. He is rich, handsome and has a bright future. From a family where they have people more educated than you are working under them. Get a grip of yourself'. Before I could drift myself to sleep I got a text and it was from Drake.

Hey are you ok?

(Drakeeeey 20:15)

Yes, why do you ask?

(Me 20:15)

You were looking a little sick. Why aren't you watching the movie with us?

(Drakeeeey 20:16)

No reason. I don't feel like. Besides I want to sleep

(Me 20:18)

That's a lie

(Drakeeeey 20:18)

What do you mean? What if I tell you I was sleeping when you texted

(Me 20:18)

Then you wouldn't have seen my text

(Drakeeeey 20:20)

(Me 20:20)

What are you doing?

(Drakeeeey 20:20)


(Me 20:21)

I'm bored🤕

(Drakeeeey 20:21)

Aren't you watching movies with your friends?

(Me 20:22)

The movie is boring

(Drakeeeey 20:22)

Tell them to change it

(Me 20:22)

Two against one… na… and besides they are enjoying it

(Drakeeeey 20:23)

Trust me! If you tell them to change it, they will. Especially Cara, seems like she's heads over heels for you.

(Me 20:24)

Nah, she's with my brother

(Drakeeeey 20:24)


(Me 20:24)


(Drakeeeey 20:24)

Is his name 'Gab'?

(Me 20:27)

Do you know him?

(Drakeeeey 20:28)

Seen him

(Me 20:28)

So what's your relationship with Cara? You both don't seem like sisters. Or step?

(Drakeeeey 20:28)

Oh no we are far from sisters

(Me 20:28)


(Drakeeeey 20:28)

"Alexa!!!", Cara yelled my name. I took my time to walk up the stairs.


"what are you doing?"


"Order us some pizza"

"You can do that yourself", Drake said. I was taken back. He looked pissed at Cara for some reason. She rolled her eyes and snatched Abigail's phone from her. "I want Chicken. Lexi what would you like?". I didn't answer cause there's no way he asked me. "Alexa?"


"I asked you what you want?"


"Yes. What type of pizza do you like"

" I'm good. I don't like pizza"

" Ok, so what do you like?"

" I'm good. I'm not hungry"

"You sure?"

"Yeah", I walked out

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my room"

"You are alone. Stay and watch a movie with us". I saw Cara giving me death glares. I don't like where this is going. Before I could respond he dragged me by the hands down to the ground and put comforters on me. "So let's watch another movie… Lexi pick for us"

"No no, I shouldn't really be here". I said waving my hands and getting up

"Nonsense", he pulled me back down, this time holding my waist and u swear my stomach is in a gymnasium. "Just pick one"

"I don't watch movies"

" Ok I'll pick. Mhmmm let's watch Midnight Summers". He played the movie. And if looks could kill, I'll be six feet under now. Cara and Abigails' eyes are shooting daggers.

I enjoyed the movie but getting distracted by some advances Abigail tried to make on Drake. He wasn't giving it back to her, he even changed his seat position towards the end of the movie. Cara had already slept off. I bid Abigail and Drake bye and locked up after them.

Goodnight cupcake 🤗😴

(Drakeeeey 23:02)

Was his message not even up to two minutes after they left. I woke Cara up to go to her room but no luck. So I covered her up, turned off the tv and kept chips and chocolate beside her. So she wouldn't wake me up at night.


One week to Cara going on her date… she's excited and freaking out and it's causing her to throw tantrums. She has seen his photo, her younger brother; Carlito sent the photo. Although I haven't seen him myself. But I can tell he's handsome from the way Cara is freaking out. She has gone to the mall three times today, I followed her twice. She bought a total of 63 dresses. She could have bought more but her card was denied; she had used up her daily withdrawals. She's still unsatisfied with what to wear. She's searching through Pinterest for hairs and shoes and cursing each one as she scrolls past. Me on the other hand, I'm practising how to bake and I've been a mess so far. Watching Carlos Bakery videos for about six hours and I haven't gotten one cupcake right. He makes it look so easy.

"Yes!!! Finally, this one looks perfect. Now does it taste perfect?"Cara sent me a disgusted look as I kept it in my mouth. "Oh mama Mia, I did it". I am overwhelmed with joy, finally after six hours I made one cupcake. "Cara ven!"


"Por favour"

"No. Are you trying to kill me?"

"I promise you, this one would be worth it", she grudgingly agreed, she tasted it and I swear for a minute her eyes widened.

"At Least it's better than your others"

"So you like it?"

"I didn't say that", she walked upstairs as I admired my beauty.


"Alexa let's go!", Cara is forcing me to go to a party with her. After dressing up, I got into her new Lexus car and she drove off. The party is by invite only and men there's a lot of people here for an IV exclusive party. The music is so loud, I can't even hear my own thoughts. Walking further more into the house, people are scattered into different group. I have no idea where Cara is, so I sit all by myself at the bottom stair of the stairway, plugged in my earpiece to listen to BTS and I need you played. This is so frustrating, I can't hear my song play. I'm leaving.

"Alexa! Where are you going?", Abigail called out.


" Come here." I followed her into what looks like a bar room, there were liquors everywhere and eighty percent of people in the room are drunk. "Found her", Abigail said as she bounced down on the sofa. Vióla, here's Cara and Gab and Drake.

" Who's this? She looks like one who cleans other people's poo", a red-hair girl said and they all laughed including Drake

"Yeah she does", Cara's response. "She's my slave"

"Can I have her, she looks like she can scrub the floor well", They all laughed. "Can she take others?"

"Well answer her. Can you?", Cara eyed me. Drake was just playing video game with a friend. What was I thinking? Ofcourse what would he say, why would he defend me cause he defended me once. I'm a slave aren't I? Isn't that why I am working for the Aguero's and they are paying me. "Earth to Alexa!", Cara snapped her fingers. "Why are you always zooming off? What are you thinking about"

" She has no manners, why would you be talking to her and she's paying no attention. You need to discipline her", Another girl said, she's on short blonde and black hair.

"Oh I see. It's Drake, she's been staring at him. She likes Drake. You like Drake", the red-hair girl said cooing.

"Drake? Drake? Impossible", that's Cara. "Jessica what are you thinking? How can a nobody like her think of liking Drake. She should go look for some farmer boys"

"Even farmer boys are way off her league, they are hot. High school janitors works for her". The third girl said and they all laugh. Drake pulled me out of their midst. I didn't even know when he stood up.

"Are you ok?", he asked after bringing me into a room

"Ofcourse why do you ask", I try to stop the tears that's threatening to roll

"I don't like how they were treating you"

"What it's to you? It's not as if they are wrong. I'm a slave, that's what I'm paid to do. Scrub floors, take orders, receive abuses, receive beatings…"

"beatings?" he cut me off. "They beat you", he started searching me "Where?". Before he could get to my hands I pushed him off. He pulled me into an unexpected hug, it was warm and I drowned into his warmth. " What the Fuck!?" He pulled away. "Who does this?", he said fully unfolding my sleeves. "What's all this? How? Why?" the tears finally found it's way down and it came with its army. "Alexa explain"

"It's nothing"

"How would you call this nothing?"

"I'm a slave. Get use to it. This was they do to people like me. Beat me up when I get an order wrong. Vent all their anger on me. Do me anyhow when they feel like. Atleast she's not a man that would rape me"

"And you take all this bullshit". He scoffed

" It wasn't my fault. This is what I was born into. Atleast I'm getting paid"

"How much fuckin dollars can they give you for maltreatment? Where are you parents"


"I- I'm so…", I didn't allow him to finish before I took my leave.

"What's it to him? What's his business? I didn't choose this life, I was born into it. I didn't have rich parents. I grew up eating from the remainder of food on the Aguero's table.


"What was all that?", Cara came yelling through the front door. It's one in the morning, can her voice get any louder? "Are you nut!?", she slammed my front door closed. "Who the fuck do you think you are liking Drake? Do you think he'll like you back? You? A complete atom in the human world. A nobody. A slave girl whose yearly salary can't buy a Luis Vuitton bag."

"I don't like him"

"Arrghh", she walked out of my room and then I hear clatters, glass breaking. I stood up walked to the sitting room and luckily for me I was quick to dudge what came my way. "Are you crazy? I don't know what audacity you have to go after the dude. You've completely embarrassed me. I am fuckin dating his brother. It shows how indisciplined you are and how badly I did with you."

"ah". I looked at my hand and all I see is blood, it's gushing out, then glass, straight into my arm. And the pain all comes rushing with the blood gushing and I look at Cara and she doesn't seem to give a bullshit.

"Fuck!". I look up and see Abigail, I can't process what she's doing, my head begins to spin. "Crap", was what came out if mouth when I stepped back a bit, my foot has been pierced by a glass.

"Stay there, don't fuckin move". Abigail gets the converse that's at the front door and wears it quickly and before I knew it I'm being lifted up and she's calling 911; that's if we are in the US, but I do know she's speaking with emergency line. She places me gently on my bed. "Get the first aid kit now! Cara!"

"I don't fuckin know where it is"

"How wouldn't you know? This is your house!"

" It's in the kitchen cabinet", I said between the pain

"Which", she said as she reaches the kitchen

"The upper cabinet next to where the pans are hanged"

"Got it". She hurried back. "This is gonna hurt. Where are the fuckin med people?". She took the cotton bud and dappled it around me a bit, but that's not stopping the blood. My clothes are soaked. It was as if I was shot. It's just a miracle I'm not dead yet. "How many blood do you have in there?"


"Finally they are here", Abigail flew out and less than thirty seconds they are inside. I was given an oxygen mask and I needed it cause it was at that point I lost consciousness.


A Day to Cara's date

I'm healed, kind of. Abigail as been around most of the time. She's a bitch but not as much as Cara is, atleast she has some humane in her.

"Atchoo", that's Cara. She's got fever

"Mehn, sorry. How did you even get fever"

"I don't even know and that's annoying. Hopefully it goes away before noon tomorrow"


"My date silly"

"How about if it doesn't"

"Don't jinx it"

"Just saying"

"Well… you'll go for me"

"You can't be serious right? As cute and handsome as he is. I just can't go. I'm an influencer he'll know me one way or the other. And besides didn't you say Alexa goes on your date for you"

"Yes. That's because I don't want them, so I send her to shoo them off. She's ugly, they wouldn't want to come back", she shrugged and Abigail agreed. "Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow", she ties her hair up. "Have you seen this?"

" What?"

"This sensation reigning on Insta", she shows Abigail her

"Yes. On TikTok. It's funny"