

The princess was pressured by her mother as being the first child and legitimate daughter of the Emperor, her father to get married so she could be able to access the throne and lead her people like her father always wanted while the major and commander as the Emperor's fore men wanted the adopted son of the Emperor to rule in regards to the fact that he was a male. They believed they would lose respect from the neighbouring provinces if it is heard that a woman leads an empire. The princess in this note, faked a marriage with a close friend of hers who wasn't from that province. With time, he found an amulet belonging to the late Emperor which was the perfect match of his mom's. Combining the two, forms a heart shaped gemstone. He told the Princess out of excitement that he has found his real dad. His mom has told him about him before but never told him he was royalty. The princess reminded him they were in a contract of faked marriage. After the contract is done, he can go make it known. She felt he was not going to make anything out of his recent finding because the dad in question is late already; but when it was made known, the major was on his side and is ready to fight with him through the hearts of the people to make them accept him as emperor. With the quest for power so he could take revenge on his mother's clan people for traumatizing him for an accident he knew nothing of. The Empress was with her daughter and would want her to rule her people with grace. Emilia has grown in the castle and around her father, so; she knows the ways of royalty better and it's her father's wish too to see her become the first ruling Empress in the whole of the seven provinces. It's a battle of the fittest! But when the case was brought before the royal court, Emilia confessed she was already with a child growing in her for Mario. With series of check-ups, It was confirmed and Mario was made to pick a choice between continuing the marriage with Emilia leading as Empress or find a new life outside the castle be it within the empire or not but the Emperor's wealth would be divided into two and he would possess half of it. The choice was difficult which made him revolt into a protest. On the day of final court hearing on what decision he made, the princess was missing. She never showed up in court and a search party was set up to find her. Things can never get any messier!

Chukx_Whyte · Ciudad
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10 Chs


"I never knew your mom would be so kind" Emily said to Tania as they walked past the courtyard into the princess' chamber. It was getting late, with the help of Tania, Emily took off the emerald green gown she wore to Mrs. Deborah's and took her bath. Changed into a night wear and started walking down to the Emperor's court where he sat. While still in the hallway, very close to the court, she heard voices sounding like what she has heard before. She tried to place the voices in place with her imagination but something was not sounding right. It was not ringing any bells to her until she heard; "Your Highness, you can call in Tania my daughter and be sure". It was at this moment she knew who was actually with her dad. "What happened? It is so weird for Mrs. Deborah to be at the castle by this time of the night except something really alarming happened." She thought to herself. "I have heard you madam. I would send for Tania at once!" She heard her father's baritone voice echoed from the courtyard. "Go and summon her immediately", he said to one of the guards beside him. At once he rushed into the hallway which leads to the maids quarters. "Tania! Tania!!" He screamed as he approached the block of rooms. "On my way sire!" She voiced back loudly from behind her room doors for she was already making her bed for the night's sleep. She creaked her door open to see which soldier it was, to be sure it was not one of those wooing her. "The Emperor wants to see you at once!" He said, and vanished in quick gallant steps out of her sight. "What is wrong?!!" A few other maidens were murmuring. At once, Tania changed into something that would pass he message that she was already on her way to bed before the message came. She dragged her legs briskly to answer the Emperor's call while Emily was hidden at the back door beside the dining window where she could be really listening clearly to all their conversation. Shocked as she saw her mom, Tania exclaimed. "Mom!!! what brought you out tonight to the palace."? "Tania?" The emperor called out loud. "Tania!!!" she answered, "Your mother has come to lay a very grave report about theft which happened today at her place. She claimed to have lost a flower vase to the theft and i know they took other things too. She also claimed to have kept her most precious jewelries in the base of the vase since it was her favorite flower vase. She is not leaving without the vase!" Arthur stood up as he banged his hands on the handles of his seat. At this juncture, Tania knew it was extremely serious but at the same time, emotionless. She broke out crying uncontrollably. "How would I steal from my mother? What do i need my mother's treasures for? It is improper your royal highness. I can do no such thing!" Tania said sobbing with a crackly voice. "She did not come alone Emperor. She came with the princess. I am sure, the princess must know something!" As soon as the princess was mentioned, His spirit dropped. "Do you say my daughter was at your home today? And at this same day, you lost your treasures?" Arthur asked with a straight face, trying to hide his disappointment. "Yes sire. Of what reason should I lie?" Mrs. Deborah asked. "Send for my daughter immediately!" Arthur said and his guard left to the princess chambers. Approaching the door, he met the Empress and Emily coming out from the princess room and without a word, walked towards the Emperor's court yard. "Here they come" Arthur said to Mrs. Deborah who looked away immediately she saw the empress. "Mrs. You may repeat what you told me to the hearing of my wife and daughter. So she might speak for herself" Arthur said, sitting down. "Your royal highness, I have your daughter and mine visited me earlier today and with warmth and love, I received them. When they arrived, they gifted me some flowers. My favourite species of flowers which i kept to add to my most valued collections. As soon as they left, I looked for my vase in which i stored flowers and ornaments of this value and could not find it. I looked everywhere and still found it not. I got so furious that I could no longer help the temper building in me, then i thought it wise to come here and make complaints that my vase be returned to me in good fate." Mrs. Deborah spoke with her head down. "Emily, what do you have to say in defense of yourself?" Arthur asked his daughter who was already restless, tapping her shoes endlessly on the ground. "Dad, I visited the old lady with her daughter to say hello and at least know the mother of my friend on the basis of goodwill. And here she is accusing her daughter and I of theft. What do I need your cheap treasures for when I can literally get anything I want here. Probably you should step in to my room and see how much treasures you could find. You are free to keep any you desire old lady. I am too much of a royalty to steal from a commoner like you!" Emily said with disgust on her face. "Shooshh young woman!" Ruby scolded her daughter who was getting so furious with anger and shame. "I would be honoured to go take a look your majesty If the princess say so". Mrs. Deborah said looking up. "You are really accusing my daughter of theft, Mrs. Deborah?" Empress Ruby said with a brow up. "Not really Empress, just trying to confirm her innocence your majesty." Mrs. Deborah said and the princess led them down the hallway towards her room. "Good evening Your majesty, Wendy greeted the Emperor as she walked past them putting on an apron as though she was serving in the kitchen at the time. They ignored her and walked into the Princess's room and there's the vase sitting comfortably on her dressing mirror. "Your majesty, There is my vase! That is it," She said walking briskly to the vase, took away the flowers and turned the vase face over, letting ornaments as rubies, golds, pearls, and a diamond falling down so they could all see she was not wrong with her description of her treasures. "This is not right! Nothing was here while we left the room mom! You were here with me mother. Please tell dad this is wrong!"Emily said with deep shock of surprise on her face. "Then how could it have gotten here? On the first day i gave you my permission to tour the city, you brought me shame and embarrassment? I fore warned you Emily! Do you know what you just did? Sorry madam, I sincerely apologised for every discomfort this might have caused you. You might sleep in the castle if it is too late for you to return home, or my commander can drive you home in one of the royal security chariots." The Emperor said with anger mixed with shame showing evidently on his voice. "Before leaving madam, I was here with my daughter before the guard came in here to call us, I never saw any vase here. Someone must have taken this from you and planted it in here for some evil reasons i don't know why. But we sincerely apologise for all the discomfort. I would personally fish out the culprit because I trust my daughter with my life just as you trust yours. I am surprised at my husband for not believing Emily. Nevertheless, You must return home now. It is getting late" The Empress said as she pulled Emily's hand and dragged her into her room.

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