
Nostalgic Memories

“Life, half is memory, half is to continue.” Life, truly’s full of memories. Laughters, happiness, excitement, sadness, betrayals... they’re all a part of our memories, but what if you suddenly lose them? Would your life still continue? This novel is about a girl named Carson who got caught up in an accident when she was 17 years old. She had a good life, her family was wealthy and was very known. Not until the day her fate twisted because of a certain person. Everything about her changed, so is her surroundings. She was asked to forget about her past, but will she? Destiny is a tricky one, that she can say. Would destiny allow her to remember her past? Or will she just live a new life with new memories? This is a journey of pain, anger, and unexpected betrayals. This is the journey of Carson towards the truth of everything by meeting new people without knowing they are related to her past, and by meeting these people, she would soon realize that people are more complicated and unpredictable than she thought.

_Mei · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 | New Day

Carson's POV

"CARSON YOUR'E GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL! COME DOWN NOW." My mom's voice echoed across the whole house.

This is my first day of school, after how many months of being on a coma, and I basically can't remember anything because of how much damage that accident had made on my brain. I was caught on an accident when I was in grade 11 around November I guess, so I wasn't able to finish it. Now, I'm returning to school as a grade 11 student, again, 3 months after the opening of the school year.

I went down the stairs since my room was on the second floor while fixing my uniform, and because of how ecstatic I am, I just literally tripped on the last step. The sound my body made when I tripped alarmed everyone at the house, and here I am, laughing on my mind because of how stupid I am.

"Carson! What are you doing? You wanna go back to that hospital?!" My mom angrily and worriedly said.

"Can I? I kinda missed the handsome nurses there." I jokingly said.

Mom then slapped my head.

"Please, please be more careful next time, you don't want to go back there. You've spent enough time there already." My mom pleadingly said.

I was happy that mom was concerned about me, but I always thought there was something about her that I don't really get. Maybe there's something in my past that is starting to come back that won't come back because I just caused another accident that can make me forget that I even woke up.

I promised my mom that I'll be more careful next time. My mom then helped me get up, I then fixed myself and put on my shoes. I went to the dining table to eat my breakfast. My dad then was just there, sipping his hot coffee and reading the reports of his employees. Our family owns a company named H&R which focuses on the production of toys, but they still produce other things. I still don't get what my dad really does on this job but he wanted me to take over him when the time comes.

My dad and I didn't speak to each other while eating, maybe he's just that busy. I was actually surprised that he was able to visit me on my last day at the hospital, though it was only like 30 mins. After I ate my breakfast which was 2 pieces of pancakes with butter and honey, I immediately went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I grabbed my bag to go to school.

After I went out, the whole scenery made my eyes all watery. It felt like I was alive for the second time. It was even a miracle that I survived, they really thought I was gonna die. I still remember the time when I woke up, my mom and aunt were watching a horror film on tv. My aunt screamed like crazy making a nurse rush in our room, he thought I was on a brink of death that I needed to be revived. He got mad at my aunt of course and told her to keep quiet. I laughed of course, which made me make a little sound since I really couldn't take it any longer. I immediately caught their attention like, what the heck? I thought. It was only a faint sound. We just stared at each other, they didn't even do anything. After 10 seconds that's where they finally realized I was actually awake, and of course, my aunt screamed once again making the same nurse come running towards our room. When he saw that nothing happened, he said once again to keep quiet but my aunt suddenly rushed towards the nurse and gave him a big hug screaming at him that I'm finally awake. The nurse of course pushed her aside and began checking my pulse.

I am really really thankful to God that I'm still alive, even though I lost my memories, my past could have been a bad one that's why I was given the chance to start again. Now that I'm given the chance to start again, I'll try my very best to not make God regret that he brought me back to life. I'll be the most happy person and I'll be more good to everyone.

After a long walk towards school, I was finally able to reach the gates. Everything was very new to me, nothing seems to be familiar, is my amnesia that bad?

Since it was still early, I decided to tour myself first, since I don't know anyone yet. I first went to the the garden part of the school, flowers were blooming and the trees are very green. The very cool air that I breathe comes from the trees that are planted on that side of the school. There were also many birds singing and humming a lullaby while they rest on their nests. I continued walking through the beautifully trimmed grass with stones where you're supposed to step on. While I was admiring the beauty of nature, I came across a very old looking room. It was separated from the main building but it was very close. The windows are tinted so it was hard to see what's on the inside. "Maybe it's still being used..." I thought.

I decided to peek at the door which also has a window. When I was very close to the door someone suddenly opened it, a girl a little taller than I am and very thin. Her hair looked very silky and her eyes were very beautiful though they looked really sad. Her lips were perfect though it look really dry, and her face structure was like a foreigner's and her skin was white! Overall, she was perfect! "Just who is she?" I thought

We just stared at each other for seconds, I was admiring her beauty, though she looked like her head's full of thoughts like who the hell am I or "is this a staring contest?" I then shrugged my head and went back to reality. I then decided to start a conversation, I was about to ask her who she was when she suddenly interrupt me with a question.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked seriously.

"What?" is the only answer that came into my mind, but of course I didn't say it. Is she mad or something? I thought.

"Uhm.. no?" I answered her confusingly. The atmosphere between us became more tense, but I didn't know why. My whole first impression on her literally changed because of how serious and Ill tempered she looked like. This was literally our first meeting and she talked like she was gonna eat me alive afterwards.

"Hm, ok." She stubbornly said.

"@$&#$?" My head was full of undefined words, I was literally pissed and I don't even know why. She just acted grumpily at me, just who do she think she is? Giving me an answer of o-k without giving me an explanation why she asked in the first place.

She started locking the door behind her while ignoring my presence. I was giving her a look of "hey I'm here! Yoo-hoo!" but nope, she just walked passed me. While she walks away I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to be a good student starting now, and since I don't know where my room or who my adviser is then this is my chance to ask her since we've already talked. "I should put away my pissed feeling for a while." I thought

When she was already half way I called on her, "Hey!" I shouted.

"What now?" She scornfully asked.

Just as I've thought, she hates me, but I don't care I need to know where my room is.

"Can't you speak much more friendlier than that?" I politely asked.

"I don't even know who you are." She replied.

That hurt, though it's true.

"I'm Caridad Carson Colmenares. Satisfied?" I said


K??!! After introducing myself that's what I get? Ohh you want war my friend? I'll give it to you then!—Just kidding I need to calm myself down jeez.

"Look, I just want to ask if you could help me find my room." I asked calmly.(I tried)

"What grade are you in?"

"11, Class C."

"After you see the Outreach room, go take a left then you'll find your room there." She lazily said.

"Can't you show me where it is? I'm not very good at directions." I said. Even before this day I asked our housemaids to help me get to school just so I would remember what road I'm supposed to cross since I walk when going to school. I did it for 3 days before my first day just to be sure I won't get lost.

"I'm busy, go find your classmates and tail with them. It's been 3 months since the start of the school year and you still don't know where your room is? She grumpily said.

... now I'm literally pissed. I don't even know who my classmates are, and for the record, this is my first day!

"This is my first day for your information, I was in a coma for months." I irritatedly said.

She gave out a big sigh which made me more pissed.

"It's Monday, there's an assembly in front of the school building. Go there first and find your class." She said.

"Where's the assembly area?" I asked.

"Idiot, just as I've said it's in front of the school building. See that big building?" She then pointed it out. "You would see a hoard of students on the front." She huskily said.

I really appreciate that she pointed out where the school building is, but calling me an idiot when first of all, she doesn't even know me, is not very polite as a human being. Sorry miss, but my whole impression on you changed and I dearly hope you change that attitude of yours, don't waste your good-looking face with your despicable attitude.

"Well, thanks, miss with a bitchy attitude. Hope the next time we meet you'll be a brand new human being. Goodbye." I rushed my words and walked out.

I thought I was finally having a good day, I came to school safe without getting lost, I was able to see the very beautiful garden of our school, everything was going perfect! Not until that statue-like girl showed up giving me a very tough attitude.

After a 2 mins walk, I was able to come across a line of students coming to the assembly area. I followed these line of students and finally came across to the assembly area the girl was talking about—wait, I don't even know her name! Nah, maybe it's better now knowing. I don't want to cross paths with her again and I most specifically don't want to get close to her.

While getting closer I saw a bunch of signs in front with the sections written on them. I sighed of relief since I won't have a hard time finding my classmates. I walked through the closely pact students and was making my way through Class C. When I was still halfway across them a girl saw me struggling my way towards them, she then suddenly shouted and said that "CARSON'S FINALLY HERE!" Everyone's eyes were on me. I felt like a wanted criminal.

A group of students made their way towards me, which literally made me fallback. Now I know that they really are the Class C. They all threw themselves on me which literally made my body react. Of course I don't know them yet, but I'm very happy to know that I am very welcome at their class.

Our little reunion ended when a person at the second floor of the building asked us students to calm down. I'm guessing he's one of the higher ups in the senior high school. We all returned to our original places and a classmate named Vaughn, or also known as our class president said that he will assist me in everything. I was very glad of course 'cause I really needed assistance and he is obviously much better than the girl I met a while ago.

He then asked me to follow him so I would see where I'm supposed to stand, when I was able to settle down he then introduced himself more.

"I'm Vaughn James Mercado, your class president and I was asked to help you get through things and since we all know what happened to you last year, I'll do my best to be of great help to you." Vaughn formally said.

"You don't have to be so formal, nice meeting you. I'm Caridad Carson Colmenares." I replied back offering him a handshake while I put on a sweet smile.

The school assembly finally started, the one's that led the assembly were the grade 11 Class B. We started off with an opening prayer and the gospel reading. After that was the reflection which made the students go "OHHHHHH..." when the leader mentioned something about love life. "People really tend to go crazy when it comes to love." Carson thought.

Our morning prayer ended and was followed by the singing of the National Anthem, and obviously, I can't remember any lyrics. I felt bad forgetting about our country's anthem when we've been memorizing it since preschool. After the National anthem was the reciting of the oath of our school, Nueva Vida University and just as I've expected, I was speechless. Though it looks like the teachers were aware of my situation since they let me through it.

The assembly finally ended though there were still some announcements. The man that initiated the assembly once again spoke.

"Now, a word from our Student Council President."

I hated speeches, they always make me sleepy. Not that I remember any records that I did but I just feel like no speech has ever caught my attentio- holy... ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?

My jaw literally dropped at the face of the person I loathe so much. The student council president... SHE WAS THE PERSON I CALLED ON AS MISS BITCH! This is your first day Carson, FIRST DAY! And you just literally ruined your reputation, of all the people you could first meet and get pissed at it was the student council president who could send you to the Prefect of Discipline with just one call! "Gosh, what a bad coincidence." I then said to myself.

Vaughn then noticed my expressions. He then asked me what was wrong. I then asked him,

"W-what's the name of the student council president?" I asked while my voice stuttered.

"Reina Mei Salamanca, from Gr 12 Class A." He proudly said. "She's feared by many people, and only few can approach her. The students also hate her since the 3 grade 12 students, who were really famous because of their wealth and talents, were kicked out from school because of her." Vaughn then suddenly lowered his voice.

"K-kicked out??!" I nervously said. "W-why?" I continued.

"No one knows why... It just happened so fast, the next day we were surprised that they will no longer go to school. Though someone from their classmates saw their meeting with the principal and the 3 students were all defending themselves, they even cried." Vaughn sadly said. "But why do you sound so nervous?" He asked.

I was surprised that he noticed it, can't believe I was that obvious.

"Nothing, nothing. Well hearing the word "kicked out" made me tremble a bit." I said.

"You can't possibly get kicked out when you're just starting school, relax a bit. From what I see right now you would never do anything that can make you end up at the prefect of discipline." Vaughn assured me.

I was more scared when he said that, assuring me with something that he didn't know I already did is making me tremble more. I do hope I didn't leave a very bad impression on her. I take back everything I said, just don't make me go to the POD when it's just my first day. My parents won't let me in my room if I did. All of this can only be said in my head, I don't plan on meeting with her again or else I might say something bad once more.

Her speech finally ended, her voice sounded more huskily and deep than our meeting a while ago. Maybe because she was speaking in front of many people.

This was the first time my attention was caught from a speech, I can't believe she was the first one that caught my attention. But what caught my attention more was that no one clapped for her. Everyone was silent, she just backed out from the stage like nothing happened. The principal then asked for a clap of hands, it was the only time the students clapped. "Maybe the principal saw that it got a little awkward." I thought. Now I know I wasn't the only one who loathes her, the whole student body does.


School finally ended, all the teachers asked me to introduce myself before class and it was really, really tiring and I don't even know why. Though they were able to memorized my name immediately, because as a curious citizen who just woke up form slumber, I sure would question many things about how life works, and I honestly think it annoyed the teachers. Though my classmates were having fun because of how inquisitive I am, and because of it, it is making our lessons longer.

I decided to stay at our classroom for a while, it all feels familiar to me. The stressful atmosphere on our room, the comfortable chairs of ours, the detaching paint of the floor, the hidden tv at the back of the white board, it all feels like it was only yesterday when I first started grade 11, since I'm on my second year of it.

I was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of our room because all my classmates went home already. The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted when a person suddenly opened the door. I didn't mind who it was, I just let my head rest on my arm chair. My eyes were closed for minutes, and when I was finally gonna open them I saw a glimpse of a person in front of me, he was staring at me the whole time. I opened my eyes and saw that it was the president, Vaughn.

"Enjoying your alone time?" He asked while trying to fix his way of sitting.

"I just missed school." I replied while sitting straight.

"You should go home, it might get dark soon."

"I'll stay for a bit, I won't be able to relax like this tomorrow." I said while leaning my back on the chair.

"I'll stay with you then." He said while smiling at me.

Honestly, it was not that awkward staying with him, somehow I feel comfortable with him. We just laughed and talked non stop with many different topics even though I don't remember half of what he mentions which made us laugh. I can't believe that with his nerdy look and messed up hair, he is actually someone who you'll think as a serious and anti social person, but in reality, he is very friendly and is someone your could get comfortable with.

We chatted for atleast 40 mins before deciding to go home, we could already see the dark sky slowly dominating the blue sky when we finished chatting. We then fixed the chairs we sat on and unplugged all the appliances before going out. When we went out the beautiful sky clouded my eyes. I am really glad I was given a chance to see this sky again, 'cause I don't want to live there yet of course, well not yet.

Before going home Vaughn asked me if I wanted a tour at school, maybe that way I can be familiar with all the places, or much better, remember them. I accepted his invitation of course, it was also for my own benefit.

He then showed me where the library was, though it was already locked I could see the many books and chairs inside. There were even board games like snakes and ladders, chess, scrabble and many more. There's even a computer lab just beside it which you can use to print or search for your assignment that you didn't do. Our next destination was the sheds. There were two sheds as he mentioned, one was near the Junior High School building which we're allowed to go, and the grade school sheds which are exclusive for grade school students only. Since my mom made our maid cook my lunch, I didn't know there were two food courts not until Vaughn mentioned it, one for junior, senior, and college students, and the other one was the grade school food court which we could also go. The stalls were closed, though I could see how good their food are just by looking at their banners and menus. Our next stop was the gym, the gym was very big and spacious. There were many bleachers and the stage was big, there were even players, which Vaughn was guessing they were the school's varsity players, practicing their shootings and passings.

The next one was the grade school playground, I don't even know why we went here since it looked like we are not even allowed with the gate closed, though it was very low that you could just jump right into it. And without warning, Vaughn did trespassed on it.

"C'mon, there's no one around." He said while offering his hand.

I followed his steps and was able to cross the fence, we sat on the swing which was big that could fit atleast 4 people. Vaughn then just stared at his surroundings, while I stare at him. His face looks so peaceful and happy, you could see how contented he is on his life. Vaughn then realized he was staring at blank space and said,

"Oh, sorry. I spaced out a bit, this is the only time I am able to comeback here and just relax." He then said while wiping his glasses.

"He looks much better without glasses..." I then thought.

We left the playground after 10 mins. After that he asked me if I still have time since he wanted to show me another spot. I then said it's alright since I already said to my mom that I'll be home late. We then walked for like, 8 mins. It was very far away and I didn't know where we were going. After how many minutes the scenery felt familiar, it's like I have been in here before, the trees, birds nests, flowers. Wait, this is...

Just as I've thought, it was the room that I found earlier.

"This is the student council room. Well it wasn't the student council room before, I heard it was the light music club room but all its members have graduated and now they decided to disband it since no one wanted to join, so now the student council room was moved here." He cheerfully said while his hands were pointing at it.

"Oh no..." I said out loud without noticing it.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"Uhmm, well."


I then decided to tell him what happened, since we were already close.

After I explained to him what happened he laughed. He just laughed and said how brave I am. He definitely adores me right now and it's because of how frank I am.

"You, literally trash talked her!" He said while still laughing.

"I was pissed! I just woke up after how many months and I get treated like that? You should never joke on a person who just woke up if you don't want to have a piece of him." I said while still feeling irritated.

Vaughn then stopped his laughing

"Well, now you know. So next time, don't ever do something that could piss her off if you don't want to end up at her stead." Vaughn then said while catching his breath.

"I know..." I replied.

The sky was suddenly all dark, we didn't notice the time. We went home together that day since our home was just a walking distance from school. The topic upon the student council president was brought up by Vaughn, he describes her as a hardworking and a very strict person. "Maybe that's why she was acting all mighty and proud." I thought to myself.

"Still, she shouldn't be like that to people. Even though she has a higher position than us she should be more understanding of her fellow students and careful with her words!" I then said while kicking the stones that were on my way.

"Well, we can't control a person's feelings. Maybe something was up this day that's why she treated you so badly." He then said while looking at the cars passing by.

The cars were fast pacing and the multiple headlights were blinding our sight which made us close our eyes for some seconds. We let the cars pass by before continuing our walk.

"You're right, but isn't she always like that to people? Since just like you said, she is hated by many." I asked while looking at him.

"Well, she does it to old students, but I never thought that she'll get mad at a new student."

"Now that sounded unfair." I then said.

When we were about to part ways, I suddenly thought why he decided to stay with me this whole time. I called on him again and asked why he did. He heard me scream across the other corner, he then turned his look on me. He smiled at me and showed me a bunch of keys which he brought out from his pocket. I didn't get why he would show me a bunch of keys, when he was given a hint that I still don't get it he then said,

"I'm the key holder of our room, I needed to wait for all the students to come out before locking the doors." He then screamed.

I found myself laughing with what he just said, I can't believe it was my fault that he ended up staying late at school.

"Well, I'm sorry mister president!" I shouted at him back while still laughing.

"It's alright! I enjoyed every second with you. It was fun!" He then screamed back.

Vaughn then was waving at me while still laughing at each other.