

[ORIGINAL NOVEL NAME: No Class Reincarnation] "I died at the age of 18...or was it suicide?" "More or else I can't remember that much..." "It all happened so fast... A bum like me with No Class getting reincarnated..." His past life was a misery that he wanted to escape with all means, but now things were different, he vowed to rectify his past mistakes and become a better man capable of protecting his loved ones at all costs. With the gift of harbouring two mana cores in his body... Only sole human capable of wielding 'Aether'.... Great Family that supported him throughout his growth from learning magic to swordsmanship... And being able to traverse a pocket dimension to his will known as 'Vanta Black.' Things were looking great for the young Lad until he joined an expedition to Elder, hundreds were killed and after he took down the Final beast, he's body was corrupted with Negative mana. This led to the kingdom blaming the boy for the misfortune that had befell them. He came back from the expedition amongst those who had survived only to find his parents missing. His master? Coldly murdered. "Afte all I've done for not only this kingdom but the Continent as well...this is how they treat me..." "GENOCIDE!" was the only thing ringing in Jay's head. And thus it was marked in the history books, The Lilac Massacre! Those who lived got to tell the story of a boy who killed a third of a Continent's population. --- After getting his dual mana core shattered by the Deity of Chaos and Order Jay was thrown into the Acheron, the ruined world of gods. Those who showed ways of redemption to the gods were taken back to the mortal realm. "Redemption my Ass!" "I'll Kill the so called gods myself..." ______________________________________ "That...that boy, he was able to flip the entire balance and order of the world, defying the laws and concepts set upon it, Killing gods and Deities...." "Surely he must have had some help right?" "..." "Right?" "He did it...all by HIMSELF!" ______________________________________ [THE MC IS A KIND HEARTED PERSON AND KIND OF A B*TCH AT THE START BUT HE CHANGES OVER TIME LOOSING HIS HUMANITY] HAREM POTENTIAL? YES but a small one. FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM FOR CHARACTER DESIGNS: @heavenlymike DISCORD SERVER IS UP AND RUNNING... COME SHOW SOME LOVE LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM

HeavenlyMike · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
105 Chs


The day began at the Royal Library, where I found myself engrossed in my studies. The topic of the day was the Celestial Seraph Technique, a powerful martial art that had piqued my interest. My training with Deryl in the Terragon swordstyle had been progressing well.

At the tender age of six, I had already reached an intermediate level in the Terragon style.

However, I couldn't help but wonder if mastering the Celestial Seraph Technique would open doors to other martial arts forms like the Onyx Shadowblade, Phoenix Ember Flow, and Froststeel. They all seemed to branch from the Celestial Seraph, which intrigued me.

But my thoughts weren't solely focused on martial arts that day. I also delved into a book about magic. Its pages were filled with intricate designs and illustrations of magic circles, the foundation of spellcasting in our world.

Magic circles were undeniably powerful, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was another way to cast spells without relying on these elaborate patterns.

While they were essential for controlling and directing mana, they also seemed to limit the potential of spellcasters by acting as a sort of seal on their mana channels.

I mulled over this idea for a while. Could it be possible to cast magic without the confines of magic circles? What if one could control the flow of mana without the need for these intricate designs? The thought fascinated me, and I decided to put it to the test.

With determination in my heart, I assumed a stance, stretched out my arm, and closed my eyes. The air around me seemed to come alive, swirling gently as I concentrated.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel the heat building up within my body as mana coursed through my channels.

In my mind's eye, I visualized tiny rock fragments coming together, forming a small stone hovering in the air. The anticipation was palpable, and I held my breath as I opened my eyes.

To my astonishment, there it was—a small rock suspended before me. It hung in the air for a moment before gently descending to the ground.

As I continued to ponder my newfound magical discovery, I was suddenly aware of Siena's presence. She ascended to the third floor of the library, her graceful movements catching my attention. I greeted her, and she responded with a warm smile that sent my heart racing.

Siena's beauty was captivating, but it was her magical prowess that intrigued me the most. I couldn't help but wonder if my feelings toward her were more than just admiration.

Love? Nah, I shook the thought from my mind; we were still kids, after all.

She thanked me for saving her when she had descended into Aldevia, her gratitude genuine.

Siena then found a spot by the window and sat down, her eyes fixated on the breathtaking view of the town below. I followed suit, pulling up a chair and joining her.

After a moment of silence, I mustered the courage to ask about her unique eye, the cross shape that had captured my curiosity.

As I examined it up close, I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

Siena explained that her eyes were known as the Ethereal Gaze, a gift from Supreme Deities or demigods.

These eyes possessed incredible powers, with their strength varying based on the status and class of the granting Deity.

Siena had the {VITAEYES}, eyes blessed with the power of healing and restoration. With them, she could mend wounds, cure diseases, and even rejuvenate life force. Her explanation was both fascinating and enchanting.

She spoke of the highest power of the Supreme Deity, Vita, known as Life Force Manipulation.

Curious, I mentioned that I might possess an Ethereal Gaze as well, given the peculiar nature of my right eye.

Siena leaned closer, examining my eye, and her expression shifted to one of uncertainty. She mentioned that the symbol in my eye was unfamiliar to her.

Recalling another Ethereal with a similar symbol of a split triangle, she explained the {LUMINARIS EYES}.

These eyes had the power to manipulate and control light, allowing their bearer to create illusions and even become invisible by bending light around them. However, my Ethereal was unlike anything she had encountered.

To satisfy her curiosity, Siena decided to test the abilities of my Ethereal Gaze. She placed her hand in front of my face, her palm glowing a deep, vibrant red.

Suddenly, my surroundings began to distort, glitching in and out. Memories and events flooded my six-year-old mind at an overwhelming pace, causing intense discomfort.

I dropped to my knees, clutching my chest, my eyes wide open as the influx of information overwhelmed me. I sweated profusely, feeling as though my very being was being rewritten. Just as panic began to set in, Aria burst into the room, her eyes widening in shock.

"What are you doing to him?" Aria shouted, concern and anger in her voice as she rushed toward us.


Edited by: JJ