
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
404 Chs

Chapter 288: Disaster 1

(Yui Kanakura Perspective) (Nisekoi)

Throughout my life in the mafia, I have seen all kinds of horrible scenes, I have carried out heinous acts, I have reached the point where every day I question myself if life is just a well of suffering and loneliness.

I was only happy when I lived in Japan during my childhood.

Being an ordinary girl with no worries about mafia business, having friends and even a family that loved me. The time I spent with the Ichijo family was the happiest time of my life.

Since I've been the Char Siu leader, every day has become a fight for survival between cunning enemies, strong assassins, and entities beyond imagination.

If it wasn't for the fact that I became friends with Lucifer, I wouldn't be able to bear all this stress and would have looked for a way to escape these responsibilities, perhaps a political marriage with someone I don't love... The stress of running a huge criminal organization I was freaking out.

Therefore, my life was illuminated by the arrival of the strangest boy I have ever met, Ichijo Seiji / Oosuki Luis.

With the help of Lucifer, I investigated more about the identity of the boy and saw that his actions go beyond what is seen within our world.

Hero of Harmony, the man who saved several worlds despite being a teenager.

The man who faced the forces of Paradise in order to protect innocent people, without caring that they were not human.

The man who won the recognition and favoritism of one of the leaders of Paradise, the Archangel of Hope.

The man who faced one of Eternal Heaven Immortal's strongest cultivators.

The man who faced an Ancient One to protect his companions.

The man who survived the attack of a powerful system user capable of devouring Ancient Ones.

That boy's achievements were impressive, but his lust and love for beautiful women are also well known.

Well, nobody is perfect.

That boy is a little womanizer who doesn't miss every opportunity to flirt with me.

Although I hate that kind of man, I find the boy adorable since he doesn't do unpleasant things like look at my body like I'm a prize, he hasn't tried to take advantage of me either, and he has actually been very warm to me.

Instead of a boyfriend or lover, he seems like a caring older brother who always takes care of me.

I was always in the role of big sister and leader so having a reliable person who can support me is very relaxing, dealing with all the stress on my own is too exhausting.

At this point I can no longer deny it, I fell in love with the boy.

When I found out that he was kidnapped, I didn't hesitate to mobilize all of Char Siu, I didn't care if my mafia was destroyed, I just wanted to rescue my cute and perverted little brother.

When I saw his condition, my heart nearly broke.

The amount of pain he must have experienced is something the human mind should not be able to handle, but he managed to survive and remain sane.

Seeing the golden light cover his body to regenerate his wounds gave me a sense of relief and joy that I hadn't experienced in my entire life. It was the happiness of seeing the person I love safe.

I wanted to run to hug him, but I stopped when I saw his body.

Although Luis had healed all of his wounds and rebuilt his limbs, he had not restored his clothes...

"Damn perverted idiot!" - The girl called Paula shouted with a flushed face, but she did not take her eyes off Luis's body.

Luis was carrying Seishirou since the girl had fainted from exhaustion.

"Brat, if you're going to criticize me then look away" - Luis sighed ironically. - "What happens? You like what you see?"

"MORON!" – Paula's face was completely flushed.

"You're still a stupid virgin brat" – The psycho mercenary, Revy, sneered. I understand that she, Seishirou, Paula, and Luis have known each other for years.

I'm a bit jealous of that relationship, my only friend is Lucifer and I can't see her since she lives in another world.

"Let's leave the jokes for now" - Luis sighed and approached Paula. – "Take care of Tsugumi"

"But put some clothes on you fucking exhibitionist pervert!" – Paula screamed with embarrassment as she hugged the unconscious girl.

Luis smiled wryly, this fool has no sense of shame...

Luis reached out and a hole appeared in front of him. If I'm not mistaken, that should be his hero inventory.

Luis pulled out some clothes and in an instant, he was dressed in a black military suit. It's a shame…

"Why do you look disappointed?" - Luis looked at me with a mocking smile.

"... Ahem, it's good that you're okay" - I replied with a cordial smile.

I can use Lucifer's blessing again since the spirit formation was destroyed, so I used my acting skill to hide my embarrassment.

"Yes, of course" - Luis shook his head and looked at the mercenary woman who had remained completely silent since Luis recovered from her injuries.

"Long time no see, Rebecca" - Luis spoke with a kind voice, but somehow I feel that the atmosphere is strange.

One of my skills allows me to see part of people's emotions and intentions.

Although I can see that they are both happy to see each other, I also see a lot of insecurity and fear in Revy. On the other hand, Luis seems genuinely happy to see the woman.

"Come on, won't you say anything?" - Luis sighed.

"..." - Revy remained silent as he looked at the ground.

She has some broken bones and there are several bleeding wounds on her body, but her expression doesn't show any pain, she just looks like a child about to be scolded.

"Ah, whatever, give me the gun" - Luis sighed again.

Revy pulled out the gun she had on her belt and handed it to Luis.

Luis has no hostility or desire to kill, but he showed me that he is capable of killing without emitting killing intent...

Luis pointed the gun at Revy's face.

"Look at me when I talk to you" – Luis's attitude changed, he became expressionless and his voice was monotonous… I don't like that personality.

Revy lifted her face and looked directly into Luis's eyes, not even paying attention to the gun pointed at her forehead.

"Do you know what you did?" - Luis spoke expressionlessly.

Rebecca smiled bitterly. – "Yes, and I would do it again"

"The gun is loaded and has no safety..." - Luis spoke with a voice devoid of emotions.

"I know" – Revy had a calm expression as if she had accepted her own death…

I already heard the whole story between them.

Rebecca used Luis's family as bait so she and Luis could escape, but Luis didn't abandon his family which caused her a lot of trouble.

It can be interpreted that Rebecca betrayed Luis to protect him, although this made Luis have to flee his country, I even heard that Luis ended up very injured and only survived because he met a crazy doctor who helped him with the condition of using him in some experiments.

This is a discussion that they need to resolve calmly, and this is not a good time for this conversation so I wanted to intervene, but Luis just sighed and pulled the trigger of the gun...

"..." - Luis relaxed his expression and smiled softly. – "You didn't even blink"

Revy just raised an eyebrow as her heart filled with confusion. – "It is the first time I see you smile like that… You have become soft"

"They tell me often" - Luis sighed. – "Well, it does not matter, Rebecca, I do not hate you nor do I plan to kill you, I also understand that in the future you will be willing to kill the people I care about in order to guarantee my life and yours… But well, you have always been crazy like that that doesn't bother me"

"What?" - Revy frowned. – "Are you forgiving me?"

"Yes" - Luis smiled and extended his arms. – "Come, how about a hug?"

"…" – Revy seemed to be furious. - "Fucking idiot! Do you have a fucking idea how much time I used to think of a way for you to forgive me?! Ever since I found out you're alive I've spent every fucking second thinking about how to talk to you, but now it turns out you forgive me just because you feel like fucking it! Where is the fucking bastard who didn't hesitate to burn down an orphanage?!"

…Luis set fire to an orphanage?

Somehow, I'm not surprised, he's not a good person.

"Look, we are literally in enemy territory and at any moment we will be ambushed since the restrictions on supernatural beings have been removed" – Luis shrugged. – "We can continue arguing all night, or you can accept the stupid reality and hug me while we pretend that everything is joy, besides, you have punished yourself enough… Tell me, when was the last time you slept well? You have more dark circles than eyelids"

"Imbecile" – Revy sighed and hugged Luis.

"I missed you too" - Luis smiled softly as if all the people around him didn't exist, he only focused on Revy...

I'm a little jealous.

Even so…

"Wasn't this reconciliation too easy?" – I murmured with slight skepticism.

"They are always like that" – Paula sighed as she hugged Seishirou. – "They argue, they yell at each other, they fight until they bleed a little, they make up, they have sex and then they commit a crime together… They are a couple of idiots, once they had a fight to the death with knives just because Rebecca ate the last chicken nugget"

Even without my skill, I can see that she is jealous.

I know that Luis has a very active sexual life, but it still bothers me to hear about his relationship with other women...

Getting into a relationship with him will be hard on my heart.

Luis released Revy and put his hand on the heads of each of us.

When his hand touched my head, I felt all the fatigue and pain disappear. It was like having the best nap in the world…

Only now did I notice that Seishirou had recovered her limbs and all her injuries were gone, though Luis's ability seems to be unable to restore mental fatigue so Seishirou is still asleep.

When Luis healed Balalaika, I noticed that small wounds appeared on his neck and face, but those wounds disappeared immediately.

Luis's skill is not to heal wounds, but he absorbs the wounds and then his body regenerates...

Luis is not a good person, but he has no limits when it comes to protecting the people he values...

I don't like the idea of him sacrificing himself, but I like his dedication to protecting those he loves.

Although we now have no injuries and regain our vitality, our faces show extreme weariness.

Lucifer's blessing gives me more mental strength so I'm fine now, but I really want to go home and watch movies while eating ice cream...

"My inventory doesn't have much space and I can only carry the essentials, so listen to me carefully" – Luis spoke with extreme seriousness. – "You go ahead behind me and do everything I tell you, to begin with, put on these bracelets"

Luis gave us some gold bracelets.

Lucifer's blessing told me that the bracelet did not contain any Contracts or traps, but was instead a defensive artifact containing the blessing of the Archangel of Hope, Auriel.

I smiled slightly at his protective attitude. – "You do not need to be so nervous, the enemy cannot send reinforcements and the cultivators are too busy to attack us"

"Hey Listen! Those idiots are busy touching their prostates!" – To think that fairies would be so unpleasant….

Luis ignored the fairy and looked at us seriously. – "One of my Hero skills allows me to sense when a world catastrophe is about to occur, yesterday my skill warned me that something terrible was about to happen and I think it is too late to stop the catastrophe"

We frown, Luis's expression indicating that this is much more dangerous than we imagined.

"W-We have to stop them…" – The woman with black hair and red eyes spoke with difficulty. She wasn't hurt, but the pain seemed to continue to invade her.

Luis approached the woman and gently put her hand on the woman's head. – "Calm down, take a deep breath"

Golden light covered the woman and her expression calmed down, but she still looked distraught.

"You don't understand… They are for…. Ahh!" – The woman held her chest with an expression of extreme pain.

I know that reaction, a Contract…

Luis frowned and used Auriel's blessing to absorb the woman's suffering, but the Contract continued to cause more pain.

I approached them and put my hand on the woman's forehead. – "You helped my little brother, this is my thanks"

I used Lucifer's blessing to read the Contract on the woman's body to find a loophole to nullify the contract.


This information…

No, what is this?!



Destruction of human history…

Invasion of Gaia...

Throne of Heroes…

That is…

Too much information…

My head can't take it...


"Don't overexert yourself" - Luis' kind voice and a pleasant feeling of warmth made the pain disappear...

I breathed hard and looked at Luis desperately. – "We have to go, now"

Luis frowned and was about to say something, but we heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.

Luis stood up in front of us and extended his hand. – "Holy fathers, holy mothers, forgive the sins of this son and grant me the power to exterminate sinners…"

"Aren't you supposed to be an atheist?" – Revy smiled mockingly, she doesn't understand the horrors we are facing...

Luis ignored her and concentrated on her right hand.

Golden light covered Luis's hand, then the light turned red like blood and a piercing chainsaw sound made our bodies tremble...

My Lucifer's Blessing has a passive ability to warn me of abilities and artifacts that can cut through all of my defensive abilities, and what appeared in Luis's hand was a thing that made me feel terrified.

It was a gigantic sword, taller than Luis.

The sword is not really a sword, but a huge chainsaw in the shape of a sword.

Luis is a box of surprises, but some of those surprises are terrifying…

As scary as that weapon is, I didn't feel in danger, I just felt like I'm safe, especially after the information I just saw...

He lives up to the hero's title.

The basement where we are is a huge place, it is practically an underground base.

The corridor through which we had entered was totally dark, so this seemed like a scene from a horror movie.

The footsteps got closer and we finally saw the enemy.

He was the strongest cultivator working for the Chinese government, Li Baishan.

His clothes were torn as if some crazed animal had attacked him, but his skin was unharmed.

"Hey Listen! Did you have fun with the colonoscopy? Ahahahahahahaha!" – The fairy is disgusting.

Li Baishan ignored the fairy and only focused on Luis. – "As expected, I told those idiots that it was best to kill you immediately, now you managed to escape, Lin Dongfang is dead, Yang Ming will want to commit suicide and Lin Yi will have trauma from being abused by his own master…"

Li Baishan used the boy to escape from Yang Ming… I feel sorry for them.

"Everything is a mess and I will have to fix it" - Li Baishan sighed. – "I am not in the mood to fight so get out of here, you can even take that stupid puppet, a living corpse that managed to develop a conscience of its own is useless garbage"

The living corpse, Anqing Beixi, snorted disdainfully.

Luis did not lower his sword and continued in a combat position. – "When they were torturing me I heard some things, for example, you want to revive your wife, the real Anqing Beixi"

Li Baishan shrugged. - "And that? Wouldn't you do the same if you lose the one you love?"

Luis smiled. – "That's right, however, I heard that your wife's soul was so strong that she split into three parts and she reincarnated into three different people, Su Ji, Su Fei, and Su Yao"

"That damn pink-haired bitch talked too much..." - Li Baishan frowned. – "Well, it is true, two of the lovers of the Harem King have the fragments of my wife's soul, but that is not your problem"

"That system user is a stupid idiot" - The chainsaw in Luis's hand began to emit a shrill sound that seemed like the roar of an apocalyptic beast. – "But he is my stupid friend"

"Hey Listen! Tsundere men suck!"

Li Baishan frowned. – "Boy, you are courting death"

Luis smiled. – "I already slept with a death goddess"

… Seriously?

I need to teach him self-control, it's not good for him to sleep with any woman he sees...

Li Baishan disappeared in an instant. My danger perception skill activated and warned me of imminent death, but my body failed to move in time.

Although I am often tired of life, I have never considered suicide.

Death scares me.

I don't want to die...

There are many things I haven't experienced...

I want to experience so many things...

I saw a flash of blue light aim at my face.

I thought it would be the end of me, but the light was blocked by an unbreakable silhouette.

"You crossed the line, asshole" – Luis was standing in front of me as he used the gigantic sword to stop the sword that was aimed at my face.

"Hey Listen! It's never a good idea to attack the yandere siscon's sister! Now your anus won't be the only thing ripped apart!"

I couldn't complain about the fairy's stupidities, I just watched as Li Baishan quickly walked away and then fled out of the basement as if he was running away from a hungry beast.

Luis didn't chase after him and turned to look at me. His expression only showed concern and kindness...

"Everything is fine" – Luis smiled at me and hugged me.

Only now did I realize that my body was trembling…

I see, until now I have faced countless dangerous situations, but I was always protected by my subordinates and Lucifer's blessing which increases my luck to absurd levels.

This is the first time I've felt the cold breath of death on my neck.

I hugged Luis tightly.

I'm afraid, I'm very afraid, I don't want to die...

"It's fine, I won't let them hurt you" - Luis patted my back.

I had to force myself not to cry.

"Hey, this is not the time for cheap soap opera stupidities" - Revy's voice interrupted my beautiful moment with Luis. – "This woman seems to want to say something"

Right, the woman with the Contract has important information. The Contract says that her name is Yu Mei-ren.

My mind is not capable of processing all the information, so we need her to explain to us the horrors I saw in her Contract.

We approached Yu Mei-ren and I did my best to decipher her Contract. Luis made sure to protect my mind so I was able to find a loophole in the Contract.

"Clause 23-C: control over Yu Mei-ren will be transferred to the man she recognizes as her husband, the only exception is if the man is a Servant…" – I read the Contract clause.

The person who designed this Contract just wanted to spite Yu Mei-ren, that's the only explanation for such an absurd clause.

"…" – Yu Mei-ren's expression turned gloomy upon hearing the clause. – "Damn sadistic bitch…"

"Well, that's complicated" - Luis smiled wryly. – "I have enough experience to recognize a woman in love so we just have to look for your husband"

"…" – Yu Mei-ren's expression turned darker. – "He is dead, most likely his soul was taken by the Will of the World to turn him into a warrior, a Servant…"


"Koyanskaya may be crazy, but I admire her creativity" – Luis sighed.


Isn't she one of the executive directors of the Nine Fox Foundation?

Is she also one of Luis' lovers?

I have a feeling it will be somewhat complicated.

Luis sighed. – "Later we will solve that, for now, we have to get out of here"

Yu Mei-ren clenched her fists and looked at Luis seriously as if she wanted to know his thoughts. – "Hero of Japan, tell me the truth… How far are you willing to go to protect our world?"

"I'm not the hero of Japan, I don't even have nationality or a visa" – Luis rolled his eyes. – "Well, I don't like this world, there are too many idiots and humanity itself seems stupid to me… But I will protect this world, even if I have to die"

"Why?" – Yu Mei-ren looked at Luis seriously. – "What makes you protect a world you hate? Is it because you're a Hero?"

"No, my hero title is stupid and I couldn't care less" – Luis shrugged, then smiled softly as he put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down since I'm still a little scared. – "This world is the home of the people I love, that is all that matters to me"

… Luis…

Yu Mei-ren nodded. – "A selfless hero is not reliable since his values can collapse or become corrupted, but a selfish man who fights for his loved ones is capable of defying the heavens…"

I completely agree with her.

Yu Mei-ren looked at Luis seriously and then lowered her head. – "I, Yu Mei-ren, recognize you as my husband… But I ask you, no, I beg you… Protect this world…"

"Don't you hate humans?" - Luis raised an eyebrow. – "Koyanskaya mentioned that you are a frustrated woman with life who hates humans and that your only friends are books"

Luis, it is not good to say such things to a lady…

"Please don't mention that unpleasant woman" – Yu Mei-ren spoke with disgust. – "But she did not lie… I do not like humans, but I love this world, it is the world that he wanted to protect… A world where he wanted peace…"

I think she is the historical figure, Consort Yu. So, her husband who became a Servant must be the warlord Xiang Yu.

"I really don't like the idea of ​​forcing a woman to be my wife" – Luis scratched his cheek uncomfortably.

"You are not forcing me, this is my decision" – Yu Mei-ren was stubborn.

"Hey Listen! Quit complaining like a fucking bitch and fornicate this woman's holes!" – The fairy shouted as if she wanted to be heard by the entire planet…

I don't understand how Luis can stand listening to that thing all day.

"And if you see your husband again?" – Luis hit the fairy and looked at Yu Mei-ren seriously. – "I won't lie, I am a possessive and jealous idiot, so I don't like the idea of ​​infidelity, I really don't like it…"

Luis's gloomy expression as he holds the chainsaw looks like the cover of a horror movie, but in a way, I find him kind of cute.

Yu Mei-ren was not intimidated by Luis's expression and answered without hesitation. – "The leader of Char Siu can make contracts, if you cannot trust me, I am willing to sign a Contract of absolute obedience"

… It is because of women like her that many people think that women in China are obedient and submissive like pets…

Luis seemed to be thinking, so Yu Mei-ren lowered her head until her forehead touched the ground. – "We do not have much time, please, let me be your wife…"

Luis sighed. – "Fine, but if in some stupid coincidence we find your husband, I will have to kill him if he tries to seduce you…

Well, that is not possible, the Will of the World does not intervene in the political problems of humans"

Yu Mei-ren's body trembled.

Luis frowned. – "Is the disaster that is to come so great that the Servants will intervene?"

Yu Mei-ren did not answer, the Contract prevents her from speaking.

"Damn, I just want vacations..." - Luis sighed with annoyance, I understand that feeling. – "Fine, I accept you as my wife, then we will arrange the official affairs and for now, tell me what is happening"

The special clause in the Contract that controlled Yu Mei-ren's soul was activated. Now Luis is the owner of that woman… I don't like how that sounds.

Yu Mei-ren hurriedly grabbed Luis's arm as if anxiety was consuming her. – "The government and other foreign groups are collaborating with an entity from another world! We must stop them immediately or our world will be destroyed!"

At that moment my ability to perceive danger was activated.

The danger did not come from someone or something, but from everywhere. The world itself had become dangerous...

The place began to shake, the walls cracked and the ceiling began to collapse.

"It's too late…" – Yu Mei-ren lost all trace of motivation and fell to her knees. – "The Lostbelt was activated…"

Chains of purple magical energy came out from Luis's back, those chains held all the people in our group and then he started running.

Luis ran at great speed, but the chains seemed to protect us from the pressure of the wind, so we left the base totally unharmed.

On the way I thought I saw Yang Ming doing unpleasant things with his disciple... I'll pretend I didn't see anything.

Leaving the underground base I thought we would see the Chinese soldiers fighting against the Moscow Hotel agents, but what I saw was much worse.

The soldiers had stopped fighting and were staring up at the sky. Even the veteran soldiers were unable to move before the scene that covered the sky.

It is midnight, but the sun is shining in the sky, or what looks like the sun.

The blue sky was filled with strange flying vehicles that looked like something out of a science fiction movie.

The military base buildings began to transform, steel was replaced by wood and concrete was now earth. The bomb-proof buildings were converted into buildings from the feudal era.

The weapons that the soldiers held became feudal weapons such as swords and spears.

The armored tanks were now mounds of stone and the soldiers piloting them were possibly now dead.

I have a skill that allows me to look at the area from the perspective of an eagle in the air, with this skill I visualized the nearby cities and saw that everything was changing.

Buildings, roads, cars, cell phones, clothes… Everything was becoming objects from the feudal era.

The only things that didn't change form were high-quality supernatural artifacts.

I tried to look at how far this transformation was affecting, but everything on the horizon was thrown back into the feudal era.

The strangest thing is that the sky was full of science fiction ships which created a strange contrast with the feudal buildings.

"Rewriting reality..." - Luis murmured with concern. – "This should not be possible, this World is protected by a strong barrier and the Superior Entities of other Worlds should not have the power to alter reality…"

This is way beyond my comprehension...

I quickly tried to send a message to Lucifer, but I couldn't reach her, something is obstructing our mental link.

"Luis…" – I was about to ask about what was going on, but the sky above us darkened.

Dozens of gigantic ships flew over us.

The main ship opened a hatch and from it emerged what looked like a giant cannon.

I had a bad feeling, but for some strange reason, my ability to perceive danger told me that I am safe.

The cannon emitted a red light and fired at us.

Everything was so sudden and confusing that nobody knew how to react, but for some unknown reason, I feel safe.

"Don't stare! We have to go!" – Luis shouted and the magical energy covered his body, then he made a sword cut towards the sky. – "Diagonal Cut!"

A gigantic blade of energy flew toward the energy attack.

The red beam was destroyed, but the magical energy blade did not stop, it continued to fly and split the gigantic flying ship in half.

"I have only recovered a tenth of my magical energy" – Luis spoke with a tired voice. – "We have to run away to find out what is happening"

We all nod.

Balalaika gave orders to her soldiers and we all fled while Luis intercepted the energy attacks.

Most of the enemy soldiers tried to attack us, so we killed them taking advantage of the fact that the weapons Luis gave us were not turned into garbage.

The few soldiers who surrendered accompanied us. This is not the time to fight each other, something terrible is happening and we must unite to protect our country.

"Who would have thought, nationalism finally paid off" – Revy sneered disdainfully as enemy soldiers helped us gather supplies as we fled the military base.

I love my country so her disdain bothers me, but I don't have time to complain, I need to gather the members of Char Siu.

As we move forward, we find civilians fleeing from the big cities. They were terrified as a group of soldiers with high-tech weapons descended from the sky.

The people who surrendered were captured and taken to the ships in the sky, and the people who tried to fight were immediately killed.

We thought to get away from the city to find a safe haven, but at that moment a loud rumble made the earth tremble.

In the center of the city appeared a gigantic wooden pillar that pierced through the clouds.

"The idiot monkey is having fun..." - Luis smiled wryly.

That's Wukong's power… Amazing.

"You guys find a shelter, I need to help the Monkey King or he will be captured, he is an impulsive idiot" – Luis sighed with annoyance, but I can see that he is trying to hide his fatigue.

"Fuck you idiot!" – Revy grabbed Luis's arm. – "I came all the way here to save your stupid ass, I will not leave without you!"

Luis sighed. – "Rebecca, this is something you cannot help me with"

Revy gritted her teeth, she understands that, but she doesn't want to leave Luis alone. I know because I think the same...

Luis smiled. – "I have seen situations like this, this is only the first step of a world invasion… We will need allies and a base, I will look for the allies and you will help by building a secure base"

Even though I know this is just an excuse for us not to feel worthless, I can't help but feel a little calmer. Luis is good at managing people, a born leader...

What is happening prevents us from contacting other worlds, but Luis told us that there are several magical beings accompanying him on his Hero missions. Luis can summon them with a ritual, so we went to a remote area and Luis drew a magic circle on the ground to summon his allies.

Beautiful goddesses and beautiful female angels…

Instead of a battle group, it looks like a parade of beautiful cosplayers.

The group of goddesses was assigned to protect us while the angels will accompany Luis.

Yu Mei-ren insisted on accompanying Luis. She mentioned that she can summon a Servant, but they will need some special materials so she wants to tag along to get the materials.

Luis sighed and agreed to take the woman with him. I felt a little jealous, but from what I saw in the Contract, she's an immortal vampire so she won't be a hindrance to Luis.

Luis left and we went to look for a safe place.

When we found a safe place, a green-haired goddess manipulated nature to create a secret underground base.

There were also amorphous gods with male voices, but they seemed to be simple slaves and only followed the orders of the goddesses.

I heard that a bird-shaped god muttered that the goddesses only got preferential treatment because they were Luis's wives.

"Now I get it" – Revy nodded. – "The idiot stopped being an atheist because he slept with several goddesses, it makes sense"


I don't know what to say.

I just hope Luis doesn't put himself in danger.

For now, we are going to build a shelter.

Although it saddens me that many of my compatriots are dying, I don't have time to save them, my priority is to ensure the safety of my group.

I just hope this isn't the end of the world...




Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, last week I injured my left foot and the thumb of my left hand, and last Wednesday I injured my left ankle.

I don't need suicide because life wants to silence me...

Anyway, at least I was able to rest since I didn't go to university.

By the way, I hardly noticed that I didn't mention the origin story of the 4 cultivators who faced Revy and the rescue party.

I know no one cares about men, but I'll say it in case anyone is curious and wants to read those Chinese novels, too, so you guys get an idea of the waifus that will be added at the end of the arc.

Yang Ming (So Pure, So Flirtatious)

Lin Yi (Beauty and the Bodyguard)

Lin Dongfang (Beauty and the Bodyguard)

Li Baishan (My Beautiful Teacher)

Anyway, a hug <3

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