
The Castle

I was taken to the castle in a limo. Never did I think I would even be in a car but here I was in a limo surrounded by guards going to a castle. Maybe this is some dream my brain decided to make me have. This is crazy and I just don't know what to do.

The guard that brought me into the limo is sitting on the other side. "Uh so hi? I am Beth. Who are you?" I felt so awkward and cringing but what else can I do.

"I am the head guard. That's all that you need to know. I will probably become your personal guard but formalities don't matter to me, " was all he said and I sighed.

"Look I don't know what's going on and clearly you do so can you tell me at least? I am so confused, " I needed some sort of explanation. I knew I was to the castle but that was all.

"You are going to be changed into a princess and be presented to the Queen. I have heard a rumor and it is just that. You could be marrying the Crown Prince, " he was on high alert and I could see that. He kept glancing back and forth through the window.

"The crown prince?" I was shocked. I was to marry the crown prince but why would the royal family want that.. that would mean I become the future queen and that wouldn't benefit them. "No that's not possible. It doesn't work for the royal family."

"You are right but I think the crown prince is intrigued by you. So is the whole family but you specifically and already, " the guard quickly shook his head but he was smiling but for what I didn't know.

"Yes I bet many are going to be intrigued by the blue gone purple. I have never heard of another one being so lucky, " I began to look out the window. We were definitely close to the castle. I could see it and all its glory from miles away still.

"Yes I guess you are right. It'll be hard for people to treat you like a princess, " the guard actually looked concerned. He looked me over and I glared at him. "Sorry but your clothes give you away immediately. Once at the castle you'll have some maids take you to your chambers. From there you'll be redone and made into a true princess."

"Great. I'm probably going to hate makeup. Honestly I don't understand how the Royal family always wears it but I guess I have to as well," I was annoyed. I've only ever had makeup on once when I snuck it from my parents room. I hated the feeling on my eyes and skin.

"You'll get used to it. Just like you'll get used to being addressed as my lady or Princess or Princess Beth. You'll get used to living a life of somewhat luxury but you will have many duties to fulfill, " the guard was actually giving good advice. I would get used to it but I'll never forget what I came from and who my real family is.

"Yes I know. I won't ever forget where I'm from though. What hole I was tugged from for some unknown reason, " I kinda snapped and I saw the guard go back to how he was beforehand. Fair enough, I was slightly grumpy because I want my mother and father to be at my wedding that was from love and not force.

The rest of the ride was quiet. I guess he's used to the royals snapping at him and knew when to keep quiet. I just watched as slowly my new home became bigger and bigger as we got closer. Exactly as he told me, there were three maids waiting. Quickly I was taken to my chambers which were bigger than my home.

"Wow..." I took a moment and basically spun in a circle a few times. Somehow it was my favorite color, a pastel blue and pastel purple mixed in. It was beautiful but I could admire it later. "So uh I don't know what you all have to do but go ahead."

"Yes my lady," they said in unison which freaked me out. They were trained together which was obvious and that is how they were supposed to answer. Whatever they were doing their job.

They took out a big dress I was expected to wear to be presented to the royal family or well my family now. I don't know what to do about all this. Anyways I let them work but it was definitely weird having other people bath and change me. I tried to tell them to let me do it but they just ignored it.

They dried and quickly did my hair and makeup at once. Just like I remembered makeup and I hated it. I wanted to wash it off but as much as I hated it, the maids did a really good job.

"What do I call you guys? I don't know your names yet.." I finally said something. This awkward silence was driving me insane and I didn't even know the name of the ladies who would be doing everything for me.

"Just call for us. We don't go by our names here anymore my lady. We are simply your maids and here at your side for whatever you need," the one in the middle spoke. She seemed to be the oldest but when I asked there was a small flicker of happiness in her eyes.

"Well I do wanna know names. I am not a typical royal if you haven't been notified of my upbringing, " I smiled as I saw the ladies faces light up. They weren't much older than me but to work at the castle they must have been green status.

"Alright my lady. My name is Arielle, to my right is Sarah and to my left is Zoey. I have never been asked for my name so your upbringing definitely shows. Be more careful about it, " was the advice Arielle gave me. Soon I was ready to get the dress on..

It was complicated to get on at first. It was a bright red color which made my honey colored eyes and dark hair stand out. I was also pale which could be seen more from the dress. It his my flaws well though. You could hardly see how skinny and underfed I was. The only part that showed was the way my cheekbones stood out. "Thank you ladies. I appreciate your help. Anything I need to be ready for?" I asked the last part in a whisper.

"The Queen is a very fussy and picky woman but also listens to the status system. You will be put through an intense 'royal' training class to make you more suitable, " Arielle whispered back to me. She was being so sweet and helpful. I was glad she was my maid.

"Suitable?" I had a wary look but all she did was nod. I guess it was supposed to be a surprise, great.