
The Queen

After Arielle told me what she knew it was time to go. I walked into the room were the court met but I was surprised to only find the infamous Queen. From what I knew in the village which wasn't much, she was cruel and heartless. Not how a Queen should be and that wasn't good. The Queen was supposed to be the balance for the King. These two raged together and it never ended well.

"Hello Beth," even the Queen's voice wasn't all that queenly. Sounded more manly than a feminine but I won't judge too much.

"Hello your Highness, " I curtsey rather clumsily but hold it for a second before rising and the Queen was staring daggers at me.

"Don't you know to hold a curtsey until I let you rise?" She huffed out in a snap. Well I do but I'm royalty now.

"Yes your Highness but I am also royalty which means I don't have to hold..." I shouldn't have corrected because her eyes grew. Oh I was in so much trouble.

"You aren't a royal! You are a mistake and even though we could simply fix it, people saw your arrival and it would cause too many problems, " The Queen was standing and walked over to me. "No one knows your true color expect for my husband, my son and I outside of your family."

"The system doesn't make a mistake your Highness. Clearly there is some reason I was made a purple. Even if you wanted to hide that I was blue, I don't allow it, " As much as I hated being a blue, I couldn't give up my background and who I truly am.

"I thought so. If you don't hide your minor color and the color of your family it'll be their lives, Princess Beth, " The Queen had an evil smile about her and I just let out a laugh before quickly covering my mouth.

"Kill my family? You can't do that because it wouldn't give you any leverage. It is a blatant lie," I was really digging myself a hole but I wasn't going to be bossed around like a good dog. I wasn't going to put up with lies either and especially when it's so easy to see them.

"Fine. If you go along with the lie, your family will become yellows and you'll be able to visit them whenever you please. Does that seem like a lie?" Now that was a good deal from the Queen.

"What about my siblings? Won't the system make them a blue again?" I was going to push my luck. I'll hide myself if it means a better life for my siblings and parents. I can't imagine what they are gonna think getting moved up to a yellow.

"When they enter into the system they will most likely be a yellow since the status change, " The Queen actually shrugged a little before closing the gap that she had left beforehand. "You are going to be a lovely daughter to have. You definitely have some spunk about you and I like it."

" Well that's a first. I'll go along with hiding who I am as long as my family is taken care of and together for however long they can be," I smiled. I was relieved because this wouldn't be so bad maybe.

"Well it's time to present you to my four sons. One will pick you hopefully and if not I will figure out which match works best, " she was smiling at the thought of pairing us up. I was nervous.

"Uh will we have time to get to know each other?" I knew I had to be careful but not entirely with the Queen. Maybe she wasn't as bad as the rumors made her seem. She wasn't supposed to be on the throne so she had to fight for it.

"Yes I want to give you a chance although you really cleaned up well, " the Queen smiled and walked out of the room.

I was left standing there for a moment or two before the Queen returned with her sons and they were good looking. I knew who the crowned prince was but I don't exactly know which one is which with her other sons.

"Sons, this is Princess Beth and she wants to get to know you all. One of you will take her hand in marriage, " she seemed quite happy with the idea of marriage but typically any mother would be.

"Hello, I am the crowned prince Garroth. It is a pleasure to meet you, " He gave a small bow although I don't think he's supposed to.

"My name is Alva and I'm the second oldest so no fancy title besides prince, " He bows lower and gives a pleasant smile that made butterflies fly around in my stomach. Oh I've never had this feeling but I just smile it away as I look to the third of the boys.

"My name is Benjamin, it's a pleasure to meet you, " once again another low bow. The younger of the princes were used to bowing and for a little longer. They always have to bow while their oldest brother never does.

"And I'm Kayden. The youngest of the princes, not too young though. I'm sixteen, " He does a quicker bow than his older brother but still just as respectful.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all, " I gave a small curtsey myself and the Queen gave a nod of approval. Never thought I'd be looking to her to make sure I'm doing this right.

"Now Princess Beth has a agreed to get to know you all and spend time with each of you for a month at a time. It'll be youngest to oldest," Kayden looked happy at starting. I guess it does give him somewhat a chance against his brothers but it would be a little weird to be brothel to a sixteen year old. I don't have much of a choice though.

"That sounds like plenty of time," they all basically say together which shocked me a little. I am just glad it's a month at a time and I'm not learning about them all at one time. I guess the Queen did that on purpose.

"I look forward to getting to know you all over time, " I give a genuine smile. I was actually looking forward to getting to know the princes and how they are.

"Alright it's time to retire for the night. Princess Beth you will always be accompanied by one of my sons to your chambers whenever you are enjoying time with all of us or just them. It'll typically be whoever you are getting to know, " The Queen gave a wink and I smiled a little more. I was actually happy but that might not last for long. Who knows what is being planned for me.

hey sorry for not posting. the quarantine has just really brought me down and im struggling a little

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