

Kayden brought me back to my room like the Queen had said. "Thank you for accompanying me back here. It'll take me a little to get used to the castle, " I am still smiling a little.

"Yes it is a big castle. I've lived here my whole life and I still find places I've never been and secrets within the castle, " we are standing at the door to my room. I am so curious about these mysteries now.

"Oh you'll have to let me in on these secrets of the castle, please" I smile and see the shock in his eyes. "I love secrets." I don't think he was expecting me to ask about the secrets.

"They aren't the best place for a princess though. I can show you some, " Kayden is smiling too. He seemed like the prince who loved mysteries.

"Well I don't mind that. Is it secret passageways?" I always wanted to find secret passageways and rooms and this castle would definitely have that.

"Some yeah. They are old and dirty though. I wouldn't want to bring you down there. Lots of spider webs too, " Kayden was a little shy now that I am paying more attention. He speaks a little quiet and doesn't stand as tall as he could be.

"That's okay. You are there to make sure the spiders don't get me and we can bring something to remove the webs, " I offer a smile and he returns it after a moment. "You don't have to be shy. That'll mean it will take longer to get to see your personality."

"Well I have a strange personality or that's what I'm told. I'm sorry for being shy but it's just from being told that I'm weird so much, " he sighs as he breaks eye contact with me. I felt bad for him.

"I won't judge you. I'm not a typical Princess so don't worry about being different okay?" I don't exactly know how to comfort people but I'm trying. Like I known hugging works but uh too early for that.

"Thank you. I am glad mother gave me a chance to be myself first because usually I'm in my brothers shadow, " he was fidgeting with his fingers and I was still smiling.

"That makes sense. Anyways I'm starting to get a little tired. I will see you tomorrow and you can show me one secret room okay?" I wanted more than to see one but it would be a way to talk to him and maybe get him to not be as shy.

"Okay that sounds like a plan. After your breakfast I will come here. We can go to the secret room and then maybe have lunch together?" he was trying and that made me smile even more. He was young, yes but he knew manners and was polite.

"Yes lunch together would be fun. Goodnight Kayden."

"Goodnight Beth, " He smiled and looked at me before walking off.

I was definitely looking forward to the secret room tomorrow. When I went into my room Arielle and the other girls were waiting for me there.

"That wasn't all that bad. The princes seem like real charmers, " I joke and Arielle smiles with a small giggle.

"Yes they are. I am assuming they will be around a lot for a little bit?" Arielle began to take my makeup off and was really gentle. I looked like a different person with my makeup on and it didn't annoy me.

"Hopefully it'll stay in the schedule which is one prince for a month to get to know them," I laugh a little and relax. Finally I didn't have to be all proper with my maids.

"Oh that will be interesting, " Arielle smiled and began to clean my hair.

It was nice to feel like I had some friends in the castle but I can't trust them with everything. I get bathed and into a pj's to go to sleep.

When I wake up Arielle and the other two are there waiting for me. Zoey quickly went to get my breakfast and while Arielle and Sarah waited by the door. "It feels to early to be awake, " I groan and roll out of bed. A small giggle came from Arielle and I smiled.

"Oh you move a lot in your sleep. Your hair is a mess! Let me get that brushed while you wait for food, " Arielle grabbed a brush and moved me over to the table in my room. There was two chairs but the other one wouldn't be filled for a while.

"Ouch. I guess I do move a lot in my sleep but that bed is so comfy, " I yawn a little and relax into the chair. It was a soft chair and I found it very comfy.

"Sorry I didn't know your hair would be this bad, " Arielle sighs as she continues to brush. After ten minutes it was done and Zoey returned with my breakfast.

"Oh thank you ladies so much, " I smile as I eat a little. The food was so good. It was like nothing I've tasted before and now that I think, I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. I guess I'm really hunger but I eat slow and try to look somewhat polite while I eat.

"You are not terrible at eating properly. You should be fine during your lunch with Prince Kayden, " Arielle said softly.

"That's good. I can't make a fool of myself. I wonder when those 'royal' lessons start, " I sigh at the thought. I wasn't bad at pretending but eventually I'll slip somehow.

"They are an hour after your lunch with Prince Kayden. You will be trained here in your room by the private teacher to the royals, " Arielle sees the dread in my eyes. "You have to. Tonight you meet the court at a big dinner to announce your arrival and you'll have to learn to dance for when you become brothel to one of Princes."

"Oh I suck at dancing so much, " I giggle a little. "That teacher is gonna have fun teaching me to dance."

"I'm sure you are a fast learner. Now hurry up so we can get you look very nice even in casual day clothes."

I finished eating and it was time to get ready. More dresses, I honestly don't think I'll ever wear pants again so that is annoying. It was a simple dress but very pretty. It was white that faded into pink and it went to my knees. My hair was curled but kept down. It was very lovely and I was happy.

"Thank you ladies for making me look so pretty, " I smiled and flatten the dress a little bit. It was kinda puffy for a short dress. I had simple makeup on my face, mostly natural but it looked nothing like my actual face.

"You are welcome, " Arielle give a curtsey and the other two follow. Then the butler enters and smiles at me.

"Prince Kayden is here my lady. Enjoy your day, " He bowed as he walked back out.

"That's kinda weird but okay. I gotta go I guess, " I wave as I walk out. My room was a little messy but it's always spotless when I return. "Hello Kayden."

"Hey you look lovely this morning, " He offers me his arm which I take. It's kinda awkward at first because I don't typically walk so close to someone. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes the bed was very comfortable and quite warm, " I smile and I have to stop myself from yawning.

"I'm glad to hear that, " he must have noticed the partial yawn because he chuckled a little but it wasn't long. "Not used to waking up so early?"

"I am not unfortunately. It's the break of dawn and yesterday was an exciting day for me," I fall a step behind and he quickly adjusts to my pace.

"Yes coming to the castle is always delightful for those who first arrive, " He didn't seem to know that it was my birthday. I gotta figure out what lifestyle the Queen has given me or I am going to mess up.

"Yes it was. I haven't been in a place so big," while we walk I was taking in all the details of the hall.

"Not a lot have. Here's the library, " and when he went to open the door I let go of his arm. I smile as I walk in first.

"Oh wow it's so beautiful, " the marble floors with dark wood for the shelves. It was just amazing. "So where's the secret room at?"

Kayden smiles and walks over to a tapestry and pulls it back. There was a door. "It's hidden very well. These are almost never touched."

"Oh okay. I guess that makes sense if they are hardly touched, " I opened this door and walked inside. It was a smaller room but it was filled with books. There had been someone there because the dust was at different levels. "Any good books yet?"

"What do you mean? I haven't read anything in here yet. I found it about a month ago and I haven't been able to find time to come back," Kayden walked over to me puzzled. I was too now.

"Someone's been here Kayden. Look at the dust, it's not as much here, " I point to where books had been moved.

"I didn't notice that beforehand. That's rather strange. No one knows about these rooms but me and there aren't any maps about them."

"You can't be the only one curious enough to look for hidden rooms."

"I'm seen as weird for wanting to find them so maybe I am. That or the other person just didn't want to be judged like me," Kayden was a little lost in thought now. He must have been thinking about who else could have known of this rooms existence.

I grabbed one of the books that had been moved recently and look over it. It's very old birth records and family trees. "Someone was looking into someone else's history. Look at this, " I handed him the book.

After about an hour we decided we had enough of the small dusty room and went out. "Well I guess that was more interesting then I thought," Kayden smiled as he walked over to a shelf.