
In every world, once you die, you’re gone.

The dust settles to reveal a tattooed Demon, who Tanjiro quickly realizes is Upper Rank Three of the Twelve Kizuki. The powerful foe swiftly attacks the prone Demon Slayer, but Kyojuro defends the youth and slices the offender's arm in twain with the Flame Breathing, Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun. The Demon retreats a short distance, the damaged arm quickly regenerating

- Nice blade.

Rengoku left his words without comment. The demon licked his blood from his hand, after which Rengoku spoke

- I can't understand why you would attack an injured person if you are one of the Twelve Kizuki

- I just didn't want him to interfere in our conversation. (A)

- Do we have anything to talk about? This is the first time I see you and I already hate you. (R)

- Truth? I hate weaklings too. As soon as I see them I want tu puke (A)

- I guess our values ​​diverge here (P)

- Well, I have a great offer for you: become a demon. (A)

- And don't dream (P)

- I knew from your appearance that you were strong. Are you Hashira? Your fighting spirit is honed to the limit. you are about to reach the apogee, but something is stopping you. And that something is the very fact that you are human.Become a demon and continue to train for centuries and gain strength. (A)

- Birth, growing up and death. All these are stages of life. They are what make human life meaningful. Strength is not always physical. This kid is not weak either, so don't you dare insult him. I repeat, you and I have different values ​​no matter for what reason, I won't become a demon. (R)

- As you wish. (A)

After Akaza said this, he attacked Rengoku. Rengoku mostly fought back due to Akaza attacking with his blood demon art, which increased his strength. Attack after attack, they continued to fight. Their movements were not visible to ordinary people, even Tanjiro could not follow them.

-Among the pillars that I killed there was not a single flame. Each of the pillars rejected my offer, as did you. Why do you think? It is impossible for me, who masters the same martial arts, to understand this, as well as the fact that only the chosen ones can become demons. I can't bear to watch all these strong people die. Better die young, Kyojiro (A)

They didn't stop their battle for a second, even during the demon's speech. Akaza jumped away from Kyoujiro and used blood demon art to launch an invisible projectile of air that Rengoku was unable to block properly. However, Rengoku soon realized the secret of the demon's attack and fought off all subsequent attacks.

Kyojuro quickly deduces the nature of Akaza's fighting style, deciding to close the distance to the Upper Rank. The Demon compliments Kyojuro's reaction speed, and the two exchange a flurry of blows. Akaza also compliments the Hashira's swordsmanship, stating that losing these skills would be sad, but Kyojuro denies this. Tanjiro attempts to stand to assist his superior, but Kyojuro orders him not to move on account of his recent wounds. Akaza continues his assault on the Hashira, chiding him for paying attention to a weakling instead of focusing on the fight at hand. Inosuke arrives just in time to see the two exchange another clash of techniques with Kyojuro using the Flame Breathing, Fifth Form: Flame Tiger and Akaza using his Destructive Death: Disorder.

Both opponents flew off in different directions. Rengoku was exhausted but still trying to catch his breath. Akaza emerged from the dust cloud and again offered Flame Hashira to become a demon, Rengoku rejected the offer as before, after which he rushed at the demon using one of his kata. Akaza was glad that Rengoku continued to fight and also used his technique, which knocked Rengoku back, but Kyojiro did not want to back down and continued to attack the demon.

Tanjiro and Inosuke stood and watched the fight from afar. they watched Kyojiro lose but couldn't interfere. Tanjiro was too hurt, but Inosuke understood that if he starts fighting against Akaza, he will immediately die. While the demon was dominating the pillar, a well-known figure approached the battlefield.

Akaza attacked Rengoku several more times, taking advantage of his ability to regenerate almost indefinitely. Akaza landed several heavy blows on Rengoku, but he dodged most of them, one blow still hit him and left a wound on Kyojiro's forehead. Kyojiro used the first kata to cut off the demon's arms, but he immediately grew new ones.

Akaza continued to attack Kyoujiro before speaking

- I'll be sorry to kill you now, Kyojiro, become a demon and we can fight endlessly!

Then he stabbed Rengoku in the stomach with all his might. This blow caused Rengoku to move away, but he decided to continue fighting the demon. Rengoku used all known emuk kata,

but no matter how much he tried to disarm the demon, he regenerated in milliseconds.

- In a year or two, you would have honed your skills and be more skillful!

Akaza tryed to hit Rengoku in the face. Kyojiro tried to block this blow, but couldn't, after which the blow would have landed on his face, but something stopped Akaza's hand a centimeter from Rengoku's head.

- Bakudo #1, sai (N)

Rengoku jumped away from Akaza, after which both opponents looked in the direction from which a voice was heard. There was a girl with dark skin and purple hair. She was dressed in revealing clothes, and in her hands was a magical staff.

- Demon? No, you have an aura like a human. Who are you? (A)

- You want to know too much. You won't need it in your grave. (N)

Rengoku was puzzled what kind of creature appeared in front of him and saved him from the demon's attack, and Akaza was annoyed by the girl's behavior considering how much her aura was lower than that of the rengoku.

- And now what? Will you attack together? (A)

No, I'll deal with you myself. Rengoku-san, rest and catch your breath. I will buy you time. (N)

- I prefer not to kill girls, but you're starting to get on my nerves. (A)

- Prefer not to kill the girls further you simp, there's no chance for you to kill me. (N)

Akaza became more and more angry. This irritable girl not only dared to interfere in her fight with Kyojiro, she was also rude to him so often.he decided that he might not kill her, but he would definitely beat her half to death.

Nitocris used her magic to create several sand blades that flew at Acaza, but he quickly dodged them. Akaza used blood demon art to make several attacks towards the girl. She stood. As soon as the demon thought that she would not block them, a sand wall appeared from the underground, blocking both of his attacks.

Akaza decided that if the sand was going to block his ranged attacks, and Nitocris herself wouldn't come near him, he should attack up close. On the one hand, a great idea that would work for everyone except Nitocris. Not only did she have 7 more agility than him,

so she also used the caster's skill "Territory creation" to turn the entire battlefield into her workshop. She would be able to transfer it in 2 months, so she didn't worry too much about wasting that ability. Nitocris created several traps along the way that the Akaza was about to pass, which exploded when he approached them.

Akaza had to retreat, as he had never fought an opponent that could damage him with ranged combat. Akaza became a little more cautious. Akaza sent more air strikes towards Nitocris. The girl repulsed his blows with sand. Nitocris took a deep breath, then spoke something under her breath.

Akaza thought she was using a breathing technique, but she remained standing still, parrying his attacks and occasionally creating sand blades that flew towards him.

Akaza continued to attack, but suddenly, the girl crumbled and turned into a sand cloud, after which a voice was heard behind Akaza.

- Sand breathing third path - Mirage (N)

Nitocris appeared behind the Akaza, after which she attacked him with her wand several times. Akaza failed to block 2 out of 3 attacks, and then tried to counterattack, but Nitocris jumped into the air, after which she used Fifth path "Power of the Pharaoh" launching a lot of sand spears at Akaza.

- Checkmate (N)

Akaza immediately used blood demon art, but could not protect myself from all copies. 2 spears pierced his stomach, after which the girl jumped down on him from the sky.

- Sand breathing fourth path "Ra's wheel" (N)

Nitocris spun in the air twice, cutting off Akaza's arms and scarring her chest. the wounds immediately healed and Akaza jumped back.

Akaza looked at the combat strength of the Nitocris again, and then saw the reason why he was losing. Nitocris used a magical boost on her legs which caused her to add 100 to her agility. Without it, Akaza would have been on par with her.

-Heh, you may not be as strong as Kyoujiro, but you have a couple of tricks. Hakai satsu - Jutsushiki Tenkai (A)

Akaza used blood demon art to predict and block Nitocris attacks. Nitocris returned to her territory, but Akaza immediately attacked her, bypassing all her traps. He punched Nitocris in the stomach using Annihilation Type. Nitocris flew several meters away from him. Akaza ran towards her, after which he began to inflict a huge number of blows on her, for which Nittokris did not have time, because her strengthening was over, and she herself was tired. Akaza landed a final blow that sent the Nitocris back 13 meters.

- Don't try to fight me if all you have is a few tricks. you can't beat me. (A)

Nitocris lay on the ground.

Rengoku wanted to intervene in the fight, but suddenly he saw Nitocris slowly get up.

- I understand that you have not learned your lesson, it would be better for you to lie further on the ground. (A)

Akaza ran up to Nitocris, raising his fist to attack.