
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Cómic
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41 Chs

Ch~Ten: Becoming Mercenaries // Jeremy Styles [2]

'' Huh? Missions? But we just got here Master! '' Mina shouted from the side. Jae and the two enemies also felt shocked.

'' Sorry, it's tradition. Before I issue you the mission, lemme tell you about Planet Kaz '' Jackie said not minding their displeased expressions.

''Planet Kaz is one of the three planets close to Planet Crystal that humanity had captured and used as their base. At first, only Dire Beasts and some Realm Cracks were present here but some of them had all been wiped out. Planet Kaz is divided into Five Zones.

In the center of it is the Hunter Academy, Netherensis. It has three Realm Cracks in its possession for the Mage Hunters, Warrior Hunters and the Special Hunters.

In the east, we have the Desert City Zone which is a city built on a desert. There is a Realm Crack situated there.

The west have the Snow City Zone. It is a very snowy place and it also has its own personal Realm Crack.

The north has the Forest City Zone. Just like the others, city in a forest and its own personal Realm Crack.

The south has the Beast City Zone. This zone is the home to all kinds of Dire Beasts and Realm Cracks that houses powerful Monsters. It is a treasure for Hunters but also a death sentence for Hunters.

That's the basic introduction of Planet Kaz. All of you would be having separate missions but first, go get your Mercenary Badge ''

'' Mercenary Badge? What's that? '' Jae asked but Jackie didn't say anything else and activated his C-Net. He seems to be operating it like a phone from the holograms that kept showing and fading away and soon, ''Beep'' Jae and his colleagues received a beep from their own C-Net.

Jae checked his C-Net and saw a notification flashing on it. Clicking it, he saw some texts about him getting a badge and successfully registering as a Mercenary. Then he clicked on a section that says 'Appear'. His Mercenary Badge appeared which included his name, age, gender, rank, and a little discription about him. Since he was just a new F Rank Mercenary, his missions would be F Ranks.

Before he could explore any further, he heard Jackie's voice ''Your C-Net has ready shown you guys your badge and its the badge that will always be with you for life. You are all F Rank Mercenary so your missions limits to being F Ranks. Work hard and upgrade your ranks for you to become more respected.

The academy would issued you missions starting from tomorrow so go and prepare yourself right naren'tny questions?'

''Yes, why are we getting missions and being registered as Mercenaries when we just arrived in school?'' Mina asked

''Because you are Special Disciples!'' Jackie bluntly answered.

''Why aren't Special Disciples receiving classes like the Mage and Warrior Disciples?''

''Well, because you guys are different from them. Warriors train bodies and Mages train spirits but Specials can train in any one of them because they are variants from the Mage and Warrior Hunter Ability. Still, with that, Specials need to train by themselves to get stronger as only they cold understand their powers than any other.

Do not underestimate the other types of Hunters. Being a Special doesn't mean you guy are stronger than them because a Mage Or Warrior can still beat a Special of the same level''

''What if we die during our missions? We haven't even gotten the chance to get familiar with our abilities yet and you are already giving us badges and missions? Isn't that sending us to our dooms?'' Jae asked. He knows that Specials have different ways in which they get stronger and missions are just one of the ways to do it but isn't that too fast? He doesn't even have any Taijutsu.

''Well, if you suddenly die during the missions, then ....well, you die. Right? Yes, you die. That's it. You just need to try not to die. I've seen many newcomers who also die during first missions and it doesn't really freak me anymore. You just have to try to not die. Simple as that. No more questions and go prepare for you depart tomorrow!'' Jackie said before he suddenly disappeared in thin air. The newcomers couldn't even sense his presence.

The three elder sisters looked at the newcomers with calm gazes before they sighed while going back to the Hunter House. It really couldn't be helped. They also experienced the same thing when they were newcomers. They have even witnessed the death of some comrades during missions.

Watching the sisters go away, Mina and the two Mythical Enemies quickly followed them. They wanted to get some rest for tomorrow. Jae also decided to rest since he had been training for a long while now. Although he used to rest for most of the Tim when he was training, it can't be compared to a real rest, Sleeping. He followed them to the Hunter House and surprisingly, everyone gets a room. When he entered his, he did not even check it out and just fell on the bed to sleep.

He quickly manage to fall asleep since his body was aching from training. That Lightning Jutsu had hurt his body. Tomorrow will be the day of his first mission and he would use that opportunity to explore his system.

After all, A Great Bald Man Once Said ''I'll leave Tomorrow's Problem to Tomorrow's Me''. Jae goes with that logic.


[Planet Crystal - Central City - Old Town District]

There was a house located in the Old Town District that seems isolated from the other houses. This house despite it's broken conditions outside, it was filled with a cozy warmness inside. A dark skinned man was sitting on a couch with a C-Net on his wrist. He was going through some things in it due to the obvious flashing of the holograms.

A small chubby brown skinned boy with puffed cheeks and a cute smile was playing with some toys. He kept smiling and giggling while playing. The man smiled from this and then turned his attention to a white skinned woman who walked out from a door. She was holding a pot which she brought to the dining table and started distributing the food on the plates that were set already.

The smiled before he quickly scooped the child in his arms while shouting''who's ready to stuff delicacies in his mouth? Yes you! I know you want to do so! Hahaha''

''Ha papa! Food!'' The little boy said.

''Jeremy, quit playing and bring Jae over to eat'' a sweet voice rang out like a melodious tune of an angel. The black skinned man who was called Jeremy quickly arrived at the dining with his son before he gave him to his wife.

''Maki, be patient. I and my son are real men so we are not running away''

The woman named Maki just smiled and took her son her husband. She then kept him in his specially designed chair. She made hand seals with her fingers and then, a black seal appeared on the boy's chair.

''You know I'm really jealous of that Hunter Ability of yours'' Jeremy said as he served himself and his wife.

''Oh says the Elemental Emperor who could put many Mage Hunters to shame. Oh your words are making me blush haha'' Making said with a smile.

Jeremy was a Special Hunter. His Hunter Ability makes him to manipulate any types of elements. He control them so well he was called an expert by his friends, coupled with his high Level Rank, he was quite a very powerful force.

Maki was also a Special Hunter. Her Ability is called Nintaijutsu. She can control elements and also fight in close combat. Nintaijutsu made her have abilities of both the Mage Hunters and the Warrior Hunters. She was very powerful. She and Jeremy were both among the few powerful Platinum Rank Hunters in the world.

''Did you receive the message from the President? He is quite insistent on sending many Platinum Rank Hunters to explore that Realm Cracks that suddenly opened on the moon. I don't have a good feeling about this'' Jeremy said to his wife that had settled down to eat her food.

''Yes I received it. It was even through a letter. I guess he's so worried that he would send the message in a lettered form to be delivered by a mailman. Anyway, we need to give him answers if not, he will keep pestering us''

''*sigh* its really hard to be Platinum Rank Hunters. Should we just retire? I mean we already have Jae here so we can just live our lives in peace without worrying about the outside world'' Jeremy suggested.

''You knows that's not possible. Its our duty to serve humanity the moment we became Hunters. We have to do our best. We just need to be careful and come back for Jae'' Maki said with a vexed expression. If only they were old, they would have retired successfully but she and Jeremy were just in their forties which made them terrifying geniuses.

While they were busy talking and eating, Jeremy's and Maki's C-Net started beeping uncontrollably. Apart from that, they both suddenly looked up and their expressions became grim. It seems like its not yet time for their lives to be peaceful.

Jeremy suddenly vanished while Maki carried Jae away and went outside. A car was already waiting for them with Jeremy on the driver's seat. Maki sighed as she entered the vehicle which then began to hover in the air before it sped off.

Happy Easter Everyone.


Alright this just signifies the end of the Volume One: First Arc Series - The Mysterious New World.

Watch out for Volume Two: Second Arc Series - Mystic Hunter X Ultimate Ninja.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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