
Chapter 104


Only a few blocks away, as it turned out. Gerri climbed out a few minutes later, still unsettled. But the drive gave her time to order her thoughts, to explain some things away. Even while her instincts gruffly informed her she was an idiot.

So be it. Gerri pushed her way through the glass doors to Beauty, Inc., the grand lobby artfully decorated, walls covered in fifteen foot posters of gorgeous women slathered in makeup, giant "You're Beauty, Inc. Beautiful" written in swirly font at the top of each one.

Officer Candice Mills spotted her where she waited by a plain, white door on the far left, gesturing for Gerri to join her. Disorientation made her feel slow and tired. Gerri clenched herself against her unease, wondering if she really was losing it, before marching past Mills and into the corridor beyond.