
A stylish but humble beginning

"So, Peter, how are you today?"

As luck would have it the memory integration process caused a high fever yesterday making May and Ben call in sick at the school, and as they say good things come in pairs since yesterday was a friday meaning that now he had the whole weekend for him to-

"Peter? Why are spacing out? Are you okay? Well, your temperature feels normal"

"Wa-ah, sorry Aunt May, I was just remembering something, yeah, I am totally fine, heck, I am feeling even better than normal. I feel like if I wanted I could deadlift a truck if I wanted to."

"*Chuckle* It's a good spirit to have, kiddo. We were kinda worried after you came home from the field trip you ate the whole meatloaf May had made, (whisper) between you and me, I always knew that meatloaf was going to get me into a hospital as well."

"Keep talking Ben, and I will cook only meatloaf straight for a week!"

"What?! Isn't putting Peter in bed enough? You have to poison me too?"

"*chuckling* Don't worry Uncle Ben, It wasn't because of the meatloaf. I was already feeling kind of down during the field trip."

"Anyway, I made your favorite wheatcakes Peter!"

"Woah! Thanks Aunt May! Maybe I should get sick more often if this is the service I get."

"*Smack* Never joke about your health Peter."

"Yeesh! Sorry, anyway, how was your work uncle Ben?"

"Oh, That I didn't go in yesterday Peter"

'What! Did uncle Ben not go to work because of me?'

"I am sorry-"

"Stop, Peter! It wasn't solely because of you, my car also broke down yesterday."

"But- uncle Ben, I know you could have just called in late, and I know you can repair most problems with the car in a Jiffy!"

"Oh, don't worry about it anymore Peter, eat your wheatcakes first, they are going to go cold"

"Sigh! Thank you for taking care of me, Uncle Ben."

"Oh, stop it honey, it is our job as your guardians! You don't need to worry about it. Anyway, so now that you are fine, what are your plans for today?"

"What- My plans, yeah, I was thinking about going out for some time, you know, chill out with my friends, and you know do teenager stuff, by the way these wheatcakes are the bomb May"

"Well, make sure to call when you reach Ned's home"

"Wha-, I never said I was going to Ned's house!"

"Well, since Harry is on that trip with Norman, and Eddie is at ESU, Where else would you go?"

"You are underestimating me May! I have friends other than Ned and Harry"

May gave an unimpressed look towards Peter

" What? Really, well maybe not friends, but acquaintances"

" Well don't forget to give me a call when you reach your "acquaintance" Ned's home"

Seeing the defeated look on Peter's face, Uncle Ben said " Don't worry too much about it Peter, a smart and good young man like you will always find like minded people wherever you go."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Uncle Ben."

"Anytime Peter"

"Well, I am finished eating, bye May, Ben"

"Be careful Peter!, and be sure to come home by 8, we have to paint the kitchen today!"

"That was today? Sure, Uncle Ben"

"Get some eggs too while you are coming back! Take the money from my purse."

"Sure Aunt May! Now I gotta go, bye!"

'Phew, Now that I am finally out, I can go get some more testing done which can't be done at home. Now, If I was a training spot for superhumans, where would I be? Ah! I remember! There was a construction warehouse nearby that was closed due to the building they were building having funding problems.

Now for the first test'

Peter looked around to check for anyone, and seeing that there was no one there, he tried to shoot webs. After a few seconds awkwardly moving his hands to try and shoot webs, he concluded that he didn't have organic webs.

Now that his organic web testing was busted, he had to find a new way to make a white sticky liquid that dries up with contact to air, and no he wasn't talking about his semen! He could already make that, but it wouldn't be too useful for his superheroing career.

Already his mind was teeming with ideas on how he could make a web fluid and web shooters, and he didn't notice that he had already reached the warehouse. He looked around to see that the warehouse was locked, but he could see an open window on the top of the warehouse.

Peter looked around to see for any people that could see but didn't find any, so he decided to test his new max jumping height. He crouched into a jumping position and jumped with all of his strength.


And Peter felt like he was flying, as he jumped to at least 3 stories high by his estimation. He momentarily felt like superman when he first flew, but unlike superman, spider-man didn't have a touch and go relationship with gravity and gravity called him back.

"Oh! Shit!"

Peter screamed as he saw that he was about to land on the roof, however his new instincts kicked in and he contorted around in the air and immediately was in a position which would minimize the force from the fall and spread it around the body.

As he landed, he noticed that he didn't feel any pain at all, and he had landed perfectly and somehow in one of spider-man's most iconic poses.

"Wow, I could get used to this!"

Now that he was on the roof already, he wallcrawled to the window and into the warehouse. The inside of the warehouse was full of construction materials like iron beams,rods, cement bags, and bricks.

"Well, let's put that super strength to test and work my way up"

Peter picked a beam up, then two and before you know it he was carrying dozens of beams. He calculated the weight of the beams and it roughly came around to 30 tons before he was even struggling.

But Peter felt that his true limits laid much higher, but he couldn't actually hold that many beams so it was untestable. For now his strength testing was finished, so he moved on to the next test, balancing and reaction test.

Peter took an iron rod and started balancing it on his hand vertically. It was almost too easy, as he was able to hold it without it falling for more than 15 minutes, when he decided that it was enough for the test.

The last test that he could do in the warehouse was his spider sense, for that he tied rods to the chains in the warehouse and hung them around the warehouse and stood in a place where all of the rods would come through and blindfolded himself.

Before you know it, iron rods of death were swinging at him with lethal speeds, but he could always feel where the danger was coming from. It started as a mild sting but got sharper and sharper until right before the rod was about to hit him it was like pins poking around his head.

The sense gave him a vague sense of direction of the threat but other than that it was mostly slightly painful, like constantly getting hit by rubber bands. It hurts but not so much that it leaves a mark.

" Ring, ring, ring"

"Peter? Where are you? Have you reached Ned's home yet?"

"Ah- Aunt May, I am not even close to Ned's home-, sorry, I mean I stopped to get the eggs you asked for and almost at Ned's home."

"Oh! You could have gotten them while coming back Peter, anyway, be sure to call me when you get to Ned's home"

"For sure Aunt May, now I gotta go, it's my turn at the checkout bye!"

'Phew! That was close, looks like the testing needs to stop for now, I better get to Ned's quick. Wait a second, I can continue testing on the way there, just need to change the testing method to parkour and speed'

Peter took off his blindfold, only to now notice that he was surrounded by construction materials all over the place.

"Ah, Man!"

*10 minutes later*

"Phew, super strength does make cleaning easy"

Now to get to Ned's as fast as possible, and not to forget the eggs.

*5 minutes /on top of a building opposite a grocery store/*

"At this speed, it is actually criminal if I could ever be late!, but *knocks wood* lets not jinx it"

*5 minutes later*

"Why Murphy why! I knocked on the wood and everything! Do you have to make it so that all the cashiers are down just when I am about to checkout!"

*5 more minutes later*

"Finally! Hello? Aunt May? Yeah I just reached Ned's house, yeah, yeah, I know May, I will be back by 8"


"Oh, Hey Peter! Ned is in his room, do you want something to drink first?"

"Thanks, Miss Leeds, No, I am fine thank you."

"No problem Peter"

"Hey, Ned! So What are we doing today?"

"Dude! We are going to go ghost hunting! Check this out! You know that warehouse they store the materials for that abandoned building? Someone was passing by and heard a lot of loud sounds as if the materials were flying around. Later someone reported it to site owner, who opened the warehouse to find everything was the same"

'Phew, That was close, good thing I cleaned up everything and wore gloves the entire time'

Peter acted nonchalant as he asked, "Yeah, so? The man probably lied about the sounds to get famous"

"But this is where it gets weirder! While the items were all fine and in their place, there were footprints all over the place! But the gate of the warehouse has been closed all the time and you couldn't enter it if you didn't at least dig a tunnel underneath or blow up a wall or something similar."

"Whoa, that is spooky, but I don't wanna go out too much cause I recently got off of my fever, remember?"

"Ah, Right I forgot! How are you feeling by the way?"

'Successfully diverted!'

"I am fine for now, I don't know if the fever will come back again though."

"Nice! Did you know that this is the first time I ever saw you get sick the entire time I have known you? The worst you ever had was the common cold in 7th grade and even then you recovered so easily"

"Wow, Really, now that you mention it, it is kind of weird right? Anyway, seeing that your idea for today didn't pan out, let's work on my idea."

"Okay! So what is your idea?"

"What would a poor superhero dress as? Like he isn't homeless poor but he still very poor and the amount he can spend on the costume and gadgets is very low and he must be able to make the costume by himself"

"Hmmm, Let me think….. First question, what are his powers?"

"Consider powers similar to Captain America"

"Okay then, does he have any special appendages? Like a tail, or something?'

"No, he looks completely human no difference"

"Okay okay, then does he have a secret identity?"

"Yes, and his face must not be visible at all!"

From there it was a series of brainstorming with Ned for costume ideas. While the end idea he and Ned arrived at wasn't remotely close to his idea or his budget, by talking to Ned he had gotten a lot of ideas and got to know that one of his uncles from his mom's side of family runs a sports story nearby.

" Man! Look at the time! It's already 6pm, I have to go now, Aunt May asked me to be home by 7"

"Oh! Okay then, so are you coming tomorrow as well?"

"Yeesh, sorry bro I have some work at home, you know me and Uncle Ben, are uh uh...yes, we are going to do some repairs around the house."

"Oh no problem, see you Monday in school?"

"Yeah, See you monday, bye Ned"

Now to go to that sports shop for shopping before-

"Hey Peter! You forgot your eggs!"

"Thanks Ned"

'Now,Where was I? Yeah, I have to go the sports shop to buy some materials for the new suit and be home before 8'

/A short shopping trip later at the Parker's residence/

'Well, I think I should put my sports goods in my room first before entering the house' and Peter climbed on to the side of his house where his window was and put the bag inside before jumping back down.

"I am home Aunt May, and with 10 minutes to spare till the deadline"

"Hey Peter, go get yourself cleaned up I will setting up dinner, you and Ben get on with your work"

"Sure Aunt May"

/Timeskip to 10pm/

"Phew! Looks like we finished the job, Peter"

"Yeah, to be honest the masking of the room took more time than the time for painting"

"Yes, but see, proper prevention saved us a big mess to clean up. And you know Peter you are at that age when you are getting into all sorts of situations-"

"Stop Uncle Ben! You already gave me the talk"

"Well, as I was saying it never hurts to be careful Peter"

"Ah! I can't hear you and I am going for a bath"

/*One bath later in Peter's room/

"Good thing Aunt May has a measuring tape in the bath, now I have my measurements, now for the suit, I have some spandex cloth as well as some sporting goods such as swimming goggles, knee and elbow protectors, climbing shoes, ski mask, gloves and not to forget a groin guard.

Now for the mask, itself there isn't much to do except adding the goggles and covering up the rest of the places.

Coming down to the shirt. During today's testing I observed a lot of places where the shirt was stretching too much, and they would likely be a point of failure, so I will have to cut out those parts and replace them with stretchable spandex.

For the pants, it would be better to make completely new pants from spandex as they would be the most stressed due to all the movements.

Hmm…Something is still missing, ah it's the spider symbol, how could I forget that!, a white symbol in the center of the shirt"

[Image Here] (Credits: Shovern & RomanceNinja on spacebattles)

"Wow, that turned out better than I thought! , now comes the hard part actually making the suit"

"Now, where did May put her electric sewing machine"