
New life in the phantom universe

Thomas Root died, he learn that unlike web novel he's not getting his every fantasy realise. Instead he's given a choice, go back into the circle of his world after life. Loose his memory and start anew, or keep his memory and go trough a torture filed tunnel that will test his sanity. Oh and if he come out on the other side half sane he gets to keep all his memory and be send to a different reality. What his guid decide not to tell him is that, his memory is the only thing he gets. He does not chose a wish or power, system, ability not even were, when or who. This is but a game the high being play out of boredom.

Willox · Fantasía
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5 Chs

I met god..... His a dick.

"Welcome mortal, congratulation you get a second chance."

"Who there?"

"Sigh, another confuse soul. Well lets make it brief. So you got two choices. Door number one and door number two."

"Wait. What going on? Who are you? And were Im I?"

"Listen idiot. Your dead. Now if you don't shut up and listen Il choose for you, capish!"

Confusion and terror consume the soul but one thing was clear, this being in front of it wasn't kidding around. So using whatever was left of his will he quieted down and waited, fearing this powerful being wraith should he push it too far.

"Ssssoooooorrrrrryyy, Iiiiilll qqquuiet down." He mumbled the last word quietly.

The being snorted as it gave a condescending sneer. " Good, now like I was saying before you interrupted me. You get too choose door one or two."

Taking a moment to compose himself the soul, place all question in the back of it mind since it was plain that the being had no interest in answering any question. That had anything not related too door one or two.

"So what is the option of door one and two."

"Door one you go back into your previous world soul circle, you get to live life all over again starting with a new blank stats. Your just going to do it again, only in a different time period. Of course if you do a excellent job next time around, you get to go too your version of heaven. But if you choses door number two, well you get to keep your memory and go too a new world or universe. Oh course in order to get there, all you need too do is keep your sanity, by going trough a tunnel that will test your will. If you fail your soul is wipe and send to start as the lowest life form all over again. But if you succeed, well then you get to start your next life with a huge advantage. So what will it be?"

"Those are my only option?"

"Yep, in your last life you got nowhere near enough karma for anything else."

"How long is the tunnel?"

"Can't say, you have too choose door two for me to tell you."

As the soul contemplated his choice, the being smile was slowly loosing its warm. A cruel look could be seen in its eyes as it silently mock the pitiful fragile soul.

"If you don't make a choice soon Il pick for you." A mischievous grin spread the being face as added more pressure. He looked in glee as the soul started to panick.

"Il take door two!"

"Hahahahahahahahah! You stupid moron! It never gets old pranking one of you!"

A sudden feeling of dread came over the soul, before it could utter a single word. The being smack his soul toward the door number two. The door open, even before he could hit it. As the door close the last thing the soul saw was the being looking at him with cruel glee in it face. Before turning too another soul, a expression of bored indifference return to his expression like if he was back at his job.

The being chuckle a little bit, as he was thinking back on the prank he pulled during his recent break on the random soul he pick.

"It never gets old making fun of those web novel reader. Sigh, too bad I can only do one every break."

Turning too the new soul, he gave it a warm smile and patiently guided it too heaven. Sending it off as the soul thank him and praise him in pure joy. He then turn on some screen that show, various people living their live. These were his collection of trick souls''

that had survive the tunnel. Watching them was alway good for a laught.