
The tunnel

The soul who was once Thomas was in pain. As soon as he enter the door, pain was all he knew. Memory of his past were replaying over and over, not the good one but all the bad ones. His most humiliating moment check. His most painful heartbreak check, when he learn about his grand parents accident check.

Every thing in his past that had cause him pain on any level, played over and over on repeat. As that pain went on, the burning, freezing, stabbing, melting and ripping sensation all over his soul from the outside as on the inside. Would go into a loop, for a few moment no pain, then the circle of all those different sensation would begin. Once complete, he was force too witness all of his worse memory. Then the soul pain began.

Screaming or shouting did nothing to stop it. He beg, too anyone or anything in end it, he loudly admitted his defeat, yet he was left too drift slowly in the tunnel. He even tried going faster or speed up his slow drift, he found to his horror that if he tried speeding the process. The nightmares and soul pain intensified. So he was left with a terrible choices rush his time in the tunnel of pain. Or slowly drift and spend more time in agony.

"I can't believe In being the only one who has ever survive this. Oh screw it, Im going faster lessening my pain longer seem like a shit idea."

So Thomas rush or at least he tried, he manage to speed up until his will power gave out. Then he would drift for a time, until he gather what strength he could to rush again, and again. This became his existence, he held on thinking on the prize he would gain from this sick twisted ride.

"I can do this, I get everything that I want at the end, he promise." This was his mantra, the thing that sustain him in this never ending hell.

In the mist of pain he spotted a door in the distance.

"The exit!" He push himself to go faster toward the door, in doing so he was assaulted by even more pain. He keep going all in hope, too finally reach the end.

What the being hadn't told him was that, even if he reach the door by speeding up, and taking in more pain. The door wouldn't open until the time it would usually take for a soul to drift slowly from one end to the other. So for any who rush ahead, well they got too wait the appropriate amount of time before the doors open. Even if he was right in front of the exit, this usually was the moment many other before him had lost their minds.

He had rage and cried at the door for them to open, only for him to remain in the tunnel in a nightmare loop of agony. Many time he wanted nothing more then too give in, let his mind go. And release all his remaining pieces of his slowly crumbling sanity up to the pain. He had no idea from were he dig up the small strain of stubbornness, telling him to hold on and not let go.

Until the door open and he stumble out, at least as much as a floating soul could stumble. From his entry from the tunnel too now he had shrunk to half the size he once was.

"Free at last hahahahahahahaha! Ive done it my reward! I will finally get my wish!" Joy and relief was in abundance, for the first time in what felt like years he was free of pain. Soul tiers came down from his face, a smile was plaster of his face. Just as he was at the very height of ecstasy.

"Pht, who said anything about a reward."

All the happiness left him in second, that voice he would never forget that voice. It was the same condescending asshole who threw him into that hell in the first place. He slowly turn toward that being. Rage and fear were in a battle to express them self, but he smack them both down. He was powerless in front of it, he was but a mere bug to it.

Taking a few moment too trie and compose himself as to not go yelling profanity at it.

"You said, that I get too keep my memory and pick a place and power for my next life."

"Oh did I? Well that was a lie. You see the tunnel is for either punishing those with to much negative karma, or as entertainment for those who want to keep their memory of their past life. Take a guest at witch category you fall into." A sneer of pure sadistic glee came on the being face. It watch as the slow realization of horror came on the soul.

The soul light dime down, its core almost broke right there and then. But that streak of stubbornness came crawling out once more. Holding him together by sheer will.

"Shame, I was looking forward to see you explode. Well you are still sane so of you go too your new life. Lets see what world to send you too. Oh how about that Danny Phantom one. Yeah why not."

As the soul heard his fate he tried too speak or protest. But before he could event utter a word, the being wave its hand in the air and the soul fell down into a portal.

"That was fun, well got too get back to work now. Whoopsie, looks like sent him a little to far back in time. Mep, who cares if he dies Il given him the same choices." The being turn and went back to work, putting this moment at the back of his mind. Beside what could a weak mortal ever hope to do too a higher being such as it.

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