
Obedient Twilight

In this universe, there were still many secrets and Ajax was slowly learning about them one by one.

If the Greater Golden Demon Emperor was able to communicate with the Ascended demons, considering his age, he must have received a few things whenever someone ascended to the Heavenly Realm.

Of course, Ajax believed that the other four Greater Demon Emperors might have also received their own Mythical Grade Treasures from the Ascended Demons; however, there was a small chance that the Greater Golden Demon Emperor's treasure might be powerful.

Moreover, just like the other ascended beings, the ascended demons must have ordered their descendants not to fight one another and stay united.

'No matter whose orders it is, eventually, they would fight with one another for power and control over more regions.'

Ajax shook his head and wanted to use the [Divine Demon Rule] to see whether he could communicate with any Ascended Demons.