
Chapter 6 : I've Seen You

Devan Lou

"Cole, I'm going to work. Call me if you need anything". I walked out. Jun has been asleep for a month. Due to Cole's explanation and tests. We cannot wake him up. Long story short his in coma.

Choi dream

" Where am I? " Jun says half awake, but he remembers being  here before. Something about the place seem very familiar. "I need to get out of here". He tries to move.

" Oh! you awake". A man sitting on a chair staring at his nail next to him asked. "Lucifer". he whispers. He was pretty scared.

" I hate that name". He says with an nasty grin. " Look just call me Devan". Looking away from his nails. Finally looking at Jun. Who was silently judging him.

"Why would I call you by your name? Your an monster". Jun struggles to get out the bed.

" Look I think you got the wrong person ". Devan looks at his nails again, but this time sadly.

" Wrong... Hahaha... Wron... Pfft Hahaha wrong what... Wrong person". Jun laughs, but his mood completely change. "I think not". He said angrily.

" Look I'm not trying to start an fights here, but I do need something from you. That something is very precious to me". Slightly cocking his head.

"What is it? " Jun says curiously, but he knew what he wanted.

"Yuna". The name sounded like honey when he said it.

" Fuck no!". Jun struggles.

"I don't know what got into you, but Yuna never actually belonged to you". Devan says carelessly and their weren't any thoughts in his voice at all. Jun gritting his teeth. "Look I never promised to give her to you. She's not something I could just hand to you. She's my precious one, maybe it was my father". He says. almost like he was telling the truth, but Jun refuse to buy it.

" Your fathers dead---you son of-" ,he said with no sympathy in his words.

" Uh... Remember I have the power to let you out of here. One more attitude from you and your dead. Plus I don't won't to kill you...". Devan says taping his feet. Jun looks away. Still secretly judging him.

"Ah, here's something fun, let's make a deal". He insisted. Jun looks at him in deep thought.

" Why would I make a deal with you Lucifer"? He smirks.

"I really hate that name. Look you could die in here and i wouldn't give an fuck. Plus it's fun". he sarcastically says. Cause you fit perfectly with my plan. He said in his head.

" Fine". Jun excepted. "Just one thing, don't ever lay a hand on her". he told him."OK, here's the deal. Who ever gets Yuna to open up to them more wins. It's that easy". He smiled.

" Where's the catch? ". He says like he played this game before.

" Finally an smart one". He excitedly said clapping his hands. "If I win. You let her go". He seriously says.

" You son of...

"Deal". Devan said. Jun hesitates, but he gave in anyway.

" D-deal". he hesitates.



At Yuna's work

I work as an engineer because that's what I was majoring in. I don't know I was pretty lucky that I found a job so randomly like that.

While I work at my desks. I suddenly heard something fell inside the storage room. Worrying that maybe someone is hurt so I went to go see. I open the door and their was a man in the storage room.

An man with dark red hair and thick gorgeous lips, not that I was staring at it. Personally he look very familiar.

"Help please". The man on the floor asked her.

" Yes, of course". Reaching her hand towards him and pulling him up.

"How did you get in here? ". I asked curiously.

"Um you see, I was looking for some construction paper and of course I found it. I tried pulling them out and here I am". He explained.

I smile knowing the same thing happened to me, the first time I started working here. So embarrassing.

" Devan". he held out his hand, with an soft smile.

"Yuna". of course I gladly took it.

" You have a nice smile. Your eyes are gorgeous". he said to her all at once. this is the second person who ever said that to me.

" Ah, thanks have to get back to work,if you need anything you can ask me". I told him.

"Yeah, always". He gave a smirk and answered back.

I saw someone that looks like that before. I just can't seem to point my finger on it. That guy from my dreams. Nah...


" Yuna". Jun push the covers of him. Looking around out of breathe, full of sweat.

"Your awake and the first thing you said is Yuna . it wasn't me, I thought we were family". Cole said dramatically finishing his turkey sandwich.

" Goddamn Cole you scared the holy out of me". he screams holding his hand up onto his chest.

"Oh! Did you think I was Lucifer sitting next to your bed watching you?"he sarcastically said.

" How you know?". He raised his eyebrow.

"You were talking in your sleep". he laughs. Cole gets up. Grabbing an cup of water handing it to him. Jun takes it out of desperation and gulp it down.

" Where's Yuna? " jun trying to get up, but he was still to weak to stand.

"She went to work a while ago. You just missed her actually". He answers Scratching his head.

" How long have I been out? ". He asks.

" A month..." Cole awkward said. "Are you kidding me. who gets a job this fast?". He asked.

" She was desperate to get out of here. She didn't sleep for three days until she wrote a well-written resume for her dream job". He told Jun. Worried that he'll convince her not to move out.

"You slept for a month and you're not worried about your health, but her". Cole says sadly.

"What you think happened to me that day?". Jun says biting on his Nails.

"I don't really know. Yuna did drain some of your life away, but not as much to make you has weak as you are now". Cole respond.

"What are you saying?". Jun stays in place.

"I don't know. I feel like someone wanted this to happen". Cole looks at jun.

"To what?". Jun said confusedly.

"For you to fall asleep". Cole concluded.

"You don't think...nah it can't be". Jun says awkwardly smiling.

"That's exactly what your thinking". Cole finishes.

Later that day

"I'm home". Yuna yells, putting some bags on the counter. Something was off, usually when she comes home Coles there.

"you're home". Cole came out with an cup on hand.

"Yeah, did you just came from jun room? How's he doing?". Yuna fidgets her fingers.

"Yes...his awake". Cole says sadly.

" He is---wait why do you sound like you didn't want him to". Yuna ask tilting her head.

"No, that's not it. It's just that he told me something". Cole looks up sadly.

Cole was never the one to show his emotions or how his feeling. Then why is he like this now. Whatever it is that make Cole feel this way, as to be bad.

"Okay, hope it's not to bad". Cole shook his head.

"Are you going to say hi?". Cole trying to change he subject.

"I'm scared". Yuna looks down.

"Just say hi, it  won't hurt". Cole insisted. Yuna shook her head nervously and walks towards Jun room,  just to look at how he is doing.

Yuna walks in saying hi to jun, but he didn't respond. It's clear that he was awake. Due to him staring at her without saying an word.

"Yah! I said hi and you completely ignored me, wae?". She walked closer to him , before she can get any closer the doorbell rings.

Cole opens the door. Who else would of though?

"HM hi. Does Yuna leave here"? Someone from front door asked.

" That depends, whose asking?". Cole crossing his hand. Trying to make himself look bigger, than he is. He really isn't that big. Yuna snakes her head awkwardly by the door.

" Devan! what are you doing here"? She asked.

" Yuna you left your work on your desk earlier".handing her an stack of paper.

"But how you know where I live "? She confusedly ask.

"Yeah how you know where she lives "? Cole said trying to sound scary, in which he failed.

"I asked for it". He said seriously.

"Make sense". Yuna finished. people just give other peoples information in this town. that's not weird at all.

"Make sense". Cole mouths looking discuss. something about the person that was standing in front of the door seem very odd.

"Thank you, Devan. Come in"? Yuna says opening the door an little wider.

Come in. Cole mouths again. Devan walks in, but Cole was still by the door. Deep in thought.

"Cole are you okay"? Yuna asked. Cole quickly came into his sense and hum .

"Take a sit Devan". Cole sarcastically said. That's guy look so familiar. Note: don't trust devan.

Jun slowly and weakly got out of bed when Yuna yelled Devan. Falling an couple times he manage to make it out of his room.

" Hi, I'm Devan". Devan says when he saw someone came out of the hallway.

"Cole come here". Jun asked. Jun ignores the greeting. Cole walks towards Jun who was leaning on the wall.

" I know this name". Jun trying to remember.

"Me too, I heard his name before too". Cole relates. " What a coincidence"? Jun said.

" Guys don't be rude and say hi to my new friend. I saw him at work today". Yuna proudly said. Has she put her hands around his shoulder.

"Hi". Both Jun and Cole said sarcastically.

" Don't mind them they're get used to you". She said to him. " Right guys". She angrily looks at them, you know that weird mom look.

"right", both Cole and Jun sarcastically said.

Awhile Later

"Bye Devan see you at work". I told him.

" Yea see you". he answered. Devan left and I went back to my room. Walking to my room I overheard...

"You don't think ". Cole said.

" Devan the one in your dream. I knew he reminded me of someone". Jun concluded.

"What is he doing here"? Cole asked.

"For her". Jun said tearing up because he knew he was already losing. He's already one foot forward.

"Who Yuna?". Cole said not really believing anything jun was saying. How is that possible?

"Nooo me". Jun sarcastically said.

" No way Lucifer can't be here. Their has to be something more". Cole said. "Lucifer was a band from the real world to another world and he can only survive in heats. So he can't be here". Cole concludes.

"Then who was that? Who is that guy?" Jun asked scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't know, all I know is that his not Lucifer". Cole finished.