
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Battle Against the Strongest

6th World Decided: Jujutsu Kaisen: Start

Author: As we step into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, my wonderful readers, it's time for you to wield some power. You have the honor of choosing the next two Schrifts that will shape our journey.

New Achievement Unlocked:

For this special milestone, you have the opportunity to select a single Schrift possessed by the Schutzstaffel. ( Yhwach's Royal Guards )

( Picture)


Sasaki carefully picked up the demonic artifact and examined its intricate exterior. Holding tangible evidence of demonic spiritual forces felt like a surreal privilege.

She couldn't help but appreciate Yuji's contribution in locating it and the convenience of performing their ritual right here in their club room.

As Sasaki focused on unraveling the mysterious artifact, she noticed Iguchi's growing annoyance at her insistence on discussing its possible origins. 

Iguchi: Why now? Couldn't we have done this another time? 

Iguchi inquired.

Sasaki remained engrossed in her task, offering no immediate response.

Sasaki: Have you actually learned anything from being part of this club?

Sasaki finally asked.

Iguchi, who always seemed perpetually fatigued, let out a tired yawn. 

Iguchi: That demons will snatch your girlfriend. That's pretty much all I've gathered

Iguchi replied with a nonchalant tone.

Sasaki countered

Sasaki: Well, you're mistaken. The ambiance here is perfect for this kind of investigation, and I couldn't wait any longer. The sooner we dissect this artifact, the sooner we might achieve something noteworthy, perhaps even publication.

Iguchi sighed in resignation.

Iguchi: Is this all about fame?

Sasaki explained.

Sasaki: Not entirely, but think about it, Iguchi. If our club gains recognition, we won't have to worry about it being disbanded.

Iguchi: I get your point.

Iguchi conceded. 

Iguchi: Let's just... speed things up.

Sasaki struggled to open the wrap. She pulled with all her might, but the wrapping remained stubbornly in place. 

Iguchi: Let me give it a shot.

Iguchi offered.

Sasaki shook her head stubbornly. 

Sasaki: No, I've got this... alright, it's finally open.

she declared as the wrapping fell onto the table.

As the wrapping slid away, revealing the ominous artifact, the candles on the table began to dim. 

Sasaki could swear she sensed a malevolent presence in the room, wondering if it was coming from the artifact she held. Iguchi was the first to scream.


he shrieked, recoiling in his chair. 

Sasaki finally comprehended the nature of her discovery and promptly dropped the artifact onto the table. 

It was not what she had anticipated—it was a severed human finger.

Sasaki: A...human finger? Why?

she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. Iguchi, standing beside her, appeared equally perplexed.

It shouldn't have come as a shock, given the club's bizarre nature, but there was something uniquely unsettling about this particular thing that sent shivers down her spine.

As she observed the finger's eerie, independent movements, Sasaki couldn't help but clutch her stomach. 

The thunderstorm raging outside added to the eerie atmosphere, intensifying her unease.

Sasaki: (In thought) I'm not overthinking this. I just can't fathom why anyone would wrap a finger like this. The only explanation must be that it's a demonic finger. Or perhaps it's been preserved, but what could possibly make it so significant that someone would go to such lengths?

Her thoughts raced as the finger continued its eerie dance, defying all reason. Then, an idea struck her. She reached for a blank notebook and held the finger as if it were a pen.

Iguchi, clearly puzzled, couldn't help but ask.

Iguchi: What are you doing?

Sasaki took a deep breath and replied.

Sasaki: Just watch, you'll see.

The finger in her grasp began to write on the blank page, using its own blood as ink. 

Iguchi: How does it still have blood?!

Sasaki's heart raced as she realized she had no control over what the finger was writing. When the finger finally ceased its movement, she began to decipher the cryptic message it had left behind:

An old man devoid of his Quincy grace... stripped of his divinity's embrace.

In the Shadowy Void, Chaos finds its voice.

Silver hair, eyes cerulean, a vision so blue...

Another enigma unfolds, Infinity's hue. 

A devil emerges, a puppeteer of malice, in the darkness he'll rule...

Ten Shadows his tool, a malevolent jewel...

Mystical ballet, their enigmatic art, In fate's cryptic theater, their roles...

Sasaki's voice trailed off. 

Sasaki: (In thought) Their roles? Why did it stop? What comes next?

She reluctantly let go of the finger and rubbed her temples, trying to make sense of the enigmatic verses. 

Iguchi: C'mon, let me see.

Sasaki hesitated for a moment before reluctantly passing the notebook over. 

The finger, once done with its unsettling task, remained motionless, adding to the eerie silence that had settled over the room.

Scene Break

Yuji had just completed some documents that were due because of his grandpa's death. Frankly, he didn't want to dwell on it too much.

He knew that his grandpa's passing was inevitable, and death had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for its moment.

However, Yuji always felt like he would live forever. Now, that moment had unexpectedly arrived, and he had to confront it head-on. He leaned forward as he added the final touches to the document before handing it over to the lady.

Lady: Are you sure you'll be fine?

the lady asked.

Yuji maintained a neutral expression.

Yuji: I'm not entirely sure how I'll navigate through this, as it's my first experience with something like this. But...I don't think my grandpa would have wanted me to slack off during this process. So, yeah, I think I'll be okay. I guess I'll have to perform the cremation.

Yuji replied.

The lady looked taken aback by his last sentence but chose not to respond. Just then, Yuji heard footsteps to his left, followed by someone calling his name.

Boy: Are you Yuji Itadori?

the boy asked.

Yuji turned around to see a young man with black hair and a solid black outfit. He wondered why the guy was in such a uniform.

Yuji: What's it to you?

Yuji asked.

Megumi: I'm Megumi. As a student from Tokyo Jujutsu Prefectural High School, it's my responsibility to request that you hand over the cursed artifact in your possession.

Megumi demanded.

Yuji felt bewildered. He knew what he had done with the artifact but was confused as to why it had become such a big deal.

Yuji: I don't have it; my friends do. Why do you need it, anyway?

Yuji asked.

Megumi: You don't understand... Here, take a look at this picture.

Megumi said, showing Yuji an image.

Yuji examined it closely and furrowed his brow.

Yuji: Yeah, that's it. Although, like I said, I gave it to my friends. Why is it such a big deal now?

Yuji asked.

Megumi: Because it's a cursed artifact. It's dangerous, and it shouldn't be in the hands of whoever your friends are. Do you even know what a cursed object is?

Megumi explained.

Yuji: Umm...

Megumi: Let's start with curses. A curse is something that manifests from the negative emotions of human beings. The more negative energy a place radiates to people, the more likely it is to attract a curse. As for cursed objects, the more malevolence is imbued into them, the better they are at repelling other curses.

Yuji: Why would they deflect their own kind? 

Yuji asked.

Megumi: It's a sort of mechanism. Anyway, the cursed object you found was most likely sealed with a talisman—a paper tag infused with cursed energy. The talisman serves to contain the cursed artifact. So, considering what I've just explained, how big of a mess do you think you've gotten yourself into?

Megumi asked.

Yuji didn't respond with words. Instead, he dashed out of the waiting area and burst through the main doors, with Megumi presumably following close behind.

Yuji's heart raced as he sprinted across the dimly lit sidewalk alongside the boy named Megumi. Panic gripped him, his voice quivering with fear.

Yuji: WHAT THE? So you're telling me that this thing attracts those demons or whatever you call them, as well as repels them?!

Yuji screamed. his voice echoing in the streets. 

Megumi nodded.

Megumi: Absolutely. Let's just hope that your friends are...

Megumi's words trailed off as he abruptly halted, his eyes fixated on the looming school building. 

Yuji came to a screeching halt as well, his instincts sending alarm signals through his mind.

For an unsettling moment, Yuji's senses tingled with an ominous awareness—an unspoken warning that something malevolent lurked within the school's ominous confines. 

The oppressive atmosphere bore down on him, raising the hairs on the back of his neck.

Yuji: What is this pressure?

Megumi took a cautious step forward, his gaze never leaving the foreboding school. He turned to Yuji.

Megumi: STAY HERE! Got that?

he commanded with a stern voice.

Yuji: No way! My friends are in there, and you just expect me to leave them up to you?

Yuji said.

Megumi: I'm a Jujutsu Sorcerer—you're not. I won't let you waste your life, not if I have anything to say about it.

Megumi replied.

Yuji clenched his fists, frustration, and defiance burning in his eyes. 

Yuji: (In thought) Who the hell does this guy think he is? I don't care if he's a sorcerer or not. I'm going in...

Yuji: Fine. I'll stay.

Yuji watched as Megumi nodded and sprinted toward the imposing front entrance of the school. 

He waited for what felt like an agonizing ten seconds before his determination overcame his fear, and he too charged into the building.

Scene Break

Megumi: (In thought ) Why? Just why? Why did these fools have to do this?

Megumi's thoughts raced as he sprinted up the darkened staircase, his heart pounding with a mixture of dread and determination. 

Megumi: (In thought ) God, I hope they're not dead.

Loud, blood-curdling screams pierced the air, filling the hallways. The agonized cries seemed almost inhuman, sending shivers down Megumi's spine. 

Megumi: (In thought ) Those are curses!

He abruptly stopped in his tracks, a chilling realization dawning on him. 

Megumi: (In thought ) Ah shit Here we go again...

Summoning his Divine Dogs with swift, practiced movements, Megumi descended to the floor where the cursed spirit's malevolent presence emanated. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to grow thicker with every step.

Megumi: Kill them all and find the hostages!

Megumi commanded.

As he raced down the dimly lit hallway, flanked by his loyal shikigami, grotesque curses emerged from the shadows. 

One by one, Megumi unleashed his Divine Dogs, watching as they tore through the curses with deadly precision.

Not more than twenty feet away from him was a ginormous curse that held the hostages. 

Megumi: (In thought ) Damn.

Megumi tried searching for a solution, but before he could react, Yuji Itadori shot past him with astonishing speed.

Megumi: (In thought ) Holy crap! What kind of raw strength is that?

Megumi marveled as Yuji executed a powerful sidekick, forcing the monstrous curse to release its captives.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Yuji saved the terrified girl and moved the boy to safety. But the danger wasn't over.

Megumi: (In thought ) I have to go now!

Megumi sprinted toward the towering, cursed spirit, his hands moving with perfect precision as he delivered a fatal blow, splitting the cursed spirit's face in two.

The cursed spirit lay lifeless.

Yuji: So you're pretty supernatural too... just like other Sorcerers?

Yuji asked.

Megumi: Well, what did you expect? It's in the name...

Megumi replied.

Yuji: Why are your dogs...

Yuji began.

Megumi: I'm surprised you can see them, but nonetheless, this is a life-or-death situation, so it makes sense.

Yuji: Are these what all cursed spirits look like?

Yuji asked.

Megumi: Not all, but the majority.

Megumi responded.

Yuji: Weird... oh, here's the finger you were talking about...

Yuji said, offering Megumi the cursed artifact. Their hands barely grazed each other when suddenly, another cursed spirit burst through the wall, snatching Megumi away with horrifying force.

Megumi: RUN!

Megumi's desperate scream echoed through the night as the cursed spirit's colossal force hurled him through the school's crumbling walls. 

He crashed through the debris, his body twisted in mid-air until he landed on top of another building. Blurred vision and searing pain consumed him.

Megumi: (In thought ) Got to THINK, or else I'm dead.

Megumi forced himself to sit up, despite the agony coursing through his battered form.

As he struggled to regain his bearings, he witnessed Yuji emerging from the shattered school building, his face etched with concern.

Without hesitation, Yuji lunged toward the cursed spirit, delivering a powerful punch to its head before landing beside Megumi.

Yuji: You okay?!

Yuji yelled.

Megumi: What do you think?! 

Megumi asked.

He watched as Yuji shifted his gaze back to the cursed spirit. With incredible speed, Yuji charged at the looming menace, dodging its vicious attacks with deft agility.

Grasping the cursed spirit's massive leg, Yuji attempted to hurl the abomination off the rooftop. But it was a futile effort; the cursed spirit's weight proved too overwhelming, even for Yuji's extraordinary strength. Instead, the cursed spirit retaliated with a savage strike, slamming Yuji's face and sending him hurtling backward, nearly crashing through the rooftop.

Megumi: You can't kill these things with physical strength! You need another curse! Run or you'll die!

Megumi warned desperately.

Yuji evaded yet another brutal attack and managed to clamber atop the cursed spirit. But his bold move resulted in the cursed spirit folding him in a vice-like grip, threatening to crush the life out of him.


Yuji, however, held firm, his hand clutching Ryomen Sukuna's finger.

Yuji: If a curse is needed to save our lives, then I'll be just that. 

Yuji opened his mouth, a decision made that could alter their fate irrevocably.

Megumi: Wait... NOOO!

Megumi screamed.

Scene Break

Sukuna leaned back after thrashing the cursed spirit before him. Slowly, a realization dawned upon him—he was in a different place and time.

The air felt distinct, colder than what he was accustomed to, and his mind buzzed with a multitude of questions as he began to piece together his unfamiliar surroundings.

A triumphant smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He turned around and spotted a young boy with black hair, sprawled on the ground, showing signs of injury. Sukuna's heart raced with excitement.

Sukuna: (In thought) There's no way... I'm... I'm finally here. I'm back!

A breathtaking metropolis stretched before him, unlike anything he had ever witnessed in his own era. It was a sight to behold, utterly magnificent.


Sukuna couldn't contain his elation, his voice echoing across the unfamiliar landscape. 

However, he quickly composed himself, a sly grin dancing upon his lips.

Sukuna: (In thought) This isn't my body... Oh well, I'll do whatever I want...

Sukuna mused.

A voice disrupted his thoughts, cutting through the exhilaration that coursed through him.

Megumi: Curse... You're a curse...and it's my job to exorcise you.

Scene Break

Yuji's consciousness returned, and he became acutely aware of his own body. He could sense Megumi's gaze fixated on him. Confusion washed over him, coupled with a peculiar sensation of being deprived of his clothing.

He instinctively raised both hands, a defensive reaction to the uncertainty that surrounded him.

Yuji: Hey, look, it's me.

Yuji stammered.

Yuji: I don't know what happened, but I'm back now. Please don't do anything crazy, alright? I'm back. We should probably be going to the hospital or something.

Megumi: You...ate the curse... Special Grade Ryomen Sukuna's finger...

Megumi's voice trailed off as he stared at the ground. The ominous atmosphere weighed heavily upon Yuji's shoulders.

Glancing around, Yuji noticed a looming storm on the horizon. His gaze shifted to the left, where he spotted a man with white hair wearing a blindfold standing alongside Megumi. An unsettling feeling gnawed at him. 

Yuji: (In thought) Who's that guy? More importantly, what's with that storm above us?

Albino-haired man: So, what's the info?

the man with white hair inquired. He stood casually next to Megumi, and Yuji couldn't help but feel he was up for a beating.

Megumi's attention remained locked on the ominous storm. 

Megumi: Gojo Sensei, is that a cursed spirit above us?

he asked.

Gojo: Actually, no, it's not. Whatever it is... it doesn't have any cursed energy.

Gojo Sensei responded.

Gojo: Did you find the missing cursed artifact? The higher-ups wanted to know where it was after it went missing. Figured you were on it, Megumi. Any luck?

Gojo inquired. It didn't take long for the truth to emerge.

Yuji: Umm... actually... I ate it.

Yuji confessed. Gojo glanced at Yuji as if the words went through his right ear and came out his left.

Gojo: For real?

Gojo responded. 

As the storm above crackled with intensity, a sudden disturbance caught everyone's attention. Through the swirling clouds, two figures plummeted from the sky with alarming speed.


Zaegar's gleeful shout echoed through the tumultuous winds as he descended with reckless abandon, his childlike demeanor starkly contrasting with the gravity of the situation.

Their descent abruptly halted as they crashed onto the rooftop of a nearby building, the impact sending debris scattering in all directions. Yhwach landed with calculated grace, his expression unreadable as he surveyed their surroundings.

Meanwhile, Zaegar emerged from the wreckage with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He bounded over to Yhwach, his jovial demeanor unaffected by their abrupt landing.

Zaegar: Yhwach, that was so much fun! Can we do it again?

Zaegar's voice was filled with childlike enthusiasm, his gaze fixed expectantly on Yhwach.

Yhwach's grip tightened around Zaegar's neck, his eyes flashing with a potent mixture of anger and disappointment. The tiny dragon trembled under his grasp, realizing the severity of his actions as he stared into Yhwach's intense gaze.

Yhwach: Foolish Zaegar foolishness... Do you comprehend the magnitude of what you've done?

His voice was cold and commanding, echoing with an authority that brooked no argument. Zaegar struggled to respond, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to find the words to justify his reckless behavior.

Zaegar's eyes widened in surprise at Yhwach's reaction, his grin faltering momentarily before returning with a hint of defiance.

Zaegar: Chillax, big man! No one important died, just the sun and the shattered moon, maybe a few million Grimm, and the entire bar. But hey, the rest are alive and kicking!

His voice held a casual tone as if he were discussing the weather rather than the catastrophic aftermath of their descent. Yhwach's expression remained unchanged, his gaze piercing as he absorbed Zaegar's words.

Yhwach: The destruction you wrought has consequences, Zaegar. Such recklessness cannot be excused.

His voice was stern, though there was a flicker of amusement in his eyes as he regarded the diminutive dragon. With a swift motion, Yhwach released his grip on Zaegar, allowing him to tumble to the ground with a soft thud.

Zaegar bounced back up with unrivaled energy, undeterred by Yhwach's admonishment. With a flourish, he conjured a tropical coconut drink, complete with a tiny umbrella, and took a long sip, the liquid cascading down his throat in a refreshing cascade.

Zaegar: Ah, nothing like a coconut drink to wash away the stress of a hard day's work!

He exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm as he perched himself on Yhwach's shoulder, the drink nestled snugly in his grasp. Yhwach regarded him with a mixture of exasperation and bemusement, though there was a hint of fondness in his gaze.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Remind me again why we agreed to let him tag along?

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Hmm... Remind me, Zaegar, why did I allow you to accompany us on this journey?

His tone was laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Zaegar grinned cheekily, his eyes alight with mischief as he lounged on Yhwach's shoulder, the tropical drink clutched in his tiny claws.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Because deep down, you know you can't resist my charm, Yhwach!

His response was delivered with a playful wink.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he listened to Zaegar's retort, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes. Ginjo's demeanor shifted to a deadpan expression, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ah yes, because nothing says "charming companion" like causing widespread destruction and chaos wherever you go.

His words dripped with sarcasm, a stark contrast to Zaegar's carefree attitude. Yhwach's lips twitched in amusement, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed, Ginjo raises a valid point, Zaegar. Your penchant for chaos is truly unparalleled.

Zaegar's eyes narrowed as he glared at Yhwach, his tiny form bristling with indignation.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Hey, watch it, Yhwach! I may cause chaos, but I bring joy and excitement wherever I go! Can't say the same for your gloomy vibes.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Touché, Zaegar. Your presence does indeed add a certain...colorful flair to our endeavors.

His tone was laced with amusement, Ginjo let out an exasperated sigh, his patience wearing thin.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Colorful flair? More like a neon sign flashing "danger ahead."

Ginjo's voice was tinged with sarcasm, though there was an underlying concern in his words. Yhwach shot Ginjo a pointed look, his gaze sharp.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, enough with the pessimism. Zaegar may be chaotic, but he's also proven to be a valuable ally.

His words carried a note of reprimand, a reminder to Ginjo that their journey was not without its challenges and unexpected allies. Zaegar, perched on Yhwach's shoulder, let out a triumphant laugh, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) That's right! I may be a little ball of chaos, but I'm also the life of the party!

Yuji: I'm sorry, but who are they supposed to be?

Yuji questioned, perplexed by the newcomers's presence. Gojo Sensei merely wore a smile.

Gojo: First, someone eats a Special Grade finger, then a citizen with no cursed energy comes crashing down from the sky with a pet lizard? Megumi, I wish I had your luck. 

Gojo remarked with a playful hug around Megumi.

Megumi: Sensei, this is serious... I have no idea who that person is, but Yuji... ate a finger and he's back to his normal self.

Megumi's concern cut through the levity. Before Gojo or Yuji could respond, Zaegar interrupted.

Zaegar, fueled by a sudden surge of indignation, leaped from Yhwach's shoulder and landed in front of Gojo with a fiery intensity in his eyes. His tiny form trembled with rage as he confronted the sorcerer.

Zaegar: What the fuck do you fucking mean, you albino-haired bitch, that I'm a "pet lizard"? I fucking dare you to fucking repeat that. I double fucking dare you, motherfucker!

His voice, though small in stature, reverberated with a ferocity that belied his size. Gojo, taken aback by the sudden outburst, raised his hands in a placating gesture.

Gojo: Whoa there, little guy! No need to get all worked up. I was just making an observation.

Despite Gojo's attempts to diffuse the situation, Zaegar remained undeterred, his eyes narrowing into fiery slits as he continued to glare at the sorcerer.

Zaegar: Observation, my beautiful ass! Do you think you can just belittle me like that and get away with it? Think again, you pompous fucking jackass!

His words were laced with venom, each syllable dripping with disdain. Gojo, recognizing the seriousness of Zaegar's anger, adopted a more serious expression.

Gojo: Alright, alright, I apologize if I offended you. No need to get hostile. Let's just calm down and focus on the situation at hand, shall we?

His tone was conciliatory, though there was a hint of frustration in his voice. Zaegar, still seething with anger, reluctantly backed down, though the fire in his eyes remained unquenched.

Zaegar: Fine, but watch your mouth next time, or I won't be so forgiving.

With a final glare at Gojo, Zaegar turned on his heel and stalked back to Yhwach's side, his tiny form quivering with suppressed rage. Yhwach, watching the exchange with amusement, couldn't help but chuckle softly at Zaegar's fiery spirit.

Yhwach: Never a dull moment with you around, Zaegar.

Gojo: You both fascinate me. Do you know what cursed energy is?

Gojo asked.

Even Yuji, who was still unfamiliar with the concept of cursed energy, sensed the gravity of the moment.

Zaegar: Ah shit, here we go again. Are you fucking serious right now? The fuck's cursed energy, and why the fuck does it matter?

His tone was tinged with frustration, his tiny form pulsating with pent-up energy. Yhwach, sensing Zaegar's agitation, placed a calming hand on his shoulder, his expression serene yet authoritative.

Yhwach: Cursed energy? I'm afraid we're not familiar with that concept.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Zaegar. It seems we've stumbled into a world with its own set of rules and phenomena.

Gojo: Well, you both have none of it. There are only two people in my life who I've met with little to no cursed energy. But you're strong, I can sense it. You're hiding something from us. Did the Zenin Clan send you? Anyone else with you?

Gojo probed, his face uncomfortably close to the Yhwach's.

Zaegar: An albino-haired bitch that is a confirmed weirdo, what's next? Are you gonna ask for our shoe sizes too?

 Gojo, unfazed by Zaegar's outburst, merely chuckled softly at the tiny hollow's fiery spirit.

Gojo: You've got quite the mouth on you, little guy. I like that.

His tone was light-hearted, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. Zaegar, though still bristling with indignation, couldn't help but crack a small grin at Gojo's response.

Zaegar: Yeah, well, you've got quite the... albino hair on you, weirdo.

Gojo shifted his attention to Yhwach.

Gojo: Are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?

Yhwach's gaze remained steady as he met Gojo's questioning stare, his expression inscrutable as ever.

Yhwach: No, I am not a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Gojo's smile widened. Megumi, on the other hand, grew increasingly frustrated that Gojo was diverting his attention from Yuji.

Walking over to Megumi, Yuji attempted to convey his perspective. 

Yuji: Hey...

he began, but Megumi cut him off, unable to contain his worry.

Megumi: You fool... do you have any idea what kind of situation you got yourself into?

Yuji: I had to eat it. It was the only way I could help... I mean... save myself...

Megumi: You were better off dead than eating that thing... 

Megumi's stern words hung heavily between them. Yuji's frown deepened as he remembered his final visit to his grandpa.

Turning his focus back to Gojo, Yuji listened to the ongoing conversation. 

Gojo: Ah... I see. I'm sorry to inform you that you are in a different world. There is no Vale, Atlas, or whatever you're talking about. Is there any way I could help?

Zaegar: Giving us some personal space is a good way to start you albino-haired bitch.

Zaegar retorted, his annoyance palpable.

With casual indifference, Zaegar stomped his foot on the rooftop, causing the entire building to tremble. Yuji's heart raced with alarm, and Megumi, too, was unnerved by the unexpected display of strength.

Gojo chuckled, seemingly undeterred by Zaegar's demeanor. 

Gojo: See... I knew it. You both are special. Say Wanna become a Jujutsu Sorcerer?

Gojo's question hung in the air, met with a momentary pause from Yhwach and Zaegar, who seemed lost in thought, even absentmindedly digging his nose.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered Gojo's offer, his mind drifting into the mental link shared with Ginjo and Zaegar.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, Zaegar, what do you both think about this proposition?

In the shared mental space, Zaegar's response was swift and vehement.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Fuck no! You already had to become an assassin and a teacher twice, now you want to be a fucking magic sorcerer? Who the fuck has time for that shit?

Yhwach: (Mental Link)Your reluctance is duly noted, Zaegar.

Within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's voice echoed with a note of cynicism.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer... sounds like just another way to get caught up in someone else's agenda. No thanks.

His words carried a note of skepticism, a reminder of the dangers inherent in involving oneself in the affairs of others. Yhwach nodded in understanding, acknowledging Ginjo's concerns.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Your reservations are understandable, Ginjo.

Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo waited in silence, giving them time to contemplate.

Yhwach: No. 

finally replied. 

Gojo furrowed his brow, surprised by the immediate rejection.

Gojo: No? Really? Are you sure? You can save a lot of lives...

Zaegar and Yhwach: No.

Gojo: Money. If it's that, then the higher-ups can make that happen for you.

Zaegar: Nope.

Gojo: Food?

Zaegar: Hmmmmm. Tempting but no.

Gojo: Women

Zaegar: Fuck nah you can have them bitches.

Gojo: The thrill of battle?

Yuji: Hmm...

Yuji had grown impatient with the back-and-forth.

The conversation had swiftly shifted from Ryomen Sukuna's finger to this random, Pet Dragon and an old man whose mustache seemed to have a life of its own. He decided to interject.

Yuji: I'm sorry, but... we haven't had the chance to introduce ourselves too.

Yuji chimed in, redirecting the conversation.

Gojo, Yhwach, and Zaegar turned their attention to Yuji. For Zaegar, it seemed as if he were peering through Yuji, rather than at him.

Gojo: Right. this is...

Megumi: Yuji.

Megumi promptly supplied.

Gojo: Right and the one that just spoke is Megumi. He is a Jujutsu Sorcerer, and I'm the teacher of First-Year Students at Jujutsu High. So, are you...

Zaegar: Yes.

Zaegar responded casually. Yuji couldn't help but notice Gojo's visible confusion.

Yhwach's gaze narrowed at Zaegar, a silent question lingering in his eyes. Within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's expression darkened, a scowl forming on his lips.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) What the hell, Zaegar?

His voice was laced with frustration, his eyes boring into the tiny dragon with intensity. Zaegar merely shrugged in response, a nonchalant expression on his face.

Zaegar: ( Mental Link) The food's very tempting. Had to try a new world's dishes, you know?

His response was delivered with a casual shrug, though there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. Yhwach let out a resigned sigh, his gaze shifting between Zaegar and Ginjo.

Yhwach: ( Mental Link) Zaegar, must you always indulge in your culinary pursuits at the most inconvenient times?

His tone carried a note of exasperation, though there was a hint of fondness in his words. Ginjo, however, remained unimpressed, his scowl deepening.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) There's a time and place for everything, Zaegar. This isn't it.

His voice was tinged with annoyance, a reminder to Zaegar of the gravity of their current situation. Zaegar merely rolled his eyes in response, his attention already drifting to the tantalizing array of food stalls nearby.

Zaegar: ( Mental Link) Lighten up, Ginjo. Where's your sense of adventure?

His tone was playful, though there was a hint of defiance in his words. Yhwach, sensing the tension between his companions, intervened with a calming gesture.

Yhwach: ( Mental Link) Let's focus on the matter at hand, shall we? 

Gojo: Yes, what?

Gojo pressed.

Zaegar: We'll join.

Zaegar said.

Gojo: Splendid. How old are you?

Gojo looked at Yhwach.

Yhwach met Gojo's gaze with a steady.

Yhwach: How old do you think I look like?

His question was delivered with a hint of curiosity, a subtle challenge in his tone. Gojo regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful expression, his eyes scanning the features of the figure before him.

Gojo: Hmmm... I'd say... late thirties, perhaps early forties?

His response was tentative, his tone reflective as he assessed Yhwach's appearance. Yhwach's lips curved into a small smile, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Yhwach: Close, but not quite.

His tone was cryptic, a hint of mystery shrouding his words. Gojo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Yhwach's response.

Gojo: Oh? Pray tell, then, how old are you?

His curiosity piqued, Gojo awaited Yhwach's answer with anticipation. Yhwach's smile widened slightly, his gaze holding a glint of amusement as he prepared to reveal the truth.

Yhwach: I am... much older than I appear.

Gojo's curiosity deepened, his interest in Yhwach's origins and abilities growing with each passing moment.

Gojo: Fascinating... I guess we can always make exceptions. I hope the higher-ups are okay with this. They probably will straight-up deny you both. Or you can be a teacher. Can you teach?

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he considered Gojo's words, his mind processing the implications of the offer.

Yhwach: Teaching... An interesting proposition.

His voice held a note of intrigue, a hint of contemplation in his tone as he mulled over the idea. Within his mind, Ginjo's voice echoed with skepticism, his doubts evident in his words.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Teaching? Are you serious? What would we even teach?

Zaegar: (Mental Link) We're not in Remnant anymore. There are no combat classes or anything like that. Or is there? Never mind that Yhwach, you've already become a teacher in two worlds, and now a third?

Yhwach, sensing Zaegar's agitation, placed a calming hand on his shoulder, his expression serene yet authoritative.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Patience, Zaegar. There may be more to this offer than meets the eye.

Within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's expression darkened, a scowl forming on his lips.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Zaegar, calm down. Yhwach has a plan, I can feel it.

His words were meant to assuage Zaegar's concerns, a reminder that Yhwach always had a method to his madness. Zaegar, though still bristling with indignation, reluctantly acquiesced, his tiny form trembling with suppressed frustration.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Fine, but this had better be worth it, Yhwach.

His tone carried a note of resignation, though there was a flicker of uncertainty in his words. Yhwach nodded in understanding, his gaze shifting between Ginjo and Zaegar with a sense of reassurance.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Trust me, Zaegar. Everything will fall into place.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Yhwach turned his attention back to Gojo, his expression unreadable as he prepared to respond to the sorcerer's offer.

Yhwach: Very well, then. We accept your offer, Mr. Gojo.

Gojo snapped his fingers.

Gojo: Exactly. How about fighting Ryomen Sukuna? That'll put you in Special Grade Level, giving you more recognition...that is...if you beat him...

Gojo suggested a mischievous grin on his face.

Megumi quickly expressed his concern.

Megumi: Sensei... don't you think that's a little too far? He's Special Grade. This is just outright murder.

Gojo: Nah, he'll be alright—at least I hope. If he's about to get killed, I'll step in right away. Are you okay with that, Mr...

Gojo inquired.

Yhwach: My name is Yhwach.

Yuji noticed that Yhwach didn't appear the least bit frightened. Perhaps he had no comprehension of how powerful cursed spirits could be.

Gojo: Of course. Yuji... can you even control Sukuna?

Gojo turned his attention to Yuji, who scratched his head thoughtfully.

Yuji: I think so. When do you want me to let him out?

Gojo: Right when Mr. Yhwach is ready. Do your best, alright?

Gojo instructed.

Yhwach: Very well then.

Yhwach replied nonchalantly. Yuji couldn't help but feel that this man wasn't taking the situation seriously. He hadn't even altered his stance. 

With a resigned thought, Yuji focused his mental energy on mentally switching, and Ryomen Sukuna returned to the world, hungering for an exhilarating battle.

Scene Break

Sukuna relished the sensation of being alive once more. The surge of power and the return of his malevolent existence sent exhilaration coursing through him. 

He knew he had fully returned when his crimson eyes locked onto another figure in the distance. An old man, clad in a white trench coat attire with a maroon-black cloak, had the misfortune of becoming Sukuna's first target. 

Sukuna: (In thought) It doesn't matter who he is. I'll kill him.

With a ferocious charge, Sukuna lunged at the Quincy king, his claws slashing through the air. The sheer force of his attack sent shockwaves across the rooftop, causing it to crumble and disintegrate into a storm of rubble and debris.

Sukuna couldn't be certain if the man had perished, but he felt a surge of confidence.

Sukuna: Who's next?

However, a sudden, chilling realization crept over him as he sensed the presence of the man standing perilously close behind him, close enough to whisper threatening words into his ear.

Yhwach: Impressive... but ultimately futile.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Yhwach's hand shot forward, gripping Sukuna's wrist with an ironclad grip. Sukuna struggled against the Quincy king's hold, but it was as if he were grasping at shadows.

Yhwach's gaze bore into Sukuna's, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity that seemed to pierce through the very essence of his being.

Yhwach: You are powerful, I'll give you that. But your strength is nothing compared to mine.

With a swift motion, Yhwach delivered a devastating blow to Sukuna's abdomen, sending him hurtling through the air with a force that left him gasping for breath.

Sukuna staggered to his feet, his body aching from the impact of Yhwach's attack. He glared at the Quincy king with a mixture of defiance and begrudging respect, his crimson eyes burning with an intensity that matched Yhwach's own.

Sukuna: You're... not like the others...

Yhwach's lips curved into a small smile, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Yhwach: No, I am not.

As Sukuna struggled to regain his composure, a sudden sneeze erupted from Zaegar, who was perched on Yhwach's shoulder. The force of the sneeze caused Yhwach to lose his balance momentarily, sending Sukuna hurtling through the air once more.

With a deafening crash, Sukuna tore through the skyline, demolishing buildings and towers in his wake until finally crashing into a house in a quiet neighborhood. The impact rendered him unconscious, sprawled amidst the rubble and debris.

An elderly lady emerged from the wreckage, brandishing a stick and shouting obscenities at the unconscious Sukuna. She shook her fist in fury, threatening dire consequences if her house wasn't repaired promptly.

Old Lady: You better fix my fucking house before there'll be hell to pay, you damn hoodlum!

Yhwach, unfazed by the chaos unfolding around him, turned to Zaegar with a bemused expression. Zaegar, looking up at Yhwach with a cute expression, innocently blinked his eyes.

Zaegar: What?

Scene Break

Megumi observed the entire battle from a rooftop, sharing this vantage point with Gojo. He marveled at Yhwach's remarkable durability against the slashes of a Special Grade curse.

Such an outcome should have been impossible. Slowly rising to his feet, he turned to Gojo with a question in mind.

Megumi: What happened to Sukuna? I lost track.

Megumi inquired.

Gojo: He's not there anymore. Yuji has taken over him now.

Gojo responded.

Megumi still wore a puzzled expression.

Megumi: And that old man? Did he knock him out?

Gojo: Presumably. All I know is that they caused more damage than I anticipated. But hey, we've got a powerhouse on our hands. Let's harness it while it's still fresh.

Gojo replied.

Together, Megumi and Gojo raced toward Yuji's location.

Arriving on the scene, they found an old lady standing over Yuji with Yhwach next to him and Zaegar on his shoulder, appearing perplexed. He turned to face Gojo and Megumi, gesturing toward Yuji.

Zaegar: Help us.

Zaegar's plea was met with a stern glare from the old lady, who pointed her stick menacingly in his direction.

Old Lady: What did you say?

Her voice carried a threatening tone, and Zaegar quickly bowed his head, his tiny form trembling with fear.

Zaegar: N-nothing at all, ma'am. We were just hoping for some assistance.

The old lady's expression softened slightly at Zaegar's submissive response, though she still regarded him with suspicion.

Old Lady: Assistance, eh? Well, I suppose I can spare some help, but only if you promise to fix the mess you've made.

Her tone softened, and she gestured toward the wreckage of her house, which lay in ruins around them. Zaegar nodded eagerly, his eyes wide with relief.

Zaegar: Of course, ma'am! We'll do whatever it takes to make things right.

With that, Zaegar hopped off Yhwach's shoulder and began to assist in clearing away the debris, his tiny form darting around with surprising agility.

Gojo turned his attention to Yhwach.

Gojo: I don't know where you got your strength from, but this is more than enough for your acceptance into our Jujutsu society. Congrats.

Gojo announced, patting Yhwach on the back.

Megumi couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern.

Megumi: (In thought) Could Sensei be feeling envious? No, that's unlikely. Yhwach may possess great strength, but Gojo Sensei is on a completely different level. While Yhwach may ascend to Grade 1 and even Special Grade for Curses, Sensei's power transcends such classifications. He stands alone in his own league

Gojo: Before we go, what do you think I should do with Yuji?

Gojo said.

Megumi: I mean... I wouldn't want him to die, but under Jujutsu regulations, he'll have to be executed anyway. 

Megumi pointed out.

Zaegar, still diligently helping with the cleanup, overheard the conversation between Gojo and Megumi. His ears perked up at the mention of Yuji's fate.

Zaegar: Kill that Ichigo fucking knockoff.

Zaegar muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction and repair.

However, before anyone could react, the old lady noticed Zaegar's outburst and swiftly intervened. With a swift motion, she brought her stick down on Zaegar's head, causing him to yelp in pain.

Zaegar: Ow! Hey! you bitch!

Zaegar protested, rubbing his sore head.

The old lady fixed him with a stern glare, her eyes blazing with anger.


she barked, her voice booming with authority.

Zaegar recoiled at her sharp tone, his eyes welling up with fake tears. He quickly scampered away, returning to his task with renewed vigor, though he couldn't help but shoot a resentful glare at the old lady when she wasn't looking.

Yhwach: Executions are out of the question.

Yhwach asserted firmly as he approached Megumi, his tone brooking no argument.

Megumi raised his eyebrows.

Megumi: T-that's not for you to decide. 

Megumi responded.

He half-expected Yhwach to hit him, given the circumstances. 

Yhwach sighed as if finding the tension puzzling. 

Yhwach: Why so on edge? I'm not here to harm you.

Yhwach reassured though Megumi's mind was racing with thoughts.

Megumi: (In thought) Typical. How can I not be on edge? A stranger shows up out of nowhere, no cursed energy, yet he managed to defeat a potential Special Grade curse. And he's not even a Jujutsu Sorcerer?

Megumi contemplated, his wariness evident in his internal monologue.

Gojo intervened thoughtfully. 

Gojo: You know, Megumi—how about we see what the higher-ups say about this before we immediately go to the execution solution? I'll have a talk with Yuji first.

he suggested. 

Megumi pondered the idea for a moment, then nodded in reluctant agreement.

Megumi: Just do whatever you can to keep him alive... for now.

Megumi conceded.

Megumi walked beside Gojo as he carried Yuji through the streets.

Megumi: Sensei.

he began.

Megumi: I have to admit, Gojo-sensei, Mr. Yhwach may be strong, but what exactly does he have to offer in terms of teaching? Techniques, cursed tools? Zenin-senpai excels in those areas. What use does Yhwach have for them?

Gojo considered Megumi's concerns, even though he had his own reservations.

Gojo: Mr. Yhwach has no cursed energy. We don't even know if he can see cursed spirits or not, but all that can be solved, just like how we handled that case for Maki.

Megumi: But... Sensei, Mr. Yhwach is a random guy with a pet flying lizard. What if there...

Gojo: A cursed spirit? They have no cursed energy...

Megumi: Look, I don't trust...

Gojo: Stop worrying too much, Megumi. Right now, we'll focus on setting things straight with Yuji, and then we'll worry about Yhwach and his little guy. Got it? Also, make sure those two kids get some help. Don't want to leave them lying there.

Gojo replied.

Megumi let out a frustrated grunt. 

Scene Break

Yuji woke up with a loud snap. Someone had snapped their fingers. Who was it? His eyes were blurred out due to the previous transition he had from Sukuna. When everything finally became clear, he saw Gojo Sensei sitting on a chair, staring at him.

Gojo: Did ya Wake yet?

Gojo asked, smiling. Yuji took deep breaths. His heart was accelerating at a rate that he couldn't control.

Gojo: Relax. Just you and me. Shall we get started?

Gojo asked.

Yuji: Started on what?

Gojo: The reason why your execution was suspended.

Gojo replied. then Yuji gasped.

Yuji: (In thought) Suspended!, what kind of situation did I get myself into?

Gojo: I guess I'll take that as a yes. For starters, you ate a Special Grade Curse artifact...Ryomen Sukuna's finger. We have six of them in our possession. I'm even holding one in my hand right now.

Gojo took one of the cursed fingers. He let it go and suddenly it went flying to the wall, creating a massive dent.

Gojo: As you can see, they're pretty much indestructible, which makes them hard to seal properly. Sukuna was originally a human who was so strong that he died to live on as a cursed spirit...


Gojo: Ryomen Sukuna has twenty fingers in total because he has four arms. I guess mathematically we can assume that right now he has been deduced to only 5% of his total power.

Yuji: (In thought) Well...shit...

Gojo: Of course, that's just going on simple math, not including any techniques he would have up his sleeve. Anyway, the higher-ups were arguing like children about how they're going to let you face the consequences of your actions. They had two options: one, kill you now, or, kill you when you've obtained all of Sukuna's fingers, which I guess they would think I am responsible for. I proposed the second option, which suspended your sentence. Any questions?

Yuji felt like squeezing his brains out.

Yuji: I...fucked up.

Yuji said. Gojo sighed.

Gojo: Well, based on the knowledge I have, they were probably thinking about the second option even before I proposed it, which is why we considered making you a Jujutsu Sorcerer. With your power to easily control Sukuna, we can come up with a plan to destroy him for good.

Yuji: Are you indirectly saying that the only reason I'm alive right now is because I can control Sukuna...?

Gojo: Hey, it is what it is.

Yuji bit his lips. 


Grandpa: You're a strong boy, Yuji, help people. Don't end up like me...

(End of Flashback)

His grandpa's words filled him with pity. 

Yuji: (In thought) Can I even help people? Now that Sukuna has taken me as a vessel. I might as well commit suicide.

Yuji: I'll do whatever I need to do to settle this.

Yuji replied. Gojo got up from his chair.

Gojo: Guess it's settled then. Any other questions?

Gojo asked.

Yuji: What happened to Megumi and that old man?

Yuji asked.

Scene Break

Currently, Gojo and Yhwach strolled through a park in Sendai City. There wasn't much activity, just a few families scattered around, but Gojo believed it was the perfect place to begin Yhwach's exploration.

Zaegar: Is there any good Restaurant here?

Zaegar asked from Yhwach's shoulder. His stomach was audibly protesting.

Gojo grinned and assured him.

Gojo: You'll love it. I assume they have Japanese food in your world too?

Yhwach: Yes, there are Japanese restaurants in our world.

Gojo: Yuji went to the hospital to check on his friends. That gives you and me about an hour. Do you want a tour, or...

Zaegar: Nah... you can go do whatever you want you albino-haired bitch.

Gojo: (In thought) How could someone be so nonchalant in an unfamiliar world?

Gojo: Hey, remember what I said about cursed energy? 

Gojo reminded.

Zaegar: Nope.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging Gojo's reminder about cursed energy.

Yhwach: Yes, I remember.

Gojo smiled, satisfied with Yhwach's response.

Gojo: Well, having cursed energy means you'll have a higher chance of seeing cursed spirits. The higher the population, the more likely you'll spot one nearby. I doubt you can see any, but if you do, let me know.

Zaegar shrugged indifferently and piped up.

Zaegar: Can we go now?

Gojo chuckled at Zaegar's impatience.

Gojo: Sure thing, little guy. Just to make sure you don't get lost, here's a map of the city.

Gojo handed Zaegar a map, which the tiny creature examined with curiosity.

Zaegar, curious as ever, took the map from Gojo's hand and examined it closely. However, instead of studying it carefully, he promptly took a bite out of the corner.

Zaegar: Chewing noises Disgusting piece of shit!

He spat out the piece of paper, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

Meanwhile, within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo couldn't help but chuckle at Zaegar's antics.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha! Looks like our little friend has quite the appetite, even for paper.

Yhwach ignored Ginjo's amusement, though a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He reached out and gently patted Zaegar's head.

Yhwach: Easy there, Zaegar. That's not for eating.

Gojo, amused by Zaegar's reaction, chuckled and shook his head.

Gojo: Well, I guess that's one way to check if it's edible.

He couldn't help but find Zaegar's behavior endearing, despite the mess it caused.

Gojo reached into his pocket and pulled out another map, this time handing it directly to Yhwach.

Gojo: Here, Yhwach. Hold onto this one. Just in case.

Yhwach accepted the map with a nod of gratitude, tucking it securely into his pocket. He cast a bemused glance at Zaegar, who was eyeing the new map with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Yhwach: Let's hope this one survives a bit longer.

As soon as Yhwach finished speaking, Zaegar darted forward and snatched the map from his hand, immediately devouring it with gusto.

Zaegar: Chewing noises Ew fucking disgusting.

Yhwach sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Yhwach: Again...

Gojo couldn't help but burst into laughter at Zaegar's antics, finding the tiny creature's behavior utterly unpredictable and entertaining.

Gojo: Well, it seems like you've got quite the appetite for adventure, Zaegar. Mr. Yhwach, I'll see you both later. Let's meet back here at the park with Yuji and maybe Megumi.

With that, Gojo waved goodbye as Zaegar fluttered off Yhwach's shoulder, his tiny wings propelling him into the air. However, as Zaegar began to fly away, Gojo couldn't help but notice that he was heading in the wrong direction.

Gojo: Hey, Zaegar! You're going the wrong way!

Yhwach let out a weary sigh and shook his head, realizing that Zaegar had once again taken matters into his own hands.

Yhwach: Leave the directions to me, Zaegar.

Zaegar: Fucking bullshit.

Scene break

The walk to the park was uneventful. Nothing out of the ordinary, and no cursed spirits in sight. Yuji remained irritated that, despite his ability to control Sukuna, the cursed spirit would sporadically emerge.

Sukuna: (Within Yuji's Mind) What do you think you're doing? Stop walking right now.

Sukuna commanded, speaking from Yuji's hand.

Yuji: I'll tell you when I need you. Right now, I don't need you, so go.

Yuji replied.

Sukuna: (Within Yuji's Mind) Are you seriously okay with the way I got beat up? Where's that old man?! When I get my hands on him and his pet fucking lizard, first, I'll rip him limb from limb, then...

Yuji smacked the back of his palm, and Sukuna reappeared on the side of his face.

Sukuna: (Within Yuji's Mind) Then I'll gouge their eyeballs out!

Yuji raised his eyebrows. 

In the distance, he spotted Gojo and Megumi walking towards him. Yuji smirked and jogged towards them.

Yuji: You're looking pretty beat up, Megumi.

Yuji said, grinning. 

Megumi didn't reply; he simply frowned. Gojo took out one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers.

Gojo: Are you sure you want to continue with this, Yuji? 

Gojo asked. Yuji didn't have to think twice.

Yuji: Certainly. Is... that what I think it is?

Yuji asked.

Gojo: Yes—it is.

Gojo replied, throwing Yuji the cursed finger, which he caught effortlessly.

Yuji: (In thought) I can't believe I actually ate one of those fingers. What was I thinking? Megumi was right; I really was out of my league.

Yuji tossed the finger into his mouth and swallowed it. A burst of power overflowed within him, a sensation felt not only by him but also by Sukuna, who was having a good laugh somewhere in the back of his mind.

Forcing himself to stand upright after consuming something so vile and horrendous for the second time, Yuji, not particularly known for being a picky eater, couldn't fathom the idea of ingesting another one of those cursed fingers.

Gojo: You good? 

Gojo asked.

Yuji stuttered but managed to keep a straight face. 

Yuji: I'm okay.

Gojo: Splendid.

Gojo said.

Megumi looked around. 

Megumi: I guess that old man and his lizard friend aren't coming back?

he asked.

Gojo cleared his throat.

Gojo: They should be here by now. That darn Lizard, what's he up to?

Gojo grumbled.

Scene Break

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Zaegar, you have to stop burning the local pubs! You've just burned four pubs already! Are you crazy?

Zaegar chuckled mischievously, his tiny form floating within Yhwach's mind.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Hey, it's not my fault that pubs are so flammable!

He retorted through their mental link, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

As Zaegar scanned their surroundings, his eyes gleamed with excitement as he spotted another pub nearby. Without hesitation, he began to flutter towards it, eager to ignite another blaze.

However, before Zaegar could reach his target, Yhwach swiftly reached out and grabbed him, halting his progress.

Yhwach: That's enough with the pubs, Zaegar.

Yhwach's voice was firm, his expression serious as he reined in his mischievous companion.

Zaegar pouted, disappointed at being stopped in his tracks.

Zaegar: Fine, fine. But can we at least order an octopus from one of those restaurants?

He asked, pointing towards one of the nearby establishments.

Yhwach sighed, knowing it would be futile to argue with Zaegar's insatiable appetite for mischief.

Yhwach: Fine, we can order an octopus.

Timeskip - Inside the restaurant

A waitress arrived. 

Waitress: What would you like to order sir?

she inquired.

Zaegar's eyes sparkled mischievously as he made his extravagant request.

Zaegar: I want an octopus with a shark inside of its belly! Oh, and make sure it's accompanied by a Lion, 40 crabs, 70 fishes, and 100 beers!

He declared with a gleeful grin, his tiny voice ringing with excitement.

Yhwach blinked in disbelief at Zaegar's outrageous order, while Ginjo, within Yhwach's mind, couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I'm not sure if this restaurant can handle such a... unique request.

The waitress, taken aback by Zaegar's request, exchanged a bewildered glance with Yhwach and Ginjo. She struggled to find words to respond to such an absurd order.

Waitress: Uh... I'm sorry, sir, but we don't serve... uh, that kind of dish here.

Her voice trailed off uncertainly as she tried to process Zaegar's request.

Yhwach cleared his throat, realizing he needed to intervene before the situation escalated further.

Yhwach: My apologies for the inconvenience. We'll have something more... traditional. Just a regular octopus dish, please.

He said, shooting Zaegar a warning look to behave himself.

Zaegar pouted, disappointed that his extravagant culinary fantasy had been shot down. Nevertheless, he reluctantly acquiesced to Yhwach's request, knowing that causing a scene wouldn't do them any favors.

The waitress nodded in relief, grateful for the return to normalcy, and quickly jotted down Yhwach's order before hurrying off to the kitchen.

While waiting, he found himself gradually dozing off, It was only when he and Yhwach spotted three people about to share his dining table that he jolted awake.

Zaegar: Well, well, well... Hate to rain on your parade, but if you folks don't skedaddle soon, I might have to make a little complaint.

Zaegar said.

The man chuckled, while the other two figures stared at him.

Man: No... I think We'll stay...

Zaegar: Ain't that just peachy. And here I thought my manners were lackin'.

The three people—-most notably the middle one, across from Yhwach and Zaegar continued to press him. Zaegar had asked them to leave three times but they didn't. Couldn't get more disrespectful than this.

Zaegar: Hey, you're cramping my style. Mind giving us some breathing room? And while you're at it, can you tell the waitress to hurry the fuck up?

Zaegar asked again, more bummed out at the fact that the waitress hadn't come back yet.

Man: What do you see?

The man asked. 

Yhwach: Pardon?

Man: What do you see?

The man asked again. 

Zaegar: Three fucking weirdos sitting in our spot, that's what I see. Look, I'm not in the mood for drama, but if you push it, I won't hesitate to stir the pot.

Man: Funny. It seems you see that strange creature and you can see the other two beside me, yet, you have no cursed energy. Even humans around you that have more cursed energy than you, can't see them. That makes you a superior human.

The man said, smiling.

He started grinning, but in a weird confusing way that almost convinced Zaegar and Yhwach he was a psychopath.

Yhwach: So, who exactly are you two?

Yhwach inquired, his tone laced with a hint of suspicion.

the waitress came back. He didn't want to make a scene.

Waitress: Excuse me, sir, is this gentleman with you?

She asked, her tone polite but wary.

Yhwach nodded, sparing a brief glance at the three strangers before focusing his attention back on the waitress.

Yhwach: Yes, He's with us.

She walked away. Yhwach looked back at the man.

Man: I want you to join us. You're obviously superior to Jujutsu Sorcerers as well, aren't you?

The man asked. Yhwach raised his eyebrows.

Yhwach: Join you? And what exactly makes you think I'd be interested in that?

Man: aren't you tired?

Yhwach: Tired of what?

Man: Protecting normal humans...I mean...you're a sorcerer to some degree, right?

Yhwach: Yes.

Yhwach lied.

Man: So join our cause, and together, we can work towards a new generation of humans. Your assistance will expedite our progress. More specifically, it is a new age of cursed spirits.

Zaegar, who had been listening intently to the conversation, interrupted with a nonchalant tone as he continued munching on the octopus dish.

Zaegar: Nah, We're busy.

With a swift movement of his tail, Zaegar slapped the three strangers, causing them to crash through the restaurant's windows and fly away into the distance, much to the shock of the other diners.

Yhwach watched the scene unfold with surprise, while Ginjo, within Yhwach's mind, let out an exasperated sigh.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Zaegar, can't you stop making a scene for once?

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly, unaffected by the chaos he had caused.

Zaegar: Nah.

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