
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Cómic
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169 Chs

Oden Is Such A Fool, Making Hiyori Cry!

On the Daybreak, Salome witnessed her master's return and joyfully adorned the boat with some stickers. Hancock, too, affectionately stroked Salome's head.

Once aboard the boat, Arias roughly determined the direction and instructed Salome to head towards the ghost island in his memory.

On the deck, Arias, Hancock, and Kozuki Hiyori sat around a table, relishing the sea breeze.

"Arias, who is this girl?" Hancock inquired.

Hancock had already taken care of Kozuki Hiyori, providing her with a bath and a meal, making her look delicate and cute on this particular day.

Arias, with squinted eyes, looked at Hiyori. The latter sat there nervously, not daring to move.

"She," Arias pointed at Hiyori, "is Kozuki Hiyori!"

The name meant little to Hancock, but to Hiyori's ears, it struck like a bolt from the blue. He really knows who I am! But why did he bring me out? Why kill the big snake?

Hiyori didn't say a word, and Arias didn't seem to mind. He proceeded to share Rihe's life experiences with Hancock.

"Her family was once the ruler of this country. Her grandfather, Kozuki Sukiyaki, was the Wanokuni shogun, and her father, Kozuki Oden, was the Guri Daimyo."

Hancock remained uninterested, but Hiyori grew increasingly shocked.

"Kozuki Oden, once a member of Whitebeard's crew, later boarded Roger's ship. They even reached the final place, Raftel!"

"That's where the legendary One Piece treasure is hidden!"

Hancock, now intrigued, listened attentively. In the great pirate era, who hadn't heard of Roger's name or the legend of ONE PIECE?

"And after?" Hancock inquired, holding her chin as she absorbed Arias's narrative.

Arias continued, recounting Oden's return to Wanokuni, Orochi's conspiracy, the battle with Kaido, the naked butt dancing incident, Oden's defeat, and ultimately, his tragic death.

"This Kozuki Oden is really a fool!" Hancock scoffed at Oden's actions.

But this statement irked Kozuki Hiyori, who had been quietly listening to the story. "Father is not a fool!" she exclaimed. "He is a hero! He made such a sacrifice for the sake of the country!"

Arguing passionately, Hiyori's defense of her father drew a strange expression from Hancock.

"We obviously have the strength to defeat Kaido, but we have to give the enemy a chance to develop."

"Obviously there is a friendship between Whitebeard and Roger, but they don't use it."

"He had at least a hundred ways to kill Orochi and expel Kaido, but he chose the most failed method. What is this other than a fool?"

Hiyori blushed with excitement. "Orochi threatened his father with innocent citizens; he had to do this!"

"Threat?" Hancock felt even more ridiculous. "This is war, and you compromise after being threatened?"

"If you place your hope on the enemy's conscience, you might as well pray to God to kill the enemy directly!"

"Isn't it good to sacrifice a few people in exchange for the well-being of the entire country?"

Hiyori stood up excitedly at this time. "Those people are also Wanokuni citizens! Why should they sacrifice!"

Hancock responded, "So? In order to so-called save a few innocent people, now the whole Wanokuni has suffered. Aren't these people innocent? They could have lived a peaceful life."

"They, they..." Hiyori still wanted to argue but found herself speechless.

"Also, why didn't he ask for help from Roger's crew or Whitebeard?"

Hiyori's voice softened. "This is our Wanokuni matter; how can we trouble others?"

"Haha," Arias couldn't help but laugh. "If Oden really serves the country and the people, he would invite these helpers even if he kneels down and begs. He can dance with his bare butt regardless of face, but he can't ask for help from his companions?"

"What is this if not a big fool?"

"Your Highness the Fool is really right."

"No, it's not!" Hiyori sounded panicked, desperately making excuses for her father's actions. But in the end, she found herself speechless.


Despite her unwillingness to accept the fact that her father might be considered a fool, she couldn't help but cry.

This person is obviously so good-looking, but why is he so annoying?

Observing the crying girl, Hancock was a bit puzzled. She now felt that not only was Oden a fool, but his daughter also seemed rather foolish.

I really don't know why Arias brought her out!

Glancing at Arias, who sneered in response, Hancock wondered.

Anyway, it's not for lolita development!

"Take Kozuki Hiyori out of Wanokuni, and the world line will change slightly. The reward will be [Tai Chi]!"

Arias received another reward from the system. It seemed that abducting Hiyori was the right decision!

A profound martial arts principle appeared in his mind, and he immediately grasped the essence of Tai Chi. Although seemingly ordinary in the alien world, this martial art held great truths. Even kings relied on it for self-defense. There was always profound wisdom in the seemingly simple.

In the future, his melee combat abilities would significantly improve!