
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Cómic
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169 Chs

Fight Yamato, You Will Definitely Surpass Kaido In The Future!

It seems like you've provided a passage from a story or narrative, and you're asking for some adjustments. Here's a revised version:

"So, that guy is Jack, huh? It's unfortunate that I couldn't take him out earlier. Being one of the three main targets of the Hundred Beasts Group in the future, I wonder if there's a system reward for eliminating him now.

There should be, considering that Jack's demise could prevent the tragedy in the Furry Principality. It would undoubtedly create a significant shift in the world line."

Arias glanced at the young pirate he had nearly killed moments ago. Jack, only fifteen at the time, had joined the Beasts Pirates surprisingly early. From their recent encounter, Arias deduced that Jack hadn't consumed the mammoth fruit yet. He was just a budding pirate.

"You should leave while Kaido is away. When he returns, leaving won't be an option," advised Yamato, attempting to dissuade Arias rather than attack him directly.

Arias, feeling somewhat at ease, considered the advice. If Kaido dared to return to Ghost Island, Arias believed in the strength of the Earthly Immortal and the Ghostly Shadow. Even if Kaido didn't leave as expected, Arias had a plan to escape. That's why he had kept Hancock and Hiyori on the ship - with the power system in place, escaping Kaido would be feasible.

"Now that I've confirmed Kaido's absence, it's a favorable circumstance for my plan," Arias remarked, seizing the opportunity.

"I am Arias, hailing from North Blue and now the esteemed husband of Amazon Lily Emperor Boa Hancock," he introduced himself with solemnity. The red beads on his wrists and ankles unraveled, and Wu Dou Guy enveloped his body.

"I've long heard tales of Kaido's daughter as a formidable heroine, so I've come here to learn from her," he added, his words carrying a hint of admiration.

As the ghostly figure descended, Yamato discerned a blurry shadow and harbored a sense of foreboding. Despite her suspicions, she promptly blocked Arias's attack with the mace Jian. Seizing the moment, Arias used Tai Chi to wrest control of Yamato's attack.

At such close quarters, the mace's power was diminished. Recognizing Yamato's cheerful nature, Arias aimed to sway her through combat, anticipating the benefits it would yield in future negotiations.

Surprisingly, Yamato resisted Arias's charm ability with ease. Arias couldn't help but be astonished; normally, one could resist such powers with strong Haki. However, there was no sign of bewilderment in Yamato's expression.

This revelation hinted that in Yamato's perception, she viewed herself wholly as a man, impervious to Arias's attempts at attraction. The question lingered in Arias's mind: how had she reached this state of clarity?

Arias resolved to address Yamato's gender identity in the future, sensing the need to clear any confusion.

Yamato, on the other hand, felt a deep sense of frustration. Despite her extensive training with Kaido and mastery of a broad range of mace techniques, she found herself unable to utilize them effectively against Arias. Constant vigilance was required against Arias's unpredictable and seemingly compassionate attacks, the likes of which she had never encountered before.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!" Yamato shouted, channeling Conqueror's Haki through her mace. She focused on defending against Arias's advances, determined to push him out of her immediate vicinity to regain control of the fight.

To her surprise, Arias made no attempt to dodge. Instead, he landed a strike on her waist with his compassionate hand, seemingly oblivious to the imminent threat posed by the mace.

"You!" Yamato exclaimed, a mix of anger and frustration evident in her voice. Despite her irritation, she hesitated to deliver a lethal blow to Arias directly. Adjusting her attack, Thunder Eight Trigrams shifted its trajectory from Arias's head to his shoulder.

"Destroy your shoulders, and maybe you'll cease!" she declared, hoping to incapacitate him. However, Arias conjured five mask-like shields that effortlessly absorbed the powerful Thunder Eight Trigrams, leaving him unscathed.

Though Yamato managed to shield her waist with armor, the close-range compassionate hand strike left her feeling an excruciating pain as if her internal organs had been turned upside down.

"What's that mask? Devil Fruit?" Yamato questioned, trying to make sense of Arias's mysterious abilities.

As Yamato caught her breath, Arias unexpectedly ceased his attacks.

"Why aren't you attacking?" Yamato questioned with skepticism. She was aware that if Arias continued with his aggressive tactics, victory would be elusive.

Arias withdrew from the Wu Dou Guy form, and the red beads retracted to his wrists.

"Your powers have been sealed. Even if you could win now, I would be unable to. That bracelet on your wrist is made of Seastone. Despite being restrained by it, your Devil Fruit abilities still brought you this far in the fight," Arias explained, pointing at the bomb bracelet on Yamato's wrist.

He met Yamato's gaze and spoke earnestly, "You will undoubtedly surpass Kaido in the future."

Yamato was taken aback by these words. Surpass Kaido? It had always been her dream, the key to defeating Kaido and establishing a new country for Wano.

This dream was instilled in her since she acquired Oden's Diary. However, neither Kaido nor anyone else within the Beasts Pirates believed in her potential to surpass Kaido. Yet, a man she had just encountered showed unwavering faith in her abilities.

"Why do you say that? What is your purpose here?" Yamato inquired, seeking an explanation for Arias's unexpected encouragement.