

In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself. As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.

Pk_12 · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

New World

"Help!" A loud scream echoed from inside a bank office. All the bank employees and customers were being held hostage by robbers. A gunshot rang out, and a security guard fell to the floor, prompting the hostages to scream hysterically while women cried in fear. The robbers were loading large amounts of money from the vault, which had been forced open by the branch manager. Moments later, the manager was shot in the temple, falling dead, his blood pooling on the polished marble floor.

A woman riding her bicycle witnessed the scene and tried to call emergency services, but there was no response from the police. She attempted to call multiple times, her hands shaking, but there was no answer. Suddenly, a group of men ran towards her, and within moments, she was struck on the head and dragged into an alley, disappearing from sight, her bicycle left abandoned on the pavement.

At the parliament and government buildings, masses of protesters had taken over, destroying everything in their path and attacking any government officials they encountered. Police and military forces were stationed at the presidential palace to protect it from the protesters. Five large trucks suddenly plowed through the crowd, breaking through the barricades at the presidential palace and driving deep inside. The protesters rushed in, attacking the officers. The military responded by firing at the protesters, who in turn used captured weapons to shoot back. Chaos ensued, with smoke and fire filling the air.

In every region, people looted stores, malls, and supermarkets. Women walking on the streets were raped. The chaos continued into the night. At exactly 11 PM, the government of Gambua fell, making it the tenth country to experience such upheaval and rebellion. Law and order collapsed, and the country reverted to the law of the jungle. Various districts were controlled by groups of former police officers, soldiers, and local militias who no longer had any allegiance to the government.

Other major countries began to worry, and the United Nations initiated a meeting with all remaining standing nations to unite and form a leadership that would combat this rebellion and protect the sovereignty of each country. Analysts predicted that, given the longstanding conflicts and colonial grudges between many nations, this union would be difficult to achieve. It might take two or three years, with some miracle, to see any positive outcome.

Five years earlier, in a developed country.

A bright morning in the outskirts of Aratsun's capital city, a grand mansion stood tall amidst vast gardens. This mansion was home to a young man known by few but respected by all who knew him. His name was Navies.

Navies, a young genius with immense wealth, lived behind the thick walls of this mansion. His life was filled with luxury and every imaginable facility. However, behind all this, there was a secret known only to a handful of people, including his right-hand woman, Balqis.

Balqis, a 25-year-old woman with an eternally youthful appearance, never showed signs of aging, as if time had stopped just for her. She wasn't just an ordinary servant; she was a master in martial arts, proficient with various weapons, and an expert in disguise. Besides her formidable skills, she was also an excellent cook and adept at managing the household to meet Navies' needs. She had no feelings or love; she was like a machine that offered unwavering loyalty to Navies. To her, love meant being loyal and serving her master without question.

That morning, Balqis had been up since dawn. With swift movements, she prepared breakfast for Navies. In a kitchen equipped with modern appliances, Balqis cooked with extraordinary skill. Her hands moved quickly and precisely, chopping vegetables, frying eggs, and presenting a perfect meal in no time. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, a testament to her culinary expertise.

Navies had peculiar eating habits; he was always meticulous about selecting and calculating the nutrients his body needed at any given time. He was very careful about what food entered his body, which is why Balqis prepared a variety of options, from raw vegetables to different cuts of meat, leaving Navies to decide what he would eat.

After preparing Navies' meal, Balqis set out his clothes because today was the first time Navies would leave his home. At the age of 15, he was about to start his first day of high school, a perfect time to hone his social skills. For elementary and middle school, he had been homeschooled by the best private tutors.

"Master Navies, what theme would you like for your outfit today?" Balqis asked in a gentle yet firm voice.

While enjoying his meal, Navies looked at Balqis and gave a faint smile. "Today, I'll follow your lead. Choose something that doesn't stand out. I don't want to draw attention."

Balqis went to Navies' room and opened the large wardrobe filled with luxurious clothing, a plethora of expensive ties, and blazers worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. She pulled out a drawer gleaming with dozens of luxury watches from brands like Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, and Rolex. However, she chose a more understated watch for today, something that wouldn't attract too much attention. Rows of shoes from brands like Berluti, John Lobb, and Salvatore Ferragamo were neatly arranged, ready for Balqis to choose from. With precision, Balqis selected items that, while still of high quality, were not overly flashy.

After breakfast, still at the dining table, Navies played with his tablet. He had never left the house before. What he saw were financial reports, figures with many digits, profit statements, board of director arrangements, new company acquisitions, business expansions, and presidential election involvements, all reported on his tablet. Due to his limited social skills, he studied both business and politics but didn't fully grasp what was happening outside.

"Balqis, are we ready? I'll take a shower and get ready," Navies asked while closing his tablet.

Balqis promptly handed him a glass of fresh fruit juice. "Ready, sir. Please drink this first, and I will also prepare."

Navies nodded, satisfied. "Good. Let's do this. I hope the world outside is more beautiful."

After finishing his juice, Navies entered the spacious and luxurious bathroom. The walls were lined with marble, and the bathing fixtures were the best available. Warm water flowed from the shower like rain, providing a comforting sensation. While enjoying his shower, his thoughts wandered, imagining the outside world he had never explored.

Once he finished his bath, Navies donned the clothes Balqis had selected. A simple shirt, neat trousers, and shiny black leather shoes. Though simple, the attire still exuded elegance and wealth to the untrained eye. The watch Balqis chose was also not too flashy but of high quality.

Balqis efficiently helped Navies ensure everything looked perfect. "You look very tidy, Master Navies," she said with a flat yet sincere tone.

"Thank you, Balqis. Let's go," Navies replied.

They walked out of the mansion towards the large garage. Inside, rows of luxury cars were lined up neatly. There was a $3 million Bugatti Chiron, a $450,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom, a $1.5 million Ferrari LaFerrari, and a $500,000 Lamborghini Aventador. Each car was a symbol of Navies' status and wealth.

But today, they would not use these luxury cars. Navies decided to walk to the bus stop not far from his home. For him, this was an opportunity to experience the outside world more closely.

"Balqis, let's walk and take the bus today. I want to feel what ordinary people experience," Navies said.

Balqis nodded, ready to fulfill her master's wishes. "Very well, sir. Let's go."

They began walking towards the bus stop. The streets they passed were filled with sights Navies had never seen before. People bustled about, living their daily lives. Navies felt pleased to see firsthand the life outside his luxurious home.

When they reached the bus stop, Navies and Balqis waited patiently. The bus arrived shortly after, and they boarded. The bus was crowded with people, a stark contrast to the luxury of their mansion. Navies sat on one of the seats while Balqis stood beside him, ever watchful.

Inside the bus, a suspicious-looking man noticed the expensive watch Navies was wearing. His eyes gleamed with greed, and he intended to rob the watch. The man slowly approached Navies, ready to act.

However, before the man could make his move, he suddenly collapsed unconscious on the bus floor, shocking everyone. Balqis, with her extraordinary skills, had injected something into the man without anyone noticing. The injection rendered the man unconscious instantly, saving Navies from danger.

Navies turned to Balqis, slightly surprised but quickly understanding what had happened. He simply smiled.

"It's my duty, sir. Your safety is my top priority," Balqis responded expressionlessly.

The bus ride gave Navies many new thoughts. He saw firsthand how people struggled every day, something he had never experienced before. Balqis, although showing no emotion, continued to watch over her master attentively.

Finally, they arrived in front of the school. The school Navies would attend was one of the best in Aratsun, renowned for its excellent facilities and rigorous curriculum. The school building stood majestically with modern architecture, surrounded by well-kept gardens.

As they entered the school gates, Balqis, disguised as a teacher, followed closely. Balqis had taken the teacher's exam long ago and passed with flying colors. Now, she would accompany Navies at school, ensuring his safety at all times.

Many children of officials and wealthy people were brought by their parents in luxury cars. Since this was the best school,

 only 10% of the students attended on scholarships, while the rest were elite individuals from across the country, including the president's child.

At the gate, Balqis handed Navies a bracelet. "Wear this, sir. It's for security," she said before leaving Navies.

Navies walked with the other students to attend the new student orientation.

In the school's main hall, the grand and modern decorations welcomed the new students. A large stage with a giant LED screen displayed a welcome video. The principal, a middle-aged man with an authoritative appearance, stood at the microphone. Behind him, rows of teachers and school staff stood neatly.

"Welcome to Aratsun High School, the best school in the country," the principal said loudly. "Today is a special day for all of you. You are starting your educational journey in a place that will shape your future."

All the elite students stood in a special section attended by their parents. The first lady was also present to accompany her child. This ceremony was almost like a state event due to the heavy security presence. Navies stood among other students whose parents were only regional level two officials or owned small companies. Class divisions were done immediately after the ceremony. The special children were placed in class A, while the others were in classes B, C, and D. Despite Navies' attempt to score just enough to avoid standing out, he was still placed in the elite class A due to his top 10 ranking.

All the students walked to their respective classes.