

In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself. As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.

Pk_12 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Scoping out

Navies woke up to his usual morning routine. His spacious bedroom was filled with advanced technology, automatic lights, and walls that doubled as digital screens. A gentle alarm reminded him of the day's schedule, echoing throughout the room. Balqis, his ever-loyal assistant who never seemed to tire, had already prepared a healthy breakfast on the dining table. The aroma of green tea and toast greeted him as he made his way to the dining area.

After enjoying breakfast with Balqis, they both got ready to head to school. Although Balqis had a luxury car ready in the garage, Navies preferred to walk and take the bus. For him, this journey offered a chance to experience ordinary life, away from his true identity. He wanted to remain humble and inconspicuous among the people he met every day.

Upon arriving at school, the bustling atmosphere greeted them as the welcoming ceremony for new students began. The principal, an elderly man with graying hair that gave him a wise appearance, delivered a lengthy speech. "You are the future of this nation," he said, his voice echoing across the assembly ground. "Make your families and country proud."

The new students, dressed neatly in their uniforms, were full of enthusiasm and pride. After the ceremony, the students were directed to their respective classes. Navies and Balqis entered the elite class, a room starkly different from the others. This room was adorned with expensive artworks, large mahogany desks, and chairs upholstered in genuine leather. The students in this class were children of high-ranking officials and the elite, wearing expensive clothing and accessories, displaying attitudes of arrogance and pride.

"I'm Mada, the son of the Minister of Finance," one student introduced himself proudly. "My father manages the country's finances, so if you need any help, you can come to me." Mada spoke with a condescending tone, often belittling other students.

"I'm Laura," another student said with a dismissive tone. "My parents own a chain of five-star hotels worldwide."

Navies listened quietly, observing each student who spoke. When it was his turn, he simply gave a slight smile and a brief introduction. "Navies."

In the elite class, there was a mysterious girl sitting next to Navies. She seemed different from the other students; she was calm and appeared very vigilant, as if hiding her true identity. Her name was Sera, and she had entered class A just like Navies through merit.

The class president election began with a tense atmosphere. Mada and Laura stepped forward as candidates, each trying to prove they were more powerful and influential. Mada claimed that his father was the Minister of Finance, while Laura boasted about her family's five-star hotel chain.

"As class president, I will ensure we all get the best facilities and access to all the resources we need," Mada said confidently.

Laura wouldn't back down. "With my family's extensive network, we can get internship opportunities at major companies and access to exclusive events."

The other students seemed hesitant, choosing between two equally influential figures. Some students started whispering, discussing the pros and cons of each candidate. Balqis, disguised as a teacher, observed keenly. She knew that the dynamics in this class would be a unique challenge for Navies, but she believed Navies had the capability to face it wisely.

Meanwhile, in other classes, the atmosphere was no less interesting. Class B was dominated by Vira, a student known for her intelligence but lack of social skills. Vira always seemed serious and focused on her studies, often isolating herself from other students. She had a mysterious aura that made other students reluctant to approach her.

In class C, Arya was the star. A talented athlete with an arrogant attitude, Arya constantly showcased his exceptional sports skills. However, his haughty demeanor often made other students uncomfortable. He did not hesitate to belittle those who were not as strong or fast as him.

Lily, from class D, was the perfect example of a student using her family's power to get whatever she wanted. Coming from a wealthy family, Lily often pressured other students with her family's influence and wealth. She was dominant and never accepted rejection.

Back in the elite class, the class president election continued with rising tension. Navies remained silent and observant, noting every little detail. He realized that being class president in such an environment was more than just prestige; it was about having influence and control over the available resources.

After several rounds of discussions and arguments, the votes were finally cast. Mada and Laura each gave their closing speeches, trying to sway the final votes of the other students. With a unanimous vote, Mada was elected class president.

"I thank you for your trust," Mada said with a victorious smile. "I promise to lead this class fairly and ensure we all get the best."

Laura accepted her defeat gracefully but with eyes that hinted she had not given up. "Congratulations, Mada. I hope we can work well together."

Navies simply watched with a slight smile, keeping his thoughts to himself. He knew this was just the beginning, and the real challenges were yet to come. Meanwhile, Balqis remained vigilant, ready to face any possibilities that might arise in this competitive environment.

After the class president election, each homeroom teacher returned to the staff room and brought the class representative data. The class presidents were asked to form a structure and rules in their respective classes to support learning. This was where Mada revealed his true nature. He asked all the top 10% of students who entered class A through merit to stand up, including Navies.

"In this class, there are two levels," Mada announced with a firm voice. "Those standing are the lower level; they must obey and serve those who are actually class A students."

Mada began to lead with an iron fist, introducing a system that clearly discriminated against the merit students. The students who entered through merit often became victims of mockery and intimidation from the elite group. Navies became a primary target, but he remained calm and did not show any weakness.

"If you want to be our servants and fulfill all our demands, we will cover your expenses and even help you after graduation. But you will always be our servants," Mada declared with a mocking laugh.

Laura added in a harsh tone, "You poor people, your parents should be ashamed. If you make me angry, I can get your parents fired from their jobs with my father's connections. Your families will be ruined." Her smug face was evident.

At the end of the day, as Navies and Balqis walked home, the mysterious girl approached them.

"Navies, right?" the girl asked softly but with confidence.

Navies turned, his eyes meeting hers. "Yes, that's right. What's your name?"

The girl gave a slight smile. "My name is Hana. I just wanted to remind you that in this elite class, not everyone is as they seem. There are many hidden secrets. We only know about Laura and Mada, but there might be many high-ranking officials' children who don't want to reveal themselves."

Navies nodded slowly. "I understand. Thank you for the warning, Hana."

Hana just smiled before walking away, leaving Navies and Balqis exchanging knowing glances. They knew that the future in this elite class would be full of challenges and secrets to uncover. Balqis gently grasped Navies' shoulder, giving silent support that he could always rely on. They walked together toward a journey filled with intrigue and surprises.

As they stepped out of the school gate, they heard a commotion from a nearby alley. Quickly, Navies stopped and turned to Balqis. "Balqis, wait at the bus stop. We need to keep your identity hidden," Navies whispered firmly.

Balqis nodded and walked toward the bus stop, while Navies hurried to the source of the noise. There, he saw a male student kneeling in front of Lily, who looked furious and was being beaten by two of her male friends.

"What's going on here?" Navies asked in a firm voice.

Lily turned and looked at Navies with a dismissive glance. "Oh, it's none of your business. This boy dared to defy me and needs to be taught a lesson."

Navies stepped closer, his gaze sharp. "Let him go."

Lily laughed scornfully. "Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?" She approached and read Navies' name tag on his left chest. "Ah, you have a nice name, Navies," she said with a mocking smile.

Navies remained calm but with a more assertive stance. "I just don't like seeing injustice. Let him go, or we'll discuss this with the principal."

Lily glared at Navies, then commanded her friends to release him. "Let him go, now!" she ordered.

Before leaving, Lily approached Navies and whispered in his ear, "You've made yourself a target. This isn't over."

Navies just stared at her without saying anything as Lily and her friends left. Balqis approached Navies with concern. "Are you okay?"

Navies nodded. "I'm fine. Thank you, Balqis."

Balqis looked at him attentively. "We need to be more careful. People like them won't stay idle."

Navies gave a slight smile. "I know. But we can't let injustice continue."

They continued their journey to the bus stop. On the way home, they talked about their experiences that day, strengthening their bond and support for each other.

Upon arriving at the bus stop near his home, Navies bid farewell to Balqis. "See you tomorrow at school," Navies said with a smile.

Balqis nodded. "See you, Navies. Be careful."

With Balqis's support and growing courage within him, Navies felt more prepared to face the coming days at the elite school. He knew the road ahead would be full of challenges, but he also knew

 he was not alone. With new friends like Rendra and a loyal assistant like Balqis, he felt he could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.